I am a journalist working in the MSM. Your statements reflect my experience in the newsroom.
I was silenced at work by my executive editor.
I was silenced in my town, on the public listserv.
I was silenced on social media...32 times.
I was silenced in my home. My partner refuses to discuss anything shot-oriented.
I was silenced in my therapy sessions. I almost hung myself in Sept. 22, so I have two therapists. They both refuse to believe anything I say about the shots.
I am done being just a journalist. It's time to take the gloves off and stop adding more to the cloud. It's time to go after them any way we can.
I am organizing a group of 40 journalists to file a class action lawsuit against the MSM. Interested? I will be forming a non-profit institute and beginning this effort very soon. Let me know if you want to enter the arena, and if you know other journalists who would be interested.
Thanks! I'm a novelist too, so I can identify with your work more than most.
How can you live with a partner like that? I relate. My husband left bc I was begging not to jab our teen son for a school. He refused to listen. Thinks I’m a conspiracy theorist. No one in my family will listen. It’s been living hell. I struggle every day to raise my boys with a man who is clueless about all of it. They are the only reason I’m still here, bc the isolation and loneliness is soul crushing. But I believe God has a plan, so I will NEVER give up. And neither should you. If you are a journalist, WRITE ABOUT IT!
No...not arrogant. Thanks for caring. He left ME because I was so outrageous and could not deal with not having an apology for making me so upset. It is not a good situation and I am realizing I need much more love, empathy and respect than this...thanks. It is very hard to move on. But I will....eventually.
Thanks again. He says I wrecked our family bc I forced him to leave bc I was so difficult about Cv and wouldn’t just go along and wait it out. And I made his life too difficult. After 25 yrs of standing by him and building a beautiful family, that is really hard to take. It’s totally traumatizing.
Don’t hang yourself over these losers. They are in power now because they are the freaks. Mau did the same - roofers became surgeons and surgeons became roofers. There is not enough work to support these people who essentially produce nothing.
"The reason so much money is spent on deceiving us is because we have the power to change things" ~ Whitney Webb. Nothing they fear more than you stand on the side of truth... be brave and speak the truth 💪🏽
If the Bilderbergers or Club of Rome-tards are trying to incite open rebellion, I trust they are aware that many of us know their names, their families, and their movements....
It seems the US Attorney General and the Supreme Court no longer desire to enforce the First Amendment. The desertion of the principle of free speech by the US elites is most alarming.
Its not just the elites. The friggin' average joe or jane are now so committed to their love of the shots they would rather see their 1st Amendment rights go than admit they made a mistake.
It's awful. I live in a small town. My neighbors seem to think it's better to not know the truth. So now there's a bunch who can't get a diagnosis bec. their doctors can't figure out the etiology, how their illnesses came about.
Pretty sad. So I have stopped thinking I have to be gentle with them (they've been injured etc) and rather I need to really hit them hard with the truths.
I think you can include both parties alike. You think censorship in journalismis new? There's been censorship and lies regarding autism for30 years. No journalists have confronted the truth for that long. To go from 1 in 10,000 with autism in 1980 to 1 in 36, 1 in 22 boys, 1 in 9 boys in the city of San Diego, and continue to report what U.S Health Agencies have been saying for 3 decades-"that there is no increase, only better at diagnosing" jUST SAY THE WORD "VACCINE" and you're branded for life. Shame on our government, and shame on journalists. They never do their own research. If nothing else takes our country down, autism will.
Don't keep dreaming fantasy-land nonsense. No lifelong spoiled blueblood Catholic (the most evil, vile cult of counterfeit "Christianity" on the planet) and believer in blindly supporting genocide, is EVER going to stop anything the PsTB want to continue. For decades they haven't repeated their "mistakes" during Vietnam, and thus will NEVER allow "The Empire" to EVER AGAIN be influenced by "The Proles" (the People, the serfs, the peasants), and public opinion, to get them to pull out of anything (any war, etc..). I wish such fantasy beliefs were true too, but believing fantasies will not change things for the better; and, to believe those fantasies, is to live by lies and delusion(s). It's not worth it.
Women don’t like feminine men. A lot of woke women will be chid rearing on their own and spending a lot of night solo. It’s all fun and games until hit late 30s and then dinner with a group of gals not so fun anymore....
I beg to differ. Most of the husbands I've met now for decades have been passive and let their wives run virtually everything. They may not speak effeminately, but a lot of them do. Thus, many women evidently do like feminine men. God designed men to ultimately be in charge of the family, not women; but, of course, Satan has counterfeited this subject as well as so many others, and turned everything of the greatest importance upside down and backwards. Yet, considering the times in which we're "living", it's all to be expected, perhaps not specifically, but to really not be surprising at all if we know God's Truth, if we understand that it all has to transpire, and if we ultimately ONLY fully depend on the Truth of God the Father and His Son, Jesus the Messiah. He is the ONLY "...Way (to) the Truth and... Life..." of the One & Only God.
