Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

I wound up giving my 6 month old grandson covid back in May. He developed croup and was treated with steroids. The rest of us used the flccc protocol. We all were fine. In fact my frontline doctor had us take ivermectin twice a week for 6 weeks to avoid long haul. It worked. God bless Dr M and all of the physicians risking all to save lives

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I’m a doctor too and I’ve prescribed oral prednisone to all my patients during the most dangerous phase of covid in 2020 and 2021. It works. So sad that our colleagues struggled not to accept their oath to save lives.

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Please never stop telling the truth about what these mRNA COVID jabs are doing in the body. I’m an EMT and remember that from the time they began administering these until about six months ago almost 100% of doctor offices and hospital personnel would ask patients, are you up to date on your COVID vaccines.? Now I rarely hear the question asked.

Why are so many doctors reluctant to speak out about it? One of several reasons perhaps - fear of losing their jobs (most are now employed by healthcare systems, sadly), ignorance (don’t want to investigate what has happened because it takes time), arrogance ((they supported the jabs before and are too full of pride that they cannot chance reversing themselves because it would shatter their egos).

The evidence from Germany as well as other studies from around the world are undeniable, the spike protein in these jabs cause inflammation in heart muscle and other places. The data is real and the sudden deaths are as well. Medical Examiners must start autopsies on unexplained ACS patients looking for signs of myocarditis and other findings like micro clotting in the lungs!

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Dear Dr. Pete regarding your protocol,

In February of 2019 I got really sick. I work in a school and one of my co-workers was a Chinese woman with whom I ate lunch every day. We sat across each other at a narrow table. Over the summer and during Christmas break she visited her family in central China near Wuhan and came back to school in January wearing a mask and exhibiting many symptoms. On Valentine's Day of 2019 after a horrible 3 weeks I fainted at work and was taken by ambulance to Charlotte Hungerford Hospital in Torrington, CT. I had a fever of 104, could not move and was loaded with mucus.

I was immediately isolated and it seemed to my partner and I that the hospital staff knew something serious and strange was going on. No one said the word COVID as the pandemic was so new. At the hospital I was immediately given intravenous Z-pack and a steroid nebulizer. My fever immediately went down and I started to breathe more easily. So, perhaps inadvertently, I got the Mccullough protocol which no doubt saved my life. I was discharged 24 hours later, had to sleep for a few weeks but am OK. I did not take the vaccine and have not gotten COVID again and have had only 2 colds in 3 years! I can send you my hospital record of this visit if you need.

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As I look at the authors I see Baric, R- he seems to slide by when it comes to this entire debacle that needs complete outing with a complete investigation of how complicit Baric was with Fauci et al in creating the nightmare we are living in now! For those with respiratory symptoms pre Omi steroids in high doses became critical. Not surprising that alphabet Medical unLeadership ignored the Frontline doctors personal experiences! That is a major reason they must be investigated and punished. Bruce L Boros MD FACC

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Courageous leadership and clinical pearls. Thank you Dr. McCullough.

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Just have to find MDs/DOs to prescribe these drugs...too many are too woked!!

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Thank you GOoD warriors fight ONWARD ---->

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Since the FLCCC protocol is mentioned in this piece, can anyone tell me why fluvoxamine (Luvox) continues to be promoted (even as recently as during Senator Johnson's excellent panel discussion) as a treatment for covid? Luvox is a toxic SSRI psych drug that can cause severe injury and even death to some people, even in small doses and taken for very short periods of time. (Mad in America has many references to this.) There are so many excellent covid treatments that have basically no side effects. Dr. Kory and Steve Kirsch both say there are basically no downsides to using fluvoxamine. I appreciate all their work, but am quite stunned by a seemingly lack of understanding of how promoting this psychotropic drug could actually be doing significant harm to some people. It would be wonderful if you two, Dr. McCullough and John, could look into this. Thanks!

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Dr. McCullough, or anyone commenting here -- is there a version of your protocol that has been translated into a regular document for us regular folks? The graphic is great, but daunting. 😊

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I used Budesonide Inhaled treatments every 12 hours if they were short of breath.

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