bet is that the top "neocons" are all in with the Klaus Schwab/Bill Gates crowd. They really would like to see the independent country known as AMERICA officially ended. They just love Justin Turdo who runs our neighbor in the North. I don't really know who runs Mexico....Is it US?
I'm ashamed to say that for probably 50 years I believed that the US has always been the "good guys". I served in the US AF Reserve, helping to bring peace and justice to the whole world. 😂😂😂
Same here. I was raised to believe that other countries hate us because they are jealous of our "freedom". It's so depressing realizing what the US actually does all over the world.
Oh no Brandy! You mean everyone doesn’t love America like you thought? Listen to yourself. You sound like a petulantly privileged Hollywood prototype.
Sorry you willingly allowed media grifters and Hollywood producers to tell you Santa was real and now you suddenly know the truth.
It’s not just about jealousy, but “coveting thy neighbors goods”, a Commandment and that evil exists in the world and it wants to take down the beacon of freedom by convincing virtue signaling Americans to hate their country.
North Korea is an emerging power of tunnel diggers that you could not possibly imagine the vile pathology of. “Rocket man” is currently renting 200 K of his best fighters to Russia to fight Ukraine. They fought and dug tunnels in Vietnam for the Vietcong, and today in Israel where Hamas tunneled under Gaza, it’s quite complicated, this whole war thing. N. Korea has lots of Communist friendame’s in America as does Iran, China, Russia, etc.
Time to wake up from the Boomer six decade old slumber party of believing “America bad” because I’m a good person. When voting, try voting for dissenting Representatives who you may not like because they have bad hair, or not listening to the lying captured complicit media that has vilified Trump for nine years. I know this is hard for liberals who just wannabe good people, then they vote for those who tell them “happy, happy, joy, joy, and spend $1.4 Billion of their donors money to not be elected. Trump spent 1/3rd with volunteer supporters to be elected by people who love and appreciate their country and uniformed services that defend it. Grow up already.
“Same people”, as “slick Willy” Clinton used to say about people who would flip on a dime. Actually, Bill wasn’t that bad a President but his big mistake was his marriage to Hillary who is evil. Now, like morning Joe and Mika they will say anything, any lie. That’s the Democrat problem. They became so “inclusive” at the alter of winning the cannibals started eating their own with lie after lie like the French Revolution that made Mr Guillotine famous.
I was USAF active in the 1980's, SAC missile base. With lots of nukes targeting the entire Soviet Union for nuclear winter, millions of deaths. Mutually Assured Destruction MAD was the deterrent. Nobody was crazy enough to launch first. That was then. To quote George Bush, "times change." And as MAD as the idea of a "winnable" nuclear war is, today's leader don't care how MAD they are. And in no small part, because the Uniparty is immoral and doesn't care about mass murdering civilians, even our own nation's population, "times change" allowing them to abandon their earlier commitments they never intended to honor.
Here are a series of video clips by a pair of Russian pranksters who've figured out ways to call into very powerful people on the international stage getting their target to open up and say things they say behind closed doors but never say in public. These people will tell truth to others they think of as peers while they lie to the rest of us.
In this call the pranksters were able to appear as Ukrainian dictator Zelenskyy. The target of this prank call was former Pres. George W. Bush. In the course of the several videos Pres. Bush goes on to admit that the entire Ukraine never being in NATO and that Russia needn't fear US belligerence on her border was...a lie! "Times Change." Big funnies! Hilarity!
If I had known my nation's leaders were as evil as they are I never would've stood in uniform to defend her. As I look at the USA today and compare it to the USA of the 1980's as if I time traveled to present I'd think the USSR won.
Yes, thank you. The deeply influenced Communist California legislature and constituents for six decades just elected dopey intelligence Rep. Adam Schiff to the Senate, the guy who actually promulgated a prank call about Trump because his TDS was so bad he embarrassed himself by believing Russian imposters, worse than the 51 intelligence “officers” that lied about Trump Russian collusion and spied on his campaign. Same goes for Democrat Rep Eric Swalwell in the intelligence market and his Communist honeypot, and the list goes on, but no problem for California liberal idiots. Unfortunately my Boomers and their immediate offspring have been severely lied to for six decades through legacy media feeds and Hollywood TV 6 O’clock “news”, and they want so bad to be good people they jump at the chance when enemies tell them “America bad”. Six decades Boomers have played this bipolar game of love the country, hate defense, love freedom and security, but I’m not fighting for it “hell no, we won’t go” and “free love for hippies and stuff, but no that’s not my kid” (1973 Roe v Wade). They allowed the enemy’s of America and useful well intentioned liberals to slander all uniformed services, cops, mailman, firemen, you name it, rioting in the 1960’s streets and especially slandering their own generational weary war veterans, burning and terrorizing the cities as their offspring did today pretending to be revolutionaries for Marx, all while “Rocket man” rents out 200K elite troops to Russia to kill Ukraine, these professional tunnel diggers fought with China, Russia, and the VietCong in Nam, and helped Hamas dig beneath Gaza six decades later. Those are facts, the Democrat media should try them sometimes rather than censor.
Have some faith man, MAGA is still here, a little beat up by a bullet to the ear, but freedom ain’t free, and never forget the enemy works within, always, first thing I realized on point in Nam. There are a lot of silly Americans who don’t know enough to get out of bed at 4am like Trump does every day, but then they don’t really understand the simplicity and complexity of war they only know from Hollywood. That’s not to say MAGA is infallible, that’s the hierarchy belief of the Democrat dyed in the wool comrades but please stop with the “America bad” bullshit, it carries water for those who hate the America ideal that is backed up by a unique Constitutional Republic. Wars are still fought on the ground and in tunnels while politicians dither with administrative Generals with salads of bullshit medals on their chests. Yes, that’s part of the problem, the other is maintaining credibility with the world to show the way, allowing the villains to expose themselves, exactly what Trump and MAGA endured for nine years.
It's how we were raised. We stood up and put our hands on our hearts and said "I pledge allegiance....etc etc"...followed by THE LORDS PRAYER. I love those two pieces of propaganda. I love what I believed to be "my country"...I hope(and even pray} fervently it does become so again. When I see Kamilian and Doped up Joe on the podium...any....podium...I just want to puke.
Yes Kathleen, but you must understand that neither the pledge or the Lord are propaganda, they are free choices and there will always be enemies within that are so good at inverting the narrative the head spins, demoralization and chaos happens and evil gets it’s way. Things are not what they seem because many want to do the good things emotionally without flaying out the logic that sometimes makes us realize we were carrying water for evil, the basics of faith and belief can be misconstrued and used against us, that as they say is the devils lot, now isn’t it? Before November 5 2024, 3/4ers of evangelical had stopped voting. My guess is the growing cancer that began in the 1960’s against America’s tulmultuous years to hate on America and it’s defenses had gotten it’s legs and if you remember by the late 1980’s slandered Christianity into oblivion for the Church’s failure to expunge its pedophiles. The hyperbolic sound bites and snap shots from corrupted media shamed evangelicals into submission as they began taking a knee and it worked just like they did to anyone in uniform service to America in the 1960’s. This is neither coincidence or theory, it is what happened. And the hate America Left that the Democrat Party “inclusively” invited into their tent on the premise of “can’t we all just be friends”, which was another Alinsky slogan from the ‘60’s, learned from that as the comrades against America began metastasizing as sports took a knee, men were emasculated at the alter of women’s rights to the point that a man claiming to be a woman can knock the snot out of a woman today and get medals for it. Now tell me evangelicals did not cave to their true belief that they must stand up for them and each other, simultaneously realizing there are dark angles as well? The Leftist hate America cabal in America are real, the problem is my Boomers were born in a bosom of freedom and security post WWII and they never realized evil could be so insidiously nefarious and that they were the exact fertile soil for it to plant those seeds that hate the exact two points you highlight. It began when evangelicals thinking themselves morally superior turned their backs on their defenders that went to Nam. That signaled the enemy of America that they were push overs and anyone who believed in the tennents of faith and the Constitution.
