This simple solution has been a lifesaver for me! I work in healthcare and there is always someone around me coughing and sneezing. ALWAYS! I don’t get sick, thank God 🙏🏽 I truly believe doing nasal rinses has been a lifesaver for me. Just yesterday I was dealing with what was trying to become a respiratory infection. Constant nose running, sneezing, and fullness in my head.I almost considered canceling my flight home today because I didn’t want to bring this possible infection to my family.

I immediately started to do my nasal rinses yesterday like Dr McCullough taught us during Covid and today I’m great! I wish more people knew how helpful this could be, but they don’t like to listen.

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Glad it’s working for you. I have had great success as well. I haven’t gotten a cold or even a stuffy nose which I usually get off and on through out the year. I run into that don’t want to listen theme myself. My brother in-law did finally give it a try and called me and said. Boy this stuff works great. I wish I had listened and tried it sooner.

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Absolutely correct...Our whole family and everyone coming through our Home School/Food Co-Op uses the XClear Nasal Wash. Provides grand benefits when using as a Daily Routine and a key part of our therapy for Covid when everyone displayed early symptoms. An extra spritz when displaying an kind of symptoms for flu/colds immediately ends the progress of disease. Promote this as hygiene for all every day and even those having the Ai/Bioweapon Injections relocating here from metropolitan areas avoided illness following practice with Daily Z Protocol with this XClear Nasal Wash.

This is a tremendous boon of treatment...Just as gentle and effective as marketed.

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I think I possibly got lucky, April. Been avoiding antihistamine overuse dealing with allergies by means of daily sinus rinses for decades, and was exposed to many people who were absent the following day with Covid symptoms.

Can't prove a negative, as in the rinses are the reason I didn't get sick, any more than the injectors can prove that the injections saved any lives; forecasting models are speculative by definition.

Nevertheless, daily sinus rinses have a lot of anecdotal successes recorded, enough to at least think that they sure couldn't hurt.

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Have your tried Stinging Nettle Leaf for allergies? It has worked great for me for many years.

I would imagine a tea made out it, cooled, and then used as a nasal rinse would be good too.

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I’ve done the same thing. Colleagues around me, reinfected with COVID. Nasal spray on the job for myself…. Nothing. I’ve recommended it to family, colleagues, friends.

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THANK YOU to April and everyone else for sharing this encouraging recommendation!

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I followed the protocol of Thomas Levy, MD. in his book Rapid Virus Recovery. I nebulized with 1/3 food grade hydrogen peroxide 3% and 2/3 pure water with a few grains of salt. I had slight symptoms and recovered quickly. And that was during the nasty delta time. It worked for all those that I told and nebulized before symptoms or early symptoms.

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I tried nebulizing the 0.1% H2O2 + Saline to test it out but Dr Levy said to only do that if it gets down to the lungs in an interview in 2022. He said just to rinse the nose with the liquid if it was used as a prophylaxis or nasal congestion.

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I’m a hospital worker and have used Xlear the last 3 years before and after my shifts. I credit it for keeping me healthy from work related illnesses. It’s worked so well, I’ve turned several of my coworkers onto Xlear nasal rinses. Also, my parents used it to travel throughout the last three years and never became sick from traveling.

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Important to note he explains why NOT to use nasal iodine (povidone) daily or even a neti pot, and INSTEAD to use a xylitol and grapefruit seed extract which doesn't kill your nasal biome.

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How about carageenan? That's supposedly good too.

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One of my favorite stories from the delta wave was a middle aged woman who thought she was going to die after days of feeling horrible from Covid 19. She told her best friend she was planning to go to the emergency room. She truly thought she was dying. Her friend said, "Don't go to the hospital. They'll kill you! Try one of those anti hangover, intravenous vitamin+electrolyte places."

So she did. Had them infuse pretty much every vitamin and electrolyte on their "menu." Within just a few hours she felt way, way better. Didn't go to the hospital. Told her friend it saved her life.

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I have gone to a Naturopathic doc (ND) for chelation and ozone autohemotherapy. At times, added “push” of Vit C, glutathione, or other beneficials. Not just good, but really *amazing*. I’ve had this therapy (over two illnesses) between 200 to 300 times, once a week. Cheaper than conventional treatments for (1) AFIB and (2) MS but insurance won’t cover so I had to stop (affordability.) Why insurance won’t pay? Very safe, very much effective, but cheaper than conventional. But it’s also not part of the medical industrial complex.

