Being a woman has seemingly been reduced to high heels and lipstick with fake boobs. Some dude can wear this apparel and convince himself he’s living the female dream. When, in fact, the emotions, the vulnerability, the beauty of birthing, the difficulty of hormones, periods, insecurities and the powerful rapture of a man’s loving gaze can never be understood by simply wearing stilettos and eyeshadow. It’s a delusion the trans movement wants the entire society to participate in. I’m guessing 80%, at least, of humanity knows this is madness, however, cowardice and a misplaced pressure to be “nice” has put our children in an untenable and dangerous position. They are now victims of a generation of passive humans paralyzed by the fear of man.
"This reduction of women to whatever men in lipstick think it is is mysogynistic womanface."
Do you hold the same contempt for all the women who reduce women to nothing more than lipstick, fake boobs, caricatured mannerisms etc? Or do they get a pussy pass?
How did transgender people (male or female) behave a century ago? Did they act like shallow, vain, materialistic narcissists? No, that way of behaving had not been invented. So who invented it?
Are we to blame men for everything? It's certainly convenient to do so. And it's a popular stance to take because it reinforces the gynocentric hard wiring in both men and women's brains. It also aligns with feminism's Male Power Fantasy (the idea that only men are 'actors' with agency and women are perpetually 'acted upon' by men - basically no more than objects!).
Could it be that feminist women turned 'the modern urban woman' into a drag act all by themselves without any help from men? Could it be that this version of women is so detached from nature and from womanhood that any man can now imitate it?
For 30 years we've had feminist celebrities and role models portraying women like it's no more than a drag act. I can't remember ever seeing a normal woman being held up as a role model in mainstream culture, can you?
Like you say.... normal (feminine) women have been erased from mainstream culture. But the idea that this was done BY men is to deny women's agency and thus to erase women even more! That's the downside of playing the eternal victim. It is a form of self erasure!
Toxic masculinity, toxic feminism, everybody's a victim of something.
What if everyone put their victim story on hold, just for a few minutes, and found their inner source of strength, whether it's male strength or female strength? And considered how to use that strength to give aid to those fellow humans they are most able to help?
There are always going to be nutty people around, because "Someone is [always going to be] wrong on the Internet!"
So true. Woman abdicated the choice to dignify their gender and unique gifts long ago. I am 63 and I watched it happen. The mystery of modesty and chastity acts as a natural repellent to the wrong kind of men. The right kind of man will practically worship a woman who has so much respect for herself and her body [ which is the seat of an eternal soul ] that she keeps it in the secret place because you always keep the most valuable items in a safe, hidden away. The women of the 60's treated themselves and their bodies like trash, calling it equal rights. Men are pigs, so we are going to be just like them. Sewing the wind only reaps the tornado.
"Being a woman has seemingly been reduced to high heels and lipstick with fake boobs. "
I would argue that this is the result of decades of feminism and that modern 'gender activism' is just taking feminism's attack on gender/ the family/ social cohesion to the next level. Remember, it was feminism that said defining women by wombs, babies, motherhood etc was demeaning and that gender was a social construct. Feminism said men were the enemy, and that family life (mother/ wife) was a prison sentence for women. But when you devalue being a good mother, wife, carer, nest builder you devalue women ... and that's why so many post-feminist women often compensate by fixating on their superficial appearance instead (in their indoctrinated minds it's the only value/ virtue they have left as women).
Feminism defined women as victims with no agency which eradicated the notion that women have any social responsibility (certainly no responsibility to men or children). With no responsibility and no perceived agency all a woman can do is emphasise and signal her status as a woman with a thousands beauty products, clothes and surgeries.
Feminism already turned women into a drag act - just think feminist icons like Beyonce or any other Hollywood celeb.
Feminism was always a slippery slope to transhumansim (the ultimate drag act) and feminism took us as far away from biology and nature as it could. Now feminism (transhumanism) has appropriated transexuals and subverted them, just as it subverted women, to keep pushing society towards a transhumanist future.
Before the feminist invasion transexuals still defined gender as binary (male / female) and fixed from birth. Their only issue was an internal mis match between their internal perceptions and external bodies. They sought to CONFORM to the gender binary and traditional gender roles, and most were quite conservative/ traditional in their outlook.
It was feminist ideology that redefined gender as fluid, arbitrary and a matter of personal preference (fashion). It was feminist ideology that said gender was a social construct. And most of all it was feminism that promoted an unbelievable level of entitlement and anti social behaviour.
People's grip with modern day 'gender warriors' is that they dare to act so entitled and be so obnoxious... and that they dare to do it without a vagina! All these right wing, anti woke social commentators made very little fuss when feminist women ran amuck for decades, because geocentricism is hard wired into their brains. They relish attacking the modern day 'gender activism' because FINALLY they can attack feminist anti social behaviour and feminist entitlement without being seen to attack women!
“Women can do everything men can do,” including promiscuity. Yay! And now men can (pretend to) do everything women can, including dominating women’s sports. Yay feminists, you’ve reached the summit. Nice job.
Exactly. And here's the punchline.... fertility rates are plummeting (especially after 2021 and the magic potion) and artificial wombs and a robot workforce are just around the corner. Just a coincidence!
Some scientists are expressing concerns that the generation born to jabbed mothers might be completely infertile. We won't know until 20 years down the line. It has happened before with the 'miracle' drug DES. In any case, having children is being discouraged by the technocrat class who openly advocate massive population reductions to 'save the planet'.
If the technocrats already know widespread infertility is on the near horizon, how might they attempt to engineer youth culture to accept it, or even embrace it? One way would be to give them 4263 alternative genders to choose from (none of which are associated with natural reproduction) and promote hormonal and surgical procedures to children which will cause infertility anyway ... all in the name of 'liberation' and 'self expression' and 'empowerment' (which is exactly how they marketed feminism). The only genders / gender roles NOT being encouraged and celebrated at the moment are normal reproducing/ pair bonding men and women.
The amount of glitter, hair extensions, rainbows and makeup flying about gives the illusion that 'gender expression' is experiencing a kind of renaissance ..... but the exact opposite is true. The very concept of gender is atrophying (as it has been for decades). Because without reproduction /pair bonding/ family etc there's nothing of substance for gender to do ....
.... except be a completely self absorbed narcissist, as this recent TV advert for razors shows (note the mastectomy scars at the start of the video)
It seems obvious that the line between the sexes does not show symmetry, but complementarity.
Both sexes contribute to reproduction but only one sex gestates. Men *potentially* have hundreds of offspring, but in reality are quite likely not to pass their genes along at all to the next generation. Women could not possibly have that many offspring, it would be physically absurd, but they are about 80% likely to pass their genes along, to have at least *some* offspring. I believe the situation is similar in non-humans, but probably not exactly the same.
The idea that we're all identical except for a little plug-in module between the legs and the size of our nipples and breasts seems unworthy of a thinking person.
Lots of men supported second wave feminism because it provided them easy access to free sex in any city without hooker fees or fear of paternity bills.
I know a transgender MtoF who fits this description perfectly. Well said. Couldn't just be a flamboyant man and had to go full womanface. Very strange.
And IIUC they are often *not* castrating themselves, but just passing, taking the shots long enough to get into women's safe spaces, then stopping and going back to penetrative sex.
Men have been using make-up and prosthetics as actors for quite a long time methinks. Powdered faces and powdered wigs too, but, you go on about those awful women.