The uniparty under the Democrat Party banner of non dissent, which went against the catalyst principles of the Constitution and faith was initiated by Boomers who thought themselves the “chosen”. By the mid 1990’s they had secured government and American institutions in their name but were doing the same things they railed against in their university 1960’s. They hated the “military industrial complex” claim to make names for themselves by taking Eisenhower’s comments from context and in the end were all outed when the people realized they engaged the same cross over drug of big Pharma in place of war experiment, but were doing both simultaneously as they took turns using fear to control populous truth.
You know all the names, and they hate Trump because THEY THOUGHT he was just like them and he knows where the bodies are buried so they corrupted the media to paint him the orange Ogre.
As a Christian and an American I need to accept that there's a lot of gray area. I guess it comes down to the fact that each of us are only responsible for our own actions. There's no right "team" to be on that is going to save us.
That I believe is exactly what our savior told his followers that defended him, but he did not say we could be him, that we are flawed and must work to figure it out.
You rear echelon servicemen are all the same. You think being in the middle between front line combat soldiers and civilians makes you judges. You are bipolar. This phenom came out of my 1960’s Boomers loving their freedom and security post WWII where America had to play four dementional chess and deploy to a hundred countries to defeat the “Axis of evil”. But as Boomers reached university “Revolution” following their “chosen” leaders, when it was time to push back on China, Russia, and N.Korea pushing and supplying the Vietcong into S. Vietnam, they not only protested, which was initially great, but then followed those slandering the military to make names for themselves as the political winds changed down wind of culture. Capture culture, capture the political narrative, That’s when my Boomers became holy judges. Their university leaders toyed with Marxism, hated on America and divided the country to this day, publicly promulgated anti defense, personal, civic, and national, the Marxists surprised themselves by how squishy middle America became so quickly, electing the ilk of Clinton’s, Bush’s, Obama, and of course miserable ole Joe while their leaders used public edu., media, to dumb down their children, pretending to hate war, but have “manageable, nation building wars all the while planning the literal cross over drug of Vaccine's to kill people to experiment instead of war.
Hey, yeah, thanks for your service. As a Nam infantry combat veteran I salute anyone who showed up and served honorably, especially those supporting those in the abyss, however, please don’t start with “I’m a veteran and I hate my country”. That’s exactly why the Boomers let 8% of their generation slander their own generational weary combat veterans into oblivion.
War is not Hollywood “hell”. Warisinsanity, and those who do not want it must be responsible enough to not look for easy villains and be very careful who they elect to lead them, and above all, never trust the media grifters that usurp our First Amendment, they sell ink by the barrel.
For nine years my Boomer legacy media slandered Trump and the MAGA movement fighting internal and external EU (540 million union members forcibly being homogenized with un naturalized migrants). That, like America is what your country got for virtue signaling and the dumbed down Boomers could not see the truth in front of their faces that Trump is just a businessman with a soul for America, not perfect, but because they had suffered the demoralization for six decades, Boomers and their offspring still sooner slander the easy villain that the power brokers painted for them.
MAGA is the American ideal. Have some faith.
Do not believe the whole Star Wars thing they hire Hollywood producers to promote to trade barbs. Six decades out of Vietnam and wars are still fought on the ground in tunnels, just ask Ukraine and Israel where the N. Korean tunnel diggers did what they did in Nam, did tunnels.
I'm not sure where your bitterness is coming from... It seems like those commenting here all love their country and are proud of their individual service. We've simply come to understand that we weren't fighting for what we thought we were. I have a tremendous amount of respect for all combat veterans, especially those like yourself who fought in Vietnam. That was probably the most obviously FUBAR military action of them all, but there probably hasn't been an honorable war since 1776.
Russia is JUSTIFIED in everything it is doing! PERIOD!
Maybe the USSA (throw in the Khazarian State aka 'Israel', as well!) should STOP BEING TERRORISTS!
AmeriKans need to take a GOOD, HARD LOOK AT THEMSELVES (ie those that are running their country aka the United States Corporation << which is NOT Americas govt).
When these PSYCHOPATHS start fking with other countries......SPEAK UP and DEMAND that they STOP IT!
If people haven't figured it out, BY NOW!!!!!!........EVERY 'REASON' the United States Corporation tells you is the reason that they 'must invade' a country......IS A LIE!
How about WE DEMAND that ALL military bases, around the world, be SHUT DOWN!
There are over 750 bases, in over 80 countries, that WE ARE PAYING FOR WITH TAX $$$$!
Yes this is true. Now start writing about the zionists in Israel who are murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians in a genocide which has cost 200,000 lives so far mostly women and children. Maybe this will continue to be ignored.
"the zionists in Israel who are murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians in a genocide which has cost 200,000 lives so far mostly women and children."
I know about fake history, but I would disagree on the later.
I am an ex RC because of their obnoxious blasphemies - i.e. I have no problems cutting ties if something is fake and a perverted lie .... but it's not only the RCC that is spiritually corrupt (even though it's really, really bad), but EVERY single position where there's power involved, and there is a HUGE power in organized / institutionalized religion(s), don't trust these people - including Eastern Orthodox.
The church Jesus established was never supposed to look the way it looks today.
The first apostolic church, the real one Jesus founded, was actually a movement, called The Way (John 14:6), and it's mentioned in Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22.
I don't belong to man made institutions and their manmade "traditions" that have scratched all the Divinity from Jesus and have taken it for themselves - I follow Jesus Christ ONLY.
as with most war and the US foriegn policy - Dr Ron Paul has the best grasp coming from a moral / Christian world view. John Leake thank you for your insights and posting this. It will be interesting to see if this comes to the prophetic overwhelming surprise that I believe is likely. The moral folks won the election but the immoral folks are willing to blow things sky high to prevent them from having power. C 19 was proof of this to some degree. The power is in the continued indoctrination via big screens. Truth ? Law? is decided there..
"As governments are currently gathered in Dubai for this year's climate conference (being held till December 12), two things are painfully clear. First, we are already in a climate emergency. Second, the richer countries, especially the US, continue to turn their backs on the poorer countries. This year's debate, therefore, focuses on climate justice and financing: how to share the costs of climate disasters and the urgently needed transformation of the world's energy and land use systems?"
He is talking about the things everybody knows and truths that wont' change anything, cause these waters have passed under the bridge.
If he was touching the hornets' nest (i.e. things he isn't allowed to touch) he would have been long gone.
