Almost the entire Democrat establishment and most of the Republican think we can get into a nuclear exchange with Russia and win. I'm not certain what a "W" will look like after an exchange. But our current crop of "leaders" are much dumber and ignorant than the ones who ran establishment parties 1900-1917, so I'm not optimistic about what's coming. But there is one thing one can point out. We are living in an exciting period. Whereas Gibbon, in his granular history of the Roman Empire conclusively made the point that it was not that it failed but that it took so long to do so, we are watching our fall in real time, over just a couple of decades. And we're accelerating towards the cliff.
Agreed, on every point, Danny. Zero "winners" possible in a nuke war. Our leaders are either delusional or as lacking in insight as they are in compassion; no solid reason to be optimistic.
Absolutely nothing boring about current events.
In a nutshell: Unless YHWH intercedes on humanity's behalf, the near future looks ominous.
War mongers in the swamp aren’t going to get it till we get our asses kicked. War complex and bankers want it need it. Osama spent 5 million we in turn spent 8 trillion and look how many great Americans we lost maimed and innocent iraqis and there wasnt 1 iraqi on any planes all Saudis i never thought i see the day where i have no faith in our military institution. look at
miley cq brown these people are abominable failures and woke treasonous bastards
It's not in the title, but a quick overview of World War I is in Pat Buchanon's Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. Summation: Churchill was on the winning side in two world wars and lost the British empire.
On World War III, already underway, consider that current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, a social studies major from Harvard, while running the Biden campaign in 2020, organized 51 traitorous intelligence officials to sign a letter saying that Hunter Biden's laptop, which the FBI had and knew to be real, was "Russian disinformation," allowing Mr. 10% FJB to deflect Trump's attack on the subject in a coming debate.
I'm sure Trump didn't get some legit votes he would have gotten if The Ministry of Propaganda wasn't chocked full of abject liars, but even with those 51 liars signing the phony affidavit, Trump still won. 2020 was stolen, and I'm not aware of any reason to believe 2024 won't be stolen, too.
Anyone with half a wit knows the rotten people (not really sure they qualify as human) in the regime / deep state will do literally anything to keep Trump, or for that matter, anyone vaguely resembling a populist, from ever occupying The Oval. If by some miracle DJT does regain the presidency, the monsters are going to launch previously unimaginable attacks on him and his administration.
No matter how it unfolds, I see ugliness like we've never seen or imagined, on the horizon. Unless of course, God grants us a reprieve. I'm praying He will do just that.
Most likely Alzheimer’s. What they’re doing with Biden is abuse, while Barry Obama and Valerie Jarrett are running everything. So disgusting, and devastating for the country.
Read part two at the bottom. It tells who and where it is planned...Georgetown University Law Center should be dismantled and destroyed...evil abides there...LAWFARE.
Our universities, our government institutions, our politicians(surprise), even many religions have fallen slowly over decades. . .
a glacial coup, but a coup never the less.
Still it is a conundrum how and what a solid defense against such resilient erosion would look like. Certainly, over the millennia no country has ever held off devolution for more than about 300 years or so. Whether or not this can be stopped is not something most can do, but we CAN collectively consider better government systems that will last.
There are literally dozens of universities that should be taken apart brick by brick so the earth beneath them can be sown with salt pork! Why not kill a few birds with one stone?
Would I cry if they hit somewhere within sight of Groping Joe while he’s sitting on the beach? Not a single tear. That’s the kind of retaliation that Putin is known for. Whatever they do it will be instantly recognizable as payback.
I'm not sure where the "... the Putin is known for." comes from. I wasn't aware of that, but whether or not that's Putin's MO, in the immediate past, Putin has shown remarkable restraint. If he had any real interest in escalating things with us, he would have already pitched a hypersonic missile or two or three our way. He could easily justify that in retaliation for the missile strikes the United States has made inside Russian territory, on civilian targets.
The maniacs running the show in D. C. are some dangerously mendacious monsters.
I agree with you about Mr. Magoo on the beach, I just hope that if his handlers get what they seem to want, that they are among the first casualties, too.