When I was in high school, I worked in a head shop/women's clothing store owned by a retired biker and a female impersonator. The biker mostly chased women and managed the store, but the female impersonator was a talented tailor who made all the clothes in the store and provided the wardrobes of several of Denver's television news anchors, both men and women.
One day at the end of my shift, the female impersonator came into the store in street clothes and three of his fellow impersonators followed, in drag. When my relief got there, I knew I was about to see something funny happen, so I moved to a cable spool table nearby that served as a break area. Judy took up her station at the register, behind a counter full of paraphernalia and jewelry. Two of the female impersonators came over to look in the counter. One of them pointed into the counter and asked, in a strong baritone "what's that?" Judy was surprised by a gorgeous woman with a deep masculine voice. I couldn't help myself and started laughing. Judy turned towards me and gave me a crusty look and then burst out into laughter, along with the two impersonators. This was in the late 1960s.
People don't invest the time, money, and effort into becoming medical doctors to pay any attention to "ethical, moral, spiritual and societal implications of their actions."
Other than Mel Gibson in “What Women Want”, of course ;-)
More seriously, though, there’s a sex reassignment surgeon in my building that is driven to work each day in a brand new chauffeur-driven rolls Royce. So there’s that.
Really? If so, unbelievable... maybe he/ she/ zir/ zey gets a lot of work from large corporations desperate to up their ESG score? Imagine the career perks: "Join us at Bank of America, providing generous gender reassignment surgery assistance, since 2023". Aside. Where do you think this is coming from? Combined, fashion, fashionable confusion, self-obsession, woke gender studies and propagandistic hypnosis is one thing. But maybe it's deeper? Maybe there are environmental factors altering people's dna/ hormonal balance, coming from who knows what? Bisphenol A, or was it B in packaging, a side effect of the 40-50 vaccines recommended for new generations of children? Any ideas? Chauffeur-driven Rolls? B'Beezlebub!!
It definitely has an environmental variable. Vaccines and Lyme disease are a huge and hidden factor. Infections and heavy metals in the brain alter and destroy brain tissue. Depending on the location, severity and duration of the inflammation, personality changes would be expected. The HepB vaccine is given at birth. You could easily say that I was born this way and believe it.
Yes, where are the feminist when the transgender women compete in women’s sports? Why are the save the whales people now in favor of wind farms along the coast to “save the environment”? Where are the all natural everything folks? Why are all or most of the people that go to Whole Foods double and triple boosted? Is this a cosmic game of musical chairs? Or what?
This is where we learn that "feminism" was actually an operation.
In the 1960s, when electric appliances gave women some time, the women became very concerned about pesticides (silent spring) and chemicals that deformed their babies. They started gathering, building strength.
The necessary response against this was Women's Liberation of the 1970s that resulted in women going to work, and becoming far to busy to be disruptive. Gloria Steinman was, after all, a CIA operative. The removal of bras was for men, not women ;)
I suspect that 'real women' began to rise in the 1980s&90s, at which the mainstream media began their campaign to demonise "feminists".
There seems to be no genuine co-ordinated and media-supported voice of actual women's power. "Posy Parker" (Kelly ?) is leading a tiny new movement, ably supported by the massive platform of JK Rowling, but still, no supportive media.
Re: bras, I have heard/seen women very happy about not having to wear one during the lockdown.
And it seems to me that they came back after the hippie era, along with shoulder pads, so as to allow women to be incorporated into the mass of mildly anti-human corporate drones. Indications of womanhood needed to be de-emphasized and strictly channeled.
Women who are disparaged by the media certainly exist.
If I was American I would've gone to Wholefoods for their GMO free organic, but that changed with the vaccine rollout. I can't remember exactly but I think they became vax fascists.
There are women who are disparaged *specifically* as Trans Excluding Radical Feminists. So that subset of disparaged women exists.
WFM still has non-GMO stuff IIUC (but for comparison *all* of Trader Joe's house-branded products are non-GMO), and organic items, but I don't think they're any worse, overall, on the vax issue than employers generally. Maybe they are. I do know someone who worked for WFM, and who told me she'd had COVID in February 2020. She didn't mention getting pressured to be vaxed.
I do try to avoid giving Jeff Bezos any more money to launch another phallic rocket.
The F in TERF is there for a specific reason. The word Feminist has become as powerful a disparagement as the word Antivaxer. Men will not go to help the cause of a Feminist because they have been trained to see them as their enemy.
The WEF and others have outlined the propaganda. Anti human agenda since they hate births. Josef Mengele did sex changes on children. When the drooling bobble heads call me a N*zi I remind them of this.
What does Mercedes Benzed mean? You can finetune a Merc, but then it's Brabus-ed. I know what "epsteined" means. If you feel like it could you please elaborate?
Apologies. And thanks for the comment. It is a made up word fashioned from a post I wrote about a song. See the lyrics here and if it still doesn't make sense ask me once again.
Best line: "Endocrinologists (with their crude synthetic hormones) and surgeons (with their crude scalpels) are kidding themselves and their patients when they claim to have the power to “reassign” a person’s gender. Who do these doctors think they are"? A profound thought, really. And another great posting Peter and John, thanks! Clearly a sign of the times. Divorced from nature, serving demanding gods, our hubris makes us "Gods" but with out wisdom. Actually, we become caricatures of humanity, mad scientists, dr. Frankensteins.
Fascinating. I write about a university residential college in Australia. Traditionally a women's college of under 100 students, the number of "transgender" students has increased from 1 to 10 in one year.
One male put their name down to compete in a female inter-college sporting competition.
I thought that the purpose of making a sporting category for biological females was to create a space for fair and safe competition. Allowing biological males to enter such a category would seem to completely null and void the very purpose of the category. Do they think the category was made for 'identification' rather than 'competition'?
Beyond alarming indeed! And utterly idiotic. A machine for stupefaction. But what bugs me is where are all the feminists now? It's as if it was mere fashion (which it wasn't) divorced from a larger philosophy of fairness and justice. In the meantime, being tolerant about misogynistic implications of Islam trumped feminism, and now transgenderism is also putting it into the back seat? Oh yes, there are some classic feminists in the fray, but as you point out society has been stunted and "neutered" by the imperative to be nice. Jordan Peterson says one has to be willing to have one's feelings hurt if one's interested in getting closer to the truth, because it is not presented on a silver platter. It emerges, even from the intellectual jousts one has with oneself. (He expressed it better). But yes, if we're always fearful of stepping on someone's toes, and if avoiding that is considered the top virtue (and so it seems to be in "nice" cultures, like Canada's), and if sensitivities run a full spectrum from here to there, then it stands to reason we can no longer take a single step before someone shouts "unacceptable", "so incorrect", or "offensive". That isn't a bad strategy for dictatorships. Get them to censor themselves? So, as a society we've painted ourselves into a very tight cramped corner. Paradoxically insane. Intellectually and morally straitjacketed? It will "give", I'm sure. But when?
There's also this question: Who or what have "the feminists" always been and who have they been operating for?
I would've said I was a "feminist". I stood at the 2007 federal election in Australia for a new political party, "What Women Want (Australia)". I represented the wishes of women. Hard to think of anything more feminist-representative. But the establishment 'feminists' who wanted more women in politics wanted nothing to do with me or our party (largely a party formed by independent midwives).
