Unbelievable that this campaign of lies took place 7 years ago, haunting Donald Trump every day of his presidency. Not only instigated by Hillary’s campaign team but spilled over into government agencies which should have shown honesty & integrity rather than playing along. Hillary & others corrupted their own campaign & the FBI too. Quite a feat. If this sadistic game had been instigated & carried out by conservatives.... the outcry would rock the Washington Monument. Heads would roll. Every publication would be writing about those criminal conservatives.

Media would yell continuously.

Instead .... crickets. Let’s move on...

So Dems, Hillary et al have managed to dismantle faith in our government, media, etc. before covid finished it off.

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Obama. Obama. Not just Hilary. Mark Levin went back and delved into their illegal wire tapping of Trump’s campaign.

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The truth is, as Charleton Heston wrote, “Modern media fills the cultural airwaves with a mist of anesthesia, so that principles and values are slowly desensitized to the coming onslaught. The new culture arrives on the heels of this propaganda. It simply moves in and takes over, like slipping a fine new glove over a numbed hand. The outcome of the war is just as devastating, but without bombs bursting, twisted bodies to bury, or rubble to rebuild. A new class, a different culture, simply takes over.”

But forget yesteryear. Tucker Carlson, after his ouster, observed exactly the same: “I have spent my life in the media, and that is a major part of my revelation that the media is part of the control apparatus. I spent my life in that, and I regret that. Not being skeptical and calling people names. Now I see it only matters what is true, what really happened. I participated in the culture and I regret that. I didn’t see it at all. I am ashamed. They are not here to inform you on things that really matter.”

But let’s look at specifics. Going all the way back to NY Slimes Pulitzer Prize winner Walter " I don't see no stinkin' starving kulaks in Stalin's Ukraine" Duranty (perhaps around 5 – 6 million were starved to death by Stalin in his Holodomor) to Lincoln "I have seen the future in Stalin's USSR, and it works" Steffens to fake Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, accidentally outed by another leftist, to another NY Slimes wunderkind, fiction writer Jayson Blair, who resigned in 2003 after he was outed for stories—some front page—that were fabricated or plagiarized, to Dan "I found a memo!" Rather, to Brian "I was shot down in a helicopter in Iraq in 2003" Williams, and the list goes on and on and on... such as Walter Cronkite telling us (regardless of how you felt about its rightness) that the Viet Nam war was being lost during the Tet offensive, while at the same time North Viet General Giap admitted later on in his memoirs that all was lost unless the American public was lied to and told they were losing, to Mikey Isikoff /Newsweek’s infamous May 9, 2005 issue that cited some “unnamed source” saying the Qu’ran was trashed at Guantanamo – and was later proven false, but not after many were killed in the rioting that ensued overseas (“no matter if people die… as long as their political ends are met, right?). And speaking of fake Pulitzer Prize winners, how about good old Janet Cook and here fake story in the Washington Post, Jimmy’s World. Duranty would be jealous! And speaking of 9/11, don’t forget the famous – and utterly idiotic – tweet from the NYT that said “Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” This tweet was so intellectually vapid it deleted it shortly after. (Reminiscent of “guns kill people” articles… as if guns grow legs and fingers, and run around shooting people with no human operators. In the early 1900s — literally a century ago — journalists like Upton Sinclair and George Seldes were discussing the corruption of the media, how they were owned by big business with a profit agenda, and how they were not dealing squarely with investigative reporters. This came alive to me while visiting the state capitol of Illinois, where there is a “Remember the Maine” plaque. Of course, the Spanish American war was pretty much made out of whole cloth by William Randolf Hearst, which even fake news purveyor PBS recognizes, stating “ The Spanish-American War is often referred to as the first "media war." During the 1890s, journalism that sensationalized—and sometimes even manufactured—dramatic events was a powerful force that helped propel the United States into war with Spain. Led by newspaper owners William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, journalism of the 1890s used melodrama, romance, and hyperbole to sell millions of newspapers--a style that became known as yellow journalism… Hearst understood that a war with Cuba would not only sell his papers, but also move him into a position of national prominence. From Cuba, Hearst's star reporters wrote stories designed to tug at the heartstrings of Americans. Horrific tales described the situation in Cuba--female prisoners, executions, valiant rebels fighting, and starving women and children figured in many of the stories that filled the newspapers. But it was the sinking of the battleship Maine in Havana Harbor that gave Hearst his big story--war. After the sinking of the Maine, the Hearst newspapers, with no evidence, unequivocally blamed the Spanish, and soon U.S. public opinion demanded intervention. Today, historians point to the Spanish-American War as the first press-driven war. Although it may be an exaggeration to claim that Hearst and the other yellow journalists started the war, it is fair to say that the press fueled the public's passion for war. Without sensational headlines and stories about Cuban affairs, the mood for Cuban intervention may have been very different.” Would that PBS and its ilk recognize that they, themselves, are continuing in the un-fine tradition of Hearst, et al.

