Regarding Steve Kirsch's perseverance: There have been a lot of times, especially in the last several months, when I'd just roll my eyes when I'd see a new post published by Steve Kirsch. I would ask myself, "Why does Steve even bother to try to get their attention when they quite obviously don't care enough to respond?"

Yet, Steve's perseverance DOES have a great value, i think, in that Steve has quite a few of these evils on record as silent, non-responsive, doing nothing. He DID notify them. With billboards no less! And their lack of action, lack of response CONDEMNS ALL OF THE EVIL BASTARDS to whom Steve wrote. They cannot claim they didn't know. They are guilty.

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But when you become the opposition protagonist.....it can become counter productive.

Rather, Steve's energy and $$$ should be refocused on using the fear factor to shock the blue pill disoriented into mass formation in reverse.

It's called playing OFFENSE !

Exposing the blood markers of damage via a well designed blood draw / analysis validating the cardiovascular & immune system damages in real-time to these "misinformed" are the only effective way to change course in time, if it isn't already to late.

Can you say 2x vaxxed = Ig3 to Ig4 abs ratios ?? How about the words Turbo Cancer.

I have yet to mention every vaxxed person (1x+) with intact mRNA & Spike in their Jab having at a minimum subclinical myocarditis to deal with.

Then there is Vax shedding to the UnVaxxed (& children) to deal with.

Oh yes, and then the contaminated blood bank supply....

Pick your poison.

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You have your points, i realize. Each of us has different approaches, various strengths. Steve Kirsch's approach to what you and i may consider mass murder is ... well ... Steve's approach. I'm just as angry as you are ... possibly more so. But am i expending more effort than Steve Kirsch? No, i absolutely cannot hold a candle to Steve's valiant efforts. So, yeah, you & i may wish Steve would go scorched earth on the evils ... but that is not (yet at least) his orientation.

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Every time I think of a criticism of Steve and his methods, this phrase goes through my mind, ‘at least he’s doing something!’

He’s reaches many people and has provided so much information to the public. Most importantly, he has exposed that no one in a position of authority or regulatory capacity cares one single bit how dangerous these vaccines are. That’s a lot. Every single action people take against what’s going on is doing something.

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If I had his money I'd be pretty prolific I can assure you.

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I agree, the information is everywhere on the harm caused by this poison. I have many relatives and others I know that are true believers. There is no fixing it, they stare like some kind of transfixed zombie, when I mention the dangers. Part of a large cult, they gladly drank the Kool Aid and continue to do so. Dolts to be sure.

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Exactly my thoughts about the time has come (hopefully not too late) to go on the offensive ; dump the apologetics and excuses, including the mass formation or hypnosis theories; the only real science worth pursuing is science dedicated to the discovery of the truth and the consequences of that pursuit must be faced when it may become necessary; humanity is in the midst of a war where our bodies have already become expendable and now we must battle to preserve our very hearts and souls.

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The battle was for our souls the whole time.

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Its like he was in Berlin in 1944, ringing doorbells of senior Nazis and telling them he has proof that people have disappeared.

He would do better organizing autopsy squads that are ready when healthy people, especially children, die from these jabs, so that whenever the courts start to function again it can be proven what happened, why, and who's responsible.

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Excellent point!

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"Its like he was in Berlin in 1944, ringing doorbells of senior Nazis and telling them he has proof that people have disappeared. ..."

With a description like ^that,^ now i'll go check out your newsletter.

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Some info new to me about Steve Kirsch:

Such an Easy Test of Veracity

Chaos Agents, Part 12


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She is the head of crop science for Bayer. Enough said about conflicts?

Can you say "RICO Case"?


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She also pushes glysophates and think they are perfectly biodegradable.


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She was also co-chair of Bill and Melinda Gates foundation's "Global Strategy Innovation - Health Vision".

Can you say RICO?


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Evil bitch!

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(¬▂¬) "I call people like her MPH's"

// Monsanto Pirate Hookers //

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┌П┐(►˛◄’!) "or more apropos: IGFN's"

//IG Farben Nazis //

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From GMWatch who has tangled w these dirtbags since 1990's


'GMO Answers' website launched by biotech industry

Published: 30 July 2013

The GM industry's latest PR drive includes a new website aimed at combating mounting opposition to GM foods.

