Power without oversight is the fastest route out of democracy. <--- You Are Here

A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves. <---- You Are Here

You get more of what you tolerate. <---- You Are Here

If a nation expects to remain ignorant and free - it expects what never was and will never be. <---- You Are Here

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it. <---- You Are Here

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. <---- You Are Here

Unless the people, through unified action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them. Independence and liberty will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of servitude to an aggregation of organized and selfish interest. <---- You Are Here

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. <---- You Need To Be Here Not ^ There

The problems we face cannot be solved at the ballot box. Here is a way to solve them while rendering in abundance the desperately needed depleted fear & accountability: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

Each one of us is guilty of all the good we did not do. —Voltaire

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I keep seeing your comments all over. You speak gospel.

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That is beyond kind of you to say, thank you RLM RLM

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I'm not being kind. It's an absolute fact.

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Your comments are well taken and Voltaire is a favorite. I would add that American “democracy”, intended to be unlike any other has been hijacked. It is what tyrants do. America is not a democracy just because we vote, if incorruptible. That ruse and false claim has been levied on Americans for seven decades by the Democrat Party. At the very least, claiming America is a Democracy gains low info voters who gratuitously vote Democrat thinking it must be in Americas interest, “the Party for the little guy”. Everyone says it, “ well, we’re a democracy, aren’t we?” No, we are a Constitutional Republic. Intended to protect democracy (voting) from historically cannibalizing itself with unfettered victimhood and meaningless “equity” which causes the privileged to claim victimhood in the name of equity, a pathologically absurd bipolar dystopia dreaming of utopia. The Democrat Party.

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Always on point Tri. Thank you for all you bring to the table.

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The EU is the Fourth Reich. How else can unelected Ursula order the jabs by text and force them on her subjects? It’s a farce for the West to talk about democracy and human rights.

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And soon they won't even BE talking about democracy and human rights! Those concepts have already been STRUCK from the updated version of the WHO Treaty! THEY obviously see such concepts as nothing but an irritating hindrance to their plans for domination of the World and total subjugation of humanity!

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I like that, as my thoughts have been how the Fourth Reich was envisaged even as the eastern front was engaged and was doomed .

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Yeah, they invite the forcibly transient Jews who understand trade routes to their region to make their own isolated ideology prosperous, then, historically about every 500 years out or fear they champion a pogrom to wipe them out, blaming the Jews for to much Capitalism.

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The fact that the CDC pressured on-line dictionaries to change the definition of the word "vaccine," which has been with us since the late 18th Century, solely to be able to call the Covid nonvaccine a "vaccine," should be all the information one needs to know we were being lied to and scammed.

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The picture of Pfizer’s CEO hugging the EU president Ursula Van Der Layon says it all.