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Well written; quite thorough.

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And I still miss Charlton Heston!

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"The press is our chief ideological weapon."

—Nikita Khrushchev

“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.”

- Vladimir Lenin


“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.”

- Richard Salant, former head of CBS News

The fasco-Marxist left fake news back to their usual. In fact, word on the street shows a poll taken by the lamestream leftist media Nov.2022 STILL has Hilary ahead of Donald Trump by 10 points! Actually, perhaps not such a joke, as back before that election…there was this gem: Survey finds Hillary Clinton has ‘more than 99% chance’ of winning election over Donald Trump. Similarly, in 2016 before the election, the Princeton Election Consortium found Ms Clinton has a projected 312 electoral votes across the country and only 270 are needed to win cited from https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/sam-wang-princeton-election-consortium-poll-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-victory-a7399671.html In fact, their fake news goes back hundreds of years.. such as the Great Moon Hoax, published in the New York press beginning Aug. 25, 1835, where supposedly Sir John Herschel, one of the most famed astronomers of the time, purportedly stated he discovered life on the moon. He was “not available” to the public at the time, so, just like the fake news of today, they got away with it…. for a while. And of course, there was the media-flogged Great Horse Manure Crisis of 1894 (shades of Al Gore, whose predictions, many would aver, are filled with the same equine droppings ) where London was absolutely, scientifically sure to be buried under 9 feet of manure within 50 years.

Around the same time as the Great Horse Manure Crisis, the media also solemnly informed us – and put on official maps - all about the massive Mountains of Kong in Africa, made by John Carey in the 1800s fake news, extending eastward to the equally non-existent Mountains of the Moon. Except that they didn’t exist either. Back then, the goal was to sell newspapers (or start wars, like William Randolf Hearst and the sinking of the battleship Maine in Havana Harbour, or the sinking of the Lusitania, both quite likely also fake news, flogged to get us into a war we had no business getting into). Also in the early 1900s, honest journalists like Upton Sinclair and George Seldes called out media corruption, and even back then how they were owned by big business and dealing dishonestly with true investigative reporters… which these types then updated to, say, the dismissal of Tucker Carlson in 2023 for asking too many honest questions. But, as Mercola noted, “to be effective, there needs to be central coordination of narratives, and that’s where public relations agencies come in. Few appreciate the power that these companies have. Two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms, so most of the so-called “news” is actually brainwashing propaganda

Other common PR tools include “public protests,” which are actually made up of people hired by the PR company, and media will of course be sent there to cover it, and front groups, which are paid by industry to promote a particular view that benefits that industry.” Michelle Stiles reviews some of the basic tools of propaganda in her, “One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda.

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Clinton lied. Democracy died.

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The most distressing thing about all of this is the great swath of Americans willing not only to malign the population of an entire other country, in order to explain why their candidate lost an election, instead of looking clearly at her appalling track record.

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If people only knew the whole truth about her. She is E-V-I-L!!!

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No kidding? Have you heard the interviews with former Secret Service agents who served in the White House during Bill's Presidency? She made monthly trips to California to attend witches' covens. She is unbelievably narcissistic and downright evil.