I am sorry to learn that. I am very much against the different efforts to control CO2 for two reasons. First, it would destroy the world economy, and many people would die because of it. Second, there is no proof that CO2 is changing the climate.
At least I only said Prof. Sachs was intelligent, not highly intelligent, or a genius. LOL. He is spot-on regarding war and conflict.
There is NO CLIMATE CHANGE....The whole scam was cooked up to try and herd the useless eaters into 15min cities where it will be easier to exterminate them/and or control them. Climate change/green new deal = total bs
Allopathic medicine= drugs and euthanasia
There was never any "covid"....Viruses do not exist. This basis for the pathogenic origins of disease must die...or the elites will use this lie to murder us...just like they did with the "covid vaccines".
There is no climate change. There is no CO2 emergency. There is no such thing as viruses. The food we eat and the fluoride in the water is making us the sickest nation in the the "developed" world...
Footnote: The distance from the northeast of Ukraine to Moscow is one fourth of that from Cuba to Washington. Any thoughts on that ...?
What Sachs points out is spot on.
Stunningly, so many brainwashed contemporaries here in Europe (Germany) seem to have forgotten - or never knew in the first place.
Drowning here in a sea of stupidity of idiots who - at best - shrug their shoulders or (worse) go on with their "Stand with Ukraine" - bullshit featuring blue and yellow flags on X or in the legacy media ... disgusting !
Just what one would expect from a population that accepted mask mandates, lockdowns and experimental genetic treatment in the context of what would clinically be an average influenza wave ...
I keep asking myself : Am I already THAT old that I seem to belong to a minority that remembers the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the german reunification ? - The negotiations, the promises that were made back then ...
Unbelievable that the Russians more or less accepted all that happened in their neighborhood for more than 30 years without getting mad - but that there would be a red line not to be stepped over by NATO/USA cannot come as a surprise anyway.
The obviously highly malign puppeteers behind the Biden-Administration are the worst of warmongerers in human history ... they evidentially risk what used to be UNTHINKABLE(!) - even in the hottest phases of the cold war
I simply had no idea Russia lost 27 million from the Nazis during WW2. If asked to guess I would have thought about 10% of that.
No wonder they don't trust the west; then to have Baker promise "not one inch further" and repeatedly renege / lie; while "owning" the LEFT wing media here in the US so the Baker promise never sees the light of day . . . I hope Trump is able to make up for 3 decades of lies and move this mess to peace.
And about 5 million German Wehrmacht troops went into Russian captivity during WW2, only a VERY FEW survived and returned after 1945....just sayin', - no good guys here....
How can any leader place any trust in the word of a nation that refuses to make and keep binding written agreements? I sometimes think that mine is the last generation to remember when we were expected to formally declare war, rather than simply wandering around and shooting everything in sight. Admitting to hyperbole in that last sentence, there remains little or no justification for the sort of foreign interference America has come to indulge in.
With Putin backed into a corner its hard to imagine this war will end peacefully. We should not be shocked to witness Russia launching a small tactical nuke into Ukraine to make a statement. The DC power junkies have declared war not only on innocent American's but also on the Trump transition. Think back when the deep state destroyed Gen Mike Flynn. That was one man! Team Trump is the Flynn threat x 100 to the deep state operatives. What am I missing here?
It is critical US citizens understand history to appreciate why Russia invaded Ukraine. We are part of the problem. A treaty that mirrors the Austrian Agreement of 1955 would be a good starting point - perpetual neutrality for Ukraine, neither NATO nor Russian influence allowed.
Thank you for putting out this Truth about Russia. Another Truth that is covered up by lame stream media is that Russia did not attack the Ukraine people. They merely bombed the Pharma labs, that Canada's (Chinada) Crime Minister Trudeau has a vested interest in for selling the Sars CoV2 spike protein and the Arbutus lab synthetic mRNA to Gates (funded and owned since 2000) Wuhan Lab in December 2015, for $500 million and a $40 kickback on every dose sold worldwide. He bought 10 times the amount of doses as there is population (with our money) in Chinada (a foreign government), the Crown Corporation of Canada, which he sold to the CCP November 2022. It is no longer listed on the SEC as a country. In addition, Lie-deau sent $30 billion of Canadians money, the entire Military budget and ALL our military equipment to Ukraine to protect these poison labs. All the footage shown of the bombing in Ukraine, by the MSM (owned by Pfizer since 1986 The Act) was either from a war movie or a staged set up. We have genocide and treason in our midst for almost 10 years now, and no one is doing anything about it. So many Writs of Mandamus and media releases have been sent to charge Trudea... but ignored by the media who have been bribed handsomely to shut up ... under the orders of the Reich who continued the war in the US since the 1930s by infiltration of all high governing positions in every facet and industry and life including NASA, CIA, DARPA, Google, Education, Health, Science, Agriculture, etc... and began re-writing all the historic books and encyclopaedias... then distributed them in 1978 into Canada ... for "free" to the Universities and public libraries, on the grounds they replaced and burned all the past English and British texts. I know this as I was an eye-witness of all of this, and as a 'research journalist' have the history back to beginnings. Russia is not and never was the enemy... The enemy is the US who have been programmed by media and indoctrinated in the education systems since WWII. It's not your fault. Pharma is to blame. Please read my substack - and share
An Ally in both World Wars, Russia was made "the enemy" subsequent to WWII .
Germany has always been the dark face in the woodpile. Loses in both World Wars left it bitter. Especially after World War II. Stalin, enjoying the spoils of war as an integral member of the victory team, divided Germany. Then came the now antagonistic and anachronistic NATO and it's false promises inclusive of the Minsk Agreement and the Merkle admission that " we never intended to honor it." The West is culpable. Not Russia. Vlad gets it. Joe? He is the poster boy for arrogant incompetence.
Hold on to your ankles USA. You are getting F ' d once again.
I like it, nice and concise, but wait, there’s more! Conservative MAGA who unlike establishment uniparty RINO’s, like to conserve, yes energy, water, land, peace etc., even though the Left slanders them with the neocon slogan. They will realign the American ideal until the Left’s uniparty of non dissent regains its legs. Perhaps you will be correct, but only if America grows tired of winning by conserving within itself and the liberal Leftist of perpetual restlessness again meddles in the affairs of others outside the borders. No, that by no means means isolationism or imperialism, but yes, exceptionalism in a unique Constitutional Republic where America is NOT a democracy just because we vote. It would be nice if honest Democrats and liberals cleaned their own house and helped MAGA but after nine years of 24/7 media saying Trump the Ogre did it, I’m not holding my breath. TDS and propaganda both are real psyops.
TDS is nothing to be ashamed of, after all the Marxist born Communist and friendame Fascists of the university 1960’s and their water carrying morally superior evangelicals may weaken under moral attack like they did when they were slandered through the Church in the late 1980’s, and may give up their faith and ideals again. Before the current election of Trump only 1/4 of evangelicals voted, having been slandered into submission, and may go along for greener pastures abroad like sky falling climate, China is our friend, and the WEF’s got it all figured out with AI and no more elections, and going back to “JC is sovereign, he’ll do it for us”.