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I strongly suggest that everyone search for Naomi Wolf's speech at Hillsdale College, not the summary but listen to the video recording, 1 hour 9 minutes - there is a lot there that explains some of the questions raised in this video re the Danish study. About the great variability among different lots. You remember when the vaccines first came out and they said how important it was to keep it at those extremely cold temps? Way below zero? Naomi Wolf is involved in coordinating the scientists, physicians, researchers, and journalists who are studying and reporting on all the Pfizer documents that are now being released, 55,000 documents per month, per court order under freedom of information. In her talk, she said that the lipid nanoparticles which are one important source of toxicity, are liquid at that way below zero temp, but it congeals or aggregates when at room temp. And throughout the pandemic, there were constantly changing orders about how long can the product be left out at room temp? A couple hours, maybe six hours? It changed, and the instructions for the different amounts of time came from China. China was calling the shots, and it did keep changing, but that would certainly make a different in side effects that were related to the nanoparticles. (Note also, that there is data from the past, two different peer-reviewed journal articles, showing that the lipid nanoparticles have harmed the reproductive systems and have been fetotoxic in every animal in which these have been studied, and this was well known some years before the vaccines were rolled out, so there is no way they did not know this - this was intentionally put out as a bioweapon of depopulation. Naomi mentions this during her Hillsdale speech, and has discussed this elsewhere, and Dr. Mike Yeadon also has discussed this recently in a video - there is no way they made a vaccine using lipid nanoparticles and nobody knew - somebody knew.) But anyway, at least part of the side effect issue was the variability of the amount of time the items were left out at room temp, and because of the state of lipid nanoparticles at different temperatures And also, the lipid nanoparticles can cross every membrane in the human body, so they can get everywhere, including the brain (it crosses blood-brain barrier), including ovaries, all your organs; and inside the nanoparticle is the mRNA so you can make spike protein, which is toxic, everywhere in your body. But - Wolf was very clear that China was calling the shots on how long the vaccine could be left out which changed again and again. Wolf also pointed out, this way it was clear they could control who got the most side effects - by far the highest and most severe side effects and most deaths were in North America, next in Western Europe, but then a relatively small number over the entire rest of the world, trivial by comparison. This was intentionally a bioweapon targeting North Americans and Western Europeans. And the Chinese were not using the same vaccine. So - what was China's involvement? Wolf traced the corporate structures and corporate relationships, and again, I am saying, listen to that video carefully, 1 hour, 9 min., I just re-listened to this part: Pfizer is a German - Chinese company in its ownership. Its subsidiary Bio N Tech is a German-Chinese company. Pfizer bought Bio N Tech right before the pandemic started. Bio N Tech has an MOU (memo of understanding with Fo Sun Pharmaceuticals which is owned or controlled by Chinese Communist Party. In China, any Chinese corporation is owned or controlled by Chinese Communist Party. In 2021 SEC filing, Stock Exchange Filing, it shows 100% of Bio N Tech tech transfer to China. Not an individual in China or a company in China, but "China," which means the Chinese Communist Party. Thus, in 2023, Wolf explains better than I can, but in 2023, if you get a Pfizer shot in your American body, you are getting a shot that is owned by China. Don't argue with me about it, but listen to what she says - remember she is working with all the scientists and others who are reading Pfizer documents from the court ordered release, and she is studying Pfizer every day. She is finding new things about the science, and has looked into the corporate aspects as well. Wolf's complete Hillsdale speech is here: https://freedomlibrary.hillsdale.edu/programs/cca-iv-big-pharma/what-s-in-the-pfizer-documents?utm_campaign=ea_15min&utm_medium=youtube&utm_source=youtube&utm_content=Wolf_030623 Seems to me, Chinese Communist Party ownership of the injection may explain many things.

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They couldn't "congeal" at room temperature or they wouldn't be injectable!

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This is ludicrous.

China didn't make US and European authorities approve the shots, and it didn't make them decide to let Pfizer run its own safety trials. It didn't make them decide to ignore most of the serious adverse effects after the roll-outs.

This reads as though you don't want to accept that capitalism inherently disregards the safety of its own citizens, and so are blaming a country where there is a financial connection to one of the mRNA companies.

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That wasn’t capitalism, it’s more akin to fascism..... as in public-private “partnerships”.

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Correct, the CCP just supplied the facility and the get away car in collaboration with the petulant traitor liberals, afraid of their own shadows that causes them to eat their own. Don’t be the fool looking for the easy villain that blames capitalism. Communists hate it because it competes with totalitarianism and tyranny of one Party rule.