This administration (whoever is in charge) and the entire democrat establishment believe the rest of us are blind, deaf and dumb… are we? Look at all those imprisoned for J6. Look at all those not imprisoned beginning with the Clintons. It’s a scary question.
Almost all Republicans are just as guilty. A small example from Wikipedia: "Hearings on Nuland's nomination were held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 15, 2021. The committee favorably reported Nuland's nomination on April 21, 2021. On April 29, 2021, her nomination was confirmed unanimously by the Senate by voice vote, and she started her work as under secretary of state on May 3, 2021." So no Republican opposed the appointment of the woman who helped overthrow the elected government of Ukraine in 2014 during her previous stint in government. Nuland, McCain, and Graham, strange and ugly warmonger bedfellows.
You are correct “Almost all Republicans are just as guilty…” but it’s the democrats who are in charge today. Would it be different if Republicans were in charge? I seriously doubt it.
I enjoyed that book greatly when I read years ago. However, the "Great Covid Awakening" has opened my eyes and created a much greater awareness of how blind I have been to the forces trying to manipulate us. I now know the story presented therein for WW1 is a lie. Here's something I have previously posted.
"Wilson is much, much worse than represented because WWI was so terrible. It was not only terrible because of the death and the slaughter. WWI was so terrible because it was planned and caused by a Secret Elite ("Prolonging the Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Years"). The Secret Elite could have followed UK First Sea Lord Admiral Fisher's blockade plan that would have put British destroyers off of every Baltic port of Germany and starved the Germans into submission in five months. Instead SE member Winston Churchill moved the blockade to the North Atlantic and allowed massive shipments of war goods (sometimes 10 to 20 fold increases) to neutral countries like Sweden that they knew would be transshipped (at great profit) to Germany, keeping them in the war long enough to suck America in. Long wars are good for businesses and banks and controlled media."
A group of British leaders, including Milner, Churchill, and other Imperialist realized in the later 1800's that Germany was a massively expanding industrial, economic, intellectual power. If Germany combined its industrial might with Russia's natural resources, it would poise a massive threat to the British Empire. There was Heartland Theory that not only would a Germany-Russian combination be an incredibly power threat, because the had land borders, Britain's global dominance thru sea power would be substantially negated.
These forces and others, combined to execute a 20 year plan to intentionally create a global war to destroy Germany. The plan worked. Many of the "bumbling" politicians that stumbled into war were part of the plan. What a great excuse - politicians were incompetent! Who wouldn't buy that without thinking it through, the point of all distractions? (Remember Covid was twenty years in the planning and how many Covid mass murders have said we didn't know?) Given the choice between crooked and incompetent, which is less damaging and more "normal" for most folks?
When WW1 failed to destroy Germany completely (they never invaded), Versailles was designed to create a WW2 to finish the job. As Foch alegedly said "it is not a peace treaty, it's an armistice for 20 years". The same group set up WW2 to finish the job.
I strongly recommend Prolonging the Agony. It has a couple page summaries at the end of each chapter so you can get a lot of information very quickly. The whole book is worth the read.
Sounds ridiculous that the UK and their USA bought politicians would fight a war to divide Germany technology from Russian natural resources? Think Nord Stream.
Exactly! It's only seeing the superficial on putting the blame on the Habsburg dynasty for putting up an unfulfillable ultimatum to Serbia (they were pushed to it by their own deep state which was instrumental in the assassination of Crown prince Franz Ferdinand, as a preparation, by the way). It was the powers behind the curtain whos principal aim was to take down the three most important monarchies in continental Europe: Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary. I leave it to the informed reader to make their own conclusions when I say that it's exactly the same powers which were behind WW2, the "war" in Ukraine and the now preparing for WW3 (hint: think about an interest-based economy and central banks). And this is just touching the obvious, material side. Go to the spiritual level and you find the same beings (I hesitate to call them people) steering and promoting the mess we are in currently.
Are you sure the assassination was real?a fake one could be just as effective. Look at the fundamental story from a how believable is it that royals go to a terrorist hot spot without extra security, drive in an open car, get bombed, continue normal activities, then drive around some more w/o security, get lost, and just happen to stumble on a lone gunman, who just walks up and shoots the royals? Lone Gunman Oswald was more believable.
