This lawsuit targets the wrong group. FDA's recommendations, in and of themselves, had no teeth. The real culprits are the AMA, the various physician licensing bodies, and the PREP act, because their anti-IVM directives were what triggered doctors and hospital administrators to fear legal consequences if they used IVM.
All of the above. I also hold the firm belief that the medical professionals were strong armed into refusing its use. Although that doesn't excuse their complicity. Somewhere, someone along the link in the chain were free to break it in order to save lives. The cost of their own inconvenience more than outweighs the end result.
i'm OK w/ nailing the FDA every which way....and letting the "toothless" point the finger..."in discovery" or how ever the rightside lawyers can get it done....
I was hoping you would chime back in on the DoD origin. That was my first thought upon reading this.
Likewise, I do not really believe Ivermectin, even, was necessary. If our Public Health system was doing it's job in the best way they would have rolled out the following, in this order:
-- Massive supplies generated of the main Vitamins: Zinc, D + K, C, and NAC
-- Massive campaigns to get people tested for vit D & C levels and provide free supplements in 2020.
-- Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine clinical trials directly with flu and Covid cases
-- Fast track IVM and HCQ into major supply houses and implement "Warp Speed" availability in 2020
-- Force the mRNA trials into typical long term trials and clinical studies with NORMAL placebo controls, not controls being other vaccines.
. . . but then, I am just an engineer. What do I know?!
Apparently, I am still a bit braindead. I forgot Steve Kirsch alerted the world to this months ago. However, just today he woke me again. THIS(Xylitol) should have made the 1ST position on the list!
First, you're right👍 The fact that Fauci Birx et al didn't, because that would trigger an automatic disqualification for a EUA remedy like maybe a preplanned "vaccine" campaign worth hundreds of billions of 💰💰💰💰💰 This is where great attorneys will dig I'm hoping to find out precisely how premeditated this fiasco truly was/is.
Don'[t forget we had a WAREHOUSE OR TWO OF HCG for EXACTLY THIS works against all RNA viruses practially. BUT FAUCI muscled in front of Trump and then threw a study away, so that our government could not disburse it. For that alone Fauci should lose his pension and his millions that he made with Moderna.
Yes! I "tested positive" for covid in April of 2022 and could not get ivermectin in a timely manner so I treated myself with D, C, Nac, zinc, and a suppliment that contained quercetin to get the zinc into the cells. I have a chronic lung condition so I normally do 2 neb treatments (albuterol, no steroid) and believe me, this covid was a whole lot milder that some of the other infections I have had.
Interesting and excellent input Karen. I should have added Nebulizer treatment as part of the regimen in my listing. It would be interesting to hear Dr. Mc's input here to see how far off we are. . .?!
Random Substack commenters could have done a better job administering the CDC than the highly paid, royalty-junkies running the asylum!
I think most discerning people already know motives; it's can it be proven. Prof Atty Francis Boyle believes he sees a Nuremberg 2.0 God willing! Ed Dowd is an excellent source
The DoD has long worried about biowarfare and wanted a counter. They seemed to think the mRNA platform could be used. Once Malone's patents expired the field was open on the platform. Such a platform was to be able to rapidly create a counter. The "minor" issue of the carrier lipids was to have been resolved; of course, as Malone discovered the lipids remain a problem. For SARs-CoV-2 the spike payload is another problem of no little consequence.
WRT the cited patrick item and Trump's knowing, seriously doubt that. Sasha and Katherine seems to say most of government imagined the DoD involvement was just for convenience. Unclear if the FDA and CDC had a clue about the details. Given all the lies, who really will tell us? But the contracts are a paper trail.
There are a hell of a lot of us out here who want to see them all sued..FDA, AMA, etc. for these guidelines, along with every Dept of Health at state level who went along, and Walgreens and CVS in particular. WE get the money from Walgreens and CVS.
And I for one am wiling to donate to a class action lawsuit. I willl NEVER FORGET AND NEVER FORGIVE.
