High Priests and Priestesses of BS which result in the Genocide, Control and Extortion of the people by the Psychotic/Predator/Parasites.

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“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.” —Primo Levi

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I believe the term, possibly coined by Lenin, is "useful idiots." Without them, dictators and totalitarians could never attain or retain their positions and their ability to cause harm and do evil.

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Obviously, we have an over abundance of UIs.

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I agree the numbers are low but their Power and Control are HUGE and they have very large amounts of financially compromised and/or blackmailed agents as well as untold numbers of easily gullible stooges followers. The Plandemic, Bioweapon Jab and the Tyranny around them in most every country confirms this as well as the horrendous Genocide and Ethnic Cleaning of mostly defenseless women and children. And they have taken us to the precipice of WWIII which we are likely in already as they did in WWI and WWII. So Primo Levi, who I like and I read all of his books, was wrong on this quote.

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They do not operate without cooperation. Everything from pseudo-vax transfections to gender idiocy—in reality plain old bullying—relies on cooperation of fools/the fooled. I respectfully disagree.

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So we agree and identified "They" exist. So we agree and identified "Fools" exist and cooperate with them. What's missing is the usually very powerful Bought and Paid for Prostitutes and the Epstein/Mossad/CIA etc Blackmailed.

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Oh they’re all there. But the powers that should not be would be nowhere without us. Just like the trannies who want to swim against women, if no one agreed to swim, it would have ended then and there. But no, we had to have a months-long thing about it after which some people wised up. There’s a time to be a “good sport” and a time to fight. The fight should be early.

“you get to keep the rights you will fight for, and the fight must be early and instant.”


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I understand your very good points. For sure not enough of us say the truth and expose them. Live Free or Die.

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You've nailed it.

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Thank you.

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Re “Ron Fouchier, who notoriously altered H5N1 bird flu virus in a lab in order to make it infectious to ferrets via aerosolized transmission.”

It was a beat-up…part of the theatre for developing the lucrative pandemic industry.

They’ve been developing this for years…

And now here we are with the diabolical Covid scam, and they’re going to try this on again with ‘bird flu’.


The world has been done over with this ‘deadly virus’ bullshit.

The major crime now is they’ve injected people over and over again with who knows what, and under coercion and mandates.


Add that to the ginormous theft that has taken place to fund vaccines, tests, surveillance, etc, etc, duping the public about this supposed ‘threat’.

Biggest crime of all time.

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Everyone who took the clot shot has a 200x chance of getting a blood clot in the brain. Why aren't people filing lawsuits for that fact alone.

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How many years now have they been trying to terrify us all with the "Bird Flu" wheeze?🤔💩


But don't worry Elizabeth, 98% if not 99.5% of humanity remain so irredeemably f***ing stupid they'll swallow this latest cowpat in one gulp.🙄💩

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Oh dear Roy, do you still think it could be 99.5%?

Surely a few more are waking up now?

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I fear I'm rather "Black Pilled", but I could be exaggerating: It maybe down to 99.3% by now... And alas, Substack is much an echo chamber: One of my co-workers just had his 7th Lethal Injection; also I consider what happened to me on Tuesday.. May seem unrelated but it's all part of the same campaign of subversion: https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/draft-2-of-a-letter-to-the-mayor

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FYI, also see my detailed article challenging the Covid scam: Misfeasance in Public Office: The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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A quick glance at your document and here's this for you, part of something I'm working on for something else:

“Mandatory vaccination violates the Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (Article 6), UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 7), US Constitution and, given what we have seen in the previous chapter, the Hippocratic Oath.

– Feargus O'Connor Greenwood: "180°: Unlearn the Lies You've Been Taught to Believe"; Page 544.

All worthless words on paper...

Meanwhile the reality of the moral insanity of "mandated" medical treatments – including any vaccination – can be vividly illustrated with the ideas of:

1. Mandantory lobotomy for all individuals who present to their physicians with "depression" and

2. Mandated Thalidomide treatment for all pregnant women.

Just give those ideas 10 seconds thought each.