I think that most big-PR feminists have been CIA operators - Gloria Steinman, Jane Fonda - placed for various interests who could direct the way the discussion developed.
Hard core 'feminism' is theoretically left wing, but the left wing is now a tool of the new techno-totalitarians. I don't even know if they know what's happened to them. I think they were all so terrified of the "climate" that they are happy to go along with all the social changes.
The biggest shock to me was the Left Wing flip on pushing the genetic vaccines. I used to work with them against the heinous GM crop inventions. These people knew about the messes of genetic inventions, they knew how bad the big companies are, and suddenly they've flipped and are cheerleading for untested inventions from the least ethical companies on the planet.
Huge, huge like here. You're pointing to the trigger buttons that "those" feminists are hiding. Indeed, we need to ask who was behind them, if a party/ movement like yours offered them little interest. Says it all in my books. Very crafty stuff, and fastforwarding to today, yes indeedy "the biggest shock to me was their flip". One would think the anti-corporatist, anti-patriarchy woke left would be deadset against these "untested inventions". And I applaud your circumspection (if that's a word). What's more corporatisty-patriarchisty than distorted science in the
age of big money, big pharma. Yes, "the least ethical companies on the planet". Record fines for lying and malfeasance in the $billions. Just a business expenditure. Suddenly resuscitated? Suddenly backed by the so-called most enlightened vanguard? What happened to these people? Lack of solid integrity of purpose, of principle? Finally, at its logical extreme, just unexamined, superficial, feel good, go-along fashion? Incapable of penetrating the fog, a cover story for something else, therefore all the while used and abused? I don't get it. I really believe in people's natural intelligence. Oh yes. I forgot. Pure fear got to them. Good old-fashioned cowardice? Killer black plague pandemic fear. But what about the bloody history? Why didn't my wife and I fall for it? We thought it was staged from the outset. Too perfectly coordinated. All on board. Too neatly sewn up. Seamlessly. No exceptions. (The sovereign immmunity factor - Catherine Austin Fitts). Globally. Fear-mongering is old hat. The oldest trick in town, no? And Australia proving itself with its pando response to be quite outta this world. Did anyone else have those nice-nice container hotel camps for the non-compliant. Good Lord, captain Hastings, the colonies, the land of Crocodile Dundee, the wild and free, the salt of the earth, have gone authoritariany!? Sorry to get emotional about it, but I dislike having my illusions shattered, when my cognitive dissonance safety valve fails. I think we're concluding the same: it's a despicably dishonest ruse. Using people's gullibility and idealism against them. The proof is in the pudding, and this (never isolated, bogus phasmagoric PCR test fiasco-rific), novel mRNA 'ting, is quite the pudding! Cheers to the resistance down under from up above in Estonia! Strange times. Global crimes for global times.
The key, I think, is to pay no attention to big media - it's been rigged from the start - and only half an eye for ideas or information coming out of social media. The real people on the ground is where it's at.
"But what bugs me is where are all the feminists now?"
Slightly facetious answer: they're playing at being firefighters, having already campaigned for (and won) the right to enter this profession despite failing the physical requirements on account of being women with significantly reduced strength and endurance. As many old school firefighters have commented, this concession to women's vanity and the delusion that 'gender is a social construct' WILL cost lives, because they simply don't have the strength (or the balls) to shoulder down a door and carry an unconscious person out of a burning building.
The real issue here is not gender this or trans that... it's just about entitlement and anti social behaviour. Society has appeased feminists' INSANE levels of entitlement and anti social behaviour for a century now, and this is where it's got us. These 'gender activists' who are infiltrating women's sports did not appear out of a vacuum. They're copying the narcissism, vanity, entitlement and solipsism that feminists have been displaying for decades. The only reason people are able to see it now is because humanity's biologically hard wired bias in favour of women (gynocentrism) gave crazy feminists a 'pussy pass' to vandalise society without being held to account.
A six foot tall transgender swimmer built like a brick shithouse provokes no sympathy because masculine physical attributes don't trigger the brain's gynocentric circuitry. And suddenly competitive swimming is a major social issue.
I'm not saying it isn't an issue which needs addressing ... but what about when feminists destroyed the family, wrecked children's lives, infiltrated male social spaces and male workplaces, undermined masculinity (and femininity) and literally taught children that men were the historical oppressors of women and that male sexuality is rape and women's only identity is to be a helpless victim of male patriarchal power and privilege? ....... where was the outrage when all THAT was going on? There was no outrage because it was all being done by women, and therefore it got a pussy pass.
You ask where are the feminists now. My answer is that feminist ideology created this monster. Feminism defined gender as a social construct and feminism created this cult of entitlement and anti social behaviour. Now that it's backfiring on them feminists are denying all responsibility, and many are even trying to pin all this on men and misogyny and the patriarchy.
When you teach kids that male sexuality is the urge to rape women, men are oppressors of women (which makes them psychopaths by definition), women are victimised by their own biology, women have no social power, gender is a social construct etc etc etc is it any wonder that so many young people are inventing 72 alternative genders and attempting to abandon the horror of their own biology.. a biology that feminism has defined in such a negative way?
The dis-ease IS feminist ideology. The gender madness we see all around us is just the symptoms of that dis-ease playing out. For the love of god the very last thing we need is more feminism.
Well New Health Paradigm that was quite the answer. Rivetting, dare I say pretty convincing? Where are you, in the USA? The UK? "These 'gender activists' who are infiltrating women's sports did not appear out of a vacuum. They're copying the narcissism, vanity, entitlement and solipsism that feminists have been displaying for decades". You seem to be much closer to the action than I, because in my travels and the physical and inforooms I inhabit, I missed out on the entitlement culture I hear so much about. At least have not directly experienced it. You seem to be proving George Carlin's point: "The world is a freakshow, and Americans get front row seats". But this is due, in my opinion, to the Manifest Destiny context of the noble American Experiment, now exported across the globe. When good things go sour there's hell to pay. Maybe you're just a startled observor. But yes, things don't morph this bad overnight, there has to be an incremental historical development. Choosing from 72 genders wasn't something I ever expected to see, but here we are. It dawns on one slowly it's no joke, this triumph of magic thinking over sense. Wasn't a CIA director attributed (not verified) a quote on that, paraphrased: "When everything is upside down and inside out we've accomplished our goal"? Which does dovetail with the unlikely pairing of Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms magazine, a rather sleek looker with the penguinman Henry Kissinger, who may have hit the cognitive G-spot with his assertion "The greatest aphrodisiac is power". And now lesbian women are being shamed by the trans community for refusing to date, O' lordy I don't know who any more? Fake women who aren't butch enough? I think the CIA gets the checkmate. I'm betting this too wiil pass, but not before the financial implosion and decimation of pension plans. Great conversation here. Free. Cheers!
The statement 'Feminism is cancer' is societally true. Roque cells that grow outside of normal healthy patterns , consume all the resources and refuse to die unless they are starved.
Some doctors believe they have the power of God, but almost every surgeon I've met has this failing. Trauma surgeons especially seem to have the arrogance of this belief and when I asked one why he believed that to be (he'd already admitted most surgeons of his acquaintance, including himself, had this issue at least occasionally), he told me that when you have a living being on your operating table and you have the power to bring them back from the brink of death or conversely, to let them die, it's hard not to associate yourself with a Devine being. He said he has to often remind himself that sometimes, no matter how much experience he has at a particular procedure, how skilled he is at the procedure or how healthy his patient is, sometimes the patient just dies for no reason he can discern and that's how he keeps himself somewhat humble.