Pharma writes the laws and then hides in their complexity. The corruption legitimizes itself that way, knowing that most of us don't have the time or money to really understand how they did it. Ultimately, the people are going to set up guillotines out of frustration with the bullshit runaround and lack of justice.
They wouldn't give ivermectin or HQC, but they are all in on handing out the abortion pills, They are pretty short-sighted by killing off their customers.
They've been killing off their customers babies quite effectively by clot shotting parents, breastfeeding mothers and any toddlers that survive, they lethal inject with vaxx too!
I say sue them all...the FDA clearly knew that by putting that up there, the AMA would take the hard line AS DID ALL OUR STATE HEALTH DEPTS AND CVS AND WALGREENS.
ALL OF THEM NEED TO BE SUED if not hanged.
THe people who thought they would DIe if they took it, coupled with the people and families who lost loved ones because THEY DID DIE FROM NO EARLY TREATMENT (and that no early treatment needs to be litigagted also) along with all the HOPSITAL AND INSURANCE COROPROATIONS who thought they WOULD BE SUED...NOW THEY MUST BE. It was the single most in your face I want you to die and live in fear by our was DEMOCIDE.
NS, change laws, and get compensation for the victims.
It may be worth noting that had Ivermectin, et al. been declared effective therapeutics, there could have been no Emergency Use Authorization granted for the vaccine. Many believe, including myself, that the virus was the means to a nefarious end, that end being the "vaccine."
It was all part of shocking mainstream corruption for power and money:
* The huge amount of potential profits to made from the NEW, trivially "tested", horrid "vaccines" and drugs like remdesivir.
* The announced "Warp Speed" (retarded name/idea) "vaccines" providing further cognitive-dissonant backing to prolonging the traumatising fake-quarantines of the lockdowns, S&M mask suffocation/poisoning, ridiculous/frustrating "social distancing", ugly/isolating plastic screens, and to sneak massive corporate welfare/bailouts into many, probably nearing-insolvent, corporations.
With no EUA, the alleged "Covid" crisis would probably have fizzled out in mere months rather than dragging on for years!
If they can get away with demanding the opening of your bloodstream to arbitrary profit opportunities, we cannot survive for long. They must not be allowed to get away with it.
I know that the elite never convicts any of their own (except in cases like Bernie Madoff, where one member of the elite is stealing from others) but simply seriously talking about hangings has a salutary effect because it makes them a bit nervous about doing it again.
How do we do this where we have completely rigged elections and an absolute ban on convicting anyone in the elite of any crime (except against other members of the elite)?
The FBI is armed and waiting to pounce on patriots who want to revolt against the current aristocracy. They are the _exact_ equivalent of the old KGB, protecting corruption.
That looks quite alarming. I was already aware about the dangers of rGO and rGOH from a mechanical and electronic perspective, and the seemingly etched electronic circuitry on crystals in the "Covid" jabs, from independent Spanish-speaking researchers, via Orwell City. Also, the dangers of unnatural "Cationic Lipids", but this goes even deeper. Some of this is so technical and complex that it may take time for me to sufficiently comprehend, like some software frameworks/libraries I am learning.
We have seen a number of them-- for example the rulings against masks on airlines in the US, against NY Governor Hochul's quarantine camps, NYC workers reinstated after not complying with mandates, and the FOIA requests granted for the Pfizer docs and V-safe app data, among others... but of course the MSM avoids much mention of such rulings.
Exactly, but MSM are not simply avoiding. . . They are proactively manipulating with long sought after zealous malfeasance everything seen on the tube. News mainly, but majority of ads, huge presence in streaming content. MSM has the MAIN power of the system. The owners are likely THE main manipulators world-over. The removal and excoriation of the MSM media around the world is required and critical to any return to a reliable world of decency. With prejudice.