You need to register to be able to post comments. Go to www.GMOAnswers.com to do so and challenge each of their misleading entries, so members of the public who check out the site get a better picture of reality. (e.g., include links to studies like Jack Heinemann's recent one, etc.) Time to match their PR and outreach! A good resource for doing this: http://earthopensource.org/index.php/reports/gmo-myths-and-truths

EXTRACT: Biotech is on the defensive now – they have been backed into a corner by activists who insist that the GMOs in our food supply, at the very least, be labeled, so that we can make an informed decision about what we feed our families. This false transparency is their last ditch effort to head off pro-labeling legislation and to keep their toxins hidden in our food supply.

1.'GMO Answers' Website Launched By Monsanto, DuPont, More

Carey Gillam - Reuters, 29 July 2013

A group of biotech seed companies on Monday launched an online forum to combat mounting opposition to genetically modified foods among consumer groups and activists.

The website, www.GMOAnswers.com, is designed as a "central online resource" for information on genetically modified organisms and their use in agriculture and food production, the Biotechnology Industry Organization said.

The website is backed in part by Monsanto Co, DuPont , Dow AgroSciences, a unit of Dow Chemical Co, and other companies whose products include seeds that have been genetically altered to improve food production.

The website is part of a broad campaign by the biotech industry to beat back growing calls for GMO food labeling and for tighter regulation of the biotech seed industry in the United States. European opposition to GMOs is so strong that Monsanto this month said it would withdraw all pending requests to grow new types of GMO crops.

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Great find. What a compromised - criminal - little sociopath... OMG, I so hope she is multi-boosted and bathing in RoundUp...

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bathing in roundup! 🤣

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Maybe Guiliani has one more Mafia sized Racketeering case in him

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I am not sure what to say to that... awesome.



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Jan 15, 2023
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Makes sense. I trust none of 'them'.

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The real Yuri passed away 30 years ago, but I carry on his legacy on substack. Can you reason with a demoralized person? Subscribe! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-reason-with-a-demoralized

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Great info. on your site. The reason that former FBI gal blocked you, is because you are right on target. Fauci does it, every vax pusher for sure. I just commented on a CDC post where the CDC claims they are completely transparent, etc. They claim to do what they are NOT doing. They must think it takes away the ability to question anything.

For me, it makes them look more incompetent & corrupt. It’d be like Biden saying that everything he says is crystal clear & he also loves far right MAGA. The proof is in the actions. Fauci HATES to talk data & studies. It must be an FBI tactic. We are on to them.

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I believe we are in the midst of what Besmenov described right now - Think of COVID, trans ideology, climate change, critical race theory!! It feels to me like there is something trying to destroy the West from the inside!!! Truly Alice in Wonderland times!

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Have you heard of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset and the 8 goals of the Great Reset? Look it up. You’re on to it.

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Informative discussion on the topic. https://youtu.be/wIaXEI1yQtY

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Yuri Bezmenov:” ... and we will have your country without firing a seeengle shot.” With finger up. How correct he was. A student asked how he came up with this. To which he declined taking credit: “ the ancients 3000 years ago knew this. Does anyone study history anymore? Real history?...”

Of course not. The schools have already been subverted under our noses and open eyes.

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Having had a few battles with the ideological faithful, this commentary provides affirmation of the impossibility to convince those who cling to their faith no matter how flawed their cult of science becomes.

Only yesterday Dr. Anthony Fauci on Fox News reaffirmed his faith in the bivalent vaccines even while the FDA inadvertently admits it doesn't work, in a JAMA article; "Urgent Need for Next-Generation COVID-19 Vaccines".

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I love when that happens. Trudeau in Canada spewed out during a speech something about the media getting “ paid off in the millions.”

Whooops! You can find it on YouTube. The defenders of Trudeau immediately claimed it was “taken out of context.” I don’t buy that. Watch it for yourself.


It’s on bitchute, not YouTube.