There was a long line at St. Peter's gate and new arrivals were getting restless. They were downright angry when a fellow in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck arrived and waltzed to the front of the line and whisked inside. St. Peter calmed the crowd, "Oh calm down, that was God. He likes to play doctor now and then."
"An old, blind seer, though he has lost the use of his eyes, in his mind’s eye he is able to see all kinds of things that most humans cannot, including the future:
I don't buy this malarkey; In ancient Greece they didn't know what we know now;
The first month or more we're all female in the womb;
Later the clit either enlarges or not the vagina closes up to be the scrotum that ovaries pop out and become balls, or stay inside;
The only difference is hormones effecting brain, if it were true that estrogen made you a seer, it would have been evident long ago;
Genitals make the men/woman; Do woman see more than men? I haven't seen it, just as many dumb women roaming as dumb men.
But I guess this would be a great story for a lesbian or tranny drag-show, telling the kids that they can become a 'seer' if they cut their nut-sack off sounds like a real selling point to me.
This crap isn't new, in the forbidden-city CHINA only Eunuchs were allowed to enter, so parents would chop off theirs sons balls to get a high paying job.
And China is the most influential nation in the UN, the UN owns the World pHarma Organisation and carried out illegal research in Whuhan and had Agenda 21 which culminated with the injections.
They’ve now moved to Agenda 2030 which openly calls for depopulation.
Doesn't matter in first month you had a vagina, and you still have vagina-XX; ( Vagina for non-binary is a hole between anus & clitoris ) - note that there are variations and exceptions to this pattern, such as individuals with intersex traits or genetic disorders affecting sex chromosome development.
You are correct that an individual's chromosomes are determined at conception and remain constant throughout their life. Typically, human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with one set inherited from each parent. The 23rd pair of chromosomes, also known as the sex chromosomes, determines an individual's biological sex. Females typically have two X chromosomes (XX), while males typically have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). However, it is important to note that there are variations and exceptions to this pattern, such as individuals with intersex traits or genetic disorders affecting sex chromosome development.
"Who do you think you are?" seems to be the question of our era. How many people who contemplate changing their own gender with drugs and surgery ask themselves this question?
The entire gay / trans ideas were givin birth to in the 1950's via the Rockefellers. The entire gay/trans agenda is about population control. no less than the mRNA vaccinations:
These are fascinating! I read/listen to so many things regarding NWO, and I haven’t seen either of these. Thank you for sharing. I find the comment section (especially on Substack) is the most informative.
They're not doctors They're sellouts with medical licenses. How does a physician with a shred of integrity disfigure & mutilate a child because of a gender dysphoria & a fetish fantasy fixation. It's truly disturbing
If an embryo is chromosomally male (46 XY), the bipotential gonad differentiates into testes under the influence of the SRY gene. The SRY gene is a single exon gene, and it encodes a transcription factor called sex-determining region Y protein (SRY protein), also known as the testis-determining factor (TDF). SRY protein, or TDF, is a sex determination gene that directs male gonadal differentiation.
basically the Y chromosome makes all the difference in the 6th-7th week of gestation
As the assertion, no man can know what a woman knows, my own personal experience has shown that this common assumption is not true.
I began to have a male/female friendship with a certain woman at my church, and our relationship deepened as we learned more about each other, but we were very careful to not engage in any intimate relations, as we want to build the relationship the right way --> spiritual ---> soul (knowledge likes etc) --> physical (after marriage).
About 6 months into this relationship, both this woman and I had the same exact experience one Sunday afternoon as we were talking on the phone. I was on my back on my bed resting and she was on top of her bed sitting upright.
Suddenly, without any premonition, our spirits joined each other. Instantly I was connected to her nervous system and she was connected to mine. I felt the cotton bedspread with the ruffled ridges cutting into the back of her calves and how far her legs indented into the bed mattress, she instantly felt me lying down, facing the ceiling and exactly how I held the phone including the tiredness from muscle fatigure. It was as if you connect two nervous systems together wired as one. The flood of nervous sensations from two becoming one was almost overwhelming to say the least!
To say that we were stunned was the understatement!!! We didn't even know such unity was possible, but we could not deny what just happened. We couldn't talk for about 5 minutes after this connection which lasted about 5-10 secs, then stopped. Finally we talked about this for about 1/2 hour and decided that we needed to seriously consider marriage.
After this episode, I did take the time to talk to married couples at my church, who I knew had a great marriage, and when I explained what happened, one married couple burst out laughing, and told me "Yes, we know exactly what you are talking about, we have experienced this unity, and it happens frequently" I can assure you that they have a fantastic marriage.
So I don't buy into the common meme, that we're all alone and nobody can really connect with anyone else and know what that person is experiencing. True marriage starts at the spiritual level, and if it is done respecting God's plan, it is possible for the two to become one.
While the myth of Tiresias in its various forms is fascinating, surely you're aware that Tiresias did not "possess knowledge that is impossible for the REST of humanity to acquire." A man living as a woman is still a man. Despite his masquerade. No one can experience life as both man and woman. Not even a fictional character. No matter how good the story may be.
If the gods do it, it's not the same as when it's done by human drugs and surgery. Doctors only *wish* they were gods. A fictional character can do whatever the story says, the issue for real people is that we are bound by reality.
Being a woman has seemingly been reduced to high heels and lipstick with fake boobs. Some dude can wear this apparel and convince himself he’s living the female dream. When, in fact, the emotions, the vulnerability, the beauty of birthing, the difficulty of hormones, periods, insecurities and the powerful rapture of a man’s loving gaze can never be understood by simply wearing stilettos and eyeshadow. It’s a delusion the trans movement wants the entire society to participate in. I’m guessing 80%, at least, of humanity knows this is madness, however, cowardice and a misplaced pressure to be “nice” has put our children in an untenable and dangerous position. They are now victims of a generation of passive humans paralyzed by the fear of man.
Well said. This reduction of women to whatever men in lipstick think it is is mysogynistic womanface. An erasure of women from society.
‘Mysogynistic womanface’ - love it! Have to borrow it.
"This reduction of women to whatever men in lipstick think it is is mysogynistic womanface."
Do you hold the same contempt for all the women who reduce women to nothing more than lipstick, fake boobs, caricatured mannerisms etc? Or do they get a pussy pass?
How did transgender people (male or female) behave a century ago? Did they act like shallow, vain, materialistic narcissists? No, that way of behaving had not been invented. So who invented it?
Are we to blame men for everything? It's certainly convenient to do so. And it's a popular stance to take because it reinforces the gynocentric hard wiring in both men and women's brains. It also aligns with feminism's Male Power Fantasy (the idea that only men are 'actors' with agency and women are perpetually 'acted upon' by men - basically no more than objects!).
Could it be that feminist women turned 'the modern urban woman' into a drag act all by themselves without any help from men? Could it be that this version of women is so detached from nature and from womanhood that any man can now imitate it?
For 30 years we've had feminist celebrities and role models portraying women like it's no more than a drag act. I can't remember ever seeing a normal woman being held up as a role model in mainstream culture, can you?