Certainly the national security state began then. It was the end of the notion of government by the people. People lost the right to know what government was doing.
MSM is owned by the DNC which is controlled by the CIA. Trump is an existential threat to this unholy alliance which is why they will attempt the ultimate power play against him.
George Orwell wrote of this exact free speech phenomenon in the MSM in the immediate aftermath of WWII when a totalitarian state had been defeated...and the new boss was the same as the old boss. If you've not read it yet you'll think it was written today.
Up until very recently, it has been taboo to mention the very specific group that owns and controls over 94% of all forms of media. Through their control of MSM, this specific group has been able to ostracize, dox, fire, and harbour the threat of criminal liability to anyone that utilized free speech to expose the narrative of the ruling ((establishment)). It is now more important than ever to name the unnameable so they no longer operate under the veil of anonymity, allowing them to orchestrate our collective demise with impunity. If an article or conversation on the topic of media corruption does not mention the specific architects who made it a century-long mission to gradually take control over every form of media to help further their collective agenda, then I posit that the value of said information is lacking and irresponsible.
I have been the tip of the spear for far too long, and I believe if you are not already aware of this information, you will likely reject it under the guise of media programming.
However, I am happy to steer you in the right direction
Start with these three and then let me know where that leads you
Larry Fink. CEO BlackRock (Fox, CNN J&J)
Mortimer J Buckley. Vanguard CEO
(owner of Fox & CNN, J&J)
Robert Kapito. BlackRock President (owner of Fox & CNN, J&J)
Treason for many. Hold tight, hold to Our Principals/Values. Lawsuits/prison for them evil 1’s will be here sooner than you believe to be. Aka, this year. To understand what has been going on behind the curtain is a fun bag of emotions. I have known many things. All people learn at different paces. Science, proper health, proper news to reality. Not a paid media that displays mk-ultra as the main sources in our nation?
Which ones are under regular communication with gov? How many have been manipulated to be told what to produce and or say from weather, to news, to music, to science to animals of nature NDA sign off to not say certain things even of who and dovos anti freedoms…? What type of technology has been hidden from the world? A lot, more than 200 years of hidden technology prevention of the people of advancements and preventions, in all categories of life, from people to animals. You would/will be surprised. The future all of the world will see and learn reality also of real history. Our future is learning Quantum everything and much more. Japan also found the gene to having our bodies reproduce Our own teeth. Dentist were never made to be kept or made in production. Our bodies, our cells our life cycle of being born till we die has been altertered. We can live originally till 150-200 years of age in good health. We will also see health pods for the people that have not had bio-weapon shots. Realigning the proper healthy stasis. This timeline is when all evil is done away with across Our beautiful earth.
Or we can live for eternity, by free will choice! I think that's a better deal, personally; especially when you consider WHERE you will be living... "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!". Beats wishful thinking every time!
They believe in free speech so long as it is the same as their own. But the "D's have been trying to undermine and twist the Constitution and Bill of Rights since the 1850's. The whole point of secession and the subsequent War Between the States (it was not a civil war because the Dems just wanted to take their slaves and leave) was because they did not want many of the rights in those two founding documents to be applied equally to all.
That was not a civil war,because the CSA was a separate nation then, with its own constitution and gov't, And FYI, slavery was not why, on either side; it was a "back burner" issue on both sides! Lincoln wanted the cotton and tobacco money, and, and the CSA wanted the states rights guaranteed in the constitutions!
Tyranny IS already following on the heels of the destruction of free speech. It's not something that "could" happen, it is something that IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. Tyranny is already taking over by leaps and bounds.. Our sovereignty as a country (the U.S.) is being done away with for global(ist) government enslavement. Heck, most "Americans" are already enslaved and don't know it. They still have some trappings of liberty and freedom, so they falsely think they are still free. They can browse as much as they want on the monitoring devices that most people carry around with them everywhere they go. "Big Brother" loves it, because the more they do on their "'smart' phones", the more the government profiles them and gets a clear idea of where they stand, and who to increasingly go after for standing up for liberty and freedom, and against the fascism that is fast spreading throughout the U.S. and the world.
