John, I’m thankful for free speech and the first amendment. I do however think they are very much at risk. We must remain vigilant because the free exercise and establishment clauses are essential to restraining tyranny. Once they go in one way or another, it will lead to religious persecution not seen since the dark ages. I’m thankful for the time now to be able share my faith without compulsion or force.
Great commentary. In 2021 I read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and “The Truth About COVID” and both had intros that were largely about censorship that was occurring in a way that was more in line with China than with western democracies. Soon thereafter I read “1984” and started to understand that the bad guys truly lust for little more than power. Although I was once a never-Trumper, I gladly voted for him earlier this month because I’m quite impressed with the team of free-speech absolutists with whom he’s surrounded himself.
Thank you and the good dr. for your bravery and leadership through these trying and dangerous times. I hope you and yours have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thankful for God Almighty and His many blessings through His Son Jesus Christ. Thankful that He is in control of all things and has given us a reprieve to get our acts together and live lives that bring glory and honor to Him. “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do (Psalm 11:3)?”
The medical freedom movement has never been about doctors being free to practice medicine.
It has always been about being free from doctors who practice medicine.
It is the practice of pharmaceutical medicine that is morbid.
Predictably, as a class, they are ill equipped to ever be free of what they’ve done to themselves and to one another.
That’s why we keep witnessing the most vocal of these doctors colliding with their own profession, slamming head first into the walls of their institutions, and rear ending one another in a slow motion existential demolition derby.
Only Mike Yeadon has been brave enough to face himself honestly.
He makes the others look like the fools that we now know them to be.
John, we are incredibly grateful to you and Dr. McCullough for your bravery and words of wisdom. Hearing the truth among the onslaught of real misinformation has helped preserve our collective sanity. We are indeed grateful! Now remain vigilant. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
delayed. The bible says terrible days will come in the last days, bringing the rise of single man global tyrannical leader and the marking of all mankind for allegiance to him alone vs the God of the Bible.
To answer your question-The candidate who knows there are only two genders as created by God, that respects unborn life at any stage of life, that did not take my job away while forcing vaccine mandates, and the one who did not irresponsibly mismanage government spending with billions sent to Ukraine. Those are just a few thoughts off the top of this “weak” and undiscerning Christian ‘s mind.
Oh, where to start with one such as yourself. I suppose he'd have to support the two sexes belief system, because he led a lurid cheating immoral life and went through three wives. But that's ok for Christians, right? He was a lifelong democrat and pro-choice (you can still see him defending it in old videos) until he conveniently switched parties and Had to claim that stance. Then there's old MALania who came out only two months ago defending the right to choose. But these facts don't matter to Christians cause he's their "guy." Then there's a little insignificant thing called operation Warp Speed that this man signed into order and still takes credit for the pushing of and I quote him "if it weren't for me you wouldn't have that beautiful shot for five years." You know, the one that has killed at least 17 million worldwide that we know of? But hey, he's your guy. You're right though, he didn't mismanage government in the billions, because you see per tenure of only 4 years his admin. outspent even Oblama's tenure of eight years which equates to almost 7-8 TRILLION dollars . That's three zeros more than a billion in case you don't know. I can't even go into the really deep stuff because if you can't digest milk, then you certainly can't handle meat. That's biblical you know. And I don't know of any real authentic Christians who deny needing to repent of their wickedness like he did. Maybe he read it somewhere in TWO Corinthians. This stuff should have been obvious but the masses were asleep.
Jesus said “Follow Me”. He did not say to follow His disciples or to follow any particular man. Every human is flawed. God has worked to accomplish His plan through flawed people for generations.
There were 2 choices for President. No one got to vote for a perfect human. Presented with the platforms of both candidates, and then looking at the hearts of those who came alongside President Trump in this election, while also looking at our American history and Constitution, it became clear who was best suited to lead the United States of America as President for this next term. People grow in character and wisdom as they seek God. Our journeys in life are challenging and in seeking God we grow. We can all be praying the President is personally seeking God and for his salvation along with the salvation of billions of others!
