Absolutely. I have been saying this for weeks. I'm watching a rigged NFL game and they keep showing her. It dawns on me. This is an odd pairing. Two hugely popular deep state sellouts get together? One pitches the death jab after Lamar died on the field and the other pitches all kinds of evil shit. Together they're a powerhouse of evil shit to the stupid masses. Yes yes and yes.

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Personally, I don't understand the Taylor Swift phenomenon and I couldn't name a single one of her songs. She does seem to have a genuine hold on a certain segment of the population, however. I've kept my opinion to myself because my reaction to 'Swifties' reminds me of how my bebopper Dad used to call the music I listened to - the Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin, etc. - "jungle music".

That said, this explains Dan Campbell's mind-boggling decision to 'go for it' on 4th-and-2 and how my beloved Detroit Lions managed to blow a 17-point lead and their once-in-three-decades shot at a Super Bowl appearance. Yet, when the Chiefs inevitably beat the 49'ers and the Taylor/Travis duopoly are trotted out in the fall to endorse the democrat candidate for president (my money's on Michelle Obama) and to remind everyone to get boosted, we'll know for sure.

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She's like the Beatles for 10 - 13 year old girls. They literally go hysterical over her, beg their parents for concert tickets, lose their minds at the concerts, then after the show they have major lapses in their memories of the concert. It's creepy as can be.

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It's not just the 10-13 year olds .....social media is laden with gushing and glowing reports of full grown women < for some value of "full grown"> paying big bucks to see her. I will never understand the attraction.

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No doubt. A writer on U.K. Spectator wrote a snarky tongue-in-cheek article criticizing Taylor Swift. The attacks on the writer from supposed adults were relentless.

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As I said, addiction!

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She captured the teen girls that were her age when she burst on the scene. They are still with her though now in their thirties.

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Illuminati promotion???

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My 62 year-old sister in law and her two daughters in their 30s are self-proclaimed ‘Swifties’. I think it’s ridiculous. The two daughters went to one of her concerts last year, paying thousands of dollars each for the tickets. Insanity.

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All of thrsr are new satanic religions even if the people going don't know. Age of deceit.

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I honestly don’t follow pop culture or sports much. But as a way to connect with my 13 year old niece I listened to her long story about going to see Taylor Swift last summer. In a different conversation she sarcastically made the comment “Maybe it’s just me but I think people shouldn’t be forced to live on the streets. They should have a home.” I told her that most cities I’ve reviewed had empty shelter beds available, but that the shelters often have rules like “no drugs or alcohol” that many homeless choose not to adhere to. Again, I know little about Swift or about football but my Taylor-loving niece does seem to have a Socialist streak in her.

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The naiveté of youth. I remember how my young political consciousness was molded by The Clash and Bob Marley.

Wasn't it Disraeli who said, "A man who is not a Liberal at sixteen has no heart; a man who is not a Conservative at sixty has no head." The upper age limit is now around 30 but the concept is still the same. This concept could apply to 'Swifties'.

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As an influence on political consciousness, Taylor Swift could be described as "cutting edge blasé".

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Rod Dreher had an interesting take on Taylor Swift's political significance: https://roddreher.substack.com/p/among-the-swifties

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Taylor Swift is a bona-fide witch and does satanic rituals at her concerts.

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Could you give some examples?

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This talk video mentions her song Willow - witch ritual in the video. He makes a solid case that 'spell' or not, that our brains will come to accept new values when we are constantly hearing them and seeing them presented by a celebrity figure that we admire/that society admires and therefore teaches us to value it too. https://youtu.be/SDmzNDrj2NI?si=dIUZ0sxPa8w3LhOY

The song video, Willow, https://youtu.be/RsEZmictANA?si=0OTSlnXDtcYiL48X - love song about wanting a man and then there is one.

This reviewer likes her and looks at her history as just doing business of celebrity music star - constant change to be new and exciting again is the only constant. https://youtu.be/K3xznCimClI?si=omPk35V2aYUDx0Zi

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Some sort of hypnosis?

