Crazy how the institutions that were created to combat and stop the "snake oil salesmen" from selling harmful products to the public have become the "snake oil salesmen" selling harmful products to the public.

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Crazy or what we might - sadly - expect?

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Very timely, helpful. Be aware. Many thx.

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Crazy like a fox eh?

BBBBABY you ain't seen nothin yet!

Here's somethin you're never gonna forget!

BBBBBaby you ain't seen nothin yet!

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Let's see... Gates funds the development and release of billions of GMO'd mosquitos into FL and Central and South Amerikan countries (the malaria carrying kind) and, then, trumpets the "new" mRNA vaxxx for the "fix" when a few cases of malaria appear in the media. All just coincidence, I'm sure...

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Thank you Dr McCullough, you are a shining light in these days of Pharma/medical tyranny.

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One should cast a skeptical eye on any claim about a "vaccine" for malaria, because malaria immunity does not exist.

My wife and I lived in Nigeria while I worked for an oil company there. Malaria is serious business, to the point ex pats working in Africa have their urine periodically tested to ensure they're taking a malaria prophylaxis. Training on prevention is detailed and repeated multiple times.

One of the things I learned in training is, there is no such thing as malaria immunity. Malaria infection among native Africans is a thing. When that happens, it's usually treated, but sometimes not. If the infected person doesn't wait until they are at death's door, treatment is straightforward and a cure is assured. Those who have survived an infection are deemed "semi-immune." They have some resistance to re-infection. But they are not immune.

My simple-minded view- if immunity doesn't exist in nature, i.e. if there is no such thing as natural immunity, then the so-called malaria vaccine is a faux vaccine, not a real vaccine, the same as the covid vax.

I and my family didn't take the vax. A malaria vaccine? For us, a no-brainer.

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It's like the pharmaceutical/media version of the movie, "Groundhog Day".

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So you can take their experimental mRNA shot, with potential side effects like sudden death, or you can take a tried and proven remedy like hydroxychloroquine. Does this mean we will yet again see these proven "safe and effective" medicines suddenly disappear from shelves and warehouses?

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Here we go again

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Thank you, Dr McCullough!

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They think we are stupid ...

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For Big Pharma, the basic medications such as antibiotics, antihistamines, or re-purposed drugs with known adverse event histories, will not sustain their financial model. They must find a new cash cow and making the populations addicted to taking their products. This currently means mRNA injections otherwise some of them will go out of business as patent protections run out and all will have their stock prices collapse with an effect similar to having myocarditis.

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Has anyone looked at the data on this vx? There have only ever been 3 vx products to ever raise IgG4 antibodies levels. HIV vx, pertussis vx, and malaria vx...... one wonders how data was collected..... was it set up to measure this generation after a few months? How long does the immunity last? If repetitive vaccination is needed, will this generate IgG4 antibodies? Why do I get the feeling before I even look that the data isn't sufficient to tell.

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Forgot to mention cvd vx also generates IgE to IgG4 antibody class switch also..... oops 😬 🤭

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Why doesn’t someone tie Big pHARMa’s shoelaces together with a book like Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring? It would need to convince the sheep that mRNA shots are baaad like DDT.

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As they taught us in Journalism school: FOLLOW THE MONEY!!

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If catching malaria does not make you immune against catching malaria.... then how can any synthetic partial fragment of antigen teach your immune system enough to become immune?

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And of concern, the WHO says dengue fever is spreading. Another mRNA vaccine?

Until they find out what the carrier lipids are doing - no to any mRNA platform creation.

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Excellent catch.

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