Feb 20, 2023·edited Feb 20, 2023

Many thought they could escape the segregation and discrimination by taking the jab and turned their backs on the unjabbed. Obviously short sighted as totalitarians would turn on them next. But in a twist of irony they poisoned themselves first. It’s so sad and our oppressors are such sick, evil suns of bitches. A truly demonic scenario only the devil could conceive.

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"In the Soviet Union, if you were branded an “Enemy of the People” for purportedly failing to espouse Marxist-Leninist ideology or adhere to official Soviet orthodoxy, you would be handed over to camp guards, who had complete license to do whatever they wished to you. Because you were deemed an “enemy,” your punishment—no matter how cruel and sadistic—was deemed a good thing."

A familiar pattern being played out in the U.S.A. post 2020. Around the world as well.

Wait, you haven't witnessed it yet you say ?

Just because you haven't doesn't mean it hasn't started.

It's already underway.

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Do you really believe the American constitution was able to ‘carefully define and limit the powers of the state’ over the last 3 years? Millions were forced to take an experimental jab so they could keep their jobs and people were locked in there homes.

Here in Melbourne Australia, we couldn’t walk more than 5 kms from our homes and we had an 8 pm curfew.

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Today being ‘red flagged’ on the private-public partnership (i.e. true fascism) social media organs where our social credit scores are allocated by algorithms is synonymous with being declared an ‘enemy of the people’.

And they’re not hiding who they have declared as such enemies - the under vaccinated, the orthodox Christians and Catholics, the true conservatives, the libertarians (Theresa May declared them as such in 2018), the constitutionalists, the white working class males and especially those capable of critical thinking.

I find it truly despicable and disheartening that the West is fully on board with Zelinsky while he, like the Communists and National socialists before him, outlaw and close churches, political parties, and independent media. And even proudly he and his Allies get photographed repeatedly with NZ regalia and photos of Bandera.

Warning, we are quickly following history. From IBMs digital IDs, to digital gulags, while once the programmable CBDCs come in, they too will be able to starve out the noncompliant with ease.

Thank you for the link to Baldaev drawings. I’ve wondered whether books should be published for teenagers with drawings from Mao’s, Stalin’s, Khmer Rouge’s, and National socialism’s reigns of terror. This way we might be able to counter the Neo-Marxist indoctrination within our Ed systems.

For a picture paints a 1000 words.

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Thank you for this Doc. I recently wrote about the phenomenon of hypernormalisation coined by Russian writer Alexei Yurchak. I believe we are experiencing this in Australia. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/hypernormalisation-the-australian

In the 1970s-80s, Soviets knew their system was failing, but no one could imagine anything different to the status quo. Hypernormalisation causes everyone in society to maintain the ‘pretense of a functioning society’ even as it is completely falling apart. This is a paradoxical state that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, where everyone just accepts that the false reality is real.

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"No public official or institutional director—no matter how benevolent he may seem to be, and no matter how loudly he signals his virtue—should ever be given power to deem anyone an “Enemy of the People.”"

Remember this: "This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated"

" Our patience is wearing thin"

That senile pedophilic dementia patient in the white house might as well have said 'the "unvaccinated" are the enemy of the people, because that's exactly what I heard.

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The Bosch picture conveys the common misconceptions about God's character, which is really behind man's justification of his treatment of his enemies. After all, if God can torture and burn His enemies, why can't we do it for Him? or under His direction? (supposedly)

But these caricatures are entirely false, and based on carnal understanding of God's word. You never find Jesus responding like that to His enemies. His view of God's character was entirely different, and most of our modern churches and theologians still do not understand God's character the way Jesus understood it.

If a man like Gandhi could grasp God's character, why can't we? Because we cling to false interpretations of God's word, and rest in them, not searching the truth as for hid treasure.

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We are forgetting the Jan 6 prisoners. In our own country. Jailed without due process denied access to legal council family, decent food, hygiene or medicines. How easy it is to look at others’ evil and ignore our own.

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We fought on the wrong side in WW II. We gave nearly $1trillion in present funds to Stalin, and helped world communism deliver 1/3rd of the planet in to darkness by 1950. Instead we fought against the one nation fighting against Masonry, and The Rothschilds (who funded the two Russian revolutions in 1905 and 1917) that created this mess. Unsurprisingly, the man who resisted Zionism/Communism, became the most vilified after the fall of Germany, while media elites continued to pine for more communism in the USA via think tanks, academia and the NY Times. Se. Joe McCarthy was spot on, and they vilified him as well. A great read is Diana West's "American Betrayal."

We are a Zionist occupied nation. How do you know? Who can you not critique? Israel has a higher standard of living than we do, and a beautiful wall, still we send THEM tens of billions/year?

Wake up.