And how can someone like John Leake be "dumbfounded" by the long time, intentional overthrowing of the First Amendment, of freedom of speech, and of much of the rest of the U.S. Bill of rights? Concerning the First Amendment alone, there has been a concerted overthrowing of what Americans know about that amendment and the rest of the ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution known as the Bill of Rights that has been going on since at least the 1980s, as a result of which Americans don't know what to stand up FOR when it comes to our unalienable rights, and don't know what is most important to stand up AGAINST, particularly the corporate-fascist evisceration of those rights, purposely replacing them with increasingly-totalitarian, repressive "security" at the more and more complete expense of our long "died-for" liberties and freedoms, without which we will only know the antithesis of same, and the liberty-and-freedom-destroying oppression and repression that invariably follows such despotism and tyranny as we see taking over now.
Also, yet again I have to point out that the U.S. is NOT, and is not supposed to be, a "liberal democracy". It is supposed to be NOTHING BUT a constitutional REPUBLIC, and one that upholds our liberties and freedoms foremost, above all else, including "security". As the founders of the U.S. clearly understood, and Americans used to understand, democracy is anathema to liberty and freedom, because it invariably leads to corporate-fascist despotism and tyranny transplanting liberty and freedom, and replacing them with out-of-control oppression and repression, which we who have our eyes completely opened recognize is increasingly rearing its ugly, and terrorizing, head bringing the ostensible "land of free and home of the brave" more and more to its knees in abject slavery. For that is what the opposite of liberty and freedom is; and, in our case, and the case of the entirety of the Western world, liberty and freedom are being replaced with, with despotism and tyranny, and with oppression and repression, on a larger and larger scale, leaving us slaves in an increasingly fascist, totalitarian reality..
This eradication of our liberty(ies) and freedom(s) is what We the People of the U.S. and the world should most be in fear of, not living in fear of whatever boogeymen and hobgoblins the corporate-fascists are using to fraudulently convince us we "must" surrender our liberty(ies) and freedom(s) for "security" from. But because Americans and the rest of the Western world have been so thoroughly and successfully dumbed-down about our liberty(ies) and freedom(s), and don't know or understand that so-called "security" is NEVER supposed to be allowed to transplant them, they are primarily sitting back and allowing the "security" of totalitarian-fascist despotism and tyranny to eviscerate them. This evisceration of liberty(ies) and freedom(s) is what we should be screaming from the rooftops and warning our world is the gravest threat to all of us, NOT the "threat" of whatever "enemies" the PsTB use to "justify" their increasing despotism and tyranny, which we more and more see taking over and making us the opposite of truly free.
Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse
One thing people don't seem to be addressing is the fact that this present ILLEGAL genocide in Gaza is not only encouraging more genocide, but is also encouraging violence against "goy" (aka, non-Jews) in the U.S. and/or the other Western countries, particularly against those who take a stand against this or any other genocide.
My HUD recertification is now happening in my "Jewish" owned and operated subsidized apartment complex, and I'm sorely tempted to ask these people if they support the genocide their "beloved 'Israehell'" is unleashing at present in Palestine, and to tell them if they answer that they do support it that such makes them a severe, dire threat to all of the non-Jewish tenants here. I bet that would go over well, as in NOT. I've already stood up against their corruption(s), discrimination and fraud, etc.. here for four and a half years now, already making me a target of their illegal "wrath" and/or actions, such as gang-stalking me for over two years, illegally entering my apartment unit (aka, criminal trespass), etc., and if I was also to stand up against their support of "Israehell's" present genocide, it would likely jeopardize my health and safety even more than these racist (against non-Jews that I finally realized is what they are primarily about) people are already carrying out against me.
But, if they do support "Israehell's" current genocide against the Palestinians, people need to stand up against their support of it, especially where elderly-disabled tenants like myself are residing under their management, and are thus under potential threat at their hands because of their false belief that all "goy" (non-Jews) are "animals" who must be exterminated like the Palestinians are being exterminated wholesale, and which "Jewish" leaders have admitted they believe. I've got to get out of here and away from their rampant racism in the lying guise of "not being racist", before someone connected with them takes "Israehell" getting away with their current genocide as license to take violent action(s) against non-Jews in the West, which it is undoubtedly likely to lead to. After all, they already believe, though they have been keeping it relatively in check up 'til now, that all violence carried out against "goy", particularly against "goy" like myself who stand up against their racism and completely-false "superiority", is "justified". Even if they were still the "chosen people", which they are NOT, if the Ashkenazim ever were, it would not in the least justify their crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, mass-open-air-imprisonment of the Palestinians, torture of same through their constant bombing of civilians and their treatment of same while imprisoned, and their many other crimes.