Nah, I’m going with Vance, DeSantis, a strong bench of conservative big hitters that learned from Trump, when someone hits you you had best hit them harder even if wifie screams or they will put their foot on your neck, and if that makes me a neocon for defending myself, so be it, at least I understand that JC had his defenders and told them they should try, but will never be as sovereign as him.
I’ll take the evangelicals going forward with MAGA for thousand Alex.
As for the doubting Thomas’s? Take your TDS meds regularly, the doctor says they work better.
I pray we get through J6 and to J20. If we do, the shit kicking will commence. The Soros-Obama-Holder surrogacy has been yanking muppet Joe's strings and will continue to do so until the bitter end. Hence the ramping up of the heat in the big black kettle, the Ukraine. Vlad wants to talk to Trump. I pray they do.
NATO was no longer needed. After we won the Cold War and the Soviet Union collapsed, we should have welcomed Russia (shares European history and culture). Instead we drove Russia into hands of China and North Korea who are the BIGGEST threat to the world!
I am a Canadian of Ukrainian descent, and when I spoke with friends in Ukraine during the first week of the "invasion," what they shared drastically differed from the typical lies circulating on MSM.
It would be fair to generalize that Ukrainians over the age of 50 largely despise President Zelenskyy, those between 30 and 50 are split 50-50 on the fence, and those under 30 idolize him like a rockstar—much like Justin Trudeau. However, these sentiments have shifted significantly since February 2022.
The primary catalyst for this manufactured conflict was the Zionist members of the U.S. State Department, who pressured the Khazarian Ukrainian president to reject the Minsk Accord—a promise Zelenskyy had campaigned on to bring peace. Instead, he agreed, saying, "Yes, boss, don’t forget those billions you mentioned," and soon after announced plans to join NATO. This was a blatant provocation, knowing full well it violated longstanding agreements and would set the stage for war. Adding to the tensions were the multiple illegal bioweapons labs near the Russian border, which were confirmed internationally. For any country, let alone Russia, this was an intolerable provocation—poking the proverbial bear, as they say.
The final spark came with the organized mass killings of ethnically Russian people in the Donbas region, an area that was historically part of Russia. This state-sanctioned violence left Putin little choice but to react.
While I understand Putin’s need to protect ethnically Russian citizens from these atrocities, as someone of Ukrainian ancestry, I am deeply troubled by the loss of so many good Slavic men. It is heartbreaking, as Russians and Ukrainians share nearly identical genetics, cultures, and values.
If you think Ukraine faces problems now, imagine what lies ahead when over 600,000 of the country’s most masculine men have been killed. Their sons and daughters will now grow up without fathers, raised instead by state-controlled television, which works hand in hand with the Zionists in the U.S. government, Zelenskyy, and the Khazarian mafia.
Does anyone even understand what the Budapest Memorandum was? US, Great Britain, Russia and Ukraine signed this. Russia agreed not to invade sovereign territory of Ukraine and the U.S. pledged financial and military support (not boots on the ground)if Russia did so. And Russia did so, as far back as 2014, and again with the major invasion in 2022.
Russia invaded. Period. And as they have with all treaties and agreements? They violate all. It’s a communist strategy.
Ya’ll keep on getting your information from the likes of a Jeffrey Sachs, here in the video, a stooge of the Communist run UN and all its communist propaganda efforts via climate change and and “sustainability”. Along with the likes of so called conservative media personalities, like conservative “darling” and Russian shill Tucker Carlson. lol
The Communist movement overtook the Democrat Party in the 80’s and they’re working hard to infiltrate and take the political Right with these kinds of propaganda that twist facts to suit their own agenda.
Russia is no friend of the U.S. Neither is China. They both want to destroy the U.S.
I am a Canadian of Ukrainian descent, and when I spoke with friends in Ukraine during the first week of the "invasion," what they shared drastically differed from the typical lies circulating on MSM.
It would be fair to generalize that Ukrainians over the age of 50 largely despise President Zelenskyy, those between 30 and 50 are split 50-50 on the fence, and those under 30 idolize him like a rockstar—much like Justin Trudeau. However, these sentiments have shifted significantly since February 2022.
The primary catalyst for this manufactured conflict was the Zionist members of the U.S. State Department, who pressured the Khazarian Ukrainian president to reject the Minsk Accord—a promise Zelenskyy had campaigned on to bring peace. Instead, he agreed, saying, "Yes, boss, don’t forget those billions you mentioned," and soon after announced plans to join NATO. This was a blatant provocation, knowing full well it violated longstanding agreements and would set the stage for war. Adding to the tensions were the multiple illegal bioweapons labs near the Russian border, which were confirmed internationally. For any country, let alone Russia, this was an intolerable provocation—poking the proverbial bear, as they say.
The final spark came with the organized mass killings of ethnically Russian people in the Donbas region, an area that was historically part of Russia. This state-sanctioned violence left Putin little choice but to react.
While I understand Putin’s need to protect ethnically Russian citizens from these atrocities, as someone of Ukrainian ancestry, I am deeply troubled by the loss of so many good Slavic men. It is heartbreaking, as Russians and Ukrainians share nearly identical genetics, cultures, and values.
If you think Ukraine faces problems now, imagine what lies ahead when over 600,000 of the country’s most masculine men have been killed. Their sons and daughters will now grow up without fathers, raised instead by state-controlled television, which works hand in hand with the Zionists in the U.S. government, Zelenskyy, and the Khazarian mafia.
Too late, all of us already know about the Maidan coup, William Kristol, Victoria Nuland her dear husband Robert Kagan, i.e. Neo-Trotskyite's plan - PNAC (The Project for the New American Century) and Obama admin.
The Neocons have all read War and Peace. Except they read the War part and skipped the Peace. bet is that the top "neocons" are all in with the Klaus Schwab/Bill Gates crowd. They really would like to see the independent country known as AMERICA officially ended. They just love Justin Turdo who runs our neighbor in the North. I don't really know who runs Mexico....Is it US?
go F*k yourself you dum trol
I'm ashamed to say that for probably 50 years I believed that the US has always been the "good guys". I served in the US AF Reserve, helping to bring peace and justice to the whole world. 😂😂😂
Same here. I was raised to believe that other countries hate us because they are jealous of our "freedom". It's so depressing realizing what the US actually does all over the world.
Oh no Brandy! You mean everyone doesn’t love America like you thought? Listen to yourself. You sound like a petulantly privileged Hollywood prototype.
Sorry you willingly allowed media grifters and Hollywood producers to tell you Santa was real and now you suddenly know the truth.
It’s not just about jealousy, but “coveting thy neighbors goods”, a Commandment and that evil exists in the world and it wants to take down the beacon of freedom by convincing virtue signaling Americans to hate their country.
North Korea is an emerging power of tunnel diggers that you could not possibly imagine the vile pathology of. “Rocket man” is currently renting 200 K of his best fighters to Russia to fight Ukraine. They fought and dug tunnels in Vietnam for the Vietcong, and today in Israel where Hamas tunneled under Gaza, it’s quite complicated, this whole war thing. N. Korea has lots of Communist friendame’s in America as does Iran, China, Russia, etc.
