Amazing that so many experts are willing to hurt and kill their own citizens. Not just one time but continuously.

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They are no better than Dr Mengele.

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Worse! At least Mengele was doing research to actually help people. Mengele’s methods were obviously flawed but the people today are intentionally doing harm for harm’ sake with zero benefit except for the psychotic wealthy elites.

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and, to boot, Mengele's number of atrocities pales in comparison to the massive numbers murdered and injured around the world-- upwards of 17 million deaths (alone)per estimates

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yup.....and this is what is happening. KIDS DROPPING DEAD AT SPORTING EVENTS. KIDS!!!!


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the greatest PSYOP in human history

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So far.

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Wait until they role out project blue beam LOL.

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as per Malone's new book.

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Ich habe nur Befehle befolgt! (I was just following orders!)

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That’s exactly what the medical profession will claim when it’s shown that the protocols early in COVID were designed to kill not heal. We hunted those 18 yr old German guards down to even when they were in their 70-80’s and then imprisoned them. Following order or protocols can not be used as an excuse for what they did.

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As Attorney Reiner Fuellmich state (Fuellmich is now illegally incarcerated in a German jail after being seized in Mexico by German thugs while on vacation}

Anyway--Fuellmich as stated that psyops covid 19 is the most horrendous crime against humanity in history

. Already some highly acclaimed scientists state 17,OOO,OOO have died from THE JAB...

Yet....Fuellmich is still imprisoned. It is said by his attorney--the only person he is allowed to see--that he is ill and suffering greatly.

Please...all good hearted citizens in Germany, the US and elsewhere....DEMAND HIS IMMEDIATE RELEASE.

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Also he is shackled and treated like he may be violent. This is to break his spirit and teach all the rest of us how "powerful" and "lordly" the elites are. They can snatch an innocent man off a beach in Mexico and kill him slowly under horrific conditions. He is not allowed to talk to or interact with the other inmates...

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CJ Hopkins still appears to have a voice. He should speak out for Fuellmich too.

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Apparently every detail had been thought through. Wow.

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Where can we find an update about Reiner Fuellmich? What are the charges against him? Thanks!

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There is e.g. a Telegram channel called Reiner Fuellmich which - among other content - posts news about his case

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I don't think much has happened ... last action I saw was truthcomestolight.com He is in solitary confinement and cannot see anyone except the lawyer. Not even his wife. He looks pale and unwell. I am very worried. I did see Julian Assange was finally released after exposing the genocidal US war machine....wow...it think it has been about 1O years!

Fuellmich is not young....this is a crime....

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Everyone who wishes to express support/solidarity ... can do so (as far as I know) by writing a letter to : JVA Rosdorf - z.Hd. Dr. Reiner Füllmich - Am großen Sieke 8 - 37124 Rosdorf/Germany (Since "ü" and "ß" might not be available on every keyboard: That can be written "Fuellmich" and "grossen")

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Perfekt! Danke schön! The only 'crime' of Dr. Füllmich is that, after investigations and hearing witnesses in the field ( honest and courageous people like John O'Looney, funeral director, UK), he expressed his opinion. At this very moment they (=the authorities, not the inmates) treat him in the german prison more worse than a massmurderer. Shame on the german authorities!

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That seems to be quite a complicated issue concerning financial hassles between the members of the german "CoronaAusschuss", which Füllmich was a founding member of.

This committee brought a lot of valuable information to the interested public (which unluckily we are still not enough yet ), especially in 2021.

As far as I remember it was there that I first noticed P. McCullough, who - regarding the "pandemic"/"vaccination"-crimes - is one of the most important sources of valid information worldwide in my opinion.

These financial issues are not easily to be judged from the outside. But clearly they are being misused by our criminal administration to execute a political trial of the worst kind and signalling to leading oppositional figures of all kinds: Better shut up and do as you're told.

There have been similar trials that had no other goal than destroying reputation (Prof. Bhakdi), ending careers (judge Dettmar who decided against mask mandates in 2021 or Stephan Kohn - a high ranking official in the ministry of interior who warned about the lockdown-policy as early as in spring of 2020) or breaking people like M. Ballweg, who organized the big demonstrations in Berlin 2020, where RFK jr. spoke among others.

He (Ballweg) was imprisoned for 9 months because of allegded tax-issues - in the ongoing trial comes to light more and more: Everything was constructed by the authorities...

That's only the more prominent cases : The list is long ...

It's effectively Mao-style education. And a culture war in the bigger picture.