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How does this help A-fib? I have a relative who has A-fib & another with MS.

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JS S, I can’t say I understand how it all works with chelation and ozone therapies. Ozone helps heal wounded nerves, and I think that AFIB is a condition of the nerves serving the heart. (In fact, I think ozone autohemotherapy is so curative with nerve tissue generally that it would help JFK Jr overcome his difficulties with his voice.) Chelation is like a tonic for the cardiopulmonary system. It removed calcium buildup so effectively that my BP went from 140/80 to 105/65, and that lasted about 10 years. The BP drugs my insurance pays for can’t compare in efficacy, but make up for that with numerous side effects. :))

Re MS, my belief is that it is an infection. Two English neurologists cured a woman with very bad MS using 3 off-patent antibiotics for a year. They basically treated her for an infection of Chlamydia pneumoniae, a bacteria that is often (always?) found in MS patients. MS comes with a form of arthritis and C. pneumoniae is found in those affected distal joints. There may be a genetic component, where an atypical gene (an allele) produces a protein that shields a microbe from the immune system. That abnormal protein allows microbes like C. pneumoniae to be taken in by macrophages but not be torn apart per normal. They use the macrophage like a big yellow school bus to travel the body and cause damage in other locations. Ozone is not fooled by this and destroys the microbe.

She’s a painter, and her fine motor skills returned over that year, and was again painting beautifully. Ozone/oxygen isn’t just useful for infections, it greatly improves leg strength in MS patients, and the nerve healing properties restore coordination and balance issues. A game changer for me personally.

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Thank you for this useful information--it is much appreciated.

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Hopefully we have awakened enough to recognize that there are other more conservative options to treat an illness that just shoving a pharmaceutical at the patient. I love the different therapies that are surfacing!

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Yes, this stuff is great! I did get covid when I got lax about this and was exposed to people who were sick, but with this an horse medicine was well within three days. Thanks for this video, good reminder.

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There are quite a few recipes on the internet and this one is similar to Xlear Nasal Spray.

1 cup of water (8 ounces) (Filtered Water)

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp of xylitol crystals

1/2 tsp baking soda

4 drops of grapefruit seed extract (optional for infection)

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Thanks for the DIY. In Australia Xlear costs about $22 for less than an oz./22ml.

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I’ve mixed warm water and salt to wash out my sinuses for over 40 years. My grandmother taught me.

The very, very rare occasions I get sick are because I neglected to do this.


I may never set foot in a MD office again. If I break a bone, maybe a DVM can set it!

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My wife got me some and it works great. Haven’t had even a cold or stuffy nose since I started using it about a year ago. Good stuff.

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Fantastic podcast! I tried Xclear spray mid-pandemic, but the bottle looked different. White plastic, easy to carry in pocket. That trial was based on what my sis (a doc) told me years ago about xylitol as a dental rinse. The connection to ear infections should be something every new parent learns about when caring for infants & toddlers?

Overall, it was very effective because I never caught covid until in hospital for AFIB. The hospital wouldn’t let me use any of my own products. (So, also no Vit D/K, zinc, etc was allowed. Gosh, I can’t figure out why, other than maybe increasing case count + some old-fashioned financial inducements.)

Very interesting podcast discussion! Did not know that xylitol was a sugar alcohol of a pentose. Will have to check if the 5-carbon xylitol retains a ring structure like fructose (which many are calling a pentose!) It might sound silly, but I wonder if the xylitol does to microbes what the ring structure of fructose does to cells in the human liver?

Thanks again...honestly, at first I didn’t expect much from this podcast. Very pleasantly surprised! Great product too!

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Xylitol differs from the aldose forms of both pentoses and hexoses because the sugar alcohol forms are open and flexible. When you learn that the family of sugars and their complexes, called glycans, cover our cells as well as the microbes you can then easily see how sugar alcohols like xylitol and erythritol can interfere with microbial adhesion. Search Costerton and “How Bacteria Stick” for his 1978 Scientific American article describing how they hold on and my book “Commonsense Medicine” for how sugar alcohols can act as mimes and block adherence.