Yep, the Peloponnesian War 2500 years ago was possibly the first example: Athens thought they could kick ass anywhere and were caught in Sicily too far from home base; were slaughtered and turned to slaves.
The Trojans and Sicilians have been replaced by Russia and China.
I wonder if some of the Athenians at home saw it all coming and were helpless like we are to do anything?
What makes our contemporary situation strange, to me, is that with the readily available information, anyone with a spark if curiosity can learn at least some truths about what's really going in Europe and the Middle East. Yet, half or more of our citizens are clueless.
Okay, so that's one thing. Citizens in this pathetic country have had the luxury of being able to do that (to their probable peril) but what about our so called leaders. Are the jokers yanking the Marionette Biden's strings really that clueless? That seems unlikely to me, which would mean that all of their recklessness is deliberate. However, I have no way of knowing that with certainty. If it isn't deliberate, I've got to believe supernatural forces are directly in play here.
Either supernatural or the unseen hand of WEF elite-types(or China, Russian, Iran cartel?) There is at least plausible reason here that our security agencies must be cooperating with outside forces to enable a coup. . . We will likely never know.
Just think back 2500 years ago there was no news service; they learned stuff when a runner showed up from another town. . . At least THEY had some excuse for being clueless. On the other hand they also had nothing else to discuss other than what showed up from the dusty road. That was probably discussed a LOT and beat to death-- the one or two things of alarm. Today, however, MOST are numbed by the level of news and numbed by the ever-worsening , ever-more psychotic horrors perpetrated and outrageous laws enacted. People have tuned out; maybe the base reason for cluelessness!
"The war started when ranking members of the Hapsburg Court in Vienna issued an unfulfillable ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia"
I thought it was started after a Muslim Gavrilo Princip, shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand, then the ultimatums and escalations and von Schlieffen plan added up to millions dead and wounded.
Princip was a Serb. Probably not Muslim but don’t know that it matters. The interesting thing to me is that this shooting did not have to lead to war. It was the excuse for war, to be sure, but I’m fairly certain the stated reasons were not the actual reasons the European powers went to war. But their motives - what they hoped war would achieve - are obscure not the least because they weren’t achieved. But I think it’d be fascinating to know what it was that the Germans and the English each calculated was possible to gain.
The biggest misconception of the beginning of WW I and the current war in Ukraine is the idea of miscalculation. The first started because the English and French political elite deliberately planned for the destruction of a rising German - economically and politically. The same applies to today’s war in the Ukraine. With U.S. assistance Germany was destroyed and hasn’t recovered its sovereignty yet. The only miscalculation was when the U.S. decided to foil Gorbachev’s offer of a new peaceful world order. Russia’s resilience and with it its ability to rise from the ashes of the Yeltsin years through the intelligent work of Putin and his economic and political team has destroyed the WEST’S fantasy of dismantling Russia. Now the ideology of a Wolfowitz, Brzezinski and the Rand corporation wizards is crumbling. Now, unlike 1919/20, a real new world order is emerging which will not be dominated by the Anglo-Saxon world.
The analogy to the First World War is fitting, though not entirety for the reasons noted above. Like most everything else, what we were taught in government schools about that conflict is nearly the exact inverse of the truth. World War I did not begin because of Austria-Hungary's "unfulfillable ultimatum" to Serbia, nor Serbia's assassination of Ferdinand several months prior; plans for war were drawn up by an elite cabal in London nearly a decade earlier, with the express aim of provoking a global conflict to utterly destroy Germany, Britain's strongest cultural, technological, and commercial rival at the time.