Allowing personal bias and judgement against his past personal life choices is God’s job. There have been hours and hours, days upon days of prayer from thousands and thousands of Americans and certainly people from other nations as well, praying humbly yet intently for God to heal America, repenting of personal sin and national sin. We must seek Him above all else, and Trust Him above all else. Christ came to die for all of us sinners and when we believe and put our faith and trust in our Creator, life improves. Walking with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we will be able to let go of anger and pray for His will to be done and ask Him to lead each of us to do our part, our own personal part, to help. We put our Spiritual Armor on to advance God’s plan as shared with us in Ephesians 6:10-20.
The encouragement here is for ALL of us, to stop judging and start praying. ✨
While I appreciate your message here, unbeknownst to you, you're preaching to the choir (me.) Perhaps it will encourage someone else to seek the truth of God's salvation, however. You never addressed the very serious oxymoronic stances of this newly elected one that I specifically outlined. Especially the unconstitutional destructive agenda that took place four years ago in which he narcissistically took credit. If you did, you would convict him. But this brings to mind a typical unbiblical stance that you and millions of "Christians" take, and that is the "Don't judge" garbage. Let me educate you on this passage from Matthew 7:1- It's so obviously simple that there should be None of this false interpretation. And I quote "Hypocrite! First remove the gigantic plank from your Own eye and THEN you will see clearly to Remove the little splinter that is in your brother's eye." Do you understand what this means everyone? You first clean up your own massive sins in the area that you are accusing someone else, And Then You Can Judge Someone Else. No where does God tell us to neglect judging. Nowhere. Otherwise just get rid of law enforcement and let all thieves and murderers and perverts run loose because of "Don't judge" bull crap. So how much more should your national representatives be judged before giving them ultimate power! Or corporate leaders or school teachers or clergy! But we only have two choices, you cry. Better to do a write-in than vote for the lesser of Two of the very same coin evils. You all are stuck in the matrix and don't even know it.
A reread of 1984, something I did during the pandemic, actually did make the book more terrifying. And you are correct, I think, to assume that we narrowly missed an ever more tightening of the censorship noose on November 5. Liberty, it turns out, requires vigilance. We can never go to sleep again.
The Harris video with the bottle of Hennessy is classic LMAO.
If you think we just didn't dodge a huge bullet watch these 2 videos and then think about what we just avoided (Temporarily!). Eternal vigilance is required for freedom so don't let your guard down!
Marc Andreessen (Netscape, venture capitalist) talks to Joe Rogan.
First time Rogan viewer yesterday. Words fail me. Thank for for sharing these two particularly alarming clips. The drone issue is another, because we are fully aware of the backdoor technology.
Time will tell. Consider all the things that a Harris administration would have done that a Trump administration will not do. This will be by far the greatest benefit of Trump’s victory IMO.
You are right. Trump, RFK, Jr., Biden, Harris are all okay with and fully support the genocide in Gaza. Not to mention playing Russian Roulette with the Russians. There is nothing to be Thankful for.
Thank-you, John, for all of your valuable insights & historical perspectives over the last 3.5+ years. You are correct, we need to be especially thankful for any & all free speech platforms, such as substack. Our antennae need to be up, however, in regard to Dr. Nesheiwat, who not only promoted the covid jabs, social distancing, & lockdowns, but censorship. Anyone who was on board with that, needs to be eliminated. That said, I am wishing you & yours a very "Happy Thanksgiving".
“After a certain period of being deprived of the ability to speak, the victim will ultimately cease being able to think.”
I believe we’ve reached a critical mass pertaining to the above point I cut and pasted from this article.
Covid and everything associated with this “Fraud” was premeditated.
For more than 20 years, the “Overlords” were running algorithms which determined the way people behave. They knew at what point, what time frame, social acceptance could be controlled.
From this assessment, they knew “fear of the unknown”would drive people exactly to where they wanted them to go.
Sadly, millions of people never batted an eye and without giving a second thought, sided with and by
“lining up and rolling up”
their sleeves.
Oh how the “Overlords” got into the mindset of millions of people. Still today with all we’ve learned, people are still be controlled. Call it brainwashing or Stockholm Syndrome. Whatever you call it please understand, “Nothing is What it Seems.”
We must “think for ourselves” more than ever before. Especially for those people who “Blindly-Trusted.”
Lockdowns was the point of which the “Overlords” knew it was time. So they did, what many people knew, was insanity!
They did the “unthinkable.” anyway.
My concern today is,
the rest of the “Overlords” plan isn’t quite known just yet. I believe speculation, is critical more than ever and vitally important, more than ever now.