Meanwhile Australia like Canada is sorely lacking these two items:

1. The First Amendment and

2. The Second Amendment.

Scott Morrison... Omigod why hasn't someone... ? ...

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Just downloaded your article. I'll print it shortly.😘

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Crikey Roy…Canada…

So shocking to see how that country is being destroyed…and the people so complacent?

Same WEF influence here in Australia too, and with ‘cabinets penetrated’ around the world.

What will it take for people to get off their backsides and take their countries back?

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Re your "What will it take for people to get off their backsides and take their countries back? "

I fear that the English-oriented countries (that includes you too, EUR, admirers of Hollywood Dollar) have advanced too far with our creed of Individualism to do what you say which, of itself, requires a social conscience and a lot of citizens who feel they belong together. Where is your Common Cause, Ladies and Gentlemen? What do most of you mostly believe in? What orders your social life? What of responsibility have you taught your children?

Answers on a very small postcard, please--->

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I remarked to someone on Facebook a couple years back: "There'll be knock-down fights to be the first person in the boxcar": That is truly how insouciant most people are. They don't need a "Red Pill"; they need a "Red Suppository", about the size of a football and forcefully administered.

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Thanks for much needed humour, Roy!🇨🇦

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And very sorry to read about your stepdaughter being adversely affected by the injections. I hope you can find some help for her.

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Here we go, round two of fraudulent PCR "tests" (the inventor of which, Kerry Mullis said was a manufacturing process) and the equally fraudulent claim of asymptomatic infections.

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The New York Times reported that New York is getting prepared for bird flu, since some birds in the city, have tested positive, and the fear is that it will jump to humans. The fear messages are ramping up. I hope scientists send out antidoting messages before censorship kicks in. I mean this is a return to the 'Neil Fergusen' catastrophe.

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So the birds have ‘tested positive’?

Is that what they’re basing this on, ‘tests’?

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The hysteria of covid I think was triggered by the fake photos from China of people falling in the street, as well as the outlandish stats by Neil Ferguson in England. It sent shock waves around the world, people overreacted to the incorrect prediction. I think people will overreact again when fear is disseminated about the bird flu.

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Those photos from China…

People falling over, and being sealed into buildings in lockdowns.

Doesn’t it make your toes curl now to think how people were hoodwinked by this balderdash.

‘Nudge units’ working to deliberately terrify and manipulate the public…the treachery…

Can the people seriously be fooled again? Let’s hope not…

As for Neil Ferguson, see my email to him in March 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/neil-ferguson-not-at-all-certain-that-suppression-will-succeed-long-term.pdf

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To be honest when I first saw the China photos, I had a moment of fear. It dissipated rapidly after I could not help but notice people around me were not falling down. Also, the stats of danger to children were so low, I realized the whole thing was propaganda driven. I also knew something was terribly wrong when those with respiratory symptoms were sent home without intervention, until the 'clot shots' came on the market. Mandating experimental mRNA drugs for billions of people around the world was horrifying. It was an overreach that violated every child and adults' natural born rights of integrity and sovereignty. By not taking the shot, you did not put anyone in jeopardy. By taking the shot you increased your risk of developing symptoms. Now, there are millions of children at risk of heart disease and brain clots in the future. The tragedy is so overwhelming, and I still don't get it why parents are not banding together and suing. We had Ivermectin. It was denied. It saved lives, it is not experimental.

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That’s a word!

Diabolical crime against humanity is another description.

I’m challenging the situation in Australia, see this article, which also contains a section on children’s vaccination…against a disease that was of no threat to them…

Misfeasance in Public Office: The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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I got through half, it is long. So well written, so clear, every question so pertinent and highlights the hypocrisy, and calling them out on it. There is back flipping going on now because the world is far more aware of the arbitrary nature of protocols, the fact the shots were non sterilizing, the harms to kids etc.....We are nowhere near getting to the level of Nuremburg 2 style hearings and appropriate consequences.

