Steve is a legend. Boston and Maskachussetts have fallen from the birthplace of the revolution to Karentocracy. MIT and Harvard faculty and students are fully demoralized with professors like Langer, Lightfoot, Ardern, etc.

Reimagine The Departed as The Woke Retarded: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/boston-the-departed-the-woke-retarded

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We are getting a global clinic in how the love of money is the root of all evil. Could it be any more fulminating a display?

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For sure... Mr. Kirsch has done outstanding work on behalf of humanity by pressing for and revealing the damning data...

but the real culprit is the U.S. Government, through decades of legislative/lawmaking, in funding the fraudulent manufacturing of bioweapons/countermeasures, masquerading as a health products/vaccines.

It is time for Mr. Kirsch to collaborate with professionals such as Todd Callender, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt and Tom Renz in order to legally dismantle the entire evil and anti-Constitutional system that has stripped the American people from their human rights and protections against tyrannical institutions.


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MIT also is in bed with Billy Boy Gates. Gates used Jeffery Epstein to funnel money to a certain researcher there for a certain type of research that he didn’t want to disclose he was funding. He used Epstein to do it. The NY Post ran the story. I believe it was quantum dots or nano implants. Lots to question about the highest levels at MIT if you ask me.

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I think Steve has made a very profound observation. The strategy of the health institutions which are responsible for the safety of vaccines and drugs is to not look any further then absolutely necessary. If you don't look you can honestly say anything you want and not be lying. It is safe, it is not safe, if you don't do any required studies, it is the experts word against the anti-vaxer's.

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Dear Vaccine Injured, (But Not Dead Yet)

You’re Welcome.

On Behalf Of Everyone

Who Knew Better Than You. ( And Screamed At You)

You Are Welcome.

Now Pay Attention To Those

Who Have Saved Themselves From You And Yours.

You Fucking Idiots.


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plausible deniability...is Langer's end game

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Steve is a true hero! Open discourse, what a novel idea. He’s getting closer to getting people to WAKE UP!

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As Margaret Ann Alice through the Looking Glass has elegantly written, it was not an accident

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Now we know why pharma hires university and government employees - so the people cannot cannot call out their pharma employer. Thus they are insurance.

Do you think MIT will suffer in any way from their screw-up?

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I watched it live and sent it to everyone on my email list - Steve is correct - people who took the shot and people who gave it to their children DO NOT want to acknowledge the harm and the potential danger because they they share some of the blame - ALL vaccines are suspect as well - as a senior who was pressured to take the pneumonia, flu and shingles shot (I didn't) I see the push - it's all about physicians keeping their jobs and the millions these big practices make by pushing these vaccines. All we can do is share and hope people wake up - I sent your interview with the pilot around as well. It's playing Russian roulette with many lives.

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Where is Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slate when you need him? MIT, the Ivy League schools and far too many others have devolved into something that would be unrecognizable to their founders. And where are the men of grit and high character in these schools? It’s amazing that the current crop of “leaders” at these schools can keep their heads off of their asses with no spine. Disgusting!

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Steve Kirsch's efforts are nothing short of heroic, as will be widely recognized someday no doubt.

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WHO notified that the Netherlands can only be bound by IHR amendments after approval by Parliament, and that hasn’t happened

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Clif_High says...

So the 'Splits Happening' divide in the media is growing very rapidly now. More and more outlets are tagging the 'covid vaccine' as a 'deliberate death shot'. The DELIBERATE part will sink in to the normie minds & cause real problems by the end of January.

We are very close to entering the 'retribution' phase of the covid-psyop in which many many harmed people & relatives of those MURDERED by the vaxx are going to start 'acting out' (watch for this language).

They will start individually, excepting in a couple of places where we will see a form of 'mob justice' take over the local population (briefly, & spectacularly). BUT the impetus will be for those who succeed in their 'acting out' to get something of a 'vigilante' mindset. We should see a few of these incidents by end of Jan. That is when the 'fire gets fanned' by the media. Very bad time for a lot of people who are now alive but won't be then.

As we move into this deeper Splits Happening, we should see several of the 'direct assaults' on media personalities. Some people you watch on TeeVee will get the shit kicked out of them, on TeeVee. That part will bring back some real entertainment to the viewers.

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America is run by a religious CULT of CORRUPTION at the highest levels of society - which effectively prevents any & all virtues of democracy - thus dragging the nation down into the "swamp" of a completely hidden "DEEP STATE", which is leading America down the drain of history . . . .

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