Speculation helps to minimize our risk. As we begin to “dissect” the situation, more and more people will become aware. Speculation helps “Critical Thinkers” understand what or what not may or may not happen.
If we let our guard down now, we can all but guarantee our demise. The more we speculate, the more likely we will be better prepared for the “Overlords” next move.
This is, in no way, any sort guarantee. But rather a way of deducing, the “high vs low” probability of another attack.
Another words, we must deduce, more accurate calculations, not to simply be guessing. Instead of being blindsided, as we were with Covid, we may be better prepared for what might happen next.
“George Orwell” certainly understood the importance of
“Free Speech” and the detrimental effects of losing our freedom, if we lose our freedom to speak freely.
How evident this was during lockdowns?
I’m not sure what’s to come.
I am quite sure we haven’t seen the last of this sort of event. One thing is clear, when “evil” people begin speaking openly and telling us what they want to do, we better damn well listen to them and take them at their word.
Klaus Schwab is a perfect example. He has been very out spoken about his desires for world domination.
We mustn’t cast aside, disbelieve and or assume he’s wishful thinking or bluffing.
If there’s any silver lining about the past few years, it this. IMO, we’ve been spared, to a certain extent. We’ve learned from history time and again, “Good vs Evil” exists.
We must not forget what was “Done To o Us Not For Us!”
Today, we must decide to defend “Free Speech” or stand with the “Evils” who are trying to destroy
“Free Speech!”
We must now choose what side of “Good vs Evil” we stand on.
"Don't let anyone take your power" says drunken Kamala, the demon puppet of demon globalists who seek all power for themselves while shutting off our power (pipelines, for example), stealing our wealth (taxes, inflation, and CBDC), slow-killing us with bad food, bad medicine, and environmental toxins, telling us democracy means listening only to the Ministry of Truth and The Science Inc., and bragging that they are the new false Gods that can hack us "hackable animals" along with all the rest of creation. And now, of course, these demon Masters of War threaten nuclear annihilation for the crime of resisting them. F you very much, demon witch, but sincere thanks to Courageous Discourse and everyone in the pro-humanity resistance.
Your statement is correct: "Tyranny does not emerge suddenly, but initially advances slowly and almost imperceptibly, like a noose that tightens a millimeter each day, or a pot of water containing a frog whose temperature slowly rises. In its latter stages its advance accelerates, with more radical measures taken to restrict basic liberties. However, these shocks are followed by interludes in which the tyrant is inactive so that the people will relax, put down their guards, and grow accustomed to their new restrictions. In this way, the loss of liberty is normalized."
But, have you considered the following: The described insecurity is understandable in a world marked by rapid changes and rising social tensions. However, this sentiment can be overcome through individual and collective efforts to promote mental resilience, solidarity, and knowledge. Returning to fundamental values such as intellectual curiosity, community, and human action remains a realistic path to counter the fear of a metaphorical "zombie apocalypse."
There is hope on the horizon! [] As a social scientist, I've learned that history and social science demonstrate a powerful truth: tyranny has both a beginning and an end.
While societies rarely resort to extreme measures against their leaders, there are fascinating parallels in the natural world. New Scientist reported a striking example: Chimpanzees in Senegal killed and cannibalized their former alpha, Foudouko. This rare event provided insights into betrayal and coalition dynamics.
Dr. Yeadon's observations also align with Gustave Le Bon's theories on crowd psychology. In The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Le Bon explains how leaders who betray the trust of their followers can provoke intense emotional reactions, leading to impulsive and collective actions. This "Le Bon effect" mirrors the social unrest when prolonged repression stifles a society's freedom.
History further shows that maintaining strict control over populations through repression, censorship, and surveillance is ultimately unsustainable. Here's why:
Economic Strain: Surveillance and large security infrastructures drain financial resources, diverting them from vital sectors like education and healthcare.
No oppressive regime has endured indefinitely throughout history. The challenges of maintaining control in the face of growing public dissatisfaction, economic hardship, and external pressures inevitably force change. Over time, these regimes either adapt or collapse, as their inherent instability renders them unsustainable in the long run.
Some governments address these pressures by easing restrictions, implementing reforms, or transitioning to more democratic systems. A notable example is South Korea, which shifted from authoritarian rule to democracy in the late 20th century after significant internal and external demands for change. In contrast, regimes that resist adaptation often face sudden and dramatic collapse. The Soviet Union, for instance, imploded under the weight of widespread dissatisfaction and economic decline.