The present Israeli genocide is threatening the safety of all non-Jews the world-over, not least because there will invariably be more and more people who will fulfill their duty to stand up against all of this mass-murderous madness and "Jewish" support of it, leading to individuals understandably, justly and nothing but non-violently confronting particular "Jewish" supporters of same, which will likely and increasingly be met with violence on the part of those "Jews" against those calling them on their support of mass-murder. Yet, nevertheless, we all have a duty to confront all such supporters of genocide, even it it leads to physical violence on the part of the "Jews" being so-confronted. In response to those confrontations, they are likely to lash out more and more, and seek to have all such falsely-accused "anti-Semites" locked up for "threatening them", and/or committing so-called "hate crimes" against them. You watch, soon increasing numbers of non-violent, anti-genocide people will be railroaded for allegedly perpetrating "hate crime(s)". It is already happening in much of the rest of the Western world, so the next "(il)logical step" is to bring it about in the U.S. as well.
I increasingly cannot stand, or tolerate, such supporters of racism, property theft, mass-murder, ethnic cleansing, and so on, and want nothing more to do with them. But I would NEVER perpetrate physical violence against them (except in physical self-defense against their first physically attacking me). They, on the other hand, are at this point capable of just about anything, particularly since they have been emboldened by what "Israehell" is further getting away with at present, and not only getting away with it, but being encouraged and supported in it by the U.S. government to the tune of many billions of dollars. Thus, this makes me dislike my own government even more, but I also would never carry out any violence against that or any other government. "Two wrongs don't make one right", and carrying out violence against them will not stop the carnage, but would only embolden them further in their increasing, unconscionable violence in the fraudulent name of "God", and "country".
Yes, Steppen-wolf, it's been happening for some time.
Educational failings are at the heart of it. People don't know how to preserve their liberties anymore. They take them for granted and are not fighting for them.
I hate to think how it'll be in 30 years, when the kids today realize they have to run the world. They will be ill-prepared.
True, but I doubt most of us will be here in thirty years, other than all of the wicked who will have been laid in the grave for a thousand years until the second resurrection, their Day of Judgment, and their complete, nothing-but-deserved destruction in the lake of fire. And, if the "vaccine" neo-holocaust isn't stopped completely, which it likely won't be except perhaps for a relatively-short period of time, most of the children will be dead, and a few turned into cyborg by the nanotechnology. The Ashkenazim globalists are making certain that there won't be anyone in the future to prevent, or stop, their Satanic genocide, and soon they will come after more and more "goy" (non-Ashkenazim), including in Western societies, globally. Actually, they already have come after them with this extremely-evil neo-holocaust culling of humanity taking place right now through the "vaccines". Even our own (U.S.) president, our Congress, our courts, and the entire "'Democratic' Party" [sic(k)!] (as well as many "conservatives", aka neoliberals/cons), are purposefully enabling it and preventing it from being stopped. So, they know exactly what is going on, and they support it [the extremely-evil-and-vile lie that most of humankind "must" be eradicated to "save the planet" for the corporate-fascist Ashkenazim globalists who are supposedly the only ones "deserving" of living---imagine that, only genocidal monsters are "'deserving' of living"].
Stop calling our country a liberal democracy. Our founding fathers hated democracy-or mob rule mentality. Democracy is mob rule. We are supposed to be a REPUBLIC
But the unfortunate phenomenon of supposedly conservative, country-first! types who were justifiably outraged at being censored/cancelled now demonizing and calling for suppression of those criticizing Israel/supporting Palestinians constitutes buying into oppression of not only Gazans but of themselves.
That's not contributing to restoring the republic but to undermining what's left of it.
I’m not speaking to that issue. I know what the politicians are doing. Our politicians are bought and paid for on many issues. They are sworn to protect the constitution and this has been abandoned.
Legacy corporate media is now little more than toxic politicized trash worthy only of our disdain, and none of our time.
Dear Mr. Leake,
I am a journalist working in the MSM. Your statements reflect my experience in the newsroom.
I was silenced at work by my executive editor.
I was silenced in my town, on the public listserv.
I was silenced on social media...32 times.
I was silenced in my home. My partner refuses to discuss anything shot-oriented.
I was silenced in my therapy sessions. I almost hung myself in Sept. 22, so I have two therapists. They both refuse to believe anything I say about the shots.
I am done being just a journalist. It's time to take the gloves off and stop adding more to the cloud. It's time to go after them any way we can.
I am organizing a group of 40 journalists to file a class action lawsuit against the MSM. Interested? I will be forming a non-profit institute and beginning this effort very soon. Let me know if you want to enter the arena, and if you know other journalists who would be interested.
Thanks! I'm a novelist too, so I can identify with your work more than most.