We see it everywhere : "Pandemic", "Climatechange", "Mass-migration", "Defending so called 'western values' in the Ukraine", "Gendermainstreaming" and so on.

Legacy media is heavily infiltrated by ideologists and massively corrupt.

And our only real oppositional political party (AfD) is being stigmatized as "far right" with a frenzy that is hard to describe, successfully making the connection to the NS-Regime for the mostly brainwashed population - because of their (AfD) harsh criticism of flooding the country with aliens from the MiddleEast and Africa, which is deemed "xenophobia":

Actually the establishment is working towards a ban of the AfD altogether since it gained around 30 % of the votes in EasternGermany (Thüringen, Sachsen, Brandenburg) more recently.

Long story short : We 're in deep shit.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for Trump/RFKjr./Musk and the likes - because, make no mistake : Most of our problems (here in Germany) have their roots in the U.S. ...

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I have a question...Do German typewriters automatically put the dots above the U as in Dr. Füllmich ?

That is so cool.

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I copy and paste.

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A petition is needed - thousands will sign, I bet.

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As far as I know www.freereinerfuellmich.org has achieved around 40.000 by now.

It can be found on Twitter/X also.

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Many thanks for this link!

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oops...I signed this a long time ago...and I forgot that I did it.

I tried to sign it again just now because I did not remember. They are on top of things because they caught it! Wow...as usual the Germans are very exact and law abiding. That is a virtue and a curse.

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That's the excuse of the spineless, the cowardly and the paranoid. No reason to ever listen to these clowns.

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They have been lying to us from the start.

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The start being from the fall in the Garden. Their technology has been far more advanced for hundreds of years than we can imagine. We know this too by countless witness stories to “ufo” involvement, which quite simply are demons. It all took time to get to this point for indoctrination en masse. No history lessons, but just as an example, the Spanish “flu”. The rollout of vaks from the start was the beginning of the “trust the science”. The inventor of the polio vaks was a depopulation supporter! Polio didn’t become a major problem until AFTER the vaks was accepted. That goes for all diseases they claimed vaks would protect us from! There were many doctors, etc that understood what was happening long ago, but were easily ignored and accused of insanity and blackballed from ever working again. Rockefeller saw to it. These ancient, evil family names are still behind this evil agenda. Follow the money as they say.

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I no longer have the sources for this but I read that the polio 'vaccine' was rolled out after a new insecticide was introduced into the agricultural sector which worked by paralyzing bugs. Unfortunately it also paralyzed people. I grew up in a region that farmed heavily in tobacco in the '6O's...I saw quite a few polio cases in my grade school at this time--I don't remember the name of the stuff being sprayed. I wonder if they found a way to modify it.

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That wouldn’t surprise me in the least! It’s similar in the way they espoused nicotine as being addictive when it isn’t! It’s an addictive chemical they had added. The insects they want to rid themselves of are us, in their opinion. They knew back then that snake venom is neutralized with nicotine so they were making sure people stayed clear, as they were things like ivermectin. Dr. Brian Ardis has great knowledge about this if you haven’t read it. King Cobra and Krait snake venom is found in the jab. I think it varies though on the batches in particular areas. It’s a massive experiment after all! I think they know the general areas they sent these varying ingredients to see the better results! Interestingly they were sure to tell smokers and nicotine users to stop or they’d die. Didn’t appear to be so……nicotine! Our cells have nicotine receptors that the venom works on. Nicotine intake kills the venom. Of course Dr. Ardis is much more articulate and knowledgeable than my explanation! He’s teamed up with Dr. Group, Dr, Ealy, and a woman doctor that have been saving lives. I may be preaching to the choir! Sorry if so!

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"that snake venom is neutralized with nicotine" Yes...I have read that--but not confirmed by other sources. My parents both liked to smoke...Marlboroughs!--Mom lived healthfully to 85 and Dad was 92 when he died--still quite sharp. We visited her in a a caregiver home after she got alzheimers--my brother would calm her down by handing her a lighted cigarette. She didn't recognize him...but she was glad tp get the cigarette.

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Yes I’m not seeing a whole lot of information on it other than Ardis either. His studies are being called theories but if you read the information he puts forth, it makes a lot of sense. His wife suffered long COVID, she finally agreed to the nicotine treatment and it cleared it almost immediately. Other testimonials are saying the same. Interesting. I encourage to read his research. Eye opener for sure.

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Same with my family on smoking except for long lives. It wasn’t the nicotine that killed them. It’s the laundry list of chemicals in cigarettes that did.