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Naomi Wolf in her speech at Hillsdale College (March 2023) says this, which I just re-listened to. Pfizer is a German-Chinese company. It's subsidiary BioNTech, which it purchased right before the pandemic got underway, is a German-Chinese company. BioNTech signed an MOU (memo of understanding) with FoSun Pharmaceuticals which is wholly owned by the Chinese Communist Party. Then in the SEC filings (the official stock market filings) the 2021 filing said that BioNTech had done a 100% tech transfer to China. It did not name an individual in China or a company in China. It said 100% tech transfer to China = Chinese Communist Party that rules China. I think Naomi Wolf has done her homework & is a credible source. I've followed her for years & I don't think she's lying about this. She's not a scientist but she has a PhD from Oxford University & didn't get that by being lazy or ignorant. She's now a leader/organizer in the team of experts (scientists, researchers, MDs, Journalists) who are analyzing the 450,000 pages of Pfizer documents that were court-ordered to be released under Freedom of Information Act. So, I think she is a credible source of information. I am also reasonably certain that Pfizer had no objection to making all that money. I just rechecked, CNBC online says Pfizer made $37.8 billion on vaccine sales alone in 2022. Wolf and medical experts I follow have shown that many of the studies that should have been done, were not done, and there have been a couple of whistleblowers who have alleged falsification of data and not following research protocols. I think the reason the FDA approved so agreeably is partly that Pfizer misled the FDA in some respects, and also there is what RFK Jr. terms "regulatory capture" in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. I also saw a video of a former Pfizer employee in which he said that the FDA was generally nice to Pfizer and agreeable in that, many people will eventually go from working in FDA to good jobs in pharma, therefore, one tries to be agreeable to get a better job later. Sure, people in the US totally went along with this. But I don't think Wolf is lying about the SEC filings, and in that case, by 2021, with 100% tech transfer to China, China owns the Pfizer vaccine. There is also evidence going back to one of Peter Daszak's grant proposal that the same Wuhan team that was getting money for gain of function research was simultaneously getting money to make vaccines. A copy of the grant proposal was posted on another substack. But here's the thing. If a normal company just wanted to make a ton of money, sure, they could make a mistake and whoops make some careless mistake, and there you have an adverse effect. But it happens that well in advance of vaccine rollout (years before), there have been studies on lipid nanoparticles that show that they are toxic to fetuses of every animal that has been studied; and there were Chinese studies on this also. But adequate reproductive studies were never done prior to rolling out the Pfizer vaccine. Prior to rollout, Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President expressed concern the vax would cause harm to reproduction and that studies that should be done, were not being done - and now Pfizer data does show that more than 200 pregnant women received the shot, most of the women's data was "lost" but of those whose data was retained - there was an 80% rate of miscarriage or stillbirth which Wolf discussed in the Hillsdale speech (the full speech which is 1 hr 9 min) . Basically, there was reason to believe there would be harm from the vaccine, and it was not an accident - someone knew in advance that the lipid nanoparticles would do a number of very concerning things - like, cross the blood brain barrier, and the reproductive harms and more actually. A number of people who have looked at this think that it is so bad, with harms that realistically had to be known in advance, that this was not an accident. Plus, the vaccine is harming way more Americans than people in any other country, the vast majority of side effects and vaccine deaths are to Americans according to the data Wolf has looked at. So It looks like intentional harm to Americans, and a normal drug company would not intentionally harm their customers - ideally you would want people to live and take the vaccine every year and keep making money, Pfizer clearly made billions on the vaccines - so of course there was financial incentive for them, and there was also what RFK Jr. calls "regulatory capture" which he has discussed in his book "The Real Anthony Fauci." So, sure, capitalism can have an ugly side, and so can Communism for sure. A big part of the problem here is that the regulators have not done a good job in regulating and the system makes it possible for it to be this way. There are a lot of different threads to what happened but I think it would be a mistake to ignores the role of China. But certainly with 450,000 pages of Pfizer documents released by FDA, with the release ongoing, there is a lot to assimilate, and it may be a few years before the definite books are written if ever. I don't think the problem is "capitalism" per se but regulatory capture / failure is part of the problem and I think we should be looking others outside the US as well. But it's a free country, so think what you want.

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That's SOP in developing new drugs, has Ben over 50 yrs that I know for certain; the developer does their own tests and trials,then presents the information to the FDA or other agency designated to approve it's use in a given nation..

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The ccp provided the lab for Fauci's DoD contractual GoF research. And I doubt the ccp leaked it. Too many govt co tracts as a DoD bioweapons deployment "proof of concept" were in place at just the right time, despite that they take a long time to write up the requirements and award the contract.

For example, I work on a large contract for NASA at Johnson Space Center in Houston. We are starting the paperwork to compete the next iteration of our contract more than a year before it's needed.

So how did DoD get that all done so fast if it was a ccp leak? Calling b.s. on that.

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What's really astonishing to me is how some group seems to have absolute control over the health agencies of every government on earth. How did that group get such unanimity from health agencies in wildly different countries that an experimental genetic soup with ZERO long-term safety data must be injected into every single citizen? Can Pfizer bribery alone account for this?

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That group is the Rockefellers/Rothschilds operating through the WEF and the DOD, it would seem.

