I find it fascinating that we live in a total surveillance state, but then this system magically fails on the people it was designed for to catch.

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Still haven't uncovered the leak from the Supreme Court or the source of the cocaine at the White House. But they've raided peoples homes for being in DC on the 6th.

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Omg right?! The leak. Still. This entire country is so — I can’t even write it. We didn’t just awaken to this; it’s been ongoing. And no one who could’ve done something to straighten things out didn’t do anything to straighten things out.

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Ahhh.....this is where you, and all those who think/believe as you do, are WRONG!!

The 'Surveillance State' was NOT designed to 'catch criminals'......it was DESIGNED, for YOU (all of the rest of us)!! It was designed to watch/record/document ALL of YOUR movements!

All of those decades ago, when Alex Jones had named his 'sister site' to InfoWars, PRISON PLANET, it was because HE KNEW what was coming. BOTH of his websites.....INFO(RMATION) WARS and PRISON PLANET; he knew!

And, HOW did he KNOW?? The dumbed-down public believe that Alex Jones/InfoWars just pulls stuff out of his ASS! WRONG! Alex KNOWS all of what he does, because HE READS (watches vids) what THE GLOBALISTS PUBLISH (for ALL to SEE!)!! 'They' (Globalists/MINIONS) always TELL US what they have planned for us! It is the dumbed-down Public WHO FAILS/REFUSES TO LISTEN!! They'd rather PARROT.......'Conspiracy Theorist!', instead of BEING an ADULT and looking this stuff up, themselves. (as *I* did, decades ago)

And I DO just LOVE saying this.........


Furthermore, as a RULE OF THUMB......

ANYTHING BIG that happens in this country (as well as around the world).....99.99% of the time, it was NOT ORGANIC! It was FACILITATED by a govt (which includes agencies, corporations, NGOs [which ARE govt Organizations!], ect.).....who get their orders from their Globalist Masters. ANYTHING that blows up, crashes, derails, set on fire, mass shootings, and so on, 99.99% of the time, it didn't happen Organically; it was an Op.

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Right now there are vacuous clueless eyes staring at your post with their slack jawed mouths opened because they will never get what you just said. And yet they think they’re in top and in the know of it all. I’ve used the same number as you did. 99.99% are so duped, including Leake. Sorry. Call a spade a spade. This stuff is so easy.

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Once one knows the Globalists/MINIONS Playbook......this stuff is SO EASY to spot!!

On Day 1 of the 'CV19' PsyOp, I KNEW that it was all BS; a PsyOp! And on Day 2, with all of their, "THE SKY IS FALLING!!.....THE SKY IS FALLING!!.....DEADLY VIRUS!!", I went 'searching'! And within 30 minutes, I found Dr. David Martin, who confirmed what I already knew......it was all BULLSHIT! And then, he proceeded to give details.

And I STILL ask the question.......WHY DIDN'T ANYONE ELSE FIND what *I* did?? (They were too busy watching the 'IDIOT BOX'!)


It's like the Masses are SUICIDAL! They BEG to be destroyed.

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I got so tired of reading/hearing "This DEADLY virus." That was enough to drive me into go-away land.

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And I posted Dr. David Martin EVERYWHERE in comments!

Zombies CHOOSE not TO LISTEN! They're Suicidal! They WANT to DIE. Which is fine......just don't inject yourself with a BIO-WEAPON and take the HUMANS WITH YOU!! These Bio-weapons are going to become an EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT, for the Human Race! And I'm ANGRY! These individuals are now WALKING BIO HAZARDS!

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I have experienced, on 3 separate occasions, since Oct. '22, long-lasting (one month to 8 months) unusual "effects" following association with vaxxed individuals.

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Whoa, there cowgirl. That’s pretty broad stuff to include so many “slack jawed”. Kinda makes you sound like the know it all. Sure, you are savvy, and you get it but emotionally vilifying 99.99% makes you hierarchal, like you have the power and they don’t. That is why Jones was not taken seriously, it’s not what he said but how he says that sets himself up to look foolish. This is how the Leftists hiding in the bushes went after Trump and potentially 100 million voters labeled deplorables. Hillary either was too arrogant to understand or nefarious to care that those deplorables were anyone currently below $400K plus annually that included people in STEM jobs, lawyers, laymen, skilled labor. The demoralization process after “free stuff” is all the Leftist banner of the One Democrat Party has and they captured that Party long ago. Therefore the many problems in declining America may be obvious, but are not “so easy” to understand. Cautious people who do understand how propaganda works with insidious dopamine hits to capture their audience before the demoralization process begins want verifiable facts, not emotion. With that comes the diligence and patience of discourse that actual soldiers must deal with in the most critical of circumstances, lest we become the enemy. There is nothing easy about it, and faith is required.