Throughout the first decade of the Twentieth Century, this elite cabal, which controlled the Foreign Office and the highest levels of the British industrial, financial and media sectors, forged secret alliances with Russia, France, and Belgium, and gave secret war guarantees to each, all while lying to Parliament and the British people, falsely claiming that no such guarantees existed. This elite cabal orchestrated crisis after crisis to provoke Germany, until the Kaiser finally took the bait in 1914 after exhausting every alternative, and after both Russia and France had mobilized their forces on either side of his borders. Britain then claimed defense of "Belgian sovereignty" as its pretext to intervene - this from an empire that has invaded 90% of the world's countries, had just got done slaughtering 20,000 women and children in South Africa from 1900-1902, and was now intervening on the side of TSARIST Russia. This British cabal (along with their co-conspirators in the United States) controlled the banks and large industrial concerns that financed and armed both sides during the War, and made a literal killing over the next four years while millions of boys were sent to the slaughter. Like Russia now, Austria-Hungry and Germany were deliberately provoked, for years, all to benefit the very few at the expense of the entire world. The world didn't "sleepwalk" into the First World War - it was deliberately led over that abyss. The same thing is happening now. It's all about money and control. The privileged few who stand to benefit don't care about this country or that country, and they don't care how many people have to die to achieve their ends. We are not "stumbling" into ruin - we are being deliberately pushed. This should be easy to see after what we witnessed with Covid the past four years. Think about it - right now, our "elected representatives" are expanding conscription (i.e. slavery) for the first time in fifty years. This is no accident.
If you really want your mind blown try reading “Hidden History: The secret origins of the First World War,” and “Prolong The Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-half years,” by Macgregor & Docherty.
i suspect, as I have not red it, that that book is dishing out the usual 'stumbling into war' story when ample evidence exists now as I am sure it did then that it was a planned descent into stupidity aimed at opening up systems due to the destruction and freedoms achieved by open conflicts. To this WW1 disaster must be added the 20+ millions killed by a medical 'experiment' known to wisely likely kill, so not accidental at all. mistakenly or misleadingly called the 'Spanish Flu'. history is not what we got taught in schools which was aftermath BS to cover the truth.
Almost the entire Democrat establishment and most of the Republican think we can get into a nuclear exchange with Russia and win. I'm not certain what a "W" will look like after an exchange. But our current crop of "leaders" are much dumber and ignorant than the ones who ran establishment parties 1900-1917, so I'm not optimistic about what's coming. But there is one thing one can point out. We are living in an exciting period. Whereas Gibbon, in his granular history of the Roman Empire conclusively made the point that it was not that it failed but that it took so long to do so, we are watching our fall in real time, over just a couple of decades. And we're accelerating towards the cliff.
Danny Huckabee
Agreed, on every point, Danny. Zero "winners" possible in a nuke war. Our leaders are either delusional or as lacking in insight as they are in compassion; no solid reason to be optimistic.
Absolutely nothing boring about current events.
In a nutshell: Unless YHWH intercedes on humanity's behalf, the near future looks ominous.
C'mon Jesus! Please!!
Supposedly the answer is whichever country has the most of the "civilized" parts left is the winner.
War mongers in the swamp aren’t going to get it till we get our asses kicked. War complex and bankers want it need it. Osama spent 5 million we in turn spent 8 trillion and look how many great Americans we lost maimed and innocent iraqis and there wasnt 1 iraqi on any planes all Saudis i never thought i see the day where i have no faith in our military institution. look at
miley cq brown these people are abominable failures and woke treasonous bastards
They almost never will, it's not like they will pick up a rifle and dig a trench on the steppe.
Though the Kaiser did have to abdicate.
It's not in the title, but a quick overview of World War I is in Pat Buchanon's Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. Summation: Churchill was on the winning side in two world wars and lost the British empire.
On World War III, already underway, consider that current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, a social studies major from Harvard, while running the Biden campaign in 2020, organized 51 traitorous intelligence officials to sign a letter saying that Hunter Biden's laptop, which the FBI had and knew to be real, was "Russian disinformation," allowing Mr. 10% FJB to deflect Trump's attack on the subject in a coming debate.
I'm sure Trump didn't get some legit votes he would have gotten if The Ministry of Propaganda wasn't chocked full of abject liars, but even with those 51 liars signing the phony affidavit, Trump still won. 2020 was stolen, and I'm not aware of any reason to believe 2024 won't be stolen, too.
