This country was highjacked by the abc agencies decades ago. It became increasingly obvious to anyone not living under a rock since the collapse of the Soviets. Now it’s blindingly obvious. Since the 2020 electoral fraud the USA Presidency is a global laughing stock while the neocon deep state running things is truly evil. Ich bin kein amricaner.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023

Slow Joe Biden and his neocon handlers are responsible for wrecking Ukraine and killing, injuring and displacing its people. Zelensky is a corrupt, cross-dressing, coke-addled panhandling bum and neocon stooge with an exceedingly large bank account in Cyprus and mansions all over the world - courtesy of US taxpayers.

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It’s somewhat bizarre that a number of members here have done their due diligence with regard to vaccines, but continue to support MSM and US government propaganda with regard to Ukraine.

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If it weren’t for the traitors in MSM fake news, the fools in D.C. and their globalist allies could never done any of this to us. I get so angry when I hear people saying “the people have to be awakened first,” but I see clearly that it’s just not their fault. A lot of us had no idea that, for the last at least 100 years, we have been enslaved, brainwashed, infiltrated, deceived, and lied to continuously, and elections have been stolen for years. It’s a brilliant plan, but ours is better. After watching our military over the years and even having a veteran as a father, I rest assured that we have the most brilliant, strategic minds, White Hats, plus millions of Americans who aren’t going to roll over easily and let our country go down. For me, this game’s not over till the fat lady sings. All I can say is that, if you know now what is happening, this is your fight, everybody’s fight, and if I know anything, we owe it to the children to not let this happen. They don’t deserve it. And those who are going after our children, go to Hell where you belong. Let children be children. Leave them alone.

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Worse than no attempt at peace, the Minsk accords was used as a means to better prepare the West for their proxy war to kill a lot of Ukrainians by throwing them at Russia.

Per Hollander, pororshenko, Nuland, and StrAngela Merkel, Macron, and even elenskies I believe all admitted it, and then scAnnalina ber Bock said they the Germans were at war w Russia, but the other dude from Germany has misgivings about actual German boots in former future little Russia....

And then Biden blew that pipeline too to ensure war, war is peace....

Putin begged for peace...

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The area we call Ukraine has been for the last thousand years or so, part of Imperial Russia under the Czars, then the Romanovs, and then the communists. That isn't to say it isn't a country but over 14 million Russians live in the east and the vast majority want to live under Russian control. A partition, cleaving off the Crimea and the other eastern provinces is the best answer and this is what the two parties had agreed to last March, until we blew it up. Short of destroying Russia and its 147 million citizens, they will not give that area up.

Danny Huckabee

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Whether Ukraine 'wins' or 'loses,' Washington D.C. will have partially achieved their true aim but the danger is greater than you may imagine. Think of this: in business, a business that makes a stable profit every year is considered a failure. Everything is about growth.

In Washington D.C., maintaining existing spending levels is considered failure. Government must grow because new money flows to new projects creates new monied constituencies. Cuts or curtailment of any existing spending is an unthinkable anathema.

However, there is a problem. Existing spending post 9/11 includes major land warfare. Just to maintain the rentier status quo there must be war. When they closed accounts on Afghanistan, there were billions that needed to be transferred to politically favored parties but no more war pretext. I immediately felt very nervous as that meant Washington needed a war.

But remember the status quo spending levels are not enough! Feeding the existing pigs at the trough is failure. D.C. must grow! That is why we are saber rattling over Taiwan. That is why there are weird articles floated about using special operations forces to deal with cartels in Mexico.

If we imagine US foreign policy as run by insane, greedy and utterly corrupt, demented children, then things start to make sense. They want to push money through black boxes like Ukraine so that it runs back out into the pockets of themselves and their friends and if that means risking global thermonuclear annihilation, well so be it. The deaths of Ukrainians? Oh well. The upending of the post WWII global order and role of the dollar? Well at least they got theirs. Even the great war lover Kissinger seemed to think it was a bit crazy to push toward conflict with China and Russia at the same time. No matter, money must flow.

It is only when we try to understand their actions as if they were sane, rational or based on some sort of idea of national interest or welfare of the people that we become confused. There is no plan except looting the treasury.

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The only explanation for the behaviour we are witnessing is a naive belief that Putin won't press the button. That is a gamble I'm not willing to make. He sees NATO's aggression (yes it is and it is unjustified) as an existential threat to Russia so if you morons in NATO want to back a bear in to a corner, you need to be prepared to be ripped apart. I really hope that Washington is the first target.

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The plan United States and NATO have for how the war in Ukraine could be concluded involves dismembering Russia.

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Seems like I hit a nerve. Better than any other response so far, but still short of the mark.

"As Jordan Peterson points out in his conversation with Utah Senator Mike Lee (published yesterday), the U.S. government has no concept for how this war can be won."

And if they did? Then what? Still going to support your 'thought leaders?' Call me out if you like, but until you call out RFK and RJ you're just spinning your wheels. Courageous Discourse? More like Cognitive Dissonance.

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Russia tried for years to avoid this conflict (via Minsk Agreements) but DC and Kiev were acting to deceive while continuing to slaughter innocent ethnic Russians in the Donbas. Russia is obviously going to prevail now that they've been compelled to take military action. DC, driven by its demented hatred of Russia because of Russia's rejection of their control, is of course just using Ukraine and Ukrainian bodies to try and damage Russia, which isn't working. And the murderous authoritarians installed in Kiev during the 2014 coup will continue to send Ukrainian soldiers to their slaughter on the front as long as they can keep their snouts buried deep in DC's money trough.

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I am so TIRED of our RULERS. I am TIRED OF BEING RULED ...especially by unelected BUREAUCRATS, who just today announced restrictions on gas car exhaust to "HELP THE ELECTRIC CAR INDUSTRY".


WE need to DO something, and not just go on with our little lives hopeing someone will stop the madness.

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I haven’t watched the video yet, but will say, based on other recent things I’ve seen Jordan Peterson do or say, that my humble opinion is that he should have stuck with the ‘12 steps’ to being a better individual, or his platform about pronouns and free speech. I haven’t been too impressed with his political opinions. And those weird suits that he has become accustomed to wearing is just that…weird. The more I delve into him and his recent background, the more I think that there is something amiss.

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I’ve always thought the UN and NATO were mistakes myself. Saw the immigration crisis coming in the 80s and watched it get worse and worse. Europe has been destroyed! We’re next!!!

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“U.S. Proxy War AGAINST Russia”.

You people are nuts.

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At some point hopefully Peter, you will realize that in spite of what he might say, Jordan Peterson is not on our side and is working for the same globalists that has brought us to our demise. If you doubt me you must know he is heading up what he calls ARC to counter the WEF narrative but it only takes a little research to discover he is getting funding from George Soros.

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