Amazon AWS Service Terms


42.10. Acceptable Use; Safety-Critical Systems. Your use of the Lumberyard Materials must comply with the AWS Acceptable Use Policy. The Lumberyard Materials are not intended for use with life-critical or safety-critical systems, such as use in operation of medical equipment, automated transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, aircraft or air traffic control, nuclear facilities, manned spacecraft, or military use in connection with live combat. However, this restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization.

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Thank you for this. AWS is an urgently important part of the kleptocracy / Corporatocracy.

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It could be considered a joke, if it wasn't for this...


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Yes the idea of reanimated human corpses is too far fetched although the idea of a “zombie apocalypse” is not. Kind of a limited hangout?

It is all pretty amusing unless we stop to observe that these intertwined corporations are aligned with governments & institutions to bring about the fall of organized civilization. “Tyranny is always better organized than slavery.”

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"Take a vaccine" is the official answer to every crisis these days. Or, every crisis is used to push vaccines.

The conditioning is to mistrust your inner authority and outsource everything to the outer authority. The conditioning is to outsource your immunity to a battery-metaphor subscription plan.

The conditioning is to mistrust your God-given immune system and your own better judgement in favor of the medical-pharma-defense-industrial complex to tell you what to do like a big parent.

The conditioning is digital entertainment enslavement fear-porn addiction and distraction, so that the voice of your inner knowing is hard to hear.

The Zombie blog is another example of public health eclipsed by the vaccine solution, brought to you with religious, Crusade-like fervor, casting people into right or wrong, believers or anti-believers.

What happens when we unplug, get still and access our inner wisdom?

We might think independently. We might seek individualized, nuanced, multi-factorial, health solutions including therapeutics, supplements, nutrition, nature, sleep, TCM, Ayurveda or many others to "boost" our immune system instead of "boosting" pharma profits. We might choose some vaccines some of the time for some of the people, instead of all the time for all of the people.

Is it too late to counter the conditioning of this generation?

How do we counter this conditioning in the next generation?

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None of my children were tempted to take the vaccine. All young adults. Lots of pressure on them. None of my grandchildren were given it either. One of my children was still in high school at the time. We talk a lot about where true health comes from. We try to limit electronic use. We try to reduce chemical exposure. We try to eat whole foods that we prepare ourselves, we grow food, forage, fish and buy local. We try to connect with nature. It was pretty obvious that everything the experts told us to do from the beginning was antithetical to good health and was a means by which to scare people into taking a “vaccine” that didn’t have any true health benefits. If people understand where good health comes from, (clean air, clean food, loving relationships, exposure to lots of various microbes, stress management, active lifestyle etc) they are not so easily duped. People who have been conditioned to be germaphobic and ignore things that truly add to good health are very susceptible.

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Totally agree.

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I agree with all that you say except that I would never consider any vaccine.

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Thanks for reading my comment, Merlin. Yes, the choice of what you put into your body belongs to you! I think it's fantastic that more and more people are questioning the vaccine agenda that has been pushed so hard. Vaccines used to be a 170 million dollar a year industry in the 1980s. Now, it's a 60 billion dollar a year industry and still growing. With those kind of profits and powers, the medical-defense-industrial-pharma complex push for you to consider or be coerced into vaccines shows no sign of slowing down.

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Don’t you feel as though we as thinking human beings who want freedom and use common sense to make choices are systematically being slowly edged out of the culture. Everything in the culture that we access is filled with drugs murder homosexual edge to it. Netflix prime fashion everywhere you look there is an awareness that is pushed on you. I am so sick and tired of being their lab rat.

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When my son was born the zombie films were so scary to him that he couldn’t sleep after watching a show on tv. Now I know why. The millennium generation was being primed for this Covid garbage. On some level a child around 6 years old thinks it’s almost real zombie events could happen. At the time I used to laugh at this show because it was so stupid I thought.

So it was like a dog whistle frequency that humans or adults couldn’t hear but only a dog could. In this case though, only children got the fear droned into them so they would easily take the jab to avoid getting eaten by a disease. All the while the cdc intended to prime them into becoming zombies in real life by getting vaxxed. The death of millions was their aim. And they are still in power! So diabolical sneaky and evil. It’s beyond human comprehension.

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Change doctor to priest, virus to demon, and vaccine to God and you get a good idea of what's going on here.

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Yes! Lots of religious parallels

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And I did not even mention the element of "faith" at play here, but the parallels are significant enough to warrant discussion.

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Yes, faith, sin, repentance, holy water. It had it all. We would point out covid vaccine clinics and say, “oh look! Another church of Fauci.”

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Each time I learn about another stupid government action that wastes more money I recall why I have moved from the middle in my politics to a Libertarian. We need to get the government out of our lives, they are hopelessly incompetent. The message from the CDC is clear to me, introduce more fear into the gullible public, get them at young age, the government will be here to take care of you (but not really). Should the lesson goals be the opposite for our children? Don't be afraid, don't worry, work hard, be responsible and independent, think critically and assess the risks and benefits for yourself. Teach children how to think, not what to think, is that not what a caring parent or government would want to do?

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Your comment about incompetence inspired me to expand a saying: those who can’t do, teach and those who can’t teach, run for public office or apply for a gov’t job. (Feel pretty sure I’m not the first one who came up with this; it is pretty obvious.)

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No doubt inspired by “The Walking Dead” that came out in 2010. Good conditioning all around.

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Interesting. That flew under my radar. Not surprising if there is a way to spend more money and gain more public control. Crashing the CDC site may have something to do with the cult like popularity of Walking Dead series? Zombies get peoples' attention. Try and count all the zombie type movies made.

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Good thing cremations are up. Also, I see a lot of burials and I highly doubt that a rotting corps is going to get out of a locked casket, remove the concrete lid of a vault, dig out then have enough of their decomposed body left to chase around and eat at live humans. Oh, one more thing, most of the dead are still over 70 which can't be good news if they plan to use their teeth to carry out basic zombie snacking.

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Ever see “I Am Legend”? The vaccine caused the zombies...

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I saw it on my phone so IT must be real.........

Thank goodness I'm 70!

I do fear for my children, grandchildren & now great grandchildren.

Sobering thought that we older folk have let the world sink into such a sewer for them to inherit.

Thank you for this post & all of your others. Appreciated.

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Dumbed down zombie 🧟 eaten brains 🧠 : the CDC, military, most public education systems etc. love ‘em!

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I am waiting for an election, which is keeping me too busy to inject anything.

I doubt that election will ever come, ought I stop waiting?

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What are you saying?


Where's my RELOAD button for killing zombies?

And if we're supposed to kill the zombies, why are federal agencies trying to limit access to weapons and ammo?

Or is it a conspiracy to turn us all into zombies with a kill shot vacciine?

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