Romania's history provides another vivid example. The authoritarian regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu was brought down in 1989 during a popular uprising fueled by years of oppression and economic mismanagement. This collapse underscores how the accumulated grievances of a population, coupled with declining resources and external pressures, can lead even the most entrenched regimes to fall.
No tyranny has lasted indefinitely throughout history. The pressure to sustain control against growing dissatisfaction, economic hardship, and external challenges ensures that oppressive systems face eventual transformation. Whether through gradual reform or abrupt collapse, these regimes are inherently unsustainable over the long term.
Though some regimes, like those in China and North Korea, maintain control for extended periods, this is often due to external factors like geopolitical leverage and internal propaganda rather than inherent differences between societies. The inherent pressures of repression eventually lead to either reform or collapse.
While Iran and Syria have endured for decades, their survival is not guaranteed indefinitely. The combination of economic hardship, internal dissent, and shifting international dynamics could eventually challenge their hold on power, as history shows that even the most entrenched tyrannies are ultimately vulnerable to collapse or transformation.
However don't forget the many thousands, likely millions of prayers raised to God over the past year. Along with the political, we also need a spiritual re-awakening in this country.
John, I’m thankful for free speech and the first amendment. I do however think they are very much at risk. We must remain vigilant because the free exercise and establishment clauses are essential to restraining tyranny. Once they go in one way or another, it will lead to religious persecution not seen since the dark ages. I’m thankful for the time now to be able share my faith without compulsion or force.
Thank YOU, John! Wishing you and Dr McCullough a very Happy Thanksgiving 🙏🏻
Great commentary. In 2021 I read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and “The Truth About COVID” and both had intros that were largely about censorship that was occurring in a way that was more in line with China than with western democracies. Soon thereafter I read “1984” and started to understand that the bad guys truly lust for little more than power. Although I was once a never-Trumper, I gladly voted for him earlier this month because I’m quite impressed with the team of free-speech absolutists with whom he’s surrounded himself.
Thank you for sharing this comment Jason :-)
Thank you and the good dr. for your bravery and leadership through these trying and dangerous times. I hope you and yours have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.
Danny Huckabee
Happy Thanksgiving! Thankful for God Almighty and His many blessings through His Son Jesus Christ. Thankful that He is in control of all things and has given us a reprieve to get our acts together and live lives that bring glory and honor to Him. “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do (Psalm 11:3)?”
A reprieve from an Administration who America!
What specifically is this "reprieve" that He has given us? I think I know where you're going with this.
The medical freedom movement has never been about doctors being free to practice medicine.
It has always been about being free from doctors who practice medicine.
It is the practice of pharmaceutical medicine that is morbid.
Predictably, as a class, they are ill equipped to ever be free of what they’ve done to themselves and to one another.
That’s why we keep witnessing the most vocal of these doctors colliding with their own profession, slamming head first into the walls of their institutions, and rear ending one another in a slow motion existential demolition derby.
Only Mike Yeadon has been brave enough to face himself honestly.
He makes the others look like the fools that we now know them to be.
Did you see this.....
Amazing interview!!
John, we are incredibly grateful to you and Dr. McCullough for your bravery and words of wisdom. Hearing the truth among the onslaught of real misinformation has helped preserve our collective sanity. We are indeed grateful! Now remain vigilant. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Not sure that "1984" has been averted, it's only just starting. Hope springs eternal though.
delayed. The bible says terrible days will come in the last days, bringing the rise of single man global tyrannical leader and the marking of all mankind for allegiance to him alone vs the God of the Bible.
Who do you think people, especially weak Christians with zero discernment, just put into office?
To answer your question-The candidate who knows there are only two genders as created by God, that respects unborn life at any stage of life, that did not take my job away while forcing vaccine mandates, and the one who did not irresponsibly mismanage government spending with billions sent to Ukraine. Those are just a few thoughts off the top of this “weak” and undiscerning Christian ‘s mind.
