You can tell it's a crap corrupt political trial with how well it dovetails with election time.

Why Biden is above 1% is a mystery to me, especially with both Donald and Bobby running.

The legacy media lays it on thick I guess.

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When does Fraudchi start his sentence for contempt of congress?

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Perjury is a felony. Fraudci has committed multiple felonies.

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He has to serve time for the MURDER of many first….

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John, we are already going down that road. So many unconstitutional actions have happened, and many judicial proceedings are similar to what the King of England engaged in during our colonial period. For example, Trump was indicated in DC, yet his trial is in Florida for the document case. That's what England did to the colonists. They would send them back to England for trial. The tyrants knew they could indict Trump in DC, where 90 percent of the population is Democrat. This alone is against the 14th Amendment; you must be tried for the same justification of the crime.

In the NY case with the 34 guilty verdicts, we now have the door open for prosecutions of any public official. Especially if the Supreme Court rules that there is no immunity. Just think of the judges, police, and federal agents can all be prosecuted and jailed. To stay in power, the Democrats are playing with fire because they will be on the receiving end down the road as retribution takes hold.

This is what happens when the rule of law crumbles and society fails.

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Perfect Phil Davis !

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We have 2 tiered justice in USA now. Eric Holder was in contempt of Congress-nothing happened. Peter Navarro & Steve Bannon were found in contempt of Congress. In both cases Executive Privilege was invoked. Bannon & Navarro got jail-Holder free.

This Orwell 1984 tee-shirt is perfect for these crazy times 👇


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You hope and pray that our country isn't really headed toward totalitarianism. Really?

Hmmm...Let's see now, we have a criminal regime that stole the 2020 election to gain control. We have a criminal regime that's in cahoots with various Satanic globalist groups, and is trying to ceed our national sovereignty to those organizations. We have a criminal regime that has promoted and continues to promote the use of a weapon of mass destruction, on its own citizens, aka the COVID "vaccine". We have a criminal regime that is deliberately importing tens of millions of criminal aliens to wreak havoc on our society and system. We have a criminal regime that's deliberately trying to finish off our already fragile economy. We have a criminal regime deliberately murdering hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine for the primary purpose of laundering money, enriching those in the criminal regime and their fellow travelers. We have a criminal regime that is promoting the ungodly mutilation of our youth by supporting the warped ideology of transgenderism. And then we have a criminal regime that is violating our constitution, and jailing those who oppose it.

No John, you aren't being needlessly alarmist. You're catching on - and all of us who care should be ditching the hoping and concentrating on praying.

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Yes John Underwood, but ACTION on top of praying is needed now!

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Absolutely agree!

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Morons want to blame the weaponization of the DOJ and Judges on Trump, claiming his lack of decorum caused all this and things will return to normal after Trump is gone. NYET! Dream on!

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Agreed. As though things were so rosy before DJT hit the political scene? Right. Get rid of Trump and we'll all get back to normal. Sure. I seem to recall a certain individual who the American people foolishly elected president before Trump, who accelerated our descent into this mess, but I don't really blame Bath House Barry, he was just a puppet like the demented old grifter who now occupies The Oval.

There are some really bad hombres pulling the strings. God's gonna get 'em.

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There are bad guys pulling the strings directing Democrats for sure…. But i think Barry is actually one of them if not the main one…. His belief in Islam and his belief that USA is the imperial bad guy is driving him. These ideas originated with his father in Africa during his youth…. Thats why he wanted to clip the wings of USA ‘s dominant power….. Dinesh D’Souza hit the nail directly on analysing Barry’s personality.

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Ok, but CIA connection to Barry's mom in Indonesia.

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Seems like demos are tantrumic actors. By showing us that cities can be ruined they blackmail us that if we elect trump they will continue and escalate chaos.

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Agreed. It's the Saul Alinsky playbook - anarchy in any manner or fashion they can promote it. Destruction for the sake of destruction. They hate what our nation has represented just that much, and our congress is chock full of Alinskyites. Some of them don't even know who Saul Alinsky was but they're happy to joining the pursuit of anarchy.

