Forever grateful I declined the covid vaxxes. I paid the price for awhile by being ostracised by “friends”, told “certain ladies did not want me to ride in the car with them, one man wrote a letter to the mgmt committee of our lawn bowling club, stating I was a danger to others because I was unvaxxed. The price I paid, was nothing compared to the price many vaxxed are now experiencing. I pray for them.

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Great point. We felt the same way - what is the loss of a job or an friend or even the right to travel or even go out in public compared to your health? It was never a risk worth taking.

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Peter. One hall mark of abuse is denial. Of course the FDA should not be promoting drugs. How can they not know that? Only a doctor with genuine fidelity to his oath would have had the clarity of view and strength of resolve you have shown from the start. Thanks

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Shame on the Congressional committees for ignoring something so important as the safety of their constituents because of their pride. They had and still have a duty to report a crime. May God forgive them.

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That the FDA has the unmitigated gall to refer to these mRNA products as vaccines tells me all I need to know about their not-so-hidden agenda: continue to deceive as many people as possible, while turning a blind eye to all of the carnage, while protecting their deeply disturbing & unethical relationship with the pharmaceutical industry - the health & the well-being of the people they are supposed to protect be damned.

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It's was 100% for the lawsuit shield through getting the product on the childhood schedule by law. Evil bastards.

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Yes, now uninformed parents will have their children vaccinated. It's criminal!

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Well, in the long haul, that’ll reduce the Democratic Party. Unfortunate for them and I don’t wish bad on anyone, but if they keep taking these shots, their life expectancy will most likely be shortened.

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Pfizer and Moderna have enabled their executives to get hired by the FDA for several years and vice versa. That is really how the FDA got so pro vaccine.

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Good point that those who got the mRNA vaccines now “don’t want to talk about it”. I get the same from friends “Why are you still talking about this?!”

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Congressional cowardice (can you say “bought off”) the Big Pharma Madame continues to pay her courtesans in government and the Big Lie FNM to turn tricks!

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I'm pretty sure the 100% vaccination rate is at least 99% bullshit. Hey Senator. Have you quit beating your wife yet? Ugh... Erm...

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In a new report, the CDC is claiming Covid shots are now about 54% effective. Can you take a look at this new report and give me your thoughts? Thanks.


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Maybe 54% in harming someone

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The dangerous part is they are pushing untested, or at best, inadequately tested, drugs KNOWN to cause terrible adverse events, without appropriate cautions! Many still believe those agencies are continuing to act for their protection, which is clearly not true!

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I do not believe the CNN report.

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Well, if you actually believe that many Congress people or senators took the actual vaccination, the proverbial “I have a bridge to sell you” comes to mind.

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Peter and all,

This vaccine debacle will continue until the decent American scientists and doctors decide to work together with the support of strategic planners and Janci Lindsay, phD at…


Why not Peter? Tell us why you are not working together with this wonderful scientist who has a HUGE heart for humanity???

Waiting for hell to freeze over with 17 million continuing global vaccine murders???

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Negative vaccines for me

Son (gov employee) and his Wife had to take vaccines. He calls me crazy for not taking the shots.

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