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“We have to slaughter you, for your own good. And grant money. Tens of millions of dollars in grant money”. How do these demonic maniacs sleep at night??

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There were a million Nazis in Germany, many from small towns. They rounded up their Jewish neighbours and sent them on trains to the camps. How did they sleep at night. What went on in their minds to justify this, was it the paycheck they now had, enough money for family holidays that they could not afford before?

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Anderson?? STAT is a bad joke. Along with the other discredited ideological medical journals: Lancet, Nature, New England Journal …

But don’t take my word for it, watch just about any random You Tube vid by V Prasad …

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The evil and tyranny threatening contemporary mankind are legion and coming from all points on the 'compass'. What has become painfully obvious is, the damage being done and any potential solutions goes way beyond the ballot box. As the origins of this evil, the elites don't hear or fear....but they will.

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Fabulous analogy.....and just another to add to the list of similarities in the decline of the Roman empire and the United States.

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Will bird flu and “pandemic preparedness” come up tonight in the debate? Will Trump and Biden both stand by their vaxx? To watch a real debate you can use the link I’ve posted. Oh the power of those pharmaceutical advertising dollars to exclude…

People may watch the debate in real time WITH RFK, Jr., here: https://therealdebate.com/ . It will also be webcast on X. RFK, Jr. will be answering the same questions posed to Trump and Biden. Please help spread the word!

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Fake Scientific Research from Amoral scientists exposed on Retraction.com .. approximately 25% of All SR published in the last 4 yrs found to be impossible to duplicate., pharmaceuticals.. 40% of papers retracted.. mRNA platforms=Slow Kill Bio Weapons= Bird Flu vaccine... Full steam ahead with the Global Psyop.. Stay Away from all Big Pharma products... 99% Unnessasary.. Mother Nature knows how to heal..

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Just read a silly book cleaning out my kids stuff “interesting stories for curious people”. 1950’s Warwick Kerr crossed the European bees with East African bees to make more honey- found that this made them more aggressive and on 1956they escaped their controlled environment- the scare of killer bees coming to get us was born - they were to be here in 1970’s. It’s just all outrageous that these people get to decide what, how, and when we the people will be extinguished or tormented- closing the world down was really insane (can’t think of more descriptors!) hard to believe they are still pulling this crap

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Tucker came across a few dummies while in Australia. Dummies abound.


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I've gathered from Christine Massey MSc, a scientist of many years experience, that virology is rubbish on a level with phrenology... That virologists and what they're doing is equivalent to 5-year-olds making mud pies...

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Good comparison John, men in black robes acting as priests and augurs. Pure BS.

We see the same dynamics in play with the black robed priests in SCOTUS and lower courts. Yesterday's decision is a good example. Sophistry used to advance the status quo.

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What is going on with the Justices that they could possibly side with censorship? What is their payoff, why, why, why? Is it a sequel for the next level of censorship when Bird flu vax mandates hit?

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“the Justices”…

There’s precious little justice around the courts.

The people need to sort this out themselves in the court of public opinion.

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Their decision was not based on the merits of the case but on a technically of jurisdiction. The case is not closed on this one and the exposure alone was a massive win for freedom fighters.

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Thanks for explaining, the law is a technical practice, you need patience for the details. Yes, it has brought the matter to the table, eventually freedom will win.

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James Madison noted that "In truth, all men (and women) holding power ought to be mistrusted."

The court has sided with censorship (through pure judicial sophistry and cowardice) because its modern day role is to support the status quo, the criminal behavior of the other 2 branches.

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The three branches were set up to check the others. Maybe as Phil Davis wrote above, they were applying the law by denying based on a technicality, and CHD will have to surmount that technicality to win next time.

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Maybe. We can only speculate, but if this actually were a government of, by and for the people, and if the court were actually interested in enforcing the US Constitution, it would have been truthful and honest and ruled that the Executive Branch was certainly usurping unauthorized power in its censorship efforts.