Oh, where to start with one such as yourself. I suppose he'd have to support the two sexes belief system, because he led a lurid cheating immoral life and went through three wives. But that's ok for Christians, right? He was a lifelong democrat and pro-choice (you can still see him defending it in old videos) until he conveniently switched parties and Had to claim that stance. Then there's old MALania who came out only two months ago defending the right to choose. But these facts don't matter to Christians cause he's their "guy." Then there's a little insignificant thing called operation Warp Speed that this man signed into order and still takes credit for the pushing of and I quote him "if it weren't for me you wouldn't have that beautiful shot for five years." You know, the one that has killed at least 17 million worldwide that we know of? But hey, he's your guy. You're right though, he didn't mismanage government in the billions, because you see per tenure of only 4 years his admin. outspent even Oblama's tenure of eight years which equates to almost 7-8 TRILLION dollars . That's three zeros more than a billion in case you don't know. I can't even go into the really deep stuff because if you can't digest milk, then you certainly can't handle meat. That's biblical you know. And I don't know of any real authentic Christians who deny needing to repent of their wickedness like he did. Maybe he read it somewhere in TWO Corinthians. This stuff should have been obvious but the masses were asleep.
Jesus said “Follow Me”. He did not say to follow His disciples or to follow any particular man. Every human is flawed. God has worked to accomplish His plan through flawed people for generations.
There were 2 choices for President. No one got to vote for a perfect human. Presented with the platforms of both candidates, and then looking at the hearts of those who came alongside President Trump in this election, while also looking at our American history and Constitution, it became clear who was best suited to lead the United States of America as President for this next term. People grow in character and wisdom as they seek God. Our journeys in life are challenging and in seeking God we grow. We can all be praying the President is personally seeking God and for his salvation along with the salvation of billions of others!
Allowing personal bias and judgement against his past personal life choices is God’s job. There have been hours and hours, days upon days of prayer from thousands and thousands of Americans and certainly people from other nations as well, praying humbly yet intently for God to heal America, repenting of personal sin and national sin. We must seek Him above all else, and Trust Him above all else. Christ came to die for all of us sinners and when we believe and put our faith and trust in our Creator, life improves. Walking with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we will be able to let go of anger and pray for His will to be done and ask Him to lead each of us to do our part, our own personal part, to help. We put our Spiritual Armor on to advance God’s plan as shared with us in Ephesians 6:10-20.
The encouragement here is for ALL of us, to stop judging and start praying. ✨
While I appreciate your message here, unbeknownst to you, you're preaching to the choir (me.) Perhaps it will encourage someone else to seek the truth of God's salvation, however. You never addressed the very serious oxymoronic stances of this newly elected one that I specifically outlined. Especially the unconstitutional destructive agenda that took place four years ago in which he narcissistically took credit. If you did, you would convict him. But this brings to mind a typical unbiblical stance that you and millions of "Christians" take, and that is the "Don't judge" garbage. Let me educate you on this passage from Matthew 7:1- It's so obviously simple that there should be None of this false interpretation. And I quote "Hypocrite! First remove the gigantic plank from your Own eye and THEN you will see clearly to Remove the little splinter that is in your brother's eye." Do you understand what this means everyone? You first clean up your own massive sins in the area that you are accusing someone else, And Then You Can Judge Someone Else. No where does God tell us to neglect judging. Nowhere. Otherwise just get rid of law enforcement and let all thieves and murderers and perverts run loose because of "Don't judge" bull crap. So how much more should your national representatives be judged before giving them ultimate power! Or corporate leaders or school teachers or clergy! But we only have two choices, you cry. Better to do a write-in than vote for the lesser of Two of the very same coin evils. You all are stuck in the matrix and don't even know it.
A reread of 1984, something I did during the pandemic, actually did make the book more terrifying. And you are correct, I think, to assume that we narrowly missed an ever more tightening of the censorship noose on November 5. Liberty, it turns out, requires vigilance. We can never go to sleep again.
The Deep State has not been beaten. It will take more than an election to destroy them...they are in it for all the marbles.
They attempted to shoot the moon. God-willing the American people will prevail over globalists.
One can hope.
The Harris video with the bottle of Hennessy is classic LMAO.
If you think we just didn't dodge a huge bullet watch these 2 videos and then think about what we just avoided (Temporarily!). Eternal vigilance is required for freedom so don't let your guard down!
Marc Andreessen (Netscape, venture capitalist) talks to Joe Rogan.
And these are the same politicians who want to implement central bank digital currencies.