Time to wake up from the Boomer six decade old slumber party of believing “America bad” because I’m a good person. When voting, try voting for dissenting Representatives who you may not like because they have bad hair, or not listening to the lying captured complicit media that has vilified Trump for nine years. I know this is hard for liberals who just wannabe good people, then they vote for those who tell them “happy, happy, joy, joy, and spend $1.4 Billion of their donors money to not be elected. Trump spent 1/3rd with volunteer supporters to be elected by people who love and appreciate their country and uniformed services that defend it. Grow up already.
I also used to believe that the medical system was about healing people and that vaccines saved lives.
“Same people”, as “slick Willy” Clinton used to say about people who would flip on a dime. Actually, Bill wasn’t that bad a President but his big mistake was his marriage to Hillary who is evil. Now, like morning Joe and Mika they will say anything, any lie. That’s the Democrat problem. They became so “inclusive” at the alter of winning the cannibals started eating their own with lie after lie like the French Revolution that made Mr Guillotine famous.
I was USAF active in the 1980's, SAC missile base. With lots of nukes targeting the entire Soviet Union for nuclear winter, millions of deaths. Mutually Assured Destruction MAD was the deterrent. Nobody was crazy enough to launch first. That was then. To quote George Bush, "times change." And as MAD as the idea of a "winnable" nuclear war is, today's leader don't care how MAD they are. And in no small part, because the Uniparty is immoral and doesn't care about mass murdering civilians, even our own nation's population, "times change" allowing them to abandon their earlier commitments they never intended to honor.
Here are a series of video clips by a pair of Russian pranksters who've figured out ways to call into very powerful people on the international stage getting their target to open up and say things they say behind closed doors but never say in public. These people will tell truth to others they think of as peers while they lie to the rest of us.
In this call the pranksters were able to appear as Ukrainian dictator Zelenskyy. The target of this prank call was former Pres. George W. Bush. In the course of the several videos Pres. Bush goes on to admit that the entire Ukraine never being in NATO and that Russia needn't fear US belligerence on her border was...a lie! "Times Change." Big funnies! Hilarity!
If I had known my nation's leaders were as evil as they are I never would've stood in uniform to defend her. As I look at the USA today and compare it to the USA of the 1980's as if I time traveled to present I'd think the USSR won.
Yes, thank you. The deeply influenced Communist California legislature and constituents for six decades just elected dopey intelligence Rep. Adam Schiff to the Senate, the guy who actually promulgated a prank call about Trump because his TDS was so bad he embarrassed himself by believing Russian imposters, worse than the 51 intelligence “officers” that lied about Trump Russian collusion and spied on his campaign. Same goes for Democrat Rep Eric Swalwell in the intelligence market and his Communist honeypot, and the list goes on, but no problem for California liberal idiots. Unfortunately my Boomers and their immediate offspring have been severely lied to for six decades through legacy media feeds and Hollywood TV 6 O’clock “news”, and they want so bad to be good people they jump at the chance when enemies tell them “America bad”. Six decades Boomers have played this bipolar game of love the country, hate defense, love freedom and security, but I’m not fighting for it “hell no, we won’t go” and “free love for hippies and stuff, but no that’s not my kid” (1973 Roe v Wade). They allowed the enemy’s of America and useful well intentioned liberals to slander all uniformed services, cops, mailman, firemen, you name it, rioting in the 1960’s streets and especially slandering their own generational weary war veterans, burning and terrorizing the cities as their offspring did today pretending to be revolutionaries for Marx, all while “Rocket man” rents out 200K elite troops to Russia to kill Ukraine, these professional tunnel diggers fought with China, Russia, and the VietCong in Nam, and helped Hamas dig beneath Gaza six decades later. Those are facts, the Democrat media should try them sometimes rather than censor.
Have some faith man, MAGA is still here, a little beat up by a bullet to the ear, but freedom ain’t free, and never forget the enemy works within, always, first thing I realized on point in Nam. There are a lot of silly Americans who don’t know enough to get out of bed at 4am like Trump does every day, but then they don’t really understand the simplicity and complexity of war they only know from Hollywood. That’s not to say MAGA is infallible, that’s the hierarchy belief of the Democrat dyed in the wool comrades but please stop with the “America bad” bullshit, it carries water for those who hate the America ideal that is backed up by a unique Constitutional Republic. Wars are still fought on the ground and in tunnels while politicians dither with administrative Generals with salads of bullshit medals on their chests. Yes, that’s part of the problem, the other is maintaining credibility with the world to show the way, allowing the villains to expose themselves, exactly what Trump and MAGA endured for nine years.
It's how we were raised. We stood up and put our hands on our hearts and said "I pledge allegiance....etc etc"...followed by THE LORDS PRAYER. I love those two pieces of propaganda. I love what I believed to be "my country"...I hope(and even pray} fervently it does become so again. When I see Kamilian and Doped up Joe on the podium...any....podium...I just want to puke.
Yes Kathleen, but you must understand that neither the pledge or the Lord are propaganda, they are free choices and there will always be enemies within that are so good at inverting the narrative the head spins, demoralization and chaos happens and evil gets it’s way. Things are not what they seem because many want to do the good things emotionally without flaying out the logic that sometimes makes us realize we were carrying water for evil, the basics of faith and belief can be misconstrued and used against us, that as they say is the devils lot, now isn’t it? Before November 5 2024, 3/4ers of evangelical had stopped voting. My guess is the growing cancer that began in the 1960’s against America’s tulmultuous years to hate on America and it’s defenses had gotten it’s legs and if you remember by the late 1980’s slandered Christianity into oblivion for the Church’s failure to expunge its pedophiles. The hyperbolic sound bites and snap shots from corrupted media shamed evangelicals into submission as they began taking a knee and it worked just like they did to anyone in uniform service to America in the 1960’s. This is neither coincidence or theory, it is what happened. And the hate America Left that the Democrat Party “inclusively” invited into their tent on the premise of “can’t we all just be friends”, which was another Alinsky slogan from the ‘60’s, learned from that as the comrades against America began metastasizing as sports took a knee, men were emasculated at the alter of women’s rights to the point that a man claiming to be a woman can knock the snot out of a woman today and get medals for it. Now tell me evangelicals did not cave to their true belief that they must stand up for them and each other, simultaneously realizing there are dark angles as well? The Leftist hate America cabal in America are real, the problem is my Boomers were born in a bosom of freedom and security post WWII and they never realized evil could be so insidiously nefarious and that they were the exact fertile soil for it to plant those seeds that hate the exact two points you highlight. It began when evangelicals thinking themselves morally superior turned their backs on their defenders that went to Nam. That signaled the enemy of America that they were push overs and anyone who believed in the tennents of faith and the Constitution.
At least Joebama and crew are more easily identified as bad actors. The Bushes hurts more because I actually believed they were "good".
The uniparty under the Democrat Party banner of non dissent, which went against the catalyst principles of the Constitution and faith was initiated by Boomers who thought themselves the “chosen”. By the mid 1990’s they had secured government and American institutions in their name but were doing the same things they railed against in their university 1960’s. They hated the “military industrial complex” claim to make names for themselves by taking Eisenhower’s comments from context and in the end were all outed when the people realized they engaged the same cross over drug of big Pharma in place of war experiment, but were doing both simultaneously as they took turns using fear to control populous truth.
You know all the names, and they hate Trump because THEY THOUGHT he was just like them and he knows where the bodies are buried so they corrupted the media to paint him the orange Ogre.