Thank you for this. I read the book. I had to kerp a bucket next to me, as the truth made me sick to my stomach. As you know, 3 doctors in Texas sued the FDA for preventing them from practicing. The FDA lawyers (where's my bucket) said the FDA did not PROHIBIT ivermectin. It was just a recommendation. Yet the FDA clearly uses the word PROHIBIT in its mandates and on its website. I interacted and debated with many lawyers in my career. There are many fine, altruistic attorneys; bc of the people they are, not bc of what they learned in law school. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is one. Ted Cruz is another. And Congresman John Kennedy. Yet, there is a reason why the following joke always gets a laugh: What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.
TY for your reply, Transcriber. Aaron Siri, YES. And Bobbie Ann Cox, absolutely. I keep my ear to the ground. I saw her speech on YouTube in which she explained her motivation for filing the law suit against the State of NY for the lockdown. She said, "When I heard 'just for 2 weeks to flatten the curve...the hair on the back of my neck stood up". There is nothing more inspiring to me than when intelligence and altruism come together in one person. We need more Bobbie's than we have, as the opposition is well-staffed and financed.
When Covid first started we asked our doctor what he would do if we got it. He said he would give ivermectin. we got the virus. Called him and by then he said it was too controversial to prescribe. we had gotten some on our own and he said to go ahead and take it. That tells you it wasn’t just a recommendation.
They keep track of who prescribed what, there is a database. And they actually went back to doctors who were prescribing IVM, and threatened them with losing their job and/or their license.
In NYC of all places, I prescribed plenty of HCQ in 2020 and got on board with IVM the following year. To my surprise my license and other credentials have never been threatened by any official body. It was the big chain commercial pharmacies who either impeded or outright refused to fill off-label prescriptions for these meds. Sole proprietors and small mom & pop drug stores filled them just fine. Perhaps I have just been lucky or too small a fish to be made an example. But I think the stuffed shirt MD-MPH types pushing paper at the DOH and NYS Education Dept Office of Professions - are a bunch of hypocritical cowards and knew this was a fight they might lose. Same goes for most of my clinical "colleagues" who have cringed at the idea of defying official practice mandates.
That is wonderful news for your patients, and thank you for treating them with dignity and respect. I wonder if other physicians found a way to get the right medications to their patients?
On a limb here - your patients almost love coming to see you, sort of.
Many patients walked either because I advised against the shots or because I never masked, or because I never put up a stop sign on my door and morphed clinical medicine into a virtual reality farce. Plenty of patients stayed however and I must say it is a happier <though smaller> practice than before.
Courageous Doc! All of that, I really want to know how many other physicians did that or maybe now will consider taking these positive steps to outing a scam?! Smaller practice in your case must be a happier experience, probably financially risky for newer docs wanting do follow their Oath. I'm very happy for all at your practice. Many perhaps regret not heeding your best Gold Standard medical care.
Have you ever compared your Covid patients' outcomes with those of your "clinical colleagues" with similar patient demographics who did not defy the official mandates?
It took several false articles in local newspapers how it was killing people, that were amplified throughout the national press, TV and radio. They were later retracted, but that part was not amplified. Someone should dig deeper into who directed these articles to be written and amplified.
I think one of the articles referenced one hospital who gave ivermectin to a dying patient at toxic levels. He died. They then shouted from the hilltops, "see, see? Ivermectin killed him". Never mentioning all the lives that Ivermectin saved, when given at proper time and proper dosage.
You are confusing IVM with HCQ. Yes, there were studies giving HCQ at toxic levels, and we started hearing that "HCQ kills" as early as April 2020, even from Fauci himself (in fact, this is exactly what first gave me a clue that he is misinforming us). But there are no toxic levels for IVM. While there were definitely IVM studies that were "designed to fail", they used other means to do it -- mostly by setting up study sizes and control groups in a way that the positive signal, while present, was not significant enough.
Our family has been taking the equine version for a year and a half now, and we don't really care if the feds belittle it. Pleasant apple taste (wife would disagree on that) and easy to get. We did get C19, but it was extremely mild and over in 3 days..