Anyone with half a wit knows the rotten people (not really sure they qualify as human) in the regime / deep state will do literally anything to keep Trump, or for that matter, anyone vaguely resembling a populist, from ever occupying The Oval. If by some miracle DJT does regain the presidency, the monsters are going to launch previously unimaginable attacks on him and his administration.
No matter how it unfolds, I see ugliness like we've never seen or imagined, on the horizon. Unless of course, God grants us a reprieve. I'm praying He will do just that.
Most likely Alzheimer’s. What they’re doing with Biden is abuse, while Barry Obama and Valerie Jarrett are running everything. So disgusting, and devastating for the country.
" . . . A military coup is planned. " right from your source here!
Maybe my comment above presciently led into YOUR link!
Read part two at the bottom. It tells who and where it is planned...Georgetown University Law Center should be dismantled and destroyed...evil abides there...LAWFARE.
yep, and Columbia too, right!?
Our universities, our government institutions, our politicians(surprise), even many religions have fallen slowly over decades. . .
a glacial coup, but a coup never the less.
Still it is a conundrum how and what a solid defense against such resilient erosion would look like. Certainly, over the millennia no country has ever held off devolution for more than about 300 years or so. Whether or not this can be stopped is not something most can do, but we CAN collectively consider better government systems that will last.
There are literally dozens of universities that should be taken apart brick by brick so the earth beneath them can be sown with salt pork! Why not kill a few birds with one stone?
Thanks for the link!
Good info.
Would I cry if they hit somewhere within sight of Groping Joe while he’s sitting on the beach? Not a single tear. That’s the kind of retaliation that Putin is known for. Whatever they do it will be instantly recognizable as payback.
I'm not sure where the "... the Putin is known for." comes from. I wasn't aware of that, but whether or not that's Putin's MO, in the immediate past, Putin has shown remarkable restraint. If he had any real interest in escalating things with us, he would have already pitched a hypersonic missile or two or three our way. He could easily justify that in retaliation for the missile strikes the United States has made inside Russian territory, on civilian targets.
The maniacs running the show in D. C. are some dangerously mendacious monsters.
I agree with you about Mr. Magoo on the beach, I just hope that if his handlers get what they seem to want, that they are among the first casualties, too.
‘Known for’ - MO… Tomato - Tomahto…
This administration (whoever is in charge) and the entire democrat establishment believe the rest of us are blind, deaf and dumb… are we? Look at all those imprisoned for J6. Look at all those not imprisoned beginning with the Clintons. It’s a scary question.
Almost all Republicans are just as guilty. A small example from Wikipedia: "Hearings on Nuland's nomination were held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on April 15, 2021. The committee favorably reported Nuland's nomination on April 21, 2021. On April 29, 2021, her nomination was confirmed unanimously by the Senate by voice vote, and she started her work as under secretary of state on May 3, 2021." So no Republican opposed the appointment of the woman who helped overthrow the elected government of Ukraine in 2014 during her previous stint in government. Nuland, McCain, and Graham, strange and ugly warmonger bedfellows.
You are correct “Almost all Republicans are just as guilty…” but it’s the democrats who are in charge today. Would it be different if Republicans were in charge? I seriously doubt it.
So accurate and heart-breaking.
I enjoyed that book greatly when I read years ago. However, the "Great Covid Awakening" has opened my eyes and created a much greater awareness of how blind I have been to the forces trying to manipulate us. I now know the story presented therein for WW1 is a lie. Here's something I have previously posted.
"Wilson is much, much worse than represented because WWI was so terrible. It was not only terrible because of the death and the slaughter. WWI was so terrible because it was planned and caused by a Secret Elite ("Prolonging the Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Years"). The Secret Elite could have followed UK First Sea Lord Admiral Fisher's blockade plan that would have put British destroyers off of every Baltic port of Germany and starved the Germans into submission in five months. Instead SE member Winston Churchill moved the blockade to the North Atlantic and allowed massive shipments of war goods (sometimes 10 to 20 fold increases) to neutral countries like Sweden that they knew would be transshipped (at great profit) to Germany, keeping them in the war long enough to suck America in. Long wars are good for businesses and banks and controlled media."
