I don’t have any tattoos, but I did have stage four non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and I used Roundup years ago just saying

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My father had kidney cancer and he used the ant spray around the house and on the deck for years. Nurse practitioner found it on a routine exam and they removed his one kidney and he lived another 20 years.

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And yet it remains on the shelf for sale to anyone and everyone no matter.

Like cigarettes cause toxic substances to invade and set up shop from repeat use.

Round em up has proven the same.

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It has carcinogens associated with lymphomas in it too. Herbicides are nearly as dangerous as pesticides.

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Never believed in tattoos!

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What about the jab----could it be an added factor on a the tattooed person's immune system?

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Since the skin is the largest organ of the body, it would be surprising if large amounts of ink didn’t somehow affect a body’s health?

One or two maybe not but lately I’ve seen people who are totally tattooed all over? If ink is poison, then those should be the ones studied later in life? Just follow up with them,?

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I am not surprised if there is an association between tattoos and cancer. Some of these tattoos are very large and therefore involve depositing large amounts of chemicals in the dermis/body. Lots of unknowns here..... Long term, adverse reactions can be expected!

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I am really surprised at how few comments there are about this subject. I did a brief search regarding the chemical composition of tattoo ink. I found many articles such as


that express safety concerns.

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Tattoo ink is made with heavy metals which affects the chemistry of the body. Many people today are trying to remove/detox heavy metals by chelation therapy to help restore their overall health. Tattoo removal may sound like a good idea but it actually mobilizes those heavy metals which go into the bloodstream In addition, Chinese medicine notes energy flow in the body's meridians. Scars and tattoos interfere with that energy flow. One has to wonder what other health problems these people are having over time as a result of these tattoos?

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I've always heard that "what goes ON your body goes IN your body," so the results of this study don't surprise me. I'm ancient, so I also find piercings and purple hair unattractive as hell, but at least you can "revert to form" if you decide you don't want to be full of small holes in odd places or grow tired of LOOK AT ME! hair. Aside from the health risk(s), I snicker whenever I think of the folks with "sleeve" tattoos, fully inked backs and legs, etc. getting old people's skin. I'm picturing droopy, saggy, crinkly, crepe-y tattoos, and it ain't pretty!

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P.S. to Dr. McC: " Most people with tattoos give less than a compelling reason for this life-long commitment." 😂

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Once again, the wisdom of Yhwh's commandments shows itself! Tattooing was prohibited during the Exodus, among the Levitical or Mosaic laws!

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Is this a non issue? Maybe the subjects studied need to be risked for where they drink their water from. What pesticides are used on the food they eat. What hormones their meat is being injected with. Any study these days is full of other stuff that needs to be taken into account.

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True. There is no "isolated" factor study in our bodies possible now; we've been poisoned for too many decades.

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I’m assuming that IRR means ‘interval for Relative Risk’ and if so, then the results of this study stating the connection between tattoos and lymphoma are rather miniscule, no?

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