As a Christian and an American I need to accept that there's a lot of gray area. I guess it comes down to the fact that each of us are only responsible for our own actions. There's no right "team" to be on that is going to save us.
That I believe is exactly what our savior told his followers that defended him, but he did not say we could be him, that we are flawed and must work to figure it out.
You rear echelon servicemen are all the same. You think being in the middle between front line combat soldiers and civilians makes you judges. You are bipolar. This phenom came out of my 1960’s Boomers loving their freedom and security post WWII where America had to play four dementional chess and deploy to a hundred countries to defeat the “Axis of evil”. But as Boomers reached university “Revolution” following their “chosen” leaders, when it was time to push back on China, Russia, and N.Korea pushing and supplying the Vietcong into S. Vietnam, they not only protested, which was initially great, but then followed those slandering the military to make names for themselves as the political winds changed down wind of culture. Capture culture, capture the political narrative, That’s when my Boomers became holy judges. Their university leaders toyed with Marxism, hated on America and divided the country to this day, publicly promulgated anti defense, personal, civic, and national, the Marxists surprised themselves by how squishy middle America became so quickly, electing the ilk of Clinton’s, Bush’s, Obama, and of course miserable ole Joe while their leaders used public edu., media, to dumb down their children, pretending to hate war, but have “manageable, nation building wars all the while planning the literal cross over drug of Vaccine's to kill people to experiment instead of war.
Hey, yeah, thanks for your service. As a Nam infantry combat veteran I salute anyone who showed up and served honorably, especially those supporting those in the abyss, however, please don’t start with “I’m a veteran and I hate my country”. That’s exactly why the Boomers let 8% of their generation slander their own generational weary combat veterans into oblivion.
War is not Hollywood “hell”. Warisinsanity, and those who do not want it must be responsible enough to not look for easy villains and be very careful who they elect to lead them, and above all, never trust the media grifters that usurp our First Amendment, they sell ink by the barrel.
For nine years my Boomer legacy media slandered Trump and the MAGA movement fighting internal and external EU (540 million union members forcibly being homogenized with un naturalized migrants). That, like America is what your country got for virtue signaling and the dumbed down Boomers could not see the truth in front of their faces that Trump is just a businessman with a soul for America, not perfect, but because they had suffered the demoralization for six decades, Boomers and their offspring still sooner slander the easy villain that the power brokers painted for them.
MAGA is the American ideal. Have some faith.
Do not believe the whole Star Wars thing they hire Hollywood producers to promote to trade barbs. Six decades out of Vietnam and wars are still fought on the ground in tunnels, just ask Ukraine and Israel where the N. Korean tunnel diggers did what they did in Nam, did tunnels.
I'm not sure where your bitterness is coming from... It seems like those commenting here all love their country and are proud of their individual service. We've simply come to understand that we weren't fighting for what we thought we were. I have a tremendous amount of respect for all combat veterans, especially those like yourself who fought in Vietnam. That was probably the most obviously FUBAR military action of them all, but there probably hasn't been an honorable war since 1776.
Russia is JUSTIFIED in everything it is doing! PERIOD!
Maybe the USSA (throw in the Khazarian State aka 'Israel', as well!) should STOP BEING TERRORISTS!
AmeriKans need to take a GOOD, HARD LOOK AT THEMSELVES (ie those that are running their country aka the United States Corporation << which is NOT Americas govt).
When these PSYCHOPATHS start fking with other countries......SPEAK UP and DEMAND that they STOP IT!
If people haven't figured it out, BY NOW!!!!!!........EVERY 'REASON' the United States Corporation tells you is the reason that they 'must invade' a country......IS A LIE!
How about WE DEMAND that ALL military bases, around the world, be SHUT DOWN!
There are over 750 bases, in over 80 countries, that WE ARE PAYING FOR WITH TAX $$$$!
Yes this is true. Now start writing about the zionists in Israel who are murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians in a genocide which has cost 200,000 lives so far mostly women and children. Maybe this will continue to be ignored.
"the zionists in Israel who are murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians in a genocide which has cost 200,000 lives so far mostly women and children."
Not factual.
It's Hamas propaganda.
Hamas propaganda? Are you for real?
So, 44.000 death toll, in one year, is not enough? and 70% of them are women and children.
What number would satisfy you??
Israel (and CIA) helped create Hamas and were funding them since the get go.
They needed them to counter PLO and to assure that Palestinians will NEVER get their state.
The article is from 1981.
The article is from 2001.
How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas
The article is from 2009.
Even Netanyahu bragged about it in Knesset 2019.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I have ALWAYS been Pro Palestine!
And the Satanic/Demonic Khazarian State (aka 'Israel') need to be wiped off of the map, and sent BACK to hell, where they BELONG!
And THEN......we need to arrest ALL of those in the District of Criminals (D.C.) that have PLEDGED LOYALTY to these SATANISTS!
I agree with you 100%!
(for those who do NOT know.....Trump is OWNED by the Khazarian State, and WILL DO whatever they TELL HIM TO DO!)
Pro Palestine - Absolutely.
Situation in Palestine (2014) woke me up about the deviant state of the world we are living in.
Everything I believed was crushed and burned to the ground.
Trump owned - absolutely.
Never trust a man who is praying over Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe's grave, than talk to you about the Bible and Christianity.
If you ever thought that US was founded on Christian values, think again, cause your govt. claims differently.
Public Law 102-14
and I can bet my life on it that Trump would smuggle Noahide Laws with that "law about Bible coming back to schools", that he promised to sign.
Our collective problem?.......we've all been force-fed FAKE HISTORY!
Forget EVERYTHING that you have been told! 99.99% of it is A LIE!
One example is 'Christianity'.
So-called 'Christians' don't even know the History of Christianity.
IF they DID.......they would know that WESTERN 'Christianity' is actual Satanism.
I know about fake history, but I would disagree on the later.
I am an ex RC because of their obnoxious blasphemies - i.e. I have no problems cutting ties if something is fake and a perverted lie .... but it's not only the RCC that is spiritually corrupt (even though it's really, really bad), but EVERY single position where there's power involved, and there is a HUGE power in organized / institutionalized religion(s), don't trust these people - including Eastern Orthodox.
The church Jesus established was never supposed to look the way it looks today.
The first apostolic church, the real one Jesus founded, was actually a movement, called The Way (John 14:6), and it's mentioned in Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22.
I don't belong to man made institutions and their manmade "traditions" that have scratched all the Divinity from Jesus and have taken it for themselves - I follow Jesus Christ ONLY.
I stand with you. Thank you.
as with most war and the US foriegn policy - Dr Ron Paul has the best grasp coming from a moral / Christian world view. John Leake thank you for your insights and posting this. It will be interesting to see if this comes to the prophetic overwhelming surprise that I believe is likely. The moral folks won the election but the immoral folks are willing to blow things sky high to prevent them from having power. C 19 was proof of this to some degree. The power is in the continued indoctrination via big screens. Truth ? Law? is decided there..
Love Ron Paul...Rand is cool too. I heard Ron speak years ago and it is unforgettable.
Yes, Ron Paul is the ONLY politician I have EVER trusted.