Doc Pruyne
How can you live with a partner like that? I relate. My husband left bc I was begging not to jab our teen son for a school. He refused to listen. Thinks I’m a conspiracy theorist. No one in my family will listen. It’s been living hell. I struggle every day to raise my boys with a man who is clueless about all of it. They are the only reason I’m still here, bc the isolation and loneliness is soul crushing. But I believe God has a plan, so I will NEVER give up. And neither should you. If you are a journalist, WRITE ABOUT IT!
I’m so glad that I never married an American and I am so glad that I left Sodom-America in 2009. I’ll never return.
No...not arrogant. Thanks for caring. He left ME because I was so outrageous and could not deal with not having an apology for making me so upset. It is not a good situation and I am realizing I need much more love, empathy and respect than this...thanks. It is very hard to move on. But I will....eventually.
The bond was broken before Cv apparently.
Thanks again. He says I wrecked our family bc I forced him to leave bc I was so difficult about Cv and wouldn’t just go along and wait it out. And I made his life too difficult. After 25 yrs of standing by him and building a beautiful family, that is really hard to take. It’s totally traumatizing.
Don’t hang yourself over these losers. They are in power now because they are the freaks. Mau did the same - roofers became surgeons and surgeons became roofers. There is not enough work to support these people who essentially produce nothing.
"The reason so much money is spent on deceiving us is because we have the power to change things" ~ Whitney Webb. Nothing they fear more than you stand on the side of truth... be brave and speak the truth 💪🏽
I know how the MSM is doing it:
I'm definitely interested in reading this. Thanks for sharing and being brave enough to stand up!
Only manipulative, self serving sociopathic tyrants fear free speech.
And liars..... :)
If the Bilderbergers or Club of Rome-tards are trying to incite open rebellion, I trust they are aware that many of us know their names, their families, and their movements....
It seems the US Attorney General and the Supreme Court no longer desire to enforce the First Amendment. The desertion of the principle of free speech by the US elites is most alarming.
They're not that selective; it's the entire Constitution they no longer "support and defend", as every last 1 of them swore to do!
Its not just the elites. The friggin' average joe or jane are now so committed to their love of the shots they would rather see their 1st Amendment rights go than admit they made a mistake.
It's awful. I live in a small town. My neighbors seem to think it's better to not know the truth. So now there's a bunch who can't get a diagnosis bec. their doctors can't figure out the etiology, how their illnesses came about.
Pretty sad. So I have stopped thinking I have to be gentle with them (they've been injured etc) and rather I need to really hit them hard with the truths.
Sad but true. A whole country full of baloney.
I think you can include both parties alike. You think censorship in journalismis new? There's been censorship and lies regarding autism for30 years. No journalists have confronted the truth for that long. To go from 1 in 10,000 with autism in 1980 to 1 in 36, 1 in 22 boys, 1 in 9 boys in the city of San Diego, and continue to report what U.S Health Agencies have been saying for 3 decades-"that there is no increase, only better at diagnosing" jUST SAY THE WORD "VACCINE" and you're branded for life. Shame on our government, and shame on journalists. They never do their own research. If nothing else takes our country down, autism will.
RFK jr is your man he gets it and will stop it
Don't keep dreaming fantasy-land nonsense. No lifelong spoiled blueblood Catholic (the most evil, vile cult of counterfeit "Christianity" on the planet) and believer in blindly supporting genocide, is EVER going to stop anything the PsTB want to continue. For decades they haven't repeated their "mistakes" during Vietnam, and thus will NEVER allow "The Empire" to EVER AGAIN be influenced by "The Proles" (the People, the serfs, the peasants), and public opinion, to get them to pull out of anything (any war, etc..). I wish such fantasy beliefs were true too, but believing fantasies will not change things for the better; and, to believe those fantasies, is to live by lies and delusion(s). It's not worth it.
They are taking out the men. The men who survive will be femininzed.
If they're not dead first from the "vaccines".
Women don’t like feminine men. A lot of woke women will be chid rearing on their own and spending a lot of night solo. It’s all fun and games until hit late 30s and then dinner with a group of gals not so fun anymore....
I beg to differ. Most of the husbands I've met now for decades have been passive and let their wives run virtually everything. They may not speak effeminately, but a lot of them do. Thus, many women evidently do like feminine men. God designed men to ultimately be in charge of the family, not women; but, of course, Satan has counterfeited this subject as well as so many others, and turned everything of the greatest importance upside down and backwards. Yet, considering the times in which we're "living", it's all to be expected, perhaps not specifically, but to really not be surprising at all if we know God's Truth, if we understand that it all has to transpire, and if we ultimately ONLY fully depend on the Truth of God the Father and His Son, Jesus the Messiah. He is the ONLY "...Way (to) the Truth and... Life..." of the One & Only God.