Obviously Pfizer is a role player that is being peeled off so nobody has to deal with all those awkward frightening facts.

The NSA ran the Covid response, and the DOD slapped labels on the "military countermeasures" using CIA contractors.

Highly doubt that Pfizer went "rogue" and if they did, then why is the DOD not suing them?

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Precisely !

Spot on assessment as usual Sage

Cut to the core of the matter

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I’ve read that the CDC has great influence on the health authorities in other western countries..... and that those countries almost always follow the lead of health officials in the United States.

I have no first hand experience on the subject, but that would explain a hell of a lot.....

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There are global agreements between national health agencies, such that if one approves a GM crop, a drug, etc, the others can approve it - in fact they're almost pressured to approve it. When the FDA/CDC comes down with a ruling the others are (almost) obliged to follow along, even if there wasn't a drug/weapons/mafia to enforce it.

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I bet the US has burned a lot or maybe all of its credibility with those countries.

Or maybe the bribery or Epstein-like influence programs are still in place.

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I read that the Covid19 Vax was actually mfg by US DOD, who paid Pfizer & Moderna to apply their names to it. The Department of Defense produces Bioweapons.

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ding ding ding!

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Why the Pfizer focus?. Last I checked Moderna was selling to EU

At least the EU as Buyer allows for independent testing on vaccine batch lots


In the US the DoD is the buyer. I am unaware of any independent testing on batches by FDA or DoD. Seems both rely on Pfizer and Moderna QC.

The US has higher Excess Deaths than EU. I think its the US that is the Banana Republic and that Pfizer and Moderna knowing this simply ships the bad batches to US and sends the good batches to those areas that test them

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The Pfizer focus is coordinated and is designed to provide a villain for the massive DOD contracts and NSA running the Covid Response.

Pfizer may be sued out of existence, and a new "ethical" Pharm company will emerge and make some handshakes with the CIA contractors and off we go.

Sasha broke down the DOD contracts and there was not arms length. Even RFK acknowledges this. These were military countermeasures. The mRNA was promoted to the WHO by one Bob Malone in 2011, and Trump signed EU 13887 to make them a go in Sept. 2019.

Right about the same time that our Spooks were having "Event 201" and the Milken Institute was promoting something "sexy" to get serious about Dangerous Germs.

The whole thing is a planned, coordinated Operation to instill fascism and those in Tier Two media are contorting to use general terms like 'Biopharmaceutical Cabal' to avoid filtering back to the US DOD or any Presidents who played along.

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Round two coming up.

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Why the Pfizer focus?. Last I checked Moderna was selling to EU

At least the EU as Buyer allows for independent testing on vaccine batch lots


In the US the DoD is the buyer. I am unaware of any independent testing on batches by FDA or DoD. Seems both rely on Pfizer and Moderna QC.

The US has higher Excess Deaths than EU. I think its the US that is the Banana Republic and that Pfizer and Moderna knowing this simply ships the bad batches to US and sends the good batches to those areas that test them

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I didn't know that the worst batches in Denmark were the early batches. The PFIZER adverse events reporting in the Australia was also much higher earlier on, when it was given to care & quarantine workers, and the elderly. The T88.1 hospitalisations went right across the age groups - a little more in the older but certainly the young also ended up in hospital. I couldn't explain it. https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/vaccine-carnage-reported-by-australian

I wouldn't be at all surprised if the products changed along the way, or if the % of "control/placebo" component increased.

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It’s way more than just shoddy control, no?

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Get ready for the next Pandemic!

Scary Germs can strike at any time.

Scary Germs are constantly emerging.

And we'll have a new rollout of mRNA which will also be prescribed for your Turbo Cancer.

But the next batch will be better. You'll see.

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Sure the first human rollout didn't go so well.

But the future may be bright for mRNA Technology.

I read that somewhere.

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In this episode on March 16, 2023, Steve Kirsch interviewed Melissa McAtee who worked at Pfizer plant in McPherson, Kansas. Her job was to visually inspect the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine. She said very clearly that Comirnaty was made in >>>> China <<<< . She said that it arrived at the plant in huge bags with only chinese writing on it, and bar codes and when they were scanned into the system, you had to mix some bags, and then mix the combinations which were then bottled.