A group of British leaders, including Milner, Churchill, and other Imperialist realized in the later 1800's that Germany was a massively expanding industrial, economic, intellectual power. If Germany combined its industrial might with Russia's natural resources, it would poise a massive threat to the British Empire. There was Heartland Theory that not only would a Germany-Russian combination be an incredibly power threat, because the had land borders, Britain's global dominance thru sea power would be substantially negated.
These forces and others, combined to execute a 20 year plan to intentionally create a global war to destroy Germany. The plan worked. Many of the "bumbling" politicians that stumbled into war were part of the plan. What a great excuse - politicians were incompetent! Who wouldn't buy that without thinking it through, the point of all distractions? (Remember Covid was twenty years in the planning and how many Covid mass murders have said we didn't know?) Given the choice between crooked and incompetent, which is less damaging and more "normal" for most folks?
When WW1 failed to destroy Germany completely (they never invaded), Versailles was designed to create a WW2 to finish the job. As Foch alegedly said "it is not a peace treaty, it's an armistice for 20 years". The same group set up WW2 to finish the job.
I strongly recommend Prolonging the Agony. It has a couple page summaries at the end of each chapter so you can get a lot of information very quickly. The whole book is worth the read.
Sounds ridiculous that the UK and their USA bought politicians would fight a war to divide Germany technology from Russian natural resources? Think Nord Stream.
Exactly! It's only seeing the superficial on putting the blame on the Habsburg dynasty for putting up an unfulfillable ultimatum to Serbia (they were pushed to it by their own deep state which was instrumental in the assassination of Crown prince Franz Ferdinand, as a preparation, by the way). It was the powers behind the curtain whos principal aim was to take down the three most important monarchies in continental Europe: Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungary. I leave it to the informed reader to make their own conclusions when I say that it's exactly the same powers which were behind WW2, the "war" in Ukraine and the now preparing for WW3 (hint: think about an interest-based economy and central banks). And this is just touching the obvious, material side. Go to the spiritual level and you find the same beings (I hesitate to call them people) steering and promoting the mess we are in currently.
Are you sure the assassination was real?a fake one could be just as effective. Look at the fundamental story from a how believable is it that royals go to a terrorist hot spot without extra security, drive in an open car, get bombed, continue normal activities, then drive around some more w/o security, get lost, and just happen to stumble on a lone gunman, who just walks up and shoots the royals? Lone Gunman Oswald was more believable.
Yep, the Peloponnesian War 2500 years ago was possibly the first example: Athens thought they could kick ass anywhere and were caught in Sicily too far from home base; were slaughtered and turned to slaves.
The Trojans and Sicilians have been replaced by Russia and China.
I wonder if some of the Athenians at home saw it all coming and were helpless like we are to do anything?
That is interesting to contemplate.
What makes our contemporary situation strange, to me, is that with the readily available information, anyone with a spark if curiosity can learn at least some truths about what's really going in Europe and the Middle East. Yet, half or more of our citizens are clueless.
Okay, so that's one thing. Citizens in this pathetic country have had the luxury of being able to do that (to their probable peril) but what about our so called leaders. Are the jokers yanking the Marionette Biden's strings really that clueless? That seems unlikely to me, which would mean that all of their recklessness is deliberate. However, I have no way of knowing that with certainty. If it isn't deliberate, I've got to believe supernatural forces are directly in play here.
Either supernatural or the unseen hand of WEF elite-types(or China, Russian, Iran cartel?) There is at least plausible reason here that our security agencies must be cooperating with outside forces to enable a coup. . . We will likely never know.
Just think back 2500 years ago there was no news service; they learned stuff when a runner showed up from another town. . . At least THEY had some excuse for being clueless. On the other hand they also had nothing else to discuss other than what showed up from the dusty road. That was probably discussed a LOT and beat to death-- the one or two things of alarm. Today, however, MOST are numbed by the level of news and numbed by the ever-worsening , ever-more psychotic horrors perpetrated and outrageous laws enacted. People have tuned out; maybe the base reason for cluelessness!
"The war started when ranking members of the Hapsburg Court in Vienna issued an unfulfillable ultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia"
I thought it was started after a Muslim Gavrilo Princip, shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand, then the ultimatums and escalations and von Schlieffen plan added up to millions dead and wounded.