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I’m not so sure it’s just 10-13 year old girls. I’ve seen numerous YouTubers (adults, men and women) going bonkers when she was coming within 100 mile radius of them. And then I actually had 3 ex employees of mine all mothers to teenagers in high school (jr & sr levels) posting on fb pics and videos of them themselves exchanging some bracelets just like the 13 teenagers male and female that they all brought to her concert in Jax Fl. I literally couldn’t believe what I was watching, I haven’t a clue of any of her music and only know her face to the name because she’s plastered everywhere we look. I’m a mother and grandmother and none of my babies are into that demonic mess 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Maybe it's just me, but I'm 68 and even when I was 28 I did not choose who I was going to vote for to lead this country based on the latest pop sensation. But I retired at 58 a millionaire with no debt so there's that.

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Your Dad was on the right track, just the wrong source: it's far worse than "jungle" or other primitive style music, although sourced from the same place! It's straight up Satanic! It is designed by intent to do harm to its listeners, albeit subtle, and to be addictive. Volume hurts, but an out of homeostatic sync beat does worse, and virtually all "music" put out since the early '60s has that specific beat to it. It raises adrenalin and cortisol levels, not enough for most to notice consciously, but enough over time to lead to chronic ailments, and to create addiction to the higher levels. Even erroneously labeled "Christian" music is infected by it. And yes, it IS dangerous!

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I feel for you. I hate San Francisco and wanted so much to see Detroit win. I think it is all rigged anyway. Somebody out west wants to see San Francisco win the super bowl. They got the mind weapons that KC is going to have to deal with as they have been all year. A microwave hit to the head just as the ball is approaching. Ask Barry Trower.

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I won't watch the Super Bowl because I can't stand either team. However, I feel compelled to root for the 49'ers if only to let a little bit of air out of the mileage the media will get from trotting Tay-vis out for the next ten months.

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She has no talent

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The first time I heard her attempt to sing 🎤 was the girls got no singing talent. That was 10 years or more ago. Don’t follow culture but assuming she still can’t sing. Amazing what hype can cover as talent.

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That too.

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she is a devil worshipper - participated in rituals and all that gross stuff. She is sold to the Devil and there are no Take Backs!!!

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I hope the Devil didn't pay too much...

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Couldn’t agree more. Been thinking this is indeed what’s up. He/she is dangerous. The democrats are counting on the votes by making he/she the spokesperson for the marxist vote. Yeah I said it. It’s a transgender. All theater.

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All theater. Jabs are a big part of it

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All theater implies they're all thespians.

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Lesbian thespians!

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Say that 3 times fast!

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What exactly is all this “evil shit” that supposedly is to be found in teeny-bopper music?

Please. One example?

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Supporting Joe Biden for re-election....it doesn't get much more evil than that!

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Do we have actual elections?

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Exactly! How the hell do people keep talking about elections. The truth is they LET US SEE IT IN 2020. And idiots think this is the first time. This charade has been rigged for decades. It's been completely rigged for 25 years, and before that it was half rigged. Reagan got in and they shot him in 60 days, do y'all know why? I'd bet 100 dollars to 1 dollar 95% of you don't. Here you go.

The first handed to Reagan was the War Powers Act. He refused to sign it and continued to refuse. He was shot.

What is the first thing he signed FROM HIS HOSPITAL BED AFTER SURGERY?

Yeah. The War Powers Act

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Yeah and he was supposed to die, making George ("I killed Kennedy) HW Bush president a few years early!

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Most likely yes.

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Agreed. Bush Sr. was supposed to be installed after Regan's passing, but the Old Boy didn't die. Then Regan was told how things really worked and got on board. Just my opinion.

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Really? This article says he signed a law about dairy prices first. https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2011/03/31/a-shaky-but-official-signature/

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Yes, where did I learn this? At the Ronald Reagan museum. They had a huge picture on a massive wall of Reagan in his hospital bed. Under the picture it read, Reagan in his first act after surgery signs the war powers act. Maybe he signed this too. BUT would it surprise you if the internet, especially google search is rigged to show you what they want you to read? People are putting together all the pieces and they can't keep up with hiding the truth. I know what I saw and I read.