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Let’s call it the fake arrogance of a generation and propagandized offspring that can not wrap their head around truth because they choose to believe that they could be propagandized, as if Propaganda were a bear that they surely would see coming. They will not, unless they drop the arrogance and realize propaganda insidiously influences with dopamine hits before it demoralizes that creates complicity from which people become captured by blackmail.

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MANY generations. But, SO True!

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Inversive demoralization of a country’s middle class.

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It is all so sickening. Betrayal of the American public is complete. And the tragic loss of life of the father protecting his family And severe injuries of others, all for their corruption.

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"FBI and Department of Justice, which dodged liability when their declaration of sovereign immunity was upheld in court."

dodged liability when their declaration of sovereign immunity was upheld in court.

dodged liability... in court.

You have got to be kidding me!!! And then they wonder why nobody trusts authority.

How much longer can this go on before we hit the wall and all hell breaks loose?

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As my wife and I often (darkly) joke these days "we are the baddies." While of course this is an (intelligent) hypothesis only, John Leake points to ample precedent for this type of activity. A don't know if verified yet, but I've seen accounts that a visitor to Mr. Crooke's home was also a frequent visitor to an address near FBI in Washington. If true, that would be quite suggestive of someone under supervision /in contact with a "handler." Of course, the Whitmer plot also comes to mind. It's one thing to be a fireman starting fires to be a hero, and even another to start the fires and forget to put them out !

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The report by a federal agency (ATF or FBI or some other, I don't recall) within a couple hours of the shooting that they verified Crooks's identify through DNA analysis certainly supports the hypothesis that federal agencies had prior involvement with Crooks. That, or they have the DNA signatures of most or all Americans at their nearly instantantaneous disposal. The two possibilities are equally bad, for different reasons.

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All those nose swabs for "covid" testing....all those mily/ancestry DNA samples given to Google-associated (CIA) companies...

I thought they confirmed biometric, though. Photo/prints/firearms..

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They said fairly quickly that he was a 20 year old, but hadn't yet identified him as he didn't have any ID on him. So how did they know he was 20?

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DNA has been being recorded from routine cord blood tests for over 2 decades now, so anyone under 25, they almost certainly do have on file. It's also recorded on all military personnel who have served since then. That's a pretty fair start.

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The Obama Clinton & Biden Regime transformed our US Government agencies into a Rogue DeepState #WEF Agency

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Every person from the SS, FBI, and Homeland Security that was charged with protecting and or investigating the assassination attempt of Mr Trump should be investigated. Their political alliances, social media, and online presence should be scrutinized. Those with questionable integrity should be investigated in depth. Cheatles resignation should have no bearing on the investigation.

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There would be a chain of command for every single SS agent (and others) at that rally. Identify every one of them.

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What ails this nation will NOT be fixed at the ballot box! The DC corruption and criminality (including outright Treason!) is too deeply rooted, widespread and 'normalized. Politicians, UNelected bureaucrats, with their media and corporate lackies all taking part in self-serving corruption to some degree. The only thing that MAY correct this threat is 'we the people' demanding truth and accountability (prosecutions and severe punishment) AND A WILLINGNESS TO TAKE ACTION!!!!!

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…and cutting the size of the Federal Government off at the knees.

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I'm more inclined to think 'at the waist' if not at the neck, m'self....

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The picture in my head is two legs with everything above that gone 😁

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It is the willingness to take action that stumps any movement to get out from under the weight of the bureaucracy. Our local Tea Party begs people to get involved, run for office, write letters, make calls but it takes constant pressure to make anyone sit up and take notice. It will be a surprise to them when TSHTF.

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Severe punishment!

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Yup. Uvalde too. FBI SOP.

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The failings of the State in the Uvalde School Massacre exposed – The Expose (expose-news.com)

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Kinda like the FBI Whitmer kidnapping setup.

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Robert Spencer

Pamela Geller


Geert Wilders

Were the targets

The FBI knew this



wanted them assasinated

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Very similar to how Israel's intel/military knew a year in advance and waited, baited, enabled the ~attack from Hamas to further justify their long-term policy direction (disarmament on U.S. soil; razing Gaza.)

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I remember it very well

Thank you for posting this

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If that theory is correct John, why do audio recordings show 3 rifles fired?

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The military industrial complex, and without a doubt the Biden administration, Deep state, the CIA - DOJ, want Trump dead as he is against the perpetual Neocon Warmonger establishment as their pipeline to the cash flow of perpetual wars for perpetual profits will be endangered.

The next attempt at assassination may not fail due to this piece of huge luck this try.

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