Princip was a Serb. Probably not Muslim but don’t know that it matters. The interesting thing to me is that this shooting did not have to lead to war. It was the excuse for war, to be sure, but I’m fairly certain the stated reasons were not the actual reasons the European powers went to war. But their motives - what they hoped war would achieve - are obscure not the least because they weren’t achieved. But I think it’d be fascinating to know what it was that the Germans and the English each calculated was possible to gain.
The biggest misconception of the beginning of WW I and the current war in Ukraine is the idea of miscalculation. The first started because the English and French political elite deliberately planned for the destruction of a rising German - economically and politically. The same applies to today’s war in the Ukraine. With U.S. assistance Germany was destroyed and hasn’t recovered its sovereignty yet. The only miscalculation was when the U.S. decided to foil Gorbachev’s offer of a new peaceful world order. Russia’s resilience and with it its ability to rise from the ashes of the Yeltsin years through the intelligent work of Putin and his economic and political team has destroyed the WEST’S fantasy of dismantling Russia. Now the ideology of a Wolfowitz, Brzezinski and the Rand corporation wizards is crumbling. Now, unlike 1919/20, a real new world order is emerging which will not be dominated by the Anglo-Saxon world.
The analogy to the First World War is fitting, though not entirety for the reasons noted above. Like most everything else, what we were taught in government schools about that conflict is nearly the exact inverse of the truth. World War I did not begin because of Austria-Hungary's "unfulfillable ultimatum" to Serbia, nor Serbia's assassination of Ferdinand several months prior; plans for war were drawn up by an elite cabal in London nearly a decade earlier, with the express aim of provoking a global conflict to utterly destroy Germany, Britain's strongest cultural, technological, and commercial rival at the time.
Throughout the first decade of the Twentieth Century, this elite cabal, which controlled the Foreign Office and the highest levels of the British industrial, financial and media sectors, forged secret alliances with Russia, France, and Belgium, and gave secret war guarantees to each, all while lying to Parliament and the British people, falsely claiming that no such guarantees existed. This elite cabal orchestrated crisis after crisis to provoke Germany, until the Kaiser finally took the bait in 1914 after exhausting every alternative, and after both Russia and France had mobilized their forces on either side of his borders. Britain then claimed defense of "Belgian sovereignty" as its pretext to intervene - this from an empire that has invaded 90% of the world's countries, had just got done slaughtering 20,000 women and children in South Africa from 1900-1902, and was now intervening on the side of TSARIST Russia. This British cabal (along with their co-conspirators in the United States) controlled the banks and large industrial concerns that financed and armed both sides during the War, and made a literal killing over the next four years while millions of boys were sent to the slaughter. Like Russia now, Austria-Hungry and Germany were deliberately provoked, for years, all to benefit the very few at the expense of the entire world. The world didn't "sleepwalk" into the First World War - it was deliberately led over that abyss. The same thing is happening now. It's all about money and control. The privileged few who stand to benefit don't care about this country or that country, and they don't care how many people have to die to achieve their ends. We are not "stumbling" into ruin - we are being deliberately pushed. This should be easy to see after what we witnessed with Covid the past four years. Think about it - right now, our "elected representatives" are expanding conscription (i.e. slavery) for the first time in fifty years. This is no accident.
If you really want your mind blown try reading “Hidden History: The secret origins of the First World War,” and “Prolong The Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-half years,” by Macgregor & Docherty.
Agreed, these are hands down the best history books I’ve ever read.
The doomsday clock is ticking.
i suspect, as I have not red it, that that book is dishing out the usual 'stumbling into war' story when ample evidence exists now as I am sure it did then that it was a planned descent into stupidity aimed at opening up systems due to the destruction and freedoms achieved by open conflicts. To this WW1 disaster must be added the 20+ millions killed by a medical 'experiment' known to wisely likely kill, so not accidental at all. mistakenly or misleadingly called the 'Spanish Flu'. history is not what we got taught in schools which was aftermath BS to cover the truth.
Ron Paul