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No, we don't. They're all installed. Seem too coincidental?


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You really need examples? They are all over the place. ALL OVER

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"PhD" there!

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Lmao. Ot course. Trained up monkeys

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Words…ARE* magic aren’t they Doc - put them to a melody to which they often do not belong (not unlike neg/pos words to the ice-water Crystal Japanese experiment) and the children/teens etc who listen to it become fascinated with the (ego-centric) concepts and also how* they’re being conveyed - EXmpl. >hip hop music, a large body of it is exemplary of the Hollywood branches sorcery prevalent in the minds of youth, even decades ago.

“In the beginning was the WORD…”

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Exactly. How facinatiing is this, you'll love it. ICE CUBE OF ALL PEOPLE SPITTING TRUTH!?!??!


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ice-T does on occasion too!

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He sees what we see, he's not the 20 year old he was. He grew up and had money that he worked hard for. Almost no one who does that is a socialist POS.

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True. He has matured.

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How many times does he repeat these words in this titletrack! West Side Connection:“The Gangsta the killa and the dope deala”x30 @ least! That’s pure evil, anyone making kids think that shit is cool is a colossal maggot, now that I’ve grown up I see it differently.

Lol He’s right about the industry they’re a nefarious lot,(Iced Cube)^ however enormously successfully guilty of his own observations (confession?) - - so if they’re not only doing that in hip hop alone, how many other genres or methodical ways (like putting a rainbow on/in every toy or colour brand-scheme as of late) do they effect the overtly fertile minds of, not only the youth but Gods* children everywhere whom are insufferably exposed to the literal mass-hypnosis -

- words in any way shape or form even via symbology on a sublimate level, are living power, so how many ways are they doing this outside of the music industry is also an imminent question.

It’s like, buddy, after all the people you ramrodded into those prisons for your masters’ bidding via wordcrafting/gangsterism as an “influencer” of your day, and we all loved him, my brothers and sister alike, it’s about time you start “spitting” something other than propaganda!

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Yep, that's on target. The only thing I could say is people can change, has he? Odds are heavily weighted against it.

They're doing it with everything and anything they have the power and technology to do it with and that percentage if not at 100% is getting very close.

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Cares if he did, his “music” is still echoing like a chamber of hell - - just because you realize you’re not that “big fish in a small pond” after all, rather quite the opposite, doesn’t mean that you’re somehow absolved of the effects your “music” is still having 20+yrs later..

*UNLESS, he had the jam/integrity to the public & has vocalized his opposition to how he once was, he’s still guilty, period.

Change or not, tell people why you changed and what you’d do differently about your “music” these days.

In other words, “watch out everyone! There’s a snare right there I once intended to set!” Is like setting one, and not needing it anymore, but smirking as passersby become ensnared by it, because you still profit from your “snare-drum” - that’s why you haven’t heard he’s turned a new leaf perhaps.

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Plenty more like that out there.

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JHC! That is some sick sh$t. And people in the comments are lovin' it. Sick society.

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Out of homeostatic sync bass beat that raises cortisol and adrenalin levels, as if in low level stress or fight or flight state, but not enough for most to consciously register. It creates addictive behaviors, as well as the long term effects of the elevations.

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You must be being sarcastic. amiright....? Please say I am.

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Well put!

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Get ready for tons of drug ads during the Stupid Bowl. I refuse to watch it since my team didn't get in.

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We go to friends houses for it generally. It's just a party. I'll go but half watch. Those two morons getting together and getting to the big show so they can push their BS also seems like a set up. The NFL is rigged. If you had a camera and just filmed the o and d line you'll see one side gets called a lot more for the same thing they're both doing but since the camera doesn't focus on the line you don't know what they're not calling. This is how it's rigged. And believe me.. it is rigged

What isn't today?

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It's been unwatchable for at least a decade.

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Nothing surprises me anymore... Thankfully, when I was in school we were taught how our government used these tactics on our enemies. Same tactics, new 'enemies'.