Like you say.... normal (feminine) women have been erased from mainstream culture. But the idea that this was done BY men is to deny women's agency and thus to erase women even more! That's the downside of playing the eternal victim. It is a form of self erasure!
That's a lot of words and very confusing. I blame everyone for playing along with womanface. I don't do it and never will. The end.
Toxic masculinity, toxic feminism, everybody's a victim of something.
What if everyone put their victim story on hold, just for a few minutes, and found their inner source of strength, whether it's male strength or female strength? And considered how to use that strength to give aid to those fellow humans they are most able to help?
There are always going to be nutty people around, because "Someone is [always going to be] wrong on the Internet!"
So true. Woman abdicated the choice to dignify their gender and unique gifts long ago. I am 63 and I watched it happen. The mystery of modesty and chastity acts as a natural repellent to the wrong kind of men. The right kind of man will practically worship a woman who has so much respect for herself and her body [ which is the seat of an eternal soul ] that she keeps it in the secret place because you always keep the most valuable items in a safe, hidden away. The women of the 60's treated themselves and their bodies like trash, calling it equal rights. Men are pigs, so we are going to be just like them. Sewing the wind only reaps the tornado.
I think the fact that we all start as female in the womb tells us who came first and it wasn't the mythical 'Adam'.
Anyhoo, prostitution has been around quite a long while and those 'ladies' often did the make-up routine. Geisha too...and actors of both sexes.
"Being a woman has seemingly been reduced to high heels and lipstick with fake boobs. "
I would argue that this is the result of decades of feminism and that modern 'gender activism' is just taking feminism's attack on gender/ the family/ social cohesion to the next level. Remember, it was feminism that said defining women by wombs, babies, motherhood etc was demeaning and that gender was a social construct. Feminism said men were the enemy, and that family life (mother/ wife) was a prison sentence for women. But when you devalue being a good mother, wife, carer, nest builder you devalue women ... and that's why so many post-feminist women often compensate by fixating on their superficial appearance instead (in their indoctrinated minds it's the only value/ virtue they have left as women).
Feminism defined women as victims with no agency which eradicated the notion that women have any social responsibility (certainly no responsibility to men or children). With no responsibility and no perceived agency all a woman can do is emphasise and signal her status as a woman with a thousands beauty products, clothes and surgeries.
Feminism already turned women into a drag act - just think feminist icons like Beyonce or any other Hollywood celeb.
Feminism was always a slippery slope to transhumansim (the ultimate drag act) and feminism took us as far away from biology and nature as it could. Now feminism (transhumanism) has appropriated transexuals and subverted them, just as it subverted women, to keep pushing society towards a transhumanist future.
Before the feminist invasion transexuals still defined gender as binary (male / female) and fixed from birth. Their only issue was an internal mis match between their internal perceptions and external bodies. They sought to CONFORM to the gender binary and traditional gender roles, and most were quite conservative/ traditional in their outlook.
It was feminist ideology that redefined gender as fluid, arbitrary and a matter of personal preference (fashion). It was feminist ideology that said gender was a social construct. And most of all it was feminism that promoted an unbelievable level of entitlement and anti social behaviour.
People's grip with modern day 'gender warriors' is that they dare to act so entitled and be so obnoxious... and that they dare to do it without a vagina! All these right wing, anti woke social commentators made very little fuss when feminist women ran amuck for decades, because geocentricism is hard wired into their brains. They relish attacking the modern day 'gender activism' because FINALLY they can attack feminist anti social behaviour and feminist entitlement without being seen to attack women!
“Women can do everything men can do,” including promiscuity. Yay! And now men can (pretend to) do everything women can, including dominating women’s sports. Yay feminists, you’ve reached the summit. Nice job.
Exactly. And here's the punchline.... fertility rates are plummeting (especially after 2021 and the magic potion) and artificial wombs and a robot workforce are just around the corner. Just a coincidence!
Some scientists are expressing concerns that the generation born to jabbed mothers might be completely infertile. We won't know until 20 years down the line. It has happened before with the 'miracle' drug DES. In any case, having children is being discouraged by the technocrat class who openly advocate massive population reductions to 'save the planet'.
If the technocrats already know widespread infertility is on the near horizon, how might they attempt to engineer youth culture to accept it, or even embrace it? One way would be to give them 4263 alternative genders to choose from (none of which are associated with natural reproduction) and promote hormonal and surgical procedures to children which will cause infertility anyway ... all in the name of 'liberation' and 'self expression' and 'empowerment' (which is exactly how they marketed feminism). The only genders / gender roles NOT being encouraged and celebrated at the moment are normal reproducing/ pair bonding men and women.
The amount of glitter, hair extensions, rainbows and makeup flying about gives the illusion that 'gender expression' is experiencing a kind of renaissance ..... but the exact opposite is true. The very concept of gender is atrophying (as it has been for decades). Because without reproduction /pair bonding/ family etc there's nothing of substance for gender to do ....
.... except be a completely self absorbed narcissist, as this recent TV advert for razors shows (note the mastectomy scars at the start of the video)
Women don't resort to hookers nearly to the degree that man-whores do though. Even married presidents apparently.
It seems obvious that the line between the sexes does not show symmetry, but complementarity.
Both sexes contribute to reproduction but only one sex gestates. Men *potentially* have hundreds of offspring, but in reality are quite likely not to pass their genes along at all to the next generation. Women could not possibly have that many offspring, it would be physically absurd, but they are about 80% likely to pass their genes along, to have at least *some* offspring. I believe the situation is similar in non-humans, but probably not exactly the same.
The idea that we're all identical except for a little plug-in module between the legs and the size of our nipples and breasts seems unworthy of a thinking person.
Lots of men supported second wave feminism because it provided them easy access to free sex in any city without hooker fees or fear of paternity bills.
It may be a way of coping with a society that rails against, "Toxic masculinity." That would explain their rage toward real women too.
I know a transgender MtoF who fits this description perfectly. Well said. Couldn't just be a flamboyant man and had to go full womanface. Very strange.
Oddly, they are chemically and/or literally castrating themselves for their autogynephilia now which is quite a leap from pervo to hot mess.
And IIUC they are often *not* castrating themselves, but just passing, taking the shots long enough to get into women's safe spaces, then stopping and going back to penetrative sex.
So well said!
The dudes are learning everything they know from the women who use those products.
Men have been using make-up and prosthetics as actors for quite a long time methinks. Powdered faces and powdered wigs too, but, you go on about those awful women.
When I was in high school, I worked in a head shop/women's clothing store owned by a retired biker and a female impersonator. The biker mostly chased women and managed the store, but the female impersonator was a talented tailor who made all the clothes in the store and provided the wardrobes of several of Denver's television news anchors, both men and women.
One day at the end of my shift, the female impersonator came into the store in street clothes and three of his fellow impersonators followed, in drag. When my relief got there, I knew I was about to see something funny happen, so I moved to a cable spool table nearby that served as a break area. Judy took up her station at the register, behind a counter full of paraphernalia and jewelry. Two of the female impersonators came over to look in the counter. One of them pointed into the counter and asked, in a strong baritone "what's that?" Judy was surprised by a gorgeous woman with a deep masculine voice. I couldn't help myself and started laughing. Judy turned towards me and gave me a crusty look and then burst out into laughter, along with the two impersonators. This was in the late 1960s.
Some doctors have callously discovered a new income stream while ignoring the ethical, moral, spiritual and societal implications of their actions.