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We are living in very dangerous times. The future of our nation is on the brink. Indeed, we have Stalinists in our government now. The current administration, the CIA, FBI, the Injustice Department are working against the American people. American culture is on the decline. I pray that YHWY God will consider this country worth saving because no man can.

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I also hope our God will have mercy on our nation, but it's hard for me to have much optimism. After all, what have we done for Him, lately?

Increasingly, our fellow citizens are embracing Satan. I realize there are still lots of folks who say they worship the one true and living God, but there's talking the talk and there's walking the walk.

It isn't too late. If we collectively turned to YHWH he would heal our nation. I'm praying that happens while this may still be salvageable. It's in His hands but He gave us this free will thing that gives us all we need to destroy ourselves.

Too many of our fellow citizens are sleep-walking through this. Some of us caught on to where we were headed, a while ago, but look at the last line in Mr. Leake's commentary. C'mon, a learned and worldly man such as he, says he's hoping and praying we aren't really on the path to totalitarianism? Anyone who, at the late date, that doesn't know we're on the brink of collapse into totalitarianism or worse, isn't quite awake.

Maybe the reality we're in, and have been in for a while, is just too harsh for some to allow themselves to grasp it. Maybe it's been easier to pretend and deny. I have several close relatives who think they're a lot smarter than me, who won't allow themselves to grasp reality. So far, they still have enough resources, and just enough freedom to allow them to get by with that. They conveniently find more palatable distractions. The problem with that approach is obvious. When things get to the point where ignoring reality is no longer possible, it will be too late.

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Very well written, John. But I keep asking God, as Abram did, if there are 10 righteous people in this land, will you save it? I believe that our US Constitution was divinely inspired. If it is not worth saving, if we cannot salvage it, then beam me up God, I’m ready for the Rapture; it can’t happen soon enough.

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Thanks, Allie. I'm with you. We've Got to keep petitioning our God for relief. Only He can fix this mess, and I truly hope He will make that happen, but I yield to his will, always. Regardless, our assignment remains the same: Spread The Good News of Christ! I'm recommitting to doing that.

I had allowed myself to lose sight of Jesus' commission to us, and fell into a lot of hateful trash talk on this and other platforms. I have a terrible vindictive streak, and a horrible temper. I hate sin, including my own, and I hate injustice; not excuses, just the way it is. And I have been possessed of a razor tongue and foul mouth. A lot to overcome, but He can give me the strength I don't have if I keep asking Him. I've always been weak with controlling my emotions, so I need to pray without ceasing.

I regret having been all that, but since I can't unsay or unwrite, I aim to try to change my ways , repent, and make amends, to the extent that I can. It's helpful to interact with other believers, on here. So thanks for reaching out!

I'm acquainted with the belief, by many in my chosen faith, of "The Rapture", and I do not put myself out there as a bible scholar, but I've read scripture that indicates there will be Christians alive on the Earth during the tribulation described in Revelation, other than tribulation converts. The books indicates some will survive until Christ's return. If that is so, some of our brothers and sisters are in for some interesting and challenging times. I'm old, so I probably won't make the cut for that, and I must admit, I'm glad. It's going to be very hard for Jesus' followers during that time.

Best wishes!

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You’re an inspiration, John. Continue to, hopefully, encourage others. Don’t ever give up.

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Well, I'm absolutely not worthy of "You're an inspiration", but thank you and I will try to keep on keeping on - "praying without ceasing".


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Why is no one talking about Biden’s replacement Gavin.? This will be the nail in the coffin for the USA, unless Donald Trump manages to sin. Why is the USA so naive? All of Europe is currently going to the right, why are so many Americans still voting for the left? They have now witnessed four yrs of their quality of life deteriorating.

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Maybe we're getting what we deserve. Our nation came into existence against all odds - God made it happen. For a time, our nation thrived - God made it happen. Then, we collectively began turning away from God...and the rest, as they say, is history.

No God. No hope.

