I have to say I am the victim of this 50 year poisoning.. I’m 63 and I’m thinking it has been going since I was born. Needless to say our parents bought into all of the hype of “nutritional value” this crap was supposed to have. Feeding us koolaid and bologna because we were middle class and lower. My 63 year old body is a prime example as to why we have to get these things out as fast as possible.. health problems such as :diabetes, HBP, heart disease, carotid artery clean out, endometriosis, having a gastric bypass at 49, hysto at 49.. other things starting to fall apart.. I believe from the damage of eating the poison because we simply didn’t know better!! Please please don’t feed your children this and feed them pure foods without the dyes and other things that cause problems later in life!

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Dr. Russell Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon (Ret), has written extensively on the dangers of excitotoxins, a class of substances added to foods and beverages to improve taste. MSG was the first. This helps the food industry to use poor quality ingredients and make them palatable by adding these flavour enhances. Because people began to avoid MSG, for health reasons, the industry developed many other chemicals that had the same/similar effects as MSG. They are all NEUROTOXINS. Excitotoxins stimulate neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. In his book “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills”, Dr. Blaylock cites over 500 scientific studies to explore the risks associated with aspartame, MSG, and other excitotoxins.

Dr. Russell Blaylock: Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTSvlGniHok

NOTE: There is NO safe level of excitotoxins. AVOID all.

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No mercy for Big Food and Big Pharma! They have poisoned our food and medicine for decades. Horrific injected poisons in vaccines that were mandatory for school, military service and jobs. The covid plandemic proved what we suspected - the CDC, FDA, NIH, pharmaceutical companies,... all LIED!! EVERYONE involved including the demorat media should be charged

criminally and be civilly liable for wat they've done to people.

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I am allergic to Red #40 - prevalent in many processed foods. I keep an EpiPen with me at all times. It’s quite frustrating to find these dyes in so many products including something as simple as a melatonin sleep aid product. Why? The color of the pill doesn’t make it more desirable/palatable! Traveling is risky as I don’t know if the foods I’m eating will expose me and precipitate a reaction which can result in a visit to the emergency room despite the use of an EpiPen. I’m very pleased RFK Jr will be addressing these concerns.

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Bring it on RFK Jr.



P.S. Yes, We the People need to do our part.

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Have you looked at the % & variety of products in the store that contain added sugars (glucose, sucrose, dextrose, fructose) and seed oils and sensory enhancers (snacks)? No wonder most Americans are metabolically ill.

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I am sure that the junk food companies can upgrade to healthier products and even make more profit by advertising that it is genuinely healthier. They will just have to adapt to the times instead of trying to kneecap RFK.

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It is beyond time to level the playing field of corporate land mongers vs the the american family small and natural farms. it is beyond time to grant aid the small and natural family farm to create vibrant rural communities again, and to hell with corporate power and greed.

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The fact that these harmful substances have not long since been removed or banned from our food supply is further evidence of the undue influence Big Pharma exerts over major food corporations. Harmful ingredients, such as synthetic food dyes and adulterated oils like canola oil, are deliberately included in our food—not for any legitimate purpose, but to create illness and ensure that pharmaceutical companies profit from our suffering.

There is truly no punishment harsh enough for these parasitic industries, yet we continue to purchase their products and allow our politicians to accept bribes that keep the pharmaceutical industry thriving at our collective expense.

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Also, big Pharma exerts influence over the FDA. Otherwise, these ingredients would be banned.

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Is there any consumer demand FOR food dyes like this in day-to-day foods? For me, it’s the unavoidability that’s pissing me off … I can avoid bright yellow and blue colored puff puff snacks, but when yellow is now in eggs … even organic eggs without the need to disclose this … I’m getting real pissy.

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Lest I wasn’t clear … this is someone else’s agenda to poison Americans for profit

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Yes, “Bring it On, RFK, Jr.!”

Our “best and brightest” executives and legislators and lawyers and scientists and govt officials and even some of our beloved doctors have been perpetuating this deadly corruption for decades - all the poisons that our miraculous but still vulnerable immune systems have been subjected to. They are willingly disregarding the documented results of their actions - go along to get along.

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Fruit Loops aren’t the only food changed for smarter countries- Denmark gets a different Kraft Mac n Cheese ETC ETC

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This and all bioengineered foods need to stop now.

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rSBT in milk-GMO. Carrageenan in food is a red sea weed. Crap is used as an emulsifier in virtually everything, from toothpaste to dairy, pudding. etc. I'm sea food allergic, like food poisoning. Severe GI damage.


Red #3, #3 Blue Lake

Kellogg's is really pushing there cereals. After being found to having excess of the ingredient chlormequat that makes oats stand up, as it is imported doesn't have to meet our standards. https://www.producer.com/news/canadian-farmers-blamed-for-ag-chemical-in-u-s-oat-foods/

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I believe the biggest problem with the processed foods is malnutrition. If the body has good nutrition it can handle a certain amount of toxins. Unfortunately the processed foods do not have the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants the body needs. I predict the processed foods will still be junk no matter what the government does. If we are lucky it will be slightly better junk.

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Do we really need studies, charts and graphs in order to realize that artificial food colorings are unhealthy? It’s simply common sense. Which takes no money or time. Stop wasting our tax dollars on studies like this. Just say no, and remove these toxic chemicals from our food. Also, yet one more of the endless examples of why we don’t need the FDA.

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Disagree. The FDA linking harmful effects to ingredients is their job, and what it should be. I like to be informed whats in our food and uncaptured regulatory bodies are helpful to that end.

I'm guessing the common sense comes in becuase they are "artificial", but thats a fallacy. While I agree it can be a general trend, its far from an absolute. There are plenty of artificial things that are helpful and natural things that are posion.

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At 58 I went vegan. Overnight. I looked around at the people my age in Alabama. No matter I was college educated, health conscious, etc. I knew I would be following in the steps of the norm and my body was starting to confirm this with high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, etc. I knew in my heart I never like the idea of killing any animal for my consumption. I am whole food plant based. No diabetes, lost nearly 40 lbs and I wasn't more than 10 lbs more than the charts said I should be then. I run circles around people half my age. I stay away from processed foods for the most part. I read every label. I absolutely love to cook this way and eat this way. There is joy in my soul. Hoping this govt subsidizes organic whole foods. If you believe the cows, chickens, pigs that you eat are "natural" you need to pay closer attention. Chlorinated meats, mRNA injected, fed GMO soy, etc. Cruelty is insanely alive and well in industrial agriculture. Clean your body folks, your soul will thank you. BTW I will be 68 in December of this year. Nearly 10 years vegan and I am only glad that God allowed me to live long enough to die a vegan.

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