What could possibly go wrong?
First time Rogan viewer yesterday. Words fail me. Thank for for sharing these two particularly alarming clips. The drone issue is another, because we are fully aware of the backdoor technology.
Thanks for these links. Eternal vigilance for sure!
I believe we would have seen the criminalization of “Hate Speech” in early 2025 under a Harris administration.
And now that they are no longer in power they have switched strategies, are switching strategies, and tactics.
I believe the new overarching strategy will be to make America ungovernable under Donald Trump. This will manifest
In many ways. It is akin, as a starting point, to a poker player losing a game of poker and then rising from the table and
turning the table over. But that is just the beginning.
Many are still celebrating, and today is a good day to be thankful. But we must be sober and prepared for what’s coming.
Most aren’t.
Trump will change nothing of significance for the better. The Deep State will not be destroyed through the electoral process.
Time will tell. Consider all the things that a Harris administration would have done that a Trump administration will not do. This will be by far the greatest benefit of Trump’s victory IMO.
I don't see it.
You are right. Trump, RFK, Jr., Biden, Harris are all okay with and fully support the genocide in Gaza. Not to mention playing Russian Roulette with the Russians. There is nothing to be Thankful for.
Thank-you, John, for all of your valuable insights & historical perspectives over the last 3.5+ years. You are correct, we need to be especially thankful for any & all free speech platforms, such as substack. Our antennae need to be up, however, in regard to Dr. Nesheiwat, who not only promoted the covid jabs, social distancing, & lockdowns, but censorship. Anyone who was on board with that, needs to be eliminated. That said, I am wishing you & yours a very "Happy Thanksgiving".
“After a certain period of being deprived of the ability to speak, the victim will ultimately cease being able to think.”
I believe we’ve reached a critical mass pertaining to the above point I cut and pasted from this article.
Covid and everything associated with this “Fraud” was premeditated.
For more than 20 years, the “Overlords” were running algorithms which determined the way people behave. They knew at what point, what time frame, social acceptance could be controlled.
From this assessment, they knew “fear of the unknown”would drive people exactly to where they wanted them to go.
Sadly, millions of people never batted an eye and without giving a second thought, sided with and by
“lining up and rolling up”
their sleeves.
Oh how the “Overlords” got into the mindset of millions of people. Still today with all we’ve learned, people are still be controlled. Call it brainwashing or Stockholm Syndrome. Whatever you call it please understand, “Nothing is What it Seems.”
We must “think for ourselves” more than ever before. Especially for those people who “Blindly-Trusted.”
Lockdowns was the point of which the “Overlords” knew it was time. So they did, what many people knew, was insanity!
They did the “unthinkable.” anyway.
My concern today is,
the rest of the “Overlords” plan isn’t quite known just yet. I believe speculation, is critical more than ever and vitally important, more than ever now.
Speculation helps to minimize our risk. As we begin to “dissect” the situation, more and more people will become aware. Speculation helps “Critical Thinkers” understand what or what not may or may not happen.
If we let our guard down now, we can all but guarantee our demise. The more we speculate, the more likely we will be better prepared for the “Overlords” next move.
This is, in no way, any sort guarantee. But rather a way of deducing, the “high vs low” probability of another attack.
Another words, we must deduce, more accurate calculations, not to simply be guessing. Instead of being blindsided, as we were with Covid, we may be better prepared for what might happen next.
“George Orwell” certainly understood the importance of
“Free Speech” and the detrimental effects of losing our freedom, if we lose our freedom to speak freely.
How evident this was during lockdowns?
I’m not sure what’s to come.
I am quite sure we haven’t seen the last of this sort of event. One thing is clear, when “evil” people begin speaking openly and telling us what they want to do, we better damn well listen to them and take them at their word.
Klaus Schwab is a perfect example. He has been very out spoken about his desires for world domination.
We mustn’t cast aside, disbelieve and or assume he’s wishful thinking or bluffing.
If there’s any silver lining about the past few years, it this. IMO, we’ve been spared, to a certain extent. We’ve learned from history time and again, “Good vs Evil” exists.
We must not forget what was “Done To o Us Not For Us!”
Today, we must decide to defend “Free Speech” or stand with the “Evils” who are trying to destroy
“Free Speech!”