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Travis Kelce will one day be inducted into the PharmaWhore Hall of Shame. When it comes to money, the best question is how much is enough? Always be wary of those who think there is never enough.

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I wonder is Kelce has even had the shot, or is it all a fake? It would be really interesting to see if Bourla has had a shot, let alone boosters. Really creepy shit.

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Of course it's a psyop. Young people look up to sports celebrities and other entertainment idols. They would never steer them wrong. Professional athletes now are no more than paid circus clowns concerned only with how much money they can make. Most of the new performers are no better than prostitutes although their pay is much better. God bless the few like Novak Djokovic who still have honor and integrity.

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I have it on good authority (My Millennial daughter told me) that it is a fake romance and both are gay. Now as far as games being rigged, how else did they beat Buffalo in Buffalo?

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

Their romance is dod/cia theater to steal an election, and the nfl is just theater, bad theater.


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No way!!! On the other hand, why not????? Everything Hollywood and, by extension, celebrity sports figures, is nothing but "all the world's a stage", and NOTHING those people do can be believed as authentic. How sad is that.

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I heard she was gay years ago, while I was still working in the entertainment industry. Which means he's probably gay too.

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She right. 🎯

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I fully agree with you John.

I also always felt there was something very off about her and her ascendency!

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She’s terrible. Started as a sort of country style.

The young kids have terrible musical tastes.

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Strictly from commercial: a creation designed to fleece the young out of their parents money. Everything about her is planned out in advance. A total mirage.

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They have terrible taste because it's JAMMED down their throats like COVID shots or like Russia bad, Palestine bad. BULLSHIT.

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Ugh. And now the Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl, so this Taylor Swift bullshit is going to be even worse. 🤢

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I'm thinking of having a Superbowl intervention no propaganda party and unplugging the TV and moving it out of the front room. Do you think I can get my friends to come?

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Probably not, unless you have some very insightful friends.

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Insightful friends plus awesome snacks & top shelf booze!

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I felt like Alio in Wonderland when the Pfizer ad came up during the playoffs. I had just finished reading about the jab injury and death stats. I thought, "Jesus Christ Lord God Almighty! What frikkin planet am I on? It's like this race is eating it's own body parts!"

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And anyone who supports these prostitutes to the Pharma monsters are supporting the continued deception, illness, and death of those being duped. If you're okay with that, by all means, continue being a Swift fan and watching the NFL, which should be renamed "The National Religion".

Lots of fools out here.

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It can't be because swift certainly doesn't meet the "most beautiful cheerleader" criteria. And she can't sing either!

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Always keep in mind that Poor Taste is Timeless...

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And can last forever!

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I agree. There is something very suspicious about this continual "in-your-face" pairing. For a good look at how government has manipulated everything related to covid, I recommend the book, "A State Of Fear" - How The UK Government Weaponized Fear During The Covid-19 Pandemic, by Laura Dodsworth. It also is very much how the U.S. government has operated. There isn't one aspect of anything related to covid that has not been deliberately misrepresented, especially what is considered "misinformation/disinformation" (which is in actuality the truth the majority of the time) or "safe & effective" (which is actually dangerous & often deadly). It's been quite unbelievable.

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I pay very little attention to popular culture or the NFL for that matter, but I did notice not so long ago that every magazine in the magazine rack at Walgreens featured this singer on the cover. When everybody in media is singing the same song in unison there does seem to be some kind of intent behind it.

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Taylor Swift has been showed for 25 seconds during the game.The cost of 30 seconds ad is 7 million. It's a pocket money for DOD.

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If Taylor had the droopy eye reaction that Miley Cyrus had, then she would have been dropped the way Miley was. Everything is staged and should be seen as distractions of some sort.

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You mean Katy Perry?

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I don't really know.

I just found this video about Miley and it seems like she isn't vac injured now but has changed leading to a plastic surgery speculation video by a youtuber that a plastic surgeon then responded to within his own video. https://youtu.be/9GGalpAZtBk?si=Au7bg7P70_fZmgqq

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Here is Katy Perry with her weird eye glitch that happened multiple times. If you look it up, you’ll find more.https://youtu.be/-i7ekK9UzRk?