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Your statement: "Steve may be the most energetic, persistent, and diligent man on earth in his ceaseless effort to show these votaries the light." I agree. The man has fortitude and commitment that is unsurpassed in this environment. I sincerely admire him, but worry he may be over-working. I hope he knows when to take a break and is not killing himself over this.

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I really think the truth will out! And soon.

Have a listen to this great speech challenging the Woke. And it is funny too!


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His speech was brilliant!

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This is correct. Untwisting a psyche from programed faith is almost impossible. I spent several years working with various cult members who wanted out. Even with that wish they most often simply transferred their need to believe to another cult or gentler religion or sect. Some thought they had beat the psyop and became firm believers in being a rebel, prepper, etc. Those are often just different cults. The human psyche seems wired for that. Spend time reading these various substack follower comments some day. A good many of them sound just like religious followers. I catch myself getting caught up sometimes and I know better. It just seems to be an inherent trait in our makeup. It’s breakable but not without cost and not easy to do.

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"A good many of them sound just like religious followers."

A good many of them are. I've seen 'godless' or 'satanic' used to describe our opponents more times than I can count. It has no explanatory power outside of that belief system, and risks alienating those of us who search for more mundane explanations that don't invoke spiritual or occult powers.

Yuri Bezmenov is a good starting point, but for a more comprehensive account of our situation I suggest reading Alfred Korzybski, especially 'General Semantics' and 'Science and Sanity.'

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I understand what you ar saying but I was referring to programing and propaganda. Religions use that as well, of course. They have to. But my point was that humans have been programmed over sometihing for a long time and seem to need it. You and I have been and can be again if we don’t keep an “eye” on what we get sucked into.

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This is why I suggest reading Korzybski because he lays it out in simple terms with his concept of "belief systems." Basically, we all have a belief system, so what it comes down to is how robust is that system, and how capable of adapting to new information that contradicts what we think we know.

Recognizing that you can't possibly know all things, and that some of the things you *think* you know could be wrong, is the beginning of what I call Managed Uncertainty (MU) which is founded on Korzybski exposition of belief systems. Socrates summed it up when he (reportedly) said, “The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing.” That's a bit extreme, but he made a good point.

To address your point, the programming you refer to is at the root of every culture and starts as soon as we're able to absorb and process information, which is very early in childhood. By the time most people encounter the ideas put forth by Korzybski and others, it's already too late. The belief system is fully formed and from that point you only have to appeal to it to get the desired results, which is why propaganda is so effective - it builds on what's already there.

There's no escaping Korzybski's world view. Believing you're free of belief systems is itself a belief system. So the only way out of the trap is to ask yourself, why do I believe the things I do? Really put your own deeply held beliefs under a microscope and see if there's an alternative way of looking at things. How many people can actually do that?

This is where Woke Culture comes from. It's the partial realization of what Korzybski was on about, but with no follow through. Instead of doubting everything as a fundamental premise, the Woke recognize the apparent falsehood of current paradigms, but in the process become vulnerable to persuasion, or propaganda, by people whose only motive is control. IOW, psychopaths. That's what happens when your belief system collapses without anything to replace it. Someone inevitably appears with a plausible replacement and you embrace it because you lack the discernment that comes with a skeptic's view of the world. If you're lucky, a conscious skeptic gets to you first, but we're pretty thin on the ground right now, and thus the current dilemma.

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Agreed. I’ve read similar in other books way back when. I don’t remember author names well. Just the data since that is always what I’m more interested in. However, taken too far even skepticism can become something that replaces other programing or propaganda. Or a belief system as you put it. Sounds like you have Korzybski as yours. 🥰 I find myself getting caught up someone’s work that makes sense to me as well. And then I find I’m translating that into a new belief system or religion that I insist with great enthusiasm that everyone take on as well. When I see the eyes glaze over I realize I’m becoming a zealot and have to go to my meditation closet and reassess. I think what is particularly difficult rght now is that we really need to wake up and be aware. Unfortunately for most folks, the philosophical readings and books and even clear data don’t get inside enough to turn the door knob. It seems to do the opposite. It seems to take some form of trauma either personally or to someone close to start the awakening process. I saw that over and ver again in my practice. The folks who came to me wanting out of a cult of any kind had usually been hurt. Hence, they were mostly women and young adults. Steve Kirsch’s story is a great example of believing one thing. Getting hurt. Switching his belief system and becoming a new zealot in his new system. It’s useful from someone of his stature to some extent but he is locked into his new system from a very narrow perspective and can’t get outside of it. So his reach is vey narrow and repetitive and because of that, eyes are glazing over. Metaphorically speaking.

