My sister told me about a guy on Twitter, @JoeyMannarinoUS, who has posted about transgenders, and it sounds like these people who are being butchered, especially children, don’t have any idea about the nightmare that awaits them. “Transgender surgery is incredibly invasive and not the right treatment for for the mental disease known as gender dysphoria.” He goes on to explain what surgery entails for a vagina and a penis, the constant care and the pain they suffer afterwards, the medications. How could a child possibly understand any of this?

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From what I have read and heard from a small number of de-transitioners who are willing to go public, there are many individuals who have regrets after doing the hormones and surgeries yet are not willing to share that openly with others--which would allow those who are contemplating same to learn from the experiences of those who have gone there before them. From what I understand, from the outside, there is an intense shunning of detrans individuals, who end up in a no-person's land where they are rejected both by mainstream culture and their former community of Trans culture if they speak out about their disappointments, pain, and the physical damage they have experienced. My heart goes out to all of those who struggle with these issues. I think encouraging open and honest discourse is one of the most powerful things we can do right now.

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I saw how Kaitlin Jenner was treated by others like him because he was a Republican. He was treated like a pariah. There was no tolerance for that whatsoever. It was their way of thinking or the highway. The division that’s been caused in this country whether it be gays, blacks, etc., has been manufactured by the evil powers that exist and the uni-party on The Hill. Brainwashing has been a tactic of theirs for years. You’ll always have your haters, but most people didn’t even have any of this on their radar until it was forced down our throats. People didn’t boycott Budweiser because they hate trannies. They boycotted it because it was totally out of place, didn’t represent the people who drink it, nonsensical Far Left BS. I wish they’d stop trying to school us and leave good enough alone. Right now we need to concentrate on saving the children, more, like you said, honest and open discourse.

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Many of these individuals are prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for depression or anxiety, and one of the side effects of those drugs is suicidal thoughts.

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I watched a recent talk that you gave where you straight out named the autism epidemic, and the notable correlations between hyper vacc, folks on the spectrum, and gender dysphoria/exploration of gender transformation. I especially appreciated how you connected the dots between hyper-vacx and autism, and the spectrum and gender dysphoria. Of course this needs to be further explored, researched, causal links established, and treatment modalities need to be developed, but the most important thing is to be willing to look at root causes and openly and honestly explore them. Just treating around the fringes after the damage is done is not going to foster a healthy society with healthy people. This is just a thank you for being willing to name what you see.

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Thank you for your data. I'm a teacher, and we need MORE DATA the school district is making us change the gender on our aeries attendance rosters this fall if students request it..... (I teach third grade) please help teachers are drowning in this. I have been saving your articles to use in meetings.

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I am beginning to think that any male who undergoes "treatment" for gender dysphoria must as final step of commitment be physically castrated. By doing so they would have less impact on women currently subjected to their presence in what used to be be protected areas. In order to better "identify" as a female,as they wish male reproductive organs would have to be removed. Women have mastectomy or top surgery shouldn't males be given similar surgical procedure?

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@petermcculloughmd - Dr. McCullough - You wrote, ' Instead of more hormones and surgery, these patients need professional psychiatric help.'

I'm wondering if it would make sense to try and rule out physical/medical issues before sending someone to a psychiatrist, who might just medicate them rather than try to find root causes.

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Will these studies stop the trend? We didn't pay attention to our EU friends who opened schools. Apparently studies don't matter. The current social contagion to be "special" is harming children and some parents. The trend line has gone crazy.

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It would appear that the problem is not with the sex of the body, but is a genetic code mix-up in the mind. Possibly the gene editing technology being touted nowadays, could be considered.

I am not a medical professional, but I have read several books published by medical people, who cite CRISPR slice, dice and pasting of genes to resolve some problems.

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