Time, as the only relevant judge, has confirmed and proven his huge human and political integrity and benevolence.
Mr. Leake, thanks for presenting this.
Prof. Sachs is an intelligent man of high integrity. I very much value his opinion and counsel.
YES. I will second that.
Don't trust him. He is all over these UN "carbon 0" and "COP26-27-28-29" agendas.
He needs your trust to usher future steps. ... so, when he starts to spread bs, you won't question anything.
SDG - Sustainable Development Goals (i.e. UN agenda 2030-2050)
I see no financial obstacles to getting to net zero by 2050
October 26, 2021
Justice and finance at COP28 (Thu Dec 7, 2023)
"As governments are currently gathered in Dubai for this year's climate conference (being held till December 12), two things are painfully clear. First, we are already in a climate emergency. Second, the richer countries, especially the US, continue to turn their backs on the poorer countries. This year's debate, therefore, focuses on climate justice and financing: how to share the costs of climate disasters and the urgently needed transformation of the world's energy and land use systems?"
He is talking about the things everybody knows and truths that wont' change anything, cause these waters have passed under the bridge.
If he was touching the hornets' nest (i.e. things he isn't allowed to touch) he would have been long gone.
I am sorry to learn that. I am very much against the different efforts to control CO2 for two reasons. First, it would destroy the world economy, and many people would die because of it. Second, there is no proof that CO2 is changing the climate.
At least I only said Prof. Sachs was intelligent, not highly intelligent, or a genius. LOL. He is spot-on regarding war and conflict.
There is NO CLIMATE CHANGE....The whole scam was cooked up to try and herd the useless eaters into 15min cities where it will be easier to exterminate them/and or control them. Climate change/green new deal = total bs
Allopathic medicine= drugs and euthanasia
There was never any "covid"....Viruses do not exist. This basis for the pathogenic origins of disease must die...or the elites will use this lie to murder us...just like they did with the "covid vaccines".
There is no climate change. There is no CO2 emergency. There is no such thing as viruses. The food we eat and the fluoride in the water is making us the sickest nation in the the "developed" world...
Footnote: The distance from the northeast of Ukraine to Moscow is one fourth of that from Cuba to Washington. Any thoughts on that ...?
What Sachs points out is spot on.
Stunningly, so many brainwashed contemporaries here in Europe (Germany) seem to have forgotten - or never knew in the first place.
Drowning here in a sea of stupidity of idiots who - at best - shrug their shoulders or (worse) go on with their "Stand with Ukraine" - bullshit featuring blue and yellow flags on X or in the legacy media ... disgusting !
Just what one would expect from a population that accepted mask mandates, lockdowns and experimental genetic treatment in the context of what would clinically be an average influenza wave ...
I keep asking myself : Am I already THAT old that I seem to belong to a minority that remembers the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the german reunification ? - The negotiations, the promises that were made back then ...
Unbelievable that the Russians more or less accepted all that happened in their neighborhood for more than 30 years without getting mad - but that there would be a red line not to be stepped over by NATO/USA cannot come as a surprise anyway.
The obviously highly malign puppeteers behind the Biden-Administration are the worst of warmongerers in human history ... they evidentially risk what used to be UNTHINKABLE(!) - even in the hottest phases of the cold war
How is all that even possible?
I simply had no idea Russia lost 27 million from the Nazis during WW2. If asked to guess I would have thought about 10% of that.
No wonder they don't trust the west; then to have Baker promise "not one inch further" and repeatedly renege / lie; while "owning" the LEFT wing media here in the US so the Baker promise never sees the light of day . . . I hope Trump is able to make up for 3 decades of lies and move this mess to peace.
And about 5 million German Wehrmacht troops went into Russian captivity during WW2, only a VERY FEW survived and returned after 1945....just sayin', - no good guys here....
So ashamed of my country.
Who to believe ? So much disinformation.
This is accurate history. I loved the out all of it and studied it and had close friends in the government.
We constantly lied and did not follow through on promises.
The fact that Russia has a sordid past does not make us the good guys and does not negate their national security concerns.
We are so incredibly arrogant with our own Monroe doctrine yet we can seem to understand their dismay at aggressors at their border.
How can any leader place any trust in the word of a nation that refuses to make and keep binding written agreements? I sometimes think that mine is the last generation to remember when we were expected to formally declare war, rather than simply wandering around and shooting everything in sight. Admitting to hyperbole in that last sentence, there remains little or no justification for the sort of foreign interference America has come to indulge in.
With Putin backed into a corner its hard to imagine this war will end peacefully. We should not be shocked to witness Russia launching a small tactical nuke into Ukraine to make a statement. The DC power junkies have declared war not only on innocent American's but also on the Trump transition. Think back when the deep state destroyed Gen Mike Flynn. That was one man! Team Trump is the Flynn threat x 100 to the deep state operatives. What am I missing here?
It is critical US citizens understand history to appreciate why Russia invaded Ukraine. We are part of the problem. A treaty that mirrors the Austrian Agreement of 1955 would be a good starting point - perpetual neutrality for Ukraine, neither NATO nor Russian influence allowed.
Thank you for putting out this Truth about Russia. Another Truth that is covered up by lame stream media is that Russia did not attack the Ukraine people. They merely bombed the Pharma labs, that Canada's (Chinada) Crime Minister Trudeau has a vested interest in for selling the Sars CoV2 spike protein and the Arbutus lab synthetic mRNA to Gates (funded and owned since 2000) Wuhan Lab in December 2015, for $500 million and a $40 kickback on every dose sold worldwide. He bought 10 times the amount of doses as there is population (with our money) in Chinada (a foreign government), the Crown Corporation of Canada, which he sold to the CCP November 2022. It is no longer listed on the SEC as a country. In addition, Lie-deau sent $30 billion of Canadians money, the entire Military budget and ALL our military equipment to Ukraine to protect these poison labs. All the footage shown of the bombing in Ukraine, by the MSM (owned by Pfizer since 1986 The Act) was either from a war movie or a staged set up. We have genocide and treason in our midst for almost 10 years now, and no one is doing anything about it. So many Writs of Mandamus and media releases have been sent to charge Trudea... but ignored by the media who have been bribed handsomely to shut up ... under the orders of the Reich who continued the war in the US since the 1930s by infiltration of all high governing positions in every facet and industry and life including NASA, CIA, DARPA, Google, Education, Health, Science, Agriculture, etc... and began re-writing all the historic books and encyclopaedias... then distributed them in 1978 into Canada ... for "free" to the Universities and public libraries, on the grounds they replaced and burned all the past English and British texts. I know this as I was an eye-witness of all of this, and as a 'research journalist' have the history back to beginnings. Russia is not and never was the enemy... The enemy is the US who have been programmed by media and indoctrinated in the education systems since WWII. It's not your fault. Pharma is to blame. Please read my substack - and share
An Ally in both World Wars, Russia was made "the enemy" subsequent to WWII .
Germany has always been the dark face in the woodpile. Loses in both World Wars left it bitter. Especially after World War II. Stalin, enjoying the spoils of war as an integral member of the victory team, divided Germany. Then came the now antagonistic and anachronistic NATO and it's false promises inclusive of the Minsk Agreement and the Merkle admission that " we never intended to honor it." The West is culpable. Not Russia. Vlad gets it. Joe? He is the poster boy for arrogant incompetence.