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You got it and sacrifices too. Huma participated Bill watched, enough said on that just pure evil

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Do you know where I could read those interviews?

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The particular one I was referring to was interviewed on Coast to Coast AM a number of years ago. It is probably in their archives. I don't remember that agent's name, but I bet an internet search would turn up lots of material.

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I just did a search and this is the first thing that popped uphttps://themillenniumreport.com/2019/04/its-true-hillary-clinton-really-did-join-a-witches-coven/

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A true psychopath

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And wait until they investigate Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, Freeland and a few of the other treasonous Canadian politicians that are also helping this corruption in the US.

Investigate now.

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I’m waiting........

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The US Military ( WhiteHats ) know. Justice will be served.

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Will it? Will it really? So the military just let billions be injected with death serum. But they're helping.

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Agree to disagree. These exact same assholes killing us now murdered your President how many years ago? They blew up the world trade center(s) how long ago?


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Why are you attacking me? I am Canadian like you. Perhaps, I know some information that you don’t!

For example: The WEF/Deep State has a plan to kill 7 billion of us. Also you don’t know that the US has been under a shadow Military Government for a few years. You also don’t know that Trudeau was arrested and wearing an ankle bracelet a few years ago as he tried to assassinate President Trump. Or that the US Marshals have been in Canada. Or that there there is a Global Military Operation happening. Or that there are military planes daily that are going to GITMO. Or that there are thousands of sealed indictments. Or that there will be Military Tribunals that will be held. Or that there will be an Emergency Broadcast System that will go off and that the public will be able to see what’s has happened behind the scenes. Or that some people that get arrested are often ‘controlled’ so that more people are arrested. It appears that there is a lot that you don’t know. I also don’t lie.

Have a nice day.

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Agree to disagree. Wow.

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Okay - wow. When the EBS starts you owe me a coffee- deal? Oh by the way you don’t have a clue as to who I engage with on Truth Social. Roger That.

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Are you listening to yourself? Wow.

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And so sad, the media will not do any reporting on this or any apologising for misleading the public with so much false "information".

Everything is so corrupt from top ro bottom. There are no public institutions left to trust in.

Next comes the financial meltdown, economic hardship, societal breakdown, lawlessness, violence and crime everywhere. . .

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I’m afraid your predictions are likely accurate!

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Please explain to me in very plain language how can ethical supporters of the Democratic party maintain their allegiance to a party that would commit fraud that subverts the democracy of the USA.

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All the media has to do is massage the Dems' virtue muscle, flood them with emotion, say the magic words racist/sexist/transphobic/conspiracy/Russia, and not report any facts.

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"how can ethical supporters of the Democratic party maintain their allegiance to a party"

cough Dubya cough.

It's not just Democrats!

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What makes you think there are ANY ethical dumbocraps? I've never met any and I'm talking the "man on the street" dumbocraps, as well as the few politicians I've met.

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Drop that word Ethical and you have your plain answer. Sorry hut very simple.........lies are like rust, they never stop.

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When will the perpetrators of this colossal treasonous hoax be tried?

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Tried by whom? Every level of the judiciary system, and government agencies, etc. are corrupt....

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So we citizens are left knowing that a massive crime has been committed but the people who would be charged with prosecuting that crime will do nothing because they are also guilty of benefitting from the whole mess themselves. It is clearer every day that we no longer have a functioning country. We have the nation of Washington D.C. and the rest of us. We should be shifting our discussions to separation and new nation building. The only other option would be some sort of revolution. Nobody wants that.

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In the last days (Rev.) evil will be good and good will be evil. A lot of signs that we are there. ???

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Yes, heading there. The breakdown of morality leads to the breakdown of law and order, and then lack of confidence in ruling authorities. Societal collapse, and then financial collapse. But what comes next? Satan's masterpiece: a theocracy of religion and state joined together, to "save the world." An image of the papacy which dominated Europe for over 1000 years, but this time on a worldwide scale.