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Weird, that doesn't look like Bell's Palsy either.

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I don't disbelieve you. I was checking my own memory/swap re Miley, which does seem to be false.

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Or Justin Bieber?

I think a few popstarlets got some facial palsy issues post CoV fanfare. but....we never heard about them again - it didn't help sell boosters to fund popstars with visible vac injuries.

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Katy Perry had the droopy eye thing too.

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John and all,

Please pass this message to Peter McCullough today since you communicate often with Peter…

You all are doing a GREAT job proving these vaccines have done more harm than good and should be stopped before DISEASE X is released!

What is it going to take to stop the vaccines in the America?

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Only true believers in the psyop, who are the best friends and enablers of the jab pushers, are still getting boosters. I say keep'em coming. We need more visible jab damage, so far it's not enough to break through the government/media firewall, although their dam is leaking a bit. Who better to serve as poster children for jab injury than those still getting them? No sympathy here. Ban them for kids? Absolutely. Adults, no.

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It's purifying the race of the gullible. The problem for the controllers is that only intelligent people who resist control will remain and when they breed they will be birthing a new hybrid race of genius resistance.

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If the culling is effective enough for that to happen, it might not be against the controllers' wishes. Jacques Attali, advisor to the elites, came right out and said (supposedly anyway)

"We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself."

And that was in 1981!

Psychopaths have pure disdain for those they can easily fool, and think them pathetic. They view those who see through them more favorably. So while leaving the intelligent might cause them problems, they may prefer them anyway.

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They are still forcing them on young people mid professional education in health, forcing them on the elderly in homes and assisted living, now in 2024, which is pure fascism since they were at best tested on 8 mice and don't prevent transmission or infection, not to mention the devastating injuries and cancers. The black propaganda is aimed at certain demographics, just as there are tactics on these substacks to destroy solidarity and distract and devolve them into gossip,or rage, or dehumanization, so it is to discriminate against those with lower cognitive ability, which is mostly genetic and hereditary, to expect people to be able to see through the technofog and (no doubt) subliminals being deployed on them. Governor DeSantis just added his name to the list of those in political office and those who are candidates for political office calling for a ban on the shots. Who are we to know what is in the heart and soul of an individual who gets indoctrinated and what purpose they might have in this mythic time?

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

We can't look into another person's heart and soul. We can only judge by actions. Jab supporters, enablers of the evil ones in charge are on THEIR side. They are against truth, justice, freedom, and love. We don't need to be mind readers, they've chosen sides, that's that.

I applaud DeSantis for calling for an end to the shots. As a governor, he has a responsibility to look out for ALL the people in his state. I have no such responsibility. If I did, I would call for a ban too. Since I don't, I hope the minions of evil keep jabbing as long as they can.

Good point however that there are still some adults being coerced, even forced. A good argument for a full ban, you are absolutely right about that.

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Peter and all,

What are all the doctors and health professionals, scientists, all COVID19 whistleblowers and all their like minded colleagues doing to… STOP THE VACCINE?

Are you working together YET?

How much longer does humanity have to wait???

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McCullough just published a peer reviewed study calling for the end of mRNA mandates, declaring them the biggest disaster in medical history. He's doing everything he can.

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Thank you for your comments!

The good health professionals and scientists have NO expertise in fighting a serious war!

Why did several of them leave their lanes of expertise of medicine playing in the political lanes?

What are 2 necessities to win, STOPPING ALL VACCINES?


Serious strategic Leaders to follow whose expertise is war AND winning?

What happened?

They forgot to FOLLOW the advice of serious strategic planning leaders?

Are we 4 years in to this humanitarian mess and a continuing global toll of 17 million murders?

Is just speaking, writing and publishing papers going to solve the worst humanitarian crisis/war the world has ever seen?

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The skeptic in me says: He got a placebo (fake shot)of Pfizer mRNA.

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