Hold on to your ankles USA. You are getting F ' d once again.
I like it, nice and concise, but wait, there’s more! Conservative MAGA who unlike establishment uniparty RINO’s, like to conserve, yes energy, water, land, peace etc., even though the Left slanders them with the neocon slogan. They will realign the American ideal until the Left’s uniparty of non dissent regains its legs. Perhaps you will be correct, but only if America grows tired of winning by conserving within itself and the liberal Leftist of perpetual restlessness again meddles in the affairs of others outside the borders. No, that by no means means isolationism or imperialism, but yes, exceptionalism in a unique Constitutional Republic where America is NOT a democracy just because we vote. It would be nice if honest Democrats and liberals cleaned their own house and helped MAGA but after nine years of 24/7 media saying Trump the Ogre did it, I’m not holding my breath. TDS and propaganda both are real psyops.
TDS is nothing to be ashamed of, after all the Marxist born Communist and friendame Fascists of the university 1960’s and their water carrying morally superior evangelicals may weaken under moral attack like they did when they were slandered through the Church in the late 1980’s, and may give up their faith and ideals again. Before the current election of Trump only 1/4 of evangelicals voted, having been slandered into submission, and may go along for greener pastures abroad like sky falling climate, China is our friend, and the WEF’s got it all figured out with AI and no more elections, and going back to “JC is sovereign, he’ll do it for us”.
Nah, I’m going with Vance, DeSantis, a strong bench of conservative big hitters that learned from Trump, when someone hits you you had best hit them harder even if wifie screams or they will put their foot on your neck, and if that makes me a neocon for defending myself, so be it, at least I understand that JC had his defenders and told them they should try, but will never be as sovereign as him.
I’ll take the evangelicals going forward with MAGA for thousand Alex.
As for the doubting Thomas’s? Take your TDS meds regularly, the doctor says they work better.
I pray we get through J6 and to J20. If we do, the shit kicking will commence. The Soros-Obama-Holder surrogacy has been yanking muppet Joe's strings and will continue to do so until the bitter end. Hence the ramping up of the heat in the big black kettle, the Ukraine. Vlad wants to talk to Trump. I pray they do.
NATO was no longer needed. After we won the Cold War and the Soviet Union collapsed, we should have welcomed Russia (shares European history and culture). Instead we drove Russia into hands of China and North Korea who are the BIGGEST threat to the world!
I am a Canadian of Ukrainian descent, and when I spoke with friends in Ukraine during the first week of the "invasion," what they shared drastically differed from the typical lies circulating on MSM.
It would be fair to generalize that Ukrainians over the age of 50 largely despise President Zelenskyy, those between 30 and 50 are split 50-50 on the fence, and those under 30 idolize him like a rockstar—much like Justin Trudeau. However, these sentiments have shifted significantly since February 2022.
The primary catalyst for this manufactured conflict was the Zionist members of the U.S. State Department, who pressured the Khazarian Ukrainian president to reject the Minsk Accord—a promise Zelenskyy had campaigned on to bring peace. Instead, he agreed, saying, "Yes, boss, don’t forget those billions you mentioned," and soon after announced plans to join NATO. This was a blatant provocation, knowing full well it violated longstanding agreements and would set the stage for war. Adding to the tensions were the multiple illegal bioweapons labs near the Russian border, which were confirmed internationally. For any country, let alone Russia, this was an intolerable provocation—poking the proverbial bear, as they say.
The final spark came with the organized mass killings of ethnically Russian people in the Donbas region, an area that was historically part of Russia. This state-sanctioned violence left Putin little choice but to react.
While I understand Putin’s need to protect ethnically Russian citizens from these atrocities, as someone of Ukrainian ancestry, I am deeply troubled by the loss of so many good Slavic men. It is heartbreaking, as Russians and Ukrainians share nearly identical genetics, cultures, and values.
If you think Ukraine faces problems now, imagine what lies ahead when over 600,000 of the country’s most masculine men have been killed. Their sons and daughters will now grow up without fathers, raised instead by state-controlled television, which works hand in hand with the Zionists in the U.S. government, Zelenskyy, and the Khazarian mafia.
Does anyone even understand what the Budapest Memorandum was? US, Great Britain, Russia and Ukraine signed this. Russia agreed not to invade sovereign territory of Ukraine and the U.S. pledged financial and military support (not boots on the ground)if Russia did so. And Russia did so, as far back as 2014, and again with the major invasion in 2022.
Russia invaded. Period. And as they have with all treaties and agreements? They violate all. It’s a communist strategy.
Nice try, no cigar....
Now tell us about VEEP Biden in 2014, using extortion to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired, and the CIA-backed "color revolution"....
Ya’ll keep on getting your information from the likes of a Jeffrey Sachs, here in the video, a stooge of the Communist run UN and all its communist propaganda efforts via climate change and and “sustainability”. Along with the likes of so called conservative media personalities, like conservative “darling” and Russian shill Tucker Carlson. lol
The Communist movement overtook the Democrat Party in the 80’s and they’re working hard to infiltrate and take the political Right with these kinds of propaganda that twist facts to suit their own agenda.
Russia is no friend of the U.S. Neither is China. They both want to destroy the U.S.
I am a Canadian of Ukrainian descent, and when I spoke with friends in Ukraine during the first week of the "invasion," what they shared drastically differed from the typical lies circulating on MSM.
It would be fair to generalize that Ukrainians over the age of 50 largely despise President Zelenskyy, those between 30 and 50 are split 50-50 on the fence, and those under 30 idolize him like a rockstar—much like Justin Trudeau. However, these sentiments have shifted significantly since February 2022.
The primary catalyst for this manufactured conflict was the Zionist members of the U.S. State Department, who pressured the Khazarian Ukrainian president to reject the Minsk Accord—a promise Zelenskyy had campaigned on to bring peace. Instead, he agreed, saying, "Yes, boss, don’t forget those billions you mentioned," and soon after announced plans to join NATO. This was a blatant provocation, knowing full well it violated longstanding agreements and would set the stage for war. Adding to the tensions were the multiple illegal bioweapons labs near the Russian border, which were confirmed internationally. For any country, let alone Russia, this was an intolerable provocation—poking the proverbial bear, as they say.
The final spark came with the organized mass killings of ethnically Russian people in the Donbas region, an area that was historically part of Russia. This state-sanctioned violence left Putin little choice but to react.
While I understand Putin’s need to protect ethnically Russian citizens from these atrocities, as someone of Ukrainian ancestry, I am deeply troubled by the loss of so many good Slavic men. It is heartbreaking, as Russians and Ukrainians share nearly identical genetics, cultures, and values.
If you think Ukraine faces problems now, imagine what lies ahead when over 600,000 of the country’s most masculine men have been killed. Their sons and daughters will now grow up without fathers, raised instead by state-controlled television, which works hand in hand with the Zionists in the U.S. government, Zelenskyy, and the Khazarian mafia.
Too late, all of us already know about the Maidan coup, William Kristol, Victoria Nuland her dear husband Robert Kagan, i.e. Neo-Trotskyite's plan - PNAC (The Project for the New American Century) and Obama admin.