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DDT, Kathleen.

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There substantial evidence that it is insecticides are a necessary components for the outbreaks of paralysis and not the polio virus alone.

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Are you thinking of the book THe Moth In the Iron Lung?

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Thanks to the whistle blower. He confirms our gut! Important for court proceedings.

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Yes—Trump knew, and many of us suspected, they were withholding the EUA purposely till after the election. Now we have the receipts. Wow.

I also think they kept NYC locked down longer than some places purposely because NYC drives the national economy to a large extent. If the economy roared back, Trump was more likely to win.

In the end, everyone saw how bad things could truly get for four years—hence the desire to have him back in the White House was even stronger this year than four years ago.

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Another thing the far left lied about to scare us into tyranny. And they wonder why they lost.

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And even when the vaccines were approved, the approved versions weren't distributed or used. Also, there was ample evidence all along that these shots were killers and were injuring and maiming people for life. Approval should have been with-held and the vaccines pulled off the market.

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These "killer vaccines" are still being offered in my retirement community. I think many here suffer from cognitive decline...and do not understand they are being murdered. This may be true in many hospitals and nursing homes world wide.

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Yes, you hit it there. My mother in law, 2 yrs ago died of induced alzheimer's from the vax. Her oldest daughter had cared for her for years and was no longer able to so she went to the nursing home-- there, she was WELL vaccinated I'm SURE! Went downhill with alzheimer's from there and died, in her 90's. Her daughters, to this day, do not suspect. My wife will not discuss. . . !

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Great little vide: https://rumble.com/v18dcub-bill-gates-sings.html

Bill Gates Sings!

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2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD https://substack.com/home/post/p-151371898

NOV 08, 2024

Ivermectin is perhaps the single best treatment not just for PSYOP-19, but for the spike protein damage that is induced by the slow kill bioweapon injections.https://substack.com/home/post/p-151371898

Since the rollout of the “pandemic,” ivermectin was savaged by the quisling MSM, the various illegitimate Federal government agencies and their CDC, WHO, UN, WEF, Rockefeller and Gates “nonprofit” foundations, et al. partners-in-crime.

The scientific community performed fraudulent “Trust the Science” studies, and their coconspirator “peer reviewed” journals hurriedly published them in a coordinated effort to discredit ivermectin.

These Crimes Against Humanity were perpetrated in order to push through the EUA “experimental” DEATHVAX™ that BigPharma manufactured on behalf of their DoD, Pentagon, CIA, NIH, and NIAID handlers without any human studies precisely because the entire Modified mRNA platform was useless and deadly and always harmed the animals in their trials.

But the real studies all irrefutably showed that ivermectin was, unlike the “vaccines,” actually exceptionally safe and exceedingly effective at treating PSYOP-19.

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Nov 10Edited

They knew Ivermectin worked in 2015/16 based on their work with SARS-CoV-1 (or just SARS-CoV). DARPA notified the CDC in early 2020 that (paraphrasing a bit here but) "We got you covered. We looked into this 5 years ago. Lots of stuff works including HCQ but your GOTO drug is going to be Ivermectin".




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There was no pandemic and no need for Ivermectin or Bormelain. We were all fooled including the doctors. Prof. Homburg confirms it was the fraudulent use of PCR that created the illusion of a pandemic. The people who died from so called Covid died in hospitals from forced air, ventilation and Remdesivir. No one died from actual Covid. It takes awhile to sink due to all the media hype. The freedom fighting MDs need to stop promoting these drugs because they were never needed. The intent is good but they got pulled into the psyop as well.

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Alison W,

I never once used PCR tests to confirm COVID; I used clinical signs and symptoms, epidemiological information, and rapid antigen testing. There were cases in our community; I treated many as outpatients successfully with IVM & HCQ. Many died in hospital from maltreatment under Fauci ordered protocols

You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about & I don’t know who this professor of yours is, so you can just shove him up your ass, because you weren’t there then.

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obscenity does not add to your credibility. SURE many people had the flu....many people do get sick at all times....

especially since we have the worst dietary habits of any so-called civilized country(high in calories low in fiber, low in nutrients, high in 'seed oils'}....driving up the numbers of cardiovascular "events" into unheard of %'s --Now afflicting 5 to 11 year olds as THE EXPOSE has pointed out and other sources.

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I am sorry for my language.