Free speech ended with the Patriot Act
Certainly the national security state began then. It was the end of the notion of government by the people. People lost the right to know what government was doing.
MSM is owned by the DNC which is controlled by the CIA. Trump is an existential threat to this unholy alliance which is why they will attempt the ultimate power play against him.
I wouldn’t put it in that order......the Democrat Party (Obama wing) controls the media, the Justice Department, the FBI, AND the CIA.
And they are scared to death of Donald Trump. After everything they’ve done to him, maybe they should be.....
Obama was put in place by the swamp because they could have control with him and they needed to destroy the Clinton Mafia.
Trump is a psychotic nut case. The News media is controllled by Big Pharma and has been for decades and that includes Repbulicans and Democrats.
George Orwell wrote of this exact free speech phenomenon in the MSM in the immediate aftermath of WWII when a totalitarian state had been defeated...and the new boss was the same as the old boss. If you've not read it yet you'll think it was written today.
The Prevention of Literature
Polemic, January, 1946
Up until very recently, it has been taboo to mention the very specific group that owns and controls over 94% of all forms of media. Through their control of MSM, this specific group has been able to ostracize, dox, fire, and harbour the threat of criminal liability to anyone that utilized free speech to expose the narrative of the ruling ((establishment)). It is now more important than ever to name the unnameable so they no longer operate under the veil of anonymity, allowing them to orchestrate our collective demise with impunity. If an article or conversation on the topic of media corruption does not mention the specific architects who made it a century-long mission to gradually take control over every form of media to help further their collective agenda, then I posit that the value of said information is lacking and irresponsible.
Jason - why, then, do you not name them?
I have been the tip of the spear for far too long, and I believe if you are not already aware of this information, you will likely reject it under the guise of media programming.
However, I am happy to steer you in the right direction
Start with these three and then let me know where that leads you
Larry Fink. CEO BlackRock (Fox, CNN J&J)
Mortimer J Buckley. Vanguard CEO
(owner of Fox & CNN, J&J)
Robert Kapito. BlackRock President (owner of Fox & CNN, J&J)
Treason for many. Hold tight, hold to Our Principals/Values. Lawsuits/prison for them evil 1’s will be here sooner than you believe to be. Aka, this year. To understand what has been going on behind the curtain is a fun bag of emotions. I have known many things. All people learn at different paces. Science, proper health, proper news to reality. Not a paid media that displays mk-ultra as the main sources in our nation?
Which ones are under regular communication with gov? How many have been manipulated to be told what to produce and or say from weather, to news, to music, to science to animals of nature NDA sign off to not say certain things even of who and dovos anti freedoms…? What type of technology has been hidden from the world? A lot, more than 200 years of hidden technology prevention of the people of advancements and preventions, in all categories of life, from people to animals. You would/will be surprised. The future all of the world will see and learn reality also of real history. Our future is learning Quantum everything and much more. Japan also found the gene to having our bodies reproduce Our own teeth. Dentist were never made to be kept or made in production. Our bodies, our cells our life cycle of being born till we die has been altertered. We can live originally till 150-200 years of age in good health. We will also see health pods for the people that have not had bio-weapon shots. Realigning the proper healthy stasis. This timeline is when all evil is done away with across Our beautiful earth.
Or we can live for eternity, by free will choice! I think that's a better deal, personally; especially when you consider WHERE you will be living... "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!". Beats wishful thinking every time!
Hi from Australia,
Before living here lived in some countries people would not want to fly over. The one thing they had in common was
“No free speech”.
Don’t get smug.
They believe in free speech so long as it is the same as their own. But the "D's have been trying to undermine and twist the Constitution and Bill of Rights since the 1850's. The whole point of secession and the subsequent War Between the States (it was not a civil war because the Dems just wanted to take their slaves and leave) was because they did not want many of the rights in those two founding documents to be applied equally to all.
Danny Huckabee
They've been pretty successful at it too!
That was not a civil war,because the CSA was a separate nation then, with its own constitution and gov't, And FYI, slavery was not why, on either side; it was a "back burner" issue on both sides! Lincoln wanted the cotton and tobacco money, and, and the CSA wanted the states rights guaranteed in the constitutions!
The Dems wanted to take their slaves and leave? Where is that stated anywhere?