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“To establish standing, the plaintiffs must demonstrate a substantial risk that, in the near future, they will suffer an injury that is traceable to a government defendant and redressable by the injunction they seek,” Barrett wrote. “Because no plaintiff has carried that burden, none has standing to seek a preliminary injunction.” Justice Barrett. The government argued that the social media plaintiffs didn’t have standing to sue, in part because their content was “moderated” before the administration started flagging suspect posts to the platforms. The Biden administration argued that the states also lacked standing, in part because they relied on a “a handful of past incidents of content moderation, unconnected to any specific governmental actions.” “The government can press third parties to silence you, but the Supreme Court will not find you have standing to complain about it absent them referring to you by name apparently,” said the group’s senior litigation counsel, John Vecchione. “This is a bad day for the First Amendment.”

But other groups said the decision struck a balance between free speech and public safety online." I don't understand law, but in the future perhaps individuals who can claim harm will have standing.

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Barrett did not mention the obvious damage to constitutional privileges, and neither did the other members of the majority. That, despite their oath of office to protect and defend the US Constitution. They merely presented judicial sophistry and harmed the legal principles they are supposed to protect and defend. They refused to condemn the illegal censorship of the Executive Branch. They are traitors to the document and its principles.

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High priests of virology with the same mythical claims of supernatural powers may be mocked but their biological fables are adopted anyway. What NEVER gets mentioned is that all the Gain of Function experiments are the foundation of ALL vaccine development because RNA molecules lack the replication fidelity to pandemic or even grow in a petrie dish from a culture.

All virology misapplies pure DNA clones grown in labs to an assumed natural model but it is like comparing raw earth minerals to highly enriched uranium. There is no relationship between what nature makes possible and what can be made in labs. Regardless of how many vats or vials of infectious clones released Mother Nature still makes the rules for replication and RNA molecules can never do what Co0vidian pandemic peddlers claim.

Read the 2016 Gryphon Scientific Report 1,000+ pages of GoF experiments for VACCINE development for Influenza and Coronavirus.. this is a media made pandemic fear of something that is industry standard development tool and everyone in the vaccine space should have been reporting this for the past four plus years.


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Very well stated! But of course they have to make Mother Nature the scapegoat , including any animal such as bats, pangolins and birds so they can call them infectious viral agents and continue their fake Frankenscience in their gain of function labs; we haven't had any real scientists since Antoine Bechamp, Royal Rife and Florence Nightingale!

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They can lie to claim Mother Nature bows to their petrie dish and changes the laws of global ecosystem evolved from the dawn of time but that does not change the truth. It's unfair to say there's no real science when so many passionate folks spend their lives seeking understanding and modern model only serves profiteers. The genuine science has been hijacked and needs to reform to nurture & spread the good ideas!

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Real science has been hijacked since the adoption of the allopathic model of disease and treatment because it was discovered very early on that there was no money to be made in keeping people healthy; hence, the development of "vaccines" for every possible ailment (real or make-believe) whether needed or proven effective or not!

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Abso-frigging-lutely spot on.. hat tip JD Rockefeller whose Flexner Report became the blueprint for public health and medicine we have today.

Read borrow or download at Wayback


The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was founded in 1901. Simon Flexner headed the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. Simon Flexner appointed his brother, Abraham Flexner, to survey medical schools throughout America.

Abraham Flexner was empowered to investigate the quality of medical education in all 161 medical schools that existed in 1910. He helped destroy the credibility and funding sources for nearly all schools using non-drug based medicine. 161 medical schools dwindled down to 81 by 1919 and medical graduates declined from 5,747 to 2,658.

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Simple, rule of thumb applicable to this story, and all stories:

Any information which comes from any part of the federal bureaucracy, or from the Ministry of Propaganda, should be considered a lie, and should not be heeded until proven beyond any doubt to be true or accurate.

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