You know, I mean, a lot of them probably know exactly what they're doing. And their motives are as dark as their actions.
That is, essentially, the business model of allopathic medicine.
Exactly, Frankenscience.
Dr. Frankenstein practiced more science than the average medical doctor.
People don't invest the time, money, and effort into becoming medical doctors to pay any attention to "ethical, moral, spiritual and societal implications of their actions."
I guess it depends on the individual doctor’s basic ethical and moral mindset. I hope you don’t believe they’re all amoral sluts.
Sluts don't become medical doctors.
Other than Mel Gibson in “What Women Want”, of course ;-)
More seriously, though, there’s a sex reassignment surgeon in my building that is driven to work each day in a brand new chauffeur-driven rolls Royce. So there’s that.
Really? If so, unbelievable... maybe he/ she/ zir/ zey gets a lot of work from large corporations desperate to up their ESG score? Imagine the career perks: "Join us at Bank of America, providing generous gender reassignment surgery assistance, since 2023". Aside. Where do you think this is coming from? Combined, fashion, fashionable confusion, self-obsession, woke gender studies and propagandistic hypnosis is one thing. But maybe it's deeper? Maybe there are environmental factors altering people's dna/ hormonal balance, coming from who knows what? Bisphenol A, or was it B in packaging, a side effect of the 40-50 vaccines recommended for new generations of children? Any ideas? Chauffeur-driven Rolls? B'Beezlebub!!
It definitely has an environmental variable. Vaccines and Lyme disease are a huge and hidden factor. Infections and heavy metals in the brain alter and destroy brain tissue. Depending on the location, severity and duration of the inflammation, personality changes would be expected. The HepB vaccine is given at birth. You could easily say that I was born this way and believe it.
The satanic elite must be running this show.
Yes, where are the feminist when the transgender women compete in women’s sports? Why are the save the whales people now in favor of wind farms along the coast to “save the environment”? Where are the all natural everything folks? Why are all or most of the people that go to Whole Foods double and triple boosted? Is this a cosmic game of musical chairs? Or what?
This is where we learn that "feminism" was actually an operation.
In the 1960s, when electric appliances gave women some time, the women became very concerned about pesticides (silent spring) and chemicals that deformed their babies. They started gathering, building strength.
The necessary response against this was Women's Liberation of the 1970s that resulted in women going to work, and becoming far to busy to be disruptive. Gloria Steinman was, after all, a CIA operative. The removal of bras was for men, not women ;)
I suspect that 'real women' began to rise in the 1980s&90s, at which the mainstream media began their campaign to demonise "feminists".
There seems to be no genuine co-ordinated and media-supported voice of actual women's power. "Posy Parker" (Kelly ?) is leading a tiny new movement, ably supported by the massive platform of JK Rowling, but still, no supportive media.
Re: bras, I have heard/seen women very happy about not having to wear one during the lockdown.
And it seems to me that they came back after the hippie era, along with shoulder pads, so as to allow women to be incorporated into the mass of mildly anti-human corporate drones. Indications of womanhood needed to be de-emphasized and strictly channeled.
I could be wrong about that, of course.
Sure, many women would ditch them while lounging at home.
But few want to be bouncing down the street. There's an issue of great discomfort, and few need any additional male attention.
It should be her choice, not mine. Of course it's unfortunate that the "male attention" you refer to so often comes in Beavis-and-Butthead form.
Feminists who do object definitely exist, enough that there's a name for them. They are tarred as "TERFs."
There's no inherent contradiction between wind farms and whales.
Whole Foods is a recombinant of hippies and yuppies.
Complexity can get to be a serious cluster. In the words of 10cc, "Life Is A Minestrone," and sometimes it goes a bit off.
Women who are disparaged by the media certainly exist.
If I was American I would've gone to Wholefoods for their GMO free organic, but that changed with the vaccine rollout. I can't remember exactly but I think they became vax fascists.
There are women who are disparaged *specifically* as Trans Excluding Radical Feminists. So that subset of disparaged women exists.
WFM still has non-GMO stuff IIUC (but for comparison *all* of Trader Joe's house-branded products are non-GMO), and organic items, but I don't think they're any worse, overall, on the vax issue than employers generally. Maybe they are. I do know someone who worked for WFM, and who told me she'd had COVID in February 2020. She didn't mention getting pressured to be vaxed.
I do try to avoid giving Jeff Bezos any more money to launch another phallic rocket.
The F in TERF is there for a specific reason. The word Feminist has become as powerful a disparagement as the word Antivaxer. Men will not go to help the cause of a Feminist because they have been trained to see them as their enemy.
The WEF and others have outlined the propaganda. Anti human agenda since they hate births. Josef Mengele did sex changes on children. When the drooling bobble heads call me a N*zi I remind them of this.
Re Mengele, I suspected that would be the case.
The "Posy Parker" women concerned about the broad outfall of transgenderism had a protest in Melbourne, Vic, Australia.
Our leaders called the women Nazis. (so strange)
Propaganda 101 says to accuse your enemy of what you yourself are guilty of.
I suspected that the Nazis must have engaged in such experiments.
Their Baphomet idol is I think a male thing with horns AND breasts.
I wouldn't be surprised if they've been transgendering kids for their own sick purposes, and are trying to normalise it before being jailed.
Mercedes Benzed
What does Mercedes Benzed mean? You can finetune a Merc, but then it's Brabus-ed. I know what "epsteined" means. If you feel like it could you please elaborate?
Apologies. And thanks for the comment. It is a made up word fashioned from a post I wrote about a song. See the lyrics here and if it still doesn't make sense ask me once again.
Best line: "Endocrinologists (with their crude synthetic hormones) and surgeons (with their crude scalpels) are kidding themselves and their patients when they claim to have the power to “reassign” a person’s gender. Who do these doctors think they are"? A profound thought, really. And another great posting Peter and John, thanks! Clearly a sign of the times. Divorced from nature, serving demanding gods, our hubris makes us "Gods" but with out wisdom. Actually, we become caricatures of humanity, mad scientists, dr. Frankensteins.
Lembit Tork, a standing ovation for your comment!
Thanks Kayla! This blog has consistently good stuff, I've noticed. Cheers! Now for my next mornin' coffee...
Fascinating. I write about a university residential college in Australia. Traditionally a women's college of under 100 students, the number of "transgender" students has increased from 1 to 10 in one year.
One male put their name down to compete in a female inter-college sporting competition.
I thought that the purpose of making a sporting category for biological females was to create a space for fair and safe competition. Allowing biological males to enter such a category would seem to completely null and void the very purpose of the category. Do they think the category was made for 'identification' rather than 'competition'?
Beyond alarming indeed! And utterly idiotic. A machine for stupefaction. But what bugs me is where are all the feminists now? It's as if it was mere fashion (which it wasn't) divorced from a larger philosophy of fairness and justice. In the meantime, being tolerant about misogynistic implications of Islam trumped feminism, and now transgenderism is also putting it into the back seat? Oh yes, there are some classic feminists in the fray, but as you point out society has been stunted and "neutered" by the imperative to be nice. Jordan Peterson says one has to be willing to have one's feelings hurt if one's interested in getting closer to the truth, because it is not presented on a silver platter. It emerges, even from the intellectual jousts one has with oneself. (He expressed it better). But yes, if we're always fearful of stepping on someone's toes, and if avoiding that is considered the top virtue (and so it seems to be in "nice" cultures, like Canada's), and if sensitivities run a full spectrum from here to there, then it stands to reason we can no longer take a single step before someone shouts "unacceptable", "so incorrect", or "offensive". That isn't a bad strategy for dictatorships. Get them to censor themselves? So, as a society we've painted ourselves into a very tight cramped corner. Paradoxically insane. Intellectually and morally straitjacketed? It will "give", I'm sure. But when?