I it is seriously frustrating for people who apparently have no clinical experience, credentials, or knowledge quotes some academic denying the complex reality of practicing clinical medicine in the midst of a novel infection that was being weaponized for fun, profit and political advantage, and likely to undermine population health and national security.

Leaving aside the DOD aspects, from 40+ years of clinical primary care teaching and practice, it was clear to me that there was a novel virus (loss of taste and smell on a neurological basis was never part of cold & flu season, elite intensive care specialists had never seen the patterns of pulmonary involvement seen on CT scans during influenza outbreaks in the past, etc. etc.

True over cycling PCR tests led to inflated #s, but that was corrected, viral cultures were not routinely done, but they were done & established that COVID 19 was circulating, rapid antigen tests were not subject to the over cycling problems and when used appropriately for symptomatic patients are subject to under diagnosis, not over diagnosis.

People died of COVID even when managed by expert clinicians who had learned how to diagnose and treat COVID, ignoring Fauci’s malicious guidance and using treatments that they applied by analogy (e.g., higher dose steroids, IVM, HCQ, high flow O2&permissive hypoxia rather than early ventilation, etc) & clinical wisdom and achieved remarkable results. Problem was that except in a few units these clinicians were rotating with less experienced physicians who were under threat to comply with the malicious guidance of Fauci, and like Biden tearing down Trump’s wall, the good that was done was undone unless the patient could have been discharged from the ICU before the end of the week shift on ICU service.

Our dietary habits didn’t just deteriorate in the winter of 2019–20.

Were there flu cases that were undiagnosed, I don’t know, I wasn’t doing hospital work then, but I know for several years if you came to the ER in or even out of flu season, you got a respiratory viral panel test that includes flu testing & I would be surprised if they stopped doing that for the Plandemic (but a lot of strange unethical and illegal things went down during the Plandemic.

Cardiovascular events complicated COVID infections, but more so post COVID vaccinations and have been part of the reason for the increased mortality since the introduction of COVID vaccines.

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Not so. Covid was real.

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Saying Covid wasn’t real only makes you look dumb. It was a lab-created bio weapon that permanently damaged my ability to perceive scents, among other things. It didn’t make me terribly sick - I have had worse sinus infections - but it damaged my nervous system. It did make my husband and son very ill. Fortunately, we took him IVM and it worked.

The way the Covid issue was handled is a crime against humanity, but I have zero patience for Covid deniers.

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And who the hell are you, anyway?

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Emily Dickenson:

I am nobody...who are you?

Are you nobody too?

I’m Nobody! Who are you?

Are you – Nobody – too?

Then there’s a pair of us!

Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!

How public – like a Frog –

To tell one’s name – the livelong June –

To an admiring Bog!

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LOL, I appreciate the humor. Thanks.

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Bromelain (in pineapple) may be better. Ivermectin just blocks binding, so has only temporary efficacy.

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Ivermectin works at ALL stages of the disease. Viral replication, inflammation and inflamo-thrombotic (where you die). See my post above. The key phrase is:

"Ivermectin works throughout all phases of the illness"

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Read in flccc.net

I believe IVM has multiple modes of action; theater is not to say that a cocktail of different types wouldn’t be optimal.

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FLCCC got fooled into thinking there was a pandemic. No pandemic per Prof. Homburg. No need for the FLCCC protocols.

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Not so.

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The worst human characteristics. Evil. Cowardice. Psychopathy. Selfish. Conformity. Sadism.

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I know for sure by an internal source of Bundestag, that no one of the politics received any shot from COVID-19 product at all, they received physiologic serum inside the syringe !!!!!

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"physiologic serum"? Plasma? Did you mean saline?

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I would like to know who gave the go-ahead for this psyop behind Trump's back? Esper? Haspel? Pompeo?

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I worried about the hundreds of millions of doses of mRNA still being manufactured while no-one wanted to take them. Were they planning to force us at gunpoint? Or to get access to food or energy? An obvious answer of course is its just money laundering. Spend billions on doses, pocket the money themselves and throw the unused shots away. Who cares, the public are asleep.

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More of satans evil being exposed into the Light! More information for people to determine what side of Heaven or hell they choose to be on!

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You in the wrong room, girl

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This is excellent. However, we need to shift from exposing the corruption, lies, and evil deeds AFTER THE FACT; to recognizing it UP FRONT, and thus refusing to submit to the fear-mongering propaganda, and refuse to comply with having our individual and civil rights violated. Never again! P.S. I find it refreshing to listen to a speaker who uses a calm voice and doesn’t flail his hands and arms around.

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