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It's time to Appeal to Heaven again!! That's how America is Made Great Again. Get on our knees and fly that patriotic flag!!!! And then watch Pharaoh fall. And Trump is just temporary to get some cleaning done.

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"Biden Justice Department is now animated with a spirit that bears an eery resemblance to the spirit of Stalin’s judiciary". Not only ridiculous but just a plain stupid statement.

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No… A very insightful statement that reflects the recognition that the MERGER of our present administration’s political GOVERNMENT agencies and their goals joining together with huge PRIVATE CORPORATIONS similar goals of profit & power have created a partnership of a

“State & corporate wealth and power” that simulates and in fact FITS the definition that Mussolini explained was defining the ways and the plans of HIS government over Italy (1922- thru 1945 ish)…..I suggest people look up his definition of his totalitarian regime…… and see the similarity ….. ie-were The money and power from corporate profit merge with the governments power to dictate regulations guaranteeing success of corporate power ($) in exchange for rules/ laws in favor of the specific monopolistic cooperations of mutual power & profit.

THAT cooperative function of State & Corporate power between Pfizer, Pharma, & Tech ($) worlds we presently have ended up with (thru event 201 and the “ pandemic/crisis” emergency power structure has a NAME…….????…!!!

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Because you say so? Support your position with something of substance.

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Steve Bannon is a TRUE PATRIOT.

The Illegitimate Regime, and their "criminal-handlers", will see retribution…constitutional sound retribution.

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"I hope & pray that this country is not really headed down the path of totalitarianism & that I am being needlessly alarmist" - we entered that zone on "Day One" of this administration. The examples are legion.

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AMEN, Mr. Leake:

"Once the decision is made to do so, a major taboo is broken, often with the enthusiastic support of the regime’s supporters, who are too possessed by personal animus to recognize that everyone will be imperiled by a partial judiciary.

...I hope and pray that this country is not really headed down the path of totalitarianism, and that I am being needlessly alarmist."

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Ummmm, Be patient…..”Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; …. “. got that John Kerry..!? “He sets up kings and deposes them; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning…”. Daniel 2:20-21…..

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Contempt of Congress. Refusing to testify when subpoenaed has consequences. There are not 2 sets of rules. 1 for Trump folks and another for everybody else. Maybe Trump will join him soon ?

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Doubt it because the voters will be PARDONING PRESIDENT TRUMP IN November for the political witch trial he has had to endure ……So, we can get back on track.

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Don't think so Delmar. I guess we'll see...

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Richie, you are speaking as one who lives in the real world. The rest of these commenters are still living in an induced dream state that they refuse to wake from. Such is the power of personally cults.

It’s frightening how easily so many people have been hypnotized into believing that Trump is the savior of our times, when anybody in the real world can see that he is a mean spirited spoiled wannabe tyrant itching to get his chance to establish himself as our permanent leader for life.

He might as well run for the office of God. That would be more suitable for his personality than politician which means he has to put up with opposition.

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Trump hasn't read many books. His earlier wife, Ivanka, revealed that he had Hitler's 'Mein Kamf' on his bedside table.

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Eloquent and Succinct.

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I haven’t seen an answer to my QUESTION: What is the name of a type of government that you have or get when the Govt itself (ie- Agencies like the CDC, FDA, Presidential Administration, congress) MERGE their similar goals with large private corporations goals ( like Pharma, & Tech & Social Media & news media corps) making mutually beneficial regulations or laws for their cooperative common goals ?????…

Name an Historical example….. and the leader..???

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We are all ready a long way down the path. DJT showed in 2017 that he was willing to do the right thing when he refused to pursue Hilary Clinton for the crimes she committed while at the same time being pursued by her functionaries. The DA in NYC had up to 12 prosecutors looking for a way to manufacture a crime against DJT for the last 3 yrs. They had to bring in the #3 man from the DOJ to coordinate with the WH to get the witch trial done in time. The Judge refused to be fair in his treatment the jury was already predisposed against DJT. When they order him to prison from July 11 th to Nov 11 th what are you going to do????

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