We must now choose what side of “Good vs Evil” we stand on.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
"Don't let anyone take your power" says drunken Kamala, the demon puppet of demon globalists who seek all power for themselves while shutting off our power (pipelines, for example), stealing our wealth (taxes, inflation, and CBDC), slow-killing us with bad food, bad medicine, and environmental toxins, telling us democracy means listening only to the Ministry of Truth and The Science Inc., and bragging that they are the new false Gods that can hack us "hackable animals" along with all the rest of creation. And now, of course, these demon Masters of War threaten nuclear annihilation for the crime of resisting them. F you very much, demon witch, but sincere thanks to Courageous Discourse and everyone in the pro-humanity resistance.
Your statement is correct: "Tyranny does not emerge suddenly, but initially advances slowly and almost imperceptibly, like a noose that tightens a millimeter each day, or a pot of water containing a frog whose temperature slowly rises. In its latter stages its advance accelerates, with more radical measures taken to restrict basic liberties. However, these shocks are followed by interludes in which the tyrant is inactive so that the people will relax, put down their guards, and grow accustomed to their new restrictions. In this way, the loss of liberty is normalized."
But, have you considered the following: The described insecurity is understandable in a world marked by rapid changes and rising social tensions. However, this sentiment can be overcome through individual and collective efforts to promote mental resilience, solidarity, and knowledge. Returning to fundamental values such as intellectual curiosity, community, and human action remains a realistic path to counter the fear of a metaphorical "zombie apocalypse."
There is hope on the horizon! [] As a social scientist, I've learned that history and social science demonstrate a powerful truth: tyranny has both a beginning and an end.
While societies rarely resort to extreme measures against their leaders, there are fascinating parallels in the natural world. New Scientist reported a striking example: Chimpanzees in Senegal killed and cannibalized their former alpha, Foudouko. This rare event provided insights into betrayal and coalition dynamics.
Dr. Yeadon's observations also align with Gustave Le Bon's theories on crowd psychology. In The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Le Bon explains how leaders who betray the trust of their followers can provoke intense emotional reactions, leading to impulsive and collective actions. This "Le Bon effect" mirrors the social unrest when prolonged repression stifles a society's freedom.
History further shows that maintaining strict control over populations through repression, censorship, and surveillance is ultimately unsustainable. Here's why:
Economic Strain: Surveillance and large security infrastructures drain financial resources, diverting them from vital sectors like education and healthcare.
Social Unrest: Persistent repression fosters widespread dissatisfaction, increasing the likelihood of rebellion or resistance. []
No oppressive regime has endured indefinitely throughout history. The challenges of maintaining control in the face of growing public dissatisfaction, economic hardship, and external pressures inevitably force change. Over time, these regimes either adapt or collapse, as their inherent instability renders them unsustainable in the long run.
Some governments address these pressures by easing restrictions, implementing reforms, or transitioning to more democratic systems. A notable example is South Korea, which shifted from authoritarian rule to democracy in the late 20th century after significant internal and external demands for change. In contrast, regimes that resist adaptation often face sudden and dramatic collapse. The Soviet Union, for instance, imploded under the weight of widespread dissatisfaction and economic decline.
Romania's history provides another vivid example. The authoritarian regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu was brought down in 1989 during a popular uprising fueled by years of oppression and economic mismanagement. This collapse underscores how the accumulated grievances of a population, coupled with declining resources and external pressures, can lead even the most entrenched regimes to fall.
No tyranny has lasted indefinitely throughout history. The pressure to sustain control against growing dissatisfaction, economic hardship, and external challenges ensures that oppressive systems face eventual transformation. Whether through gradual reform or abrupt collapse, these regimes are inherently unsustainable over the long term.
Though some regimes, like those in China and North Korea, maintain control for extended periods, this is often due to external factors like geopolitical leverage and internal propaganda rather than inherent differences between societies. The inherent pressures of repression eventually lead to either reform or collapse.
While Iran and Syria have endured for decades, their survival is not guaranteed indefinitely. The combination of economic hardship, internal dissent, and shifting international dynamics could eventually challenge their hold on power, as history shows that even the most entrenched tyrannies are ultimately vulnerable to collapse or transformation.
Bravo! Well said.
However don't forget the many thousands, likely millions of prayers raised to God over the past year. Along with the political, we also need a spiritual re-awakening in this country.
So prayers will continue.