I live in Nevada where our former governor (D) succeeded in outlawing hydroxychloroquine, apparently to maximize deaths in the state. There's a good chance my GP would give me a Rx, but then I'd be in whatever databases the state and/or feds use to keep track of nonconformists. Paranoid maybe, but my wife's cousin, one of the kindest people I've ever known, was murdered in a hospital with remdesivir and a ventilator - no actual treatment that might have saved him. Staying out of the system seems smart.
Interesting Nevada, huh? I got my IVM FROM a Nevada pharmacy. Through PUSH Health website. It is simply not necessary to use the horse paste; readily available and relatively cheap-- about $50 for a 5 day treatment. Simply tell the Push doc(on line messaging) you want to follow the FLCCC protocol for Vaccine injury or for COVID 19 infection; he will prescribe accordingly.
You just have the Nevada pharmacy ship to your door; never have to leave your home.
What was done was mendacious and perfidious indeed. Thank you for standing for patients' rights and for doctors' rights. And may those who committed crimes be held accountable before the law.
Here in Santa Cruz California the powers that be are warning us about mosquitos carrying vector viruses, e.g., Dengue and Zika. They are planning to surveille our property and who knows what else. They are not planning to provide us with IVM, which treats vector viruses. IVM takes on the PHARMA-MIC. Seems inherently racist that the government is not doing whatever it can to ensure the population has access to IVM, given the widespread use throughout the Global South.
Looking back, Gates seems to have his hand in all of this, including pandemic tabletop exercises that seem to have predicted where we are now, and forecasting where they want us to be in the next year or so. He and his partners are truly evil beings. They must be destroyed before they destroy us.
Find a doctor via telemedicine websites below that will prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine so you can have them on-hand IF you need them or take them prophylactically.
Praise God, the filthy truth is finally being exposed!! I contracted “the virus” in November 2020 and was very sick. In bed for 3 solid weeks!! I have (2) autoimmune diseases, plus seasonal asthma, I’m NOT vaxed 🙏🏻. I begged my PCP to prescribe me IVM & hydroxychloroquine after watching many videos with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, God rest his soul🙏🏻, who never lost a patient to Covid with the protocol he shared with the world. My doctor refused prescribing it saying it’s not proven effective!! I could have been healed within days, instead I suffer from long Covid and all kind of side effects. This is a disgrace and a crime that so many lives were lost or injured due to pure negligence!!
Cheryl Forino - I am VERY SORRY for all of your UNNECESSARY SUFFERING!
There are approximately 1,000,000 primary care physicians and 500,000 physician assistants in the U.S. The MAJORITY of them abandoned their patients by REFUSING to provide EARLY/IN-HOME treatments (Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, steroids, antibiotics, breathing treatments, oxygen). My husband, five other family members and I all got COVID-19 late December 2021/early January 2022 (the "wicked bad" Delta variant). We were IMMENSELY BLESSED to have a COVID-19 Doctor that provided us EARLY treatment and everything else we needed (including oxygen for those of us when it turned into pneumonia) at home. She provided the BEST care we have ever received via text. I still have never met her in person. None of us suffer from long haulers because we were provided the type of care EVERY person should have received.
Sad but true. Granted I was stricken with Covid in the earlier stages of the pandemic when there was much confusion and controversy about treatment. However, I’ve completely lost faith in our healthcare system and for sure our pharmaceutical companies. I use my chiropractor/kinesiologist for any healthcare concerns I have. He’s very smart and was convinced early on about all the BS that was being feared into us. He helped me get through Covid in 2020 with supplementation of vitamins & minerals, and called me twice a week just to make sure I was improving. It’s disgusting what we have to put up with just to be seen for a routine doctors visit. I’m so over conventional medicine. Everything is all about Covid. I’m now on the hunt for a homeopathic gynecologist after being pressured at my last routine exam about how I SHOULD take the thanks!
Hope I'm not being a guy stepping on your conversation between you and DaughteroftheKing but thought this link to The Wellness Company will be helpful:
My husband and I just began working with a homeopathic doctor in January. We want to get away from the "corporate-owned" medical care system as soon possible but it will take time to navigate our exit.