Nate’s Dad

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Dr. J, I was looking to see if I could find you to ask you a question. I’ve been using Xclear for years. I also take a high blood pressure medicine that says I need to stay away from grapefruit. Does the fact that Xlear have grapefruit seed extract interact with the BP meds at all??? Thank you for responding, if you have the time.

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Not likely. It’s the juice that’s the problem. It makes the drug work better. If your blood pressure is just a moderate problem eat a red grapefruit every day. With clean sinuses humming will spread nitric oxide through your body and also lower blood pressure.

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I read your comment with great interest, as I assumed that the grapefruit juice would counteract what BP meds do, rather than make them work better, and that was why you were instructed to stay away from them. Very interesting! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.

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Fantastic info, Dr J! Much appreciated!

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I was aware of this early in the pandemic, so every day, sometimes more than once, I gave my nostrils a good blow & thorough wipe out with tissues. I also got out in the fresh air & sun as much as I could (to bolster my vitamin D levels - vital for the immune system). I've not had the vaccine, avoided masks as much as possible, and have not had covid (as far as I know). Just goes to show, simple measures can work.

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However, trying to defy gravity doesn't work 😂 It hurts!

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What a great story. I hope xclear are redeemed and win the fight against covid bullies

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I have a nebulizer to use with hydrogen peroxide or povidone iodine (at ~0.2%). In any case apart from respiratory infections I clean my nose with Sterimar spray often. I must investigate the grapefruit seed extract preservative. Exactly my point two days ago: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/were-the-lockdowners-and-the-vaccinators/comment/21355908

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Thanks for that, always cheering to have confirmation of one's own experience.

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1 drop can equal 0. 045 – 0. 055 ml, assume that 1 drop = 0. 05 ml

So:1 drop or 0. 05 ml of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide contains 0. 0015ml of Hydrogen Peroxide.

To a 5ml Normal Saline Nebulizer add;

1 Drop 3% H2O2 = 5.05ml Total 0. 0015ml or 0.029% H202

2 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.10ml Total 0. 0030ml or 0.058% H202

3 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.15ml Total 0. 0045ml or 0.087% H202

4 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.20ml Total 0. 0060ml or 0.115% H202

5 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.25ml Total 0. 0075ml or 0.142% H202

6 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.30ml Total 0. 0090ml or 0.169% H202

7 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.35ml Total 0. 0105ml or 0.196% H202

8 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.40ml Total 0. 0120ml or 0.222% H202

9 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.45ml Total 0. 0135ml or 0.247% H202

10 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.50ml Total 0. 0150ml or 0.272% H202

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Thanks for featuring another covid hero, John! Steve Kirsch has recommended Xlear for months. I do the centuries old Neti pot rinse with a few drops of povidone/iodine. Without the p/i, it also works great for allergies.

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When i got covid i used something called zicam, just swabbed it around in my nose and tylenol for body pain. That's all i used. I'm not poked and only felt bad for two nights, but the days were tolerable enough that I rode my bike to cough up the boogers and loogies, that I spit out. My relatives are all poked and ended up in the hospital and making big scenes like they were dying and exaggerated. Maybe they were dying? They're still around but sickly looking and go frequently to the doctors and two of them have cancer now and the other had a heart scare.

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Did anyone ever do a study that correlates doctor and hospital visits with health? On my to work I pass this GP clinic that has big billboards about skin cancer. They specialize on it. Of course they will find lots of it and scare the shit out of people. Its their livelyhood, for gods sake. Not saying skin cancer doesn't exist. Of course it does. But my wife falls for it and has any little spot examined and removed. It's a spot. Old people get spots. Always did. There are dangerous skin cancers, of course, but none of hers actually were. The doctors still called them cancer. Benign cancer !!! They told her: Very likely they won't do much, but you never know. Why not being rather safe than sorry? Only two grands to remove it. You don't want to take risks with your health. So many fall for this bullshit. In many cases doctors and hospitals these days make people worse. In some cases doctors and hospitals make people better and safe lives too, of course. It's up to us to look at our fears and look through the scams.

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I use this product when I feel the need for protection and recommend it! I have not gotten ill, and sinus or mucus stuffiness passes quickly after use. The seasonal pollen effects in the air are also eradicated after a day of use, whereupon the symptoms diminish within a 12 hour period for me


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