Tyranny IS already following on the heels of the destruction of free speech. It's not something that "could" happen, it is something that IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. Tyranny is already taking over by leaps and bounds.. Our sovereignty as a country (the U.S.) is being done away with for global(ist) government enslavement. Heck, most "Americans" are already enslaved and don't know it. They still have some trappings of liberty and freedom, so they falsely think they are still free. They can browse as much as they want on the monitoring devices that most people carry around with them everywhere they go. "Big Brother" loves it, because the more they do on their "'smart' phones", the more the government profiles them and gets a clear idea of where they stand, and who to increasingly go after for standing up for liberty and freedom, and against the fascism that is fast spreading throughout the U.S. and the world.
And how can someone like John Leake be "dumbfounded" by the long time, intentional overthrowing of the First Amendment, of freedom of speech, and of much of the rest of the U.S. Bill of rights? Concerning the First Amendment alone, there has been a concerted overthrowing of what Americans know about that amendment and the rest of the ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution known as the Bill of Rights that has been going on since at least the 1980s, as a result of which Americans don't know what to stand up FOR when it comes to our unalienable rights, and don't know what is most important to stand up AGAINST, particularly the corporate-fascist evisceration of those rights, purposely replacing them with increasingly-totalitarian, repressive "security" at the more and more complete expense of our long "died-for" liberties and freedoms, without which we will only know the antithesis of same, and the liberty-and-freedom-destroying oppression and repression that invariably follows such despotism and tyranny as we see taking over now.
Also, yet again I have to point out that the U.S. is NOT, and is not supposed to be, a "liberal democracy". It is supposed to be NOTHING BUT a constitutional REPUBLIC, and one that upholds our liberties and freedoms foremost, above all else, including "security". As the founders of the U.S. clearly understood, and Americans used to understand, democracy is anathema to liberty and freedom, because it invariably leads to corporate-fascist despotism and tyranny transplanting liberty and freedom, and replacing them with out-of-control oppression and repression, which we who have our eyes completely opened recognize is increasingly rearing its ugly, and terrorizing, head bringing the ostensible "land of free and home of the brave" more and more to its knees in abject slavery. For that is what the opposite of liberty and freedom is; and, in our case, and the case of the entirety of the Western world, liberty and freedom are being replaced with, with despotism and tyranny, and with oppression and repression, on a larger and larger scale, leaving us slaves in an increasingly fascist, totalitarian reality..
This eradication of our liberty(ies) and freedom(s) is what We the People of the U.S. and the world should most be in fear of, not living in fear of whatever boogeymen and hobgoblins the corporate-fascists are using to fraudulently convince us we "must" surrender our liberty(ies) and freedom(s) for "security" from. But because Americans and the rest of the Western world have been so thoroughly and successfully dumbed-down about our liberty(ies) and freedom(s), and don't know or understand that so-called "security" is NEVER supposed to be allowed to transplant them, they are primarily sitting back and allowing the "security" of totalitarian-fascist despotism and tyranny to eviscerate them. This evisceration of liberty(ies) and freedom(s) is what we should be screaming from the rooftops and warning our world is the gravest threat to all of us, NOT the "threat" of whatever "enemies" the PsTB use to "justify" their increasing despotism and tyranny, which we more and more see taking over and making us the opposite of truly free.
Break the Cycle: In 2024, Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse
By John & Nisha Whitehead
December 26, 2023
One thing people don't seem to be addressing is the fact that this present ILLEGAL genocide in Gaza is not only encouraging more genocide, but is also encouraging violence against "goy" (aka, non-Jews) in the U.S. and/or the other Western countries, particularly against those who take a stand against this or any other genocide.
My HUD recertification is now happening in my "Jewish" owned and operated subsidized apartment complex, and I'm sorely tempted to ask these people if they support the genocide their "beloved 'Israehell'" is unleashing at present in Palestine, and to tell them if they answer that they do support it that such makes them a severe, dire threat to all of the non-Jewish tenants here. I bet that would go over well, as in NOT. I've already stood up against their corruption(s), discrimination and fraud, etc.. here for four and a half years now, already making me a target of their illegal "wrath" and/or actions, such as gang-stalking me for over two years, illegally entering my apartment unit (aka, criminal trespass), etc., and if I was also to stand up against their support of "Israehell's" present genocide, it would likely jeopardize my health and safety even more than these racist (against non-Jews that I finally realized is what they are primarily about) people are already carrying out against me.