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Yes, your feeling was like the dread I felt in 2020 when public officials the world around started speaking the same lines, "Shelter in place! Two weeks to flatten the curve!" "Build Back Better," "Get vaccinated for your grandmother!" and Bill Gates on TV saying, "We won't be safe until all seven billion people on earth are vaccinated!" with that greedy glint in his eye ....

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Thank you John Leake!

Great post.

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It always looked like a smear campaign with no basis fact coming from the candidate that lost.

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Truth telling journalist (and hero) Assange not only exposed the rotten warmongering innards of the delusional power mad neocons and their control over U.S. foreign policy, but also revealed the ugly inner workings of the astonishingly disloyal and corrupted DNC. Is it any wonder he’ll likely never again breathe the air of a free man?

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And then Trump had him dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy and thrown into Belmarsh where he has stayed years past his sentence for skipping bail. Except that it’s not illegal for anyone to take political asylum. This is just one of the many reasons why I will not vote for Trump. If Assange is renditioned here it will have dramatic repercussions for press freedom. Not that our corporate journalists need it since they are just stenographers for the government.

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I'm very grateful to be able to reply to this one...

The Podesta emails, leaked from the DNC by Seth Rich, who paid with his life for the trouble, instigated the resultant Pizzagate thesis. Although a good deal of AN investigations are performed after the fact, in this case, I was right on the Podesta leaks & the Pizzagate thesis, as it happened. It was enlightening to watch as a cover-up sets in rather than simply discovering it later & seeking to untangle it.

The eagerness of the Clintons, the Democrats & the left-wing media to pin the leaks on Russian hoaxing was weak to start with & only got weaker as time went on. I never bought a word of it.

Considering the stuff dug up by so-called "internet sleuths" as a result of the Podesta leaks, leading them towards folks like Jimmy "Comet" Alefantis, a guy whose name literally means "child lover", brought me to the conclusion that those promoting the Pizzagate thesis were doing so legitimately. Before Alefantis secured his Instagram account, the so-called sleuths uncovered some immensely suspicious posts & images, some of which can be seen in my own Substack.

Pizzagate: Political Paedo-Honey-Trappers, Scandals Involving Small Boys & The McCanns

Trigger Warning! - https://alternativenarrative.substack.com/p/pizzagate-political-paedo-honey-trappers

Ultimately, imo, the Podesta leaks put paid to whatever remaining hope Clinton might have held for the presidency & ushered in Trumps spell at the helm. Personally, I am no fan of Trump, but when the only two horses in the race were Trump & Clinton, I found myself more in favour of Trump than Clinton. I suspect the debacle in Ukraine would have come to a head sooner under a Clinton presidency than under Trump.

Although the Pizzagate theories have become a thing of the past to some extent, I remain interested in folks such as yourself, Peter, who present information surrounding the Podesta leaks without mentioning Pizzagate. These subjects are inextricably linked in my mind & almost impossible to extricate from one another. The only issue is the lengths to which msm & the Democrats went & still go to to dismiss Pizzagate as a garbage thesis that is entirely without supporting evidence. In fact, as shown by Ben Swann & his Reality Check series, & by my Substack on the subject, evidence to support the Pizzagate thesis is actually plentiful & it's exceedingly compelling.

This also rather grim stuff so can I just give those with sensitivities a trigger warning about reading my stuff. Images that were too grim for Swann to show on TV appear in my article! Heads up!

Ben Swann, Reality Check: PIZZAGATE - https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ya0rdJswQ6sW/

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And, in spite of all this revelations, the mainstream media continues to promote the "Russian collusion" hoax.

This nation is done - finished - kaput.

It is impossible to redeem this corruption. Only mass arrests with numerous executions would begin to turn the tide and I see no signs of true justice prevailing here.

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Over and over, I ask myself the question we all know the answer to: How different would this be if the tables were turned? One answer: Trump was impeached for fabricated "crimes," while Hillary Clinton (to name just one) was given a pass for real ones. It goes on and on.

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