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I come to McCullough to read McCullough and I unfortunately get John Leake. The problem is not ideology. Democracy and Christianity are ideologies. The problem is an ideology which is not constrained by some fundamental rules. Due process, as mentioned, is one. Freedom of speech is another, as is the right to non-violently dissent and resist. Honestly and fair-mindedness are others.

We would be in a better place today if we had been permitted to argue whether the vaccinations would be were safe and effective and whether treatment was a better alternative rather than whether the people on either side were evil. We did not have a serious pandemic which left us with no choice. We had a panicdemic supported by fascist rules.

Given the fact that these vaccines are unsafe and ineffective the immediate focus now should be whether they are necessary.

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Our problems in the US didn’t just begin with the lockdowns. The lockdown was merely a test to see if we would do as we were told! (Much like testing the doneness of a cake in the oven by inserting a knife to see if it is done or ready to eat!) The test proved that Americans were ready to receive the “Schwab warning” for a UN sponsored one world government! In the very beginning of our country, there were many socialists/communists who came here. They have never left. Flash forward to today, and remember how our education system was nationalized with the formation of the Department of Education. This is when we lost our local control to write curriculum for our kids in our schools. So, like Hitler, our education system was nationalized! A truly unconstitutional act! Since then, our kids have been dumbed down and made ready to accept a One World Government! If not stopped, the people at the UN who are now in the process of writing all the rules for treaty that will affect you! That’s exactly why many conservatives groups have for years wanted our country to get out of the UN. Trump was supposed to have followed through with this, but he stopped the funding of this monstrosity and as I understand it, Biden put this back into force. The USCMA treaty was signed by Trump which allows Canada, Mexico and the US to be formed as one country. Whether Trump knew what this document would do is anybody’s guess. It is left up to all of us to resist anything this movement tries to force on us. I am now an old and very tired lady. I am tired of the many years that the people of our country saying that America would suffer if people don’t wake up and start fighting against all of this. It’s time you stop playing with your phones, watching your favorite football games and start fighting back by meeting with your local and state officials that you put into office and hold them responsible for everything they do that is opposed to our freedom and God given rights. Find out what the U. S. Constitution says and means! Get your local and state officials involved and educate them and yourself about what’s coming down the tube. Good luck and God bless.

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Being a misfit made it possible for many people to flatly refuse the whole enterprise. Now those same people are being held up as 'the smart ones'.

Soon, however, the lemmings will, once again, turn on the misfits. Because it is easy and doesn't call for the type of courage (which they lacked originally) which the 'misfits' had in large quantity.

And all this because their food supply will dry up and they will be required to call-out those who are deemed 'unfit' to receive that food from the government warehouse that is holding their survival at the door. Cooperate and eat, don't and starve.

If things continue with this evil destroying everything that makes civilization possible, we shall see a hell that is unimaginable-on a global scale.

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The Soviet Union had a constitution guaranteeing all the rights ours does. They followed it as well as our government does, which is not at all.

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Unspeakable horror and guess who the ones were who did almost all of it. Men. Why is it we notice that a race or nation tends to do this or that when from all nations, the ones who torture and destroy almost exclusively are men. And we say nothing about this and pretend not to notice. Why do we pretend not to notice? Because we are worried to upset men? We have to say instead that it's "humankind" or "humanity" but no, no it isn't. It's men. Why is it so taboo to point this out? Surely no one can suggest that there is any comparison with the amount of horror that men wreak compared to women? And we never mention this discrepancy. Yes women go along with it but the culpable are the ones who do the deed. Men cannot blame women for approving it because that is only selective hearing and shifting the culpability. Now don't go thinking I'm saying all men are destructive because I am not saying that at all. Kudos to the sane men who are kind and fair. I am saying the ones who cause the most horrific torture and destruction are almost exclusively men. Let's debate this, I'm very happy to do that, if anyone thinks this is untrue.

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Speaking of being controlled by inhumane captors, now we have this!

“Negotiations between Biden Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spawned what is called a “zero draft” of a pandemic treaty. The draft was published on Feb. 1 and now needs ratification from all 194 WHO member states.

The zero draft gives the WHO the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency. Once a health emergency is declared every signatory, including the United States, must submit to the authority of the WHO. This includes caving to them on treatments, lockdowns and vaccine mandates along with government surveillance.

The WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) has scheduled a meeting for Feb. 27 so members can work out the final terms and sign.”

Link to draft: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/WHO-Zero-Draft.pdf

Link to the article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/end-of-american-sovereignty-biden-regime-negotiates-legally-binding-deal-to-give-chinese-backed-world-health-organization-full-authority-over-us-pandemic-policies-no-senate-approval-needed/

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A great film about an ESCAPE from the Gulag:

The Way Back - directed by Peter Weir


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