But, if they do support "Israehell's" current genocide against the Palestinians, people need to stand up against their support of it, especially where elderly-disabled tenants like myself are residing under their management, and are thus under potential threat at their hands because of their false belief that all "goy" (non-Jews) are "animals" who must be exterminated like the Palestinians are being exterminated wholesale, and which "Jewish" leaders have admitted they believe. I've got to get out of here and away from their rampant racism in the lying guise of "not being racist", before someone connected with them takes "Israehell" getting away with their current genocide as license to take violent action(s) against non-Jews in the West, which it is undoubtedly likely to lead to. After all, they already believe, though they have been keeping it relatively in check up 'til now, that all violence carried out against "goy", particularly against "goy" like myself who stand up against their racism and completely-false "superiority", is "justified". Even if they were still the "chosen people", which they are NOT, if the Ashkenazim ever were, it would not in the least justify their crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, mass-open-air-imprisonment of the Palestinians, torture of same through their constant bombing of civilians and their treatment of same while imprisoned, and their many other crimes.
The present Israeli genocide is threatening the safety of all non-Jews the world-over, not least because there will invariably be more and more people who will fulfill their duty to stand up against all of this mass-murderous madness and "Jewish" support of it, leading to individuals understandably, justly and nothing but non-violently confronting particular "Jewish" supporters of same, which will likely and increasingly be met with violence on the part of those "Jews" against those calling them on their support of mass-murder. Yet, nevertheless, we all have a duty to confront all such supporters of genocide, even it it leads to physical violence on the part of the "Jews" being so-confronted. In response to those confrontations, they are likely to lash out more and more, and seek to have all such falsely-accused "anti-Semites" locked up for "threatening them", and/or committing so-called "hate crimes" against them. You watch, soon increasing numbers of non-violent, anti-genocide people will be railroaded for allegedly perpetrating "hate crime(s)". It is already happening in much of the rest of the Western world, so the next "(il)logical step" is to bring it about in the U.S. as well.
I increasingly cannot stand, or tolerate, such supporters of racism, property theft, mass-murder, ethnic cleansing, and so on, and want nothing more to do with them. But I would NEVER perpetrate physical violence against them (except in physical self-defense against their first physically attacking me). They, on the other hand, are at this point capable of just about anything, particularly since they have been emboldened by what "Israehell" is further getting away with at present, and not only getting away with it, but being encouraged and supported in it by the U.S. government to the tune of many billions of dollars. Thus, this makes me dislike my own government even more, but I also would never carry out any violence against that or any other government. "Two wrongs don't make one right", and carrying out violence against them will not stop the carnage, but would only embolden them further in their increasing, unconscionable violence in the fraudulent name of "God", and "country".
Yes, Steppen-wolf, it's been happening for some time.
Educational failings are at the heart of it. People don't know how to preserve their liberties anymore. They take them for granted and are not fighting for them.
I hate to think how it'll be in 30 years, when the kids today realize they have to run the world. They will be ill-prepared.
True, but I doubt most of us will be here in thirty years, other than all of the wicked who will have been laid in the grave for a thousand years until the second resurrection, their Day of Judgment, and their complete, nothing-but-deserved destruction in the lake of fire. And, if the "vaccine" neo-holocaust isn't stopped completely, which it likely won't be except perhaps for a relatively-short period of time, most of the children will be dead, and a few turned into cyborg by the nanotechnology. The Ashkenazim globalists are making certain that there won't be anyone in the future to prevent, or stop, their Satanic genocide, and soon they will come after more and more "goy" (non-Ashkenazim), including in Western societies, globally. Actually, they already have come after them with this extremely-evil neo-holocaust culling of humanity taking place right now through the "vaccines". Even our own (U.S.) president, our Congress, our courts, and the entire "'Democratic' Party" [sic(k)!] (as well as many "conservatives", aka neoliberals/cons), are purposefully enabling it and preventing it from being stopped. So, they know exactly what is going on, and they support it [the extremely-evil-and-vile lie that most of humankind "must" be eradicated to "save the planet" for the corporate-fascist Ashkenazim globalists who are supposedly the only ones "deserving" of living---imagine that, only genocidal monsters are "'deserving' of living"].
OK, I'll move on from here. Have a fine day, fella.
Stop calling our country a liberal democracy. Our founding fathers hated democracy-or mob rule mentality. Democracy is mob rule. We are supposed to be a REPUBLIC
We are indeed.
But the unfortunate phenomenon of supposedly conservative, country-first! types who were justifiably outraged at being censored/cancelled now demonizing and calling for suppression of those criticizing Israel/supporting Palestinians constitutes buying into oppression of not only Gazans but of themselves.
That's not contributing to restoring the republic but to undermining what's left of it.
I’m not speaking to that issue. I know what the politicians are doing. Our politicians are bought and paid for on many issues. They are sworn to protect the constitution and this has been abandoned.
Journalists do lie. We need truth in journalism and thorough investigative research.
The ninth commandment is "thou shalt not bear false witness."