"where are all the feminists now?"
Excellent question.
There's also this question: Who or what have "the feminists" always been and who have they been operating for?
I would've said I was a "feminist". I stood at the 2007 federal election in Australia for a new political party, "What Women Want (Australia)". I represented the wishes of women. Hard to think of anything more feminist-representative. But the establishment 'feminists' who wanted more women in politics wanted nothing to do with me or our party (largely a party formed by independent midwives).
I think that most big-PR feminists have been CIA operators - Gloria Steinman, Jane Fonda - placed for various interests who could direct the way the discussion developed.
Hard core 'feminism' is theoretically left wing, but the left wing is now a tool of the new techno-totalitarians. I don't even know if they know what's happened to them. I think they were all so terrified of the "climate" that they are happy to go along with all the social changes.
The biggest shock to me was the Left Wing flip on pushing the genetic vaccines. I used to work with them against the heinous GM crop inventions. These people knew about the messes of genetic inventions, they knew how bad the big companies are, and suddenly they've flipped and are cheerleading for untested inventions from the least ethical companies on the planet.
Huge, huge like here. You're pointing to the trigger buttons that "those" feminists are hiding. Indeed, we need to ask who was behind them, if a party/ movement like yours offered them little interest. Says it all in my books. Very crafty stuff, and fastforwarding to today, yes indeedy "the biggest shock to me was their flip". One would think the anti-corporatist, anti-patriarchy woke left would be deadset against these "untested inventions". And I applaud your circumspection (if that's a word). What's more corporatisty-patriarchisty than distorted science in the
age of big money, big pharma. Yes, "the least ethical companies on the planet". Record fines for lying and malfeasance in the $billions. Just a business expenditure. Suddenly resuscitated? Suddenly backed by the so-called most enlightened vanguard? What happened to these people? Lack of solid integrity of purpose, of principle? Finally, at its logical extreme, just unexamined, superficial, feel good, go-along fashion? Incapable of penetrating the fog, a cover story for something else, therefore all the while used and abused? I don't get it. I really believe in people's natural intelligence. Oh yes. I forgot. Pure fear got to them. Good old-fashioned cowardice? Killer black plague pandemic fear. But what about the bloody history? Why didn't my wife and I fall for it? We thought it was staged from the outset. Too perfectly coordinated. All on board. Too neatly sewn up. Seamlessly. No exceptions. (The sovereign immmunity factor - Catherine Austin Fitts). Globally. Fear-mongering is old hat. The oldest trick in town, no? And Australia proving itself with its pando response to be quite outta this world. Did anyone else have those nice-nice container hotel camps for the non-compliant. Good Lord, captain Hastings, the colonies, the land of Crocodile Dundee, the wild and free, the salt of the earth, have gone authoritariany!? Sorry to get emotional about it, but I dislike having my illusions shattered, when my cognitive dissonance safety valve fails. I think we're concluding the same: it's a despicably dishonest ruse. Using people's gullibility and idealism against them. The proof is in the pudding, and this (never isolated, bogus phasmagoric PCR test fiasco-rific), novel mRNA 'ting, is quite the pudding! Cheers to the resistance down under from up above in Estonia! Strange times. Global crimes for global times.
Too much trust in the legacy media. Also unethical corporations.
The key, I think, is to pay no attention to big media - it's been rigged from the start - and only half an eye for ideas or information coming out of social media. The real people on the ground is where it's at.
Read Jerry Mander Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television. It's mind control
"But what bugs me is where are all the feminists now?"
Slightly facetious answer: they're playing at being firefighters, having already campaigned for (and won) the right to enter this profession despite failing the physical requirements on account of being women with significantly reduced strength and endurance. As many old school firefighters have commented, this concession to women's vanity and the delusion that 'gender is a social construct' WILL cost lives, because they simply don't have the strength (or the balls) to shoulder down a door and carry an unconscious person out of a burning building.
The real issue here is not gender this or trans that... it's just about entitlement and anti social behaviour. Society has appeased feminists' INSANE levels of entitlement and anti social behaviour for a century now, and this is where it's got us. These 'gender activists' who are infiltrating women's sports did not appear out of a vacuum. They're copying the narcissism, vanity, entitlement and solipsism that feminists have been displaying for decades. The only reason people are able to see it now is because humanity's biologically hard wired bias in favour of women (gynocentrism) gave crazy feminists a 'pussy pass' to vandalise society without being held to account.
A six foot tall transgender swimmer built like a brick shithouse provokes no sympathy because masculine physical attributes don't trigger the brain's gynocentric circuitry. And suddenly competitive swimming is a major social issue.
I'm not saying it isn't an issue which needs addressing ... but what about when feminists destroyed the family, wrecked children's lives, infiltrated male social spaces and male workplaces, undermined masculinity (and femininity) and literally taught children that men were the historical oppressors of women and that male sexuality is rape and women's only identity is to be a helpless victim of male patriarchal power and privilege? ....... where was the outrage when all THAT was going on? There was no outrage because it was all being done by women, and therefore it got a pussy pass.
You ask where are the feminists now. My answer is that feminist ideology created this monster. Feminism defined gender as a social construct and feminism created this cult of entitlement and anti social behaviour. Now that it's backfiring on them feminists are denying all responsibility, and many are even trying to pin all this on men and misogyny and the patriarchy.
When you teach kids that male sexuality is the urge to rape women, men are oppressors of women (which makes them psychopaths by definition), women are victimised by their own biology, women have no social power, gender is a social construct etc etc etc is it any wonder that so many young people are inventing 72 alternative genders and attempting to abandon the horror of their own biology.. a biology that feminism has defined in such a negative way?
The dis-ease IS feminist ideology. The gender madness we see all around us is just the symptoms of that dis-ease playing out. For the love of god the very last thing we need is more feminism.
Well New Health Paradigm that was quite the answer. Rivetting, dare I say pretty convincing? Where are you, in the USA? The UK? "These 'gender activists' who are infiltrating women's sports did not appear out of a vacuum. They're copying the narcissism, vanity, entitlement and solipsism that feminists have been displaying for decades". You seem to be much closer to the action than I, because in my travels and the physical and inforooms I inhabit, I missed out on the entitlement culture I hear so much about. At least have not directly experienced it. You seem to be proving George Carlin's point: "The world is a freakshow, and Americans get front row seats". But this is due, in my opinion, to the Manifest Destiny context of the noble American Experiment, now exported across the globe. When good things go sour there's hell to pay. Maybe you're just a startled observor. But yes, things don't morph this bad overnight, there has to be an incremental historical development. Choosing from 72 genders wasn't something I ever expected to see, but here we are. It dawns on one slowly it's no joke, this triumph of magic thinking over sense. Wasn't a CIA director attributed (not verified) a quote on that, paraphrased: "When everything is upside down and inside out we've accomplished our goal"? Which does dovetail with the unlikely pairing of Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms magazine, a rather sleek looker with the penguinman Henry Kissinger, who may have hit the cognitive G-spot with his assertion "The greatest aphrodisiac is power". And now lesbian women are being shamed by the trans community for refusing to date, O' lordy I don't know who any more? Fake women who aren't butch enough? I think the CIA gets the checkmate. I'm betting this too wiil pass, but not before the financial implosion and decimation of pension plans. Great conversation here. Free. Cheers!