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Thank you. I missed that one.

I’ve wondered all along about Chinese involvement in the Covid vaccine manufacturing process.

I’ve read that BioNTech is partially Chinese owned and that some vaccine components are actually made by Chinese manufacturers.

It kind of makes me wonder how much of this is a Chinese military operation..... but no one seems interested in investigating the possibility.

I find it interesting that the Chinese don’t use the vaxx for their own people.

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DOD op

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Did China get to Moderna too?

And Trump?

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“Did China get to Moderna too?”

I have no idea. I do know that Moderna and Fauci are close, and that Fauci’s emails prove that he was covering for China, so who knows?

Maybe someone should look into it?

I seriously doubt that China “got to” Trump, but they sure as hell “got to” Biden......

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"It was the US Gov't. that did it....(created SARs cov-2)

Signed, Dr. Peter McCullough.



Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

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I believe that I was originally replying to someone else, AND I was referring to the VACCINES not Covid 19.

I commented on the fact that the Chinese own a substantial share of BioNTech and wondered if some of the vaccine harms may have been intentional (by the Chinese).

The possibility, no matter how remote you believe it to be, should be investigated.

If you feel it necessary to butt in, at least try and stick to the subject at hand.

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It's strange because I have video of Trump saying the following:

"Pfizer says it wasn't part of Warp Speed, but that turned out to be a... unfortunate misrepresentation. They are part. That's why we gave them the 1.95 billion dollars.. and uh...it was an unfortunate mistake they made when they said that."



Those crafty Chinese managed to fake Donald out with some reverse psychology!

And then get the bad jabs into the arms....and all the while the DOD didn't know....

Those Chinese are good!

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Yesterday I came across this one uncensored 10 second loop of a tree burning from the central core, spewing flames out, while its leaves were unburned and a truck drove by, again and again and again... This is from a local person. All private-citizen local videos were immediately removed from social media, but this one was picked up by a local news station and looped, sort of like the WTC collapse videos that are burned into our memories. Watch the flames shoot from the core of the tree, while unburned leaves blow in the breeze.


How would the core of a tree burn out while the bark and leaves are not burned? It's like a microwave oven heating my coffee, but not the mug, isn't it? Microwave energy is like radar. The wavelengths excite polar molecules and may be completely absorbed by electrically conductive metals. I can remember putting old China in a microwave, the kind with that tiny metallic edge accent, which got really hot and burned me when I picked up the bowl. I didn't do that again. Polar molecules, like water, but not only water, absorb microwave energy, and it is converted to heat in the material which contains them. Would that include automotive windshields and windows? There are so many images of melted windshields draped over dashboards like a melted cheese slice on a hamburger patty... I googled it below, and below that is a video posted by Dora in the comments at The Automatic Earth, of Canadian trees, mobile-homes, houses and cars burned in unusual ways. It is a video interview of a Forensic Arborist who studied a lot of forest fires around human towns and suburbs in Canada. Water-loving trees like willows burned from the core, sometimes only the core burned, leaving a charred bowl in the center, or a charred cave in the middle of a large tree with unburned bark. Willows along a river, with roots in the water, all burned, while dry pines going up the mountainside next to them did not burn. A mobile home is completely burned out, while the trees around it and the dry wooden landing steps up to where the front door was are unburned.

The materials required to make a windshield

The key ingredients to make windshield glass are soda ash, silica sand, limestone, dolomite and cullet. There are little quantities and traces of aluminum oxide and potassium oxide also included most of the time.

Silica is the major ingredient and around 65-70% of the windshield glass is just silica. This is what makes glass. After silica, soda ash is added to the mixture when silica is being heated. It decreases the melting point of the mix. Dolomite makes the mixture easier to work with, whereas limestone increases the efficiency of the glass and gives it a good finish. Limestone is also a key ingredient for making the glass more durable.

Then some water is poured into the mixture and heated at a specific temperature. All these chemicals and materials being blended and heated together give birth to glass.




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Get a pre-fire image of that tree from google street view. I would expect the tree had hollows that caught embers.

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You can check. Thanks for considering.

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