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I always try to remind myself that I'm in the cheap seats, and like Plato's cave, see only the shadows cast. At this point I know they're just shadows, which gives me a slight advantage over my fellow cave dwellers, but I still lack a full understanding of what's casting them, and so I observe and reserve judgment.

There's a line in the film Apocalypse Now where Col. Kurtz says "it's judgment that defeats us." That single line has stuck with me all through the years. No matter how much conviction or evidence I bring to the equation, there's always that element of doubt that keeps me from passing judgment.

Steve's casting a fairly big shadow at this point. Will it make a difference? Hard to say, but I notice other people casting similar shadows, so the collective effect may be more important that the success or failure of one individual. It's like storming the beaches at Normandy. Some were cut down before they even reached the shore, while just a few kms away others landed with little to no resistance. As a soldier committed to the battle, you have no idea which beach you're going to land on, you just proceed on the belief that some of you will make it through, but if you fail, you at least died trying.

I think the Stoics had it mostly right. The virtuous life is its own reward, our life's purpose being to discover what is and what isn't virtuous and act accordingly.

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Truth, here. I’ve followed Zen Buddhist meditation and psychology (not the religious part.) both of which teach non-judgementalism which is one of several things that causes suffering and misunderstanding. However, when others try to tell you how to live your life; what to put in your body; think they can take your money and property. Then I get feisty.

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Can’t see any danger or harm in being a prepper.

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I agree with the main point of your article, but your analogy to John Calvin is inappropriate. Calvin was open to debate and could be swayed by reasonable arguments so long as they were grounded in Scripture. There is a substantial record of robust debate between him and other Reformers.

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Uhm, he murdered an atheist journalist when he couldn’t persuade him to believe. Not such an open guy in my book.

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And he also encouraged kids to snitch on their parents if they had a rosary or saints image stashed somewhere. Not a sympa guy…

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There is numerical data that support the focus of the effort killing those in ‘red’ states and other target groups. WTFU!

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Do you have sources you can post? I read this too on the Exposé website several months ago but wanted more info.

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I’ll look; but lately I get a lot of mem full and have been deleting tons of BS. This ties together with the lot #’s having diff effects.

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Oh, the chart is my take, none of the BS by the magazine about red being dumb azzes

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the tool THEY used to open the gate for brainwashing was FEAR. Even the churches caved in

and closed their doors. THEY are evil geniuses. Let's pray the sheep wake up before it's too

late. barbara

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Speaking of the church, I so agree! If you haven’t had a chance to read lawyer Jeff Childers blog, check it out. He wrote to pastors and priests using facts and STILL no pastor took him up on his offer to represent them in court if they would not comply. So shocking, the state of the church. Here’s the link.

What the Church Needs to Know About Covid-19 {Part I} And What to Do About It https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/s/faith-and-covid

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Try our side using FEAR in reverse. It is there to do.

Why are we afraid to shock the world back into medical sanity and try to save their shortened or suddenly die lifespan?

When was truth a short in supply commodity ?

Where are these Substack "Warriors to lead with their expertise ?

Substack monthly $$$ totals don't impress me much.

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It's chilling to listen to Bezmenov. His whole demeanour makes 60s spy fiction seem like "Noddy in Toyland"

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I was wondering if anybody else actually watched the video.

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Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 37: 13

Paraphrase, Keep your own counsel and pray to God for advice, the gatekeepers in their ivory towers DO NOT have your interest and will give bad advice.

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I am very concerned about the fact that there are two sides: the true believers, and the believers of the Truth. And never the twain shall meet. Does not bode well.

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Bingo !

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Have you read "The Biology Of Belief". This book explains a lot about why people won't admit their own self harm and how to access self healing/responsibility.

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