LOL…..Both Germany and Sweden did their own independent research as to who blew up Nordstream. There is no question that it was the US. And they know it. However, strangely, the US blowing up Germany’s energy supply appears not to be ‘a bridge too far’ insofar as Germany’s support of the US.

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All of Europe lost their balls after WWII.

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Millions were shot off in WWII. Takes awhile for a nation grow them back.

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Seventy-nine years is plenty.

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Reducing the support to only 4 billion Euro does not look like stopping support to Ukraine. The story of some civilian divers to perform such an operation is completely rubbish. It takes a far more sofisticated operation to perform such a task.

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Yep, Nord Stream has the finger prints of foreign intelligence all over it. Just like 9/11.

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Yup! Both attacks were inside False Flags. Need Proof? The 9/11 Pentagon attack was a '''partial''' False Flag. I explain below. ...............Listen to these first!

Behind the Smoke Curtain - The 9/11 Pentagon Attack by Barbara Honegger


Barbara Honegger's presentation titled "Behind the Smoke Curtain" in Seattle's Town Hall Theater, January 12, 2013, on what happened and what didn't happen at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.


Donald Rumsfeld announces 2.3 Trillion missing from the Pentagon on September 10th 2001


On September 10th 2001, Sec. Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 Trillion Dollars in transactions could not be accounted for.


On September 11th 2001 the Accounting offices investigating the missing money in the Pentagon were blown up! The Deep State used the coming muslim attack as cover.

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I get the sick, tragic part about pimps and prostitutes, I just don’t get why the GE people keep empowering political trash like Merkel and Olaf.

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Or how Americans can support Biden/Harris/Walz!

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This is the source of depression for me, that “peaceniks” are holding poetry events for the psychopath Harris, and lusting for last blood of Trump, who has never in his life committed the public atrocities against innocents of those globalist puppets.

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There is a massive propaganda campaign going on to put Harris over the line. We will see a lot of nonsense up to the election. Of course some ordinary people are affected and get caught up in the "enthusiasm".

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I think I'm going to organize "Poetry for Hitler!" or better, "Tie-die for Trump" so he can afford security to protect him from Secret Service.

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Electronic vote counting transforms election results.

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as for the LNG scam remember that at the output of the liquifying plant LNG has sucked 43% (or more) of the original amount of energy of the NG and then as stated you have to burn fuel to transport it.... gasification takes rather little energy and in fact can be a net zero on the use of energy or even a plus if the excess cold can be used for refrigeration... so LNG has to cost over 43% more than NG... LNG is a waste of energy... NG should be consumed where it is available (wellhead or pipeline otherwise you are wasting energy and isn't that was we have been clamoring about for since at least the 1970's ?

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The idea that Ukraine blew up the Nord Stream pipeline is preposterous. It was destroyed by the Deep State, those who control the United States.

"The End of German Support for Ukraine?"

Germany does as the United States explicitly tells them. As does most of the rest of Europe.

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The US blew up Nordstream. It was a stupid thing to do as it affected Germany more than Russia. German support for Ukraine was always an odd move.

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The story of Nord Stream, Europe, and the Russian energy supply as told by:

Biden: https://bitchute.com/video/d6Un1LIGdD2N "If Russia invades ... there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it."

Nuland: https://bitchute.com/video/pY3RoScVVPsR "With regard to Nord stream 2 ... I want to be clear with you today. If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward."

Rice: https://bitchute.com/video/zOyEIn5MwVaf "You want to change the structure of energy dependence. You want to depend more on the North American platform ... you want to have pipelines that don't go through Ukraine and Russia."

Blinkin: http://y2u.be/oaEe8A8T818 "Ultimately, this is also a tremendous opportunity to remove the dependence on Russian energy."

Poseidon Buoy: https://bitchute.com/video/v4yAPCqU22SG

It's done: https://bitchute.com/video/E22kNdO89rC0

Conclusion by western media: “A Drunken Evening, a Rented Yacht"

Joseph Goebbels was an underachiever who should be ashamed of himself.

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Nice material. Read my post.

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Read it, well said!

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Was the Wall Street report put out at the exact time they wanted? Time for Germany to stop support. What other country will bow out next, and for what reason will we be told?

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Germany and the rest of Europe will have to grow a pair first.

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Interesting, thanks for the post. I wonder if the whole war was and still is largely about Nord Stream. Russia must be forever demonized and cut out of "our" markets. We can't be allowing anybody to be close to or friendly with the Russians and certainly not Germany. Blaming it on the Ukrainians seems plausible but obviously the "intelligence expert" who dreamed that one up forgot about the Germans. Even the most loyal of lap dogs is going to be upset if you blow up his pipe line and blame it on the very people he has been instructed to support.

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The U.S. must always have an enemy! In fact, an enemy is a good thing to have as it makes wars extremely profitable for U.S. corporations and government leaders in D.C. There will always be an endless war until we get someone in the White House who cares more for the American people than the profits of war! The friend of my enemy is also an enemy!

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The Globalist Banksters still control Germany and most of Western Europe-actually all of it. According to many studies, e.g. (Mattias Desmet) maybe 80% of most people are sheeple, unable or unwilling to engage in critical thinking. They just follow the herd, running the risk that the promoted savior, the pied piper will not lead them over the cliff. We have the same problem facing us in the USA. The power of those in control to completely control the masses and public opinion is evidenced by the fact that a couple of months ago Kamala was considered a very unpopular moron incapable of governing, while Trump after his assassination attempt was considered unbeatable. Now Kamala, with nothing of significance happening, has been transformed into nothing short of Time's Man of The Tear, and now seems to be even leading on the eve of the Democrat Convention, where history tells us she may receive maybe a 506% bump in support after the convention. This shows the power of the establishment. Just tinker with the algorithms, get the media to rebrand her with their massive power to influence, and now she is set up to likely win.

Those who were given the innate ability to think critically and independently (and who have not sold their soul to the bad guys) are fuming in Germany at what is happening. In fact, they are becoming enraged, as we are seeing in Britian, Ireland another places. It is a race against time to see if they can attain critical mass of maybe 20-25% of support so that numbers of the sheeple followers will change directions and follow them rather than the establishment herd. War and much larger purges are a significant risk to quell opposition and regain control of the masses. People better wake up very soon before it is too late.

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For a hilarious reminder of how stupid our politicians and media are:


Who Blew Up Nord Stream Pipelines? | A Mystery!

Matt Orfalea

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If there is no longer any money left in Germany's budget to send to Ukraine, there is even less money in the U.S. budget to send to Ukraine. I've read many reports on why the U.S. must be constantly involved in ongoing wars somewhere in the world, but as broke as we are and the national debt climbing every day, it would seem that we are at the end. But thanks to those in D.C., it's not likely to happen soon. The U.S. has a long history of creating and joining in wars for financial gain (but none for the people of the U.S.). Time for this to stop. Like Germany, there's no more money in the budget -- but we just keep printing and borrowing until we sink the U.S. economy!

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It is a bold move, since Germany has been a vassal state of the US since WWII. Perhaps Germany should join BRICs next.

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"Perhaps Germany should join BRICs next."

The Deep State would never allow that.

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America sacrificed Germany lol.

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The rest of the EU will follow this.

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I recall reading months ago that US navy seals and a Nordic team were doing naval exercises close to the pipeline location a few weeks before it was blown up. I doubt Ukraine has the expertise to pull off blowing up the pipeline. Biden approved the pipeline connection then later promised to prevent oil flowing thru it after the Ukraine/Russia war began. 99.99% US was involved. Crazy stupid Wall Street Journal article.

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