Feminists have gone insane. The stuff they say/scream makes NO sense.
The statement 'Feminism is cancer' is societally true. Roque cells that grow outside of normal healthy patterns , consume all the resources and refuse to die unless they are starved.
Beyond alarming.
It's almost like the students have been intentionally brought in. I hope the biological females will stand against it.
Some doctors believe they have the power of God, but almost every surgeon I've met has this failing. Trauma surgeons especially seem to have the arrogance of this belief and when I asked one why he believed that to be (he'd already admitted most surgeons of his acquaintance, including himself, had this issue at least occasionally), he told me that when you have a living being on your operating table and you have the power to bring them back from the brink of death or conversely, to let them die, it's hard not to associate yourself with a Devine being. He said he has to often remind himself that sometimes, no matter how much experience he has at a particular procedure, how skilled he is at the procedure or how healthy his patient is, sometimes the patient just dies for no reason he can discern and that's how he keeps himself somewhat humble.
There was a long line at St. Peter's gate and new arrivals were getting restless. They were downright angry when a fellow in a white coat with a stethoscope around his neck arrived and waltzed to the front of the line and whisked inside. St. Peter calmed the crowd, "Oh calm down, that was God. He likes to play doctor now and then."
Ha-ha. Good one!
By email:
"An old, blind seer, though he has lost the use of his eyes, in his mind’s eye he is able to see all kinds of things that most humans cannot, including the future:
Image not found"
They think they are Gods and they aren't.
I don't buy this malarkey; In ancient Greece they didn't know what we know now;
The first month or more we're all female in the womb;
Later the clit either enlarges or not the vagina closes up to be the scrotum that ovaries pop out and become balls, or stay inside;
The only difference is hormones effecting brain, if it were true that estrogen made you a seer, it would have been evident long ago;
Genitals make the men/woman; Do woman see more than men? I haven't seen it, just as many dumb women roaming as dumb men.
But I guess this would be a great story for a lesbian or tranny drag-show, telling the kids that they can become a 'seer' if they cut their nut-sack off sounds like a real selling point to me.
This crap isn't new, in the forbidden-city CHINA only Eunuchs were allowed to enter, so parents would chop off theirs sons balls to get a high paying job.
And China is the most influential nation in the UN, the UN owns the World pHarma Organisation and carried out illegal research in Whuhan and had Agenda 21 which culminated with the injections.
They’ve now moved to Agenda 2030 which openly calls for depopulation.
You describe external changes.
Chromosomes are there at conception. XX or XY.
Doesn't matter in first month you had a vagina, and you still have vagina-XX; ( Vagina for non-binary is a hole between anus & clitoris ) - note that there are variations and exceptions to this pattern, such as individuals with intersex traits or genetic disorders affecting sex chromosome development.
You are correct that an individual's chromosomes are determined at conception and remain constant throughout their life. Typically, human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with one set inherited from each parent. The 23rd pair of chromosomes, also known as the sex chromosomes, determines an individual's biological sex. Females typically have two X chromosomes (XX), while males typically have one X and one Y chromosome (XY). However, it is important to note that there are variations and exceptions to this pattern, such as individuals with intersex traits or genetic disorders affecting sex chromosome development.
Yes. I'm well aware of this.
My thoughts exactly - minus the crude delivery.
"Who do you think you are?" seems to be the question of our era. How many people who contemplate changing their own gender with drugs and surgery ask themselves this question?
The entire gay / trans ideas were givin birth to in the 1950's via the Rockefellers. The entire gay/trans agenda is about population control. no less than the mRNA vaccinations:
Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today
George Hunt Stumbles Into NWO Meeting, Exposes 1992 Earth Summit (Agenda 21)
These are fascinating! I read/listen to so many things regarding NWO, and I haven’t seen either of these. Thank you for sharing. I find the comment section (especially on Substack) is the most informative.
They're not doctors They're sellouts with medical licenses. How does a physician with a shred of integrity disfigure & mutilate a child because of a gender dysphoria & a fetish fantasy fixation. It's truly disturbing
One side comment and one major comment-
If an embryo is chromosomally male (46 XY), the bipotential gonad differentiates into testes under the influence of the SRY gene. The SRY gene is a single exon gene, and it encodes a transcription factor called sex-determining region Y protein (SRY protein), also known as the testis-determining factor (TDF). SRY protein, or TDF, is a sex determination gene that directs male gonadal differentiation.
basically the Y chromosome makes all the difference in the 6th-7th week of gestation
As the assertion, no man can know what a woman knows, my own personal experience has shown that this common assumption is not true.
I began to have a male/female friendship with a certain woman at my church, and our relationship deepened as we learned more about each other, but we were very careful to not engage in any intimate relations, as we want to build the relationship the right way --> spiritual ---> soul (knowledge likes etc) --> physical (after marriage).
About 6 months into this relationship, both this woman and I had the same exact experience one Sunday afternoon as we were talking on the phone. I was on my back on my bed resting and she was on top of her bed sitting upright.
Suddenly, without any premonition, our spirits joined each other. Instantly I was connected to her nervous system and she was connected to mine. I felt the cotton bedspread with the ruffled ridges cutting into the back of her calves and how far her legs indented into the bed mattress, she instantly felt me lying down, facing the ceiling and exactly how I held the phone including the tiredness from muscle fatigure. It was as if you connect two nervous systems together wired as one. The flood of nervous sensations from two becoming one was almost overwhelming to say the least!
To say that we were stunned was the understatement!!! We didn't even know such unity was possible, but we could not deny what just happened. We couldn't talk for about 5 minutes after this connection which lasted about 5-10 secs, then stopped. Finally we talked about this for about 1/2 hour and decided that we needed to seriously consider marriage.
After this episode, I did take the time to talk to married couples at my church, who I knew had a great marriage, and when I explained what happened, one married couple burst out laughing, and told me "Yes, we know exactly what you are talking about, we have experienced this unity, and it happens frequently" I can assure you that they have a fantastic marriage.
So I don't buy into the common meme, that we're all alone and nobody can really connect with anyone else and know what that person is experiencing. True marriage starts at the spiritual level, and if it is done respecting God's plan, it is possible for the two to become one.
Your comment was amazing.
While the myth of Tiresias in its various forms is fascinating, surely you're aware that Tiresias did not "possess knowledge that is impossible for the REST of humanity to acquire." A man living as a woman is still a man. Despite his masquerade. No one can experience life as both man and woman. Not even a fictional character. No matter how good the story may be.
If the gods do it, it's not the same as when it's done by human drugs and surgery. Doctors only *wish* they were gods. A fictional character can do whatever the story says, the issue for real people is that we are bound by reality.
Yes. The fictional gods turned Tiresias's Y into an X and then back into a Y. Because magic.
If you read a myth as though it were making literal assertions as to fact, you are missing the point completely, IMHO.
Transgendered neutered eunuchs. Finally knowing what it is like to be Less Than Zero.
Those Doctors make a lot of money, which makes them the snakes, and sneaks.