Omigosh one of the only films that I could not predict the outcome! Probably in my top 20 films.

Also, some news to share:

The U.S. government has finally paid out money to compensate covid vaccine injury claims.

In doing so, the government admits that harm was done by the shots.


The government needs to prioritize injury compensation instead of promoting and administering these unproven and harmful experimental shots to the general populous.

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Who ran the social media anti-vax censorship campaign? The intel community.

Where was the censorship planned? Event 201


"Disinformation campaigns are widely recognized in the political world but have been

identified in the public health realm as well. In the fall of 2018, a team of researchers

systematically identified a concerted effort to spread disinformation and discord about

vaccine safety.4 Public health response efforts for the currently ongoing Ebola outbreak in

the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) have been challenged by disruptive rumors

that have occasionally targeted public health responders.5,6 Misinformation during a public

health emergency is a particularly concerning threat, because of the time-dependent nature

of outbreak response and the corrosive effect misinformation can have on public trust.

Current solutions to the spread of mis- and disinformation are limited. Social media

platforms have attempted to change their algorithms to limit the spread of false information and promote correct information, but the problem of misinformation

continues.7,8 Many misinformation response actions have been developed to be used

against political misinformation and disinformation but may be applied in response to an

epidemic. More than 50 countries globally have taken different government-led actions

that, in theory, aim to combat misinformation.9 These actions can range from media

literacy campaigns and fact-checking websites...."


Was anyone from the intel community present at Event 201? Avril Haines

"During the last administration, Dr. Haines served as Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy National Security Advisor. She also served as the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Legal Adviser to the National Security Council."


Dr. McCullough hints about conspiracy theories, but here is actual evidence of a conspiracy.

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Thank you for this! Our book’s Prologue and one of its Chapters explores Event 201 and the policies you mention in your post. It’s all hiding in plain site.

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I have the book. Which chapter did you mean?

By the way, the book would benefit from an index, should a second edition be published.

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Iirc, there was a recent news article about a govt. intel agency "encouraging" facebook to censor posts critical of vaccines. Now I can't find the link. Do you have a link?

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Joe Rogan interview with Mark Zuckerburg?

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Zuckerberg said that the FBI leaned on him about the Hunter Biden laptop. I'm looking for intervention by the CIA or NSA about vaccines.

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Which agency and is there a transcript?

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The U.S. Navy had a document stating that colloidal silver stopped ebola. It has been scrubbed from the internet but may possibly be found on the wayback machine. When ebola broke out in Africa. (Probably another "fauci test") people were sending colloidal silver to Africa to help them. It was being blocked and confiscated and not allowed through...and they were classifying the therapeutic use of colloidal silver for ebola as misinformation.

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Awesome, thank goodness for you, too. I feel not so alone now.

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Fantastic article. Thank you.

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Unfortunately our justice system (from DOJ to many Federal Judges) is now dysfunctional, also captured by cynical partisans with no regard for impartial justice.

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BEST Title and Sub-header in Substack!!!

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Thank you, an interesting and revealing piece. I often find historical warnings of the overreach of the mega-structure that is military industrial complex quite sad and frustrating. The warnings and explanations spelling out consequences if we allow the cancer of these corporations to grow have been in vain. Again and again we have failed to tackle the evil and now we pay the heavy price, and it has only just begun....

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"Under certain circumstances, can normal and decent people lose their moral judgment to the point of “losing their souls”? As Dr. Magee pointed out, studies have shown that people working together in a profitable enterprise tend to be less constrained by ethical consider- ations than they are in their dealings with family and friends. "

This is NOT the problem. It's the 1 percent psychopaths who recruit another 5-15 percent. The psychopaths goal is evil--genocide, which is eugenics/population reduction. Every story today is part of this agenda: "carbon" lies to promote starvation, transgenderism, incentivized killings in the hospitals, gaslighting in various ways, bombing pipelines, defund the police, even nuclear war. None of this makes money or makes sense except to psychopaths. Peter, you and other religious people call these people devils. They are deviants that must be recognized and culled out. See my article below.


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Thanks for this, Dr. Yoho. Dr. Magee was addressing the phenomenon of how a large organization, institution, or business enterprise can be corrupted, with hundreds and even thousands of people turning a blind eye to malfeasance. It seems clear that not everyone who participates in such enterprises is a psychopath. That said, I am very interested in psychopathy and the outsized affect that a clever and energetic psychopath may have on others. I will definitely check out your post! Regards, John Leake

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Why does the military wargame scamdemics?

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What great examples you've shown here!

So many people have completely lost their moral compass. This is something humans are born with imo. It's written in the DNA is my belief. I heard Bill Gates telling a group (I think they were cia agents) that they were going to eliminate the 'God Gene' in people to make them less fanatical. I believe they are doing this through these injections they want in everyone so badly.....oh and once they inject this 'patented' mRNA in people they say they Own them. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Bill+gates+%2F+removing+god+gene+from+people&form=QBLH&sp=-1&pq=bill+gates+%2F+removing+god+gene+from+people&sc=0-42&qs=n&sk=&cvid=638404308F224BFB913F7CBACAC12275&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=

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Excellent post!

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