Shouldn't you be able to dictate what you get a prescription for? it's not your doctor who gets to determine whether it's effective or not. It's up to him to prove that it's not effective, if they're going to keep you from being able to get it.
Cheryl, I hope your found another doc. . . I have not. Found a Naturapath because of all the folks here recommending against allopath docs and for homeopaths. . . He want me to take 900 pills in a month(!) for my digestive problems. I am getting a 2nd opinion!
They’re trying to rewrite history. Good thing we kept the receipts. There was no “recommendation”. Only witch hunts. I’d suggest going after the physician organizations - they’re lower hanging fruit. Look at what the “people’s court” is doing to the Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons: bricks thru windows, the office building being smeared with feces & graffiti. They’re reaping what they sowed.
That is what "January 6th" was for. Political prisoners still in solitary confinement in a hellhole with no bail for essentially taking a self-guided tour through the capitol. Some who were recognized by facial id software or were traced by credit card receipts for being in town have been harrassed. It was an FBI operation to silence all disent.
The FDA and all agents of the government expressing a view or opinion were looked at by the citizen as a controlled voice sufficient enough to cause the most educated medical personalities (95% at least) to mount an assault (coordinated) against the targeted product that resulted in the denial of a citizen to have common access to the drug. The drug on the other hand was legally purchased and brought into the USA through Customs at the Mexican boarder. Lao information regarding Ivermectin was a constant blitz so that the FDA could monitor their desired results. At issue is that the approval and use of Ivermectin as a single product caused the FDA legal issues regarding the introduction of the vaccination program. Ivermectin should have caused a stop in the vaccines under the laws of the USA. So what we are looking at is total fraud by the pharmaceutical industry with the illegal help of the US government. The judge and the court system are struggling to stay out of the fight, a fight that is the sole purpose of having a judicial system with a duty to pretext the innocent. Fraud by government and its actors with corruption of the legal system. Are there no brave citizens anymore? The type that gets Medals Of honor? This will not end anytime soon unless World War 3 starts. At that point none of this will matter anymore. So the corrupt agents of government have only one choice to save their skin and that would be a war. Smile. See how easy it all fits together.
Not if the censoring continues. Anthony Fauci COULD go down in the history books as a hero (1984). Instead he should pay restitution to all the injured who's lives have been needlessly destroyed. Plus the families of wrongful death. Some young people actually believe that the Hollicost never occurred.. NOTE spell check would not spell the H word in the last sentence.
This lawsuit targets the wrong group. FDA's recommendations, in and of themselves, had no teeth. The real culprits are the AMA, the various physician licensing bodies, and the PREP act, because their anti-IVM directives were what triggered doctors and hospital administrators to fear legal consequences if they used IVM.
All of the above. I also hold the firm belief that the medical professionals were strong armed into refusing its use. Although that doesn't excuse their complicity. Somewhere, someone along the link in the chain were free to break it in order to save lives. The cost of their own inconvenience more than outweighs the end result.
They should all be administered a ghost pepper enema.
Laced w fentanyl
i'm OK w/ nailing the FDA every which way....and letting the "toothless" point the finger..."in discovery" or how ever the rightside lawyers can get it done....
The real target is the DOD, so where to start. Get everyone and work deals to make em sing right up the chain.
Yes. If someone had the means to dig deeper, I am sure they will find that the anti-IVM campaign originated with them.
I was hoping you would chime back in on the DoD origin. That was my first thought upon reading this.
Likewise, I do not really believe Ivermectin, even, was necessary. If our Public Health system was doing it's job in the best way they would have rolled out the following, in this order:
-- Massive supplies generated of the main Vitamins: Zinc, D + K, C, and NAC
-- Massive campaigns to get people tested for vit D & C levels and provide free supplements in 2020.
-- Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine clinical trials directly with flu and Covid cases
-- Fast track IVM and HCQ into major supply houses and implement "Warp Speed" availability in 2020
-- Force the mRNA trials into typical long term trials and clinical studies with NORMAL placebo controls, not controls being other vaccines.
. . . but then, I am just an engineer. What do I know?!
Apparently, I am still a bit braindead. I forgot Steve Kirsch alerted the world to this months ago. However, just today he woke me again. THIS(Xylitol) should have made the 1ST position on the list!
First, you're right👍 The fact that Fauci Birx et al didn't, because that would trigger an automatic disqualification for a EUA remedy like maybe a preplanned "vaccine" campaign worth hundreds of billions of 💰💰💰💰💰 This is where great attorneys will dig I'm hoping to find out precisely how premeditated this fiasco truly was/is.
Don'[t forget we had a WAREHOUSE OR TWO OF HCG for EXACTLY THIS works against all RNA viruses practially. BUT FAUCI muscled in front of Trump and then threw a study away, so that our government could not disburse it. For that alone Fauci should lose his pension and his millions that he made with Moderna.
Oh, he should get jail time or worse. Mass murder.
Yes! I "tested positive" for covid in April of 2022 and could not get ivermectin in a timely manner so I treated myself with D, C, Nac, zinc, and a suppliment that contained quercetin to get the zinc into the cells. I have a chronic lung condition so I normally do 2 neb treatments (albuterol, no steroid) and believe me, this covid was a whole lot milder that some of the other infections I have had.
Interesting and excellent input Karen. I should have added Nebulizer treatment as part of the regimen in my listing. It would be interesting to hear Dr. Mc's input here to see how far off we are. . .?!
Random Substack commenters could have done a better job administering the CDC than the highly paid, royalty-junkies running the asylum!
Yes, I think it was all a DoD operation:
I'm still not sure exactly what they hoped to get out of injecting 75% of all humans with the toxxine. Pfizer's motive is clear though.
I think most discerning people already know motives; it's can it be proven. Prof Atty Francis Boyle believes he sees a Nuremberg 2.0 God willing! Ed Dowd is an excellent source
Great article and theory. There's so many unanswered questions wonder if we'll ever know
See Also see Her Stack along with that of Katherine Watt are essential for seeing what the DoD involvement has been.
The DoD has long worried about biowarfare and wanted a counter. They seemed to think the mRNA platform could be used. Once Malone's patents expired the field was open on the platform. Such a platform was to be able to rapidly create a counter. The "minor" issue of the carrier lipids was to have been resolved; of course, as Malone discovered the lipids remain a problem. For SARs-CoV-2 the spike payload is another problem of no little consequence.
WRT the cited patrick item and Trump's knowing, seriously doubt that. Sasha and Katherine seems to say most of government imagined the DoD involvement was just for convenience. Unclear if the FDA and CDC had a clue about the details. Given all the lies, who really will tell us? But the contracts are a paper trail.
There are a hell of a lot of us out here who want to see them all sued..FDA, AMA, etc. for these guidelines, along with every Dept of Health at state level who went along, and Walgreens and CVS in particular. WE get the money from Walgreens and CVS.
And I for one am wiling to donate to a class action lawsuit. I willl NEVER FORGET AND NEVER FORGIVE.
me too, Duchess. Sign me UP!
Pharma writes the laws and then hides in their complexity. The corruption legitimizes itself that way, knowing that most of us don't have the time or money to really understand how they did it. Ultimately, the people are going to set up guillotines out of frustration with the bullshit runaround and lack of justice.
both, not either-or
They wouldn't give ivermectin or HQC, but they are all in on handing out the abortion pills, They are pretty short-sighted by killing off their customers.
They've been killing off their customers babies quite effectively by clot shotting parents, breastfeeding mothers and any toddlers that survive, they lethal inject with vaxx too!
I say sue them all...the FDA clearly knew that by putting that up there, the AMA would take the hard line AS DID ALL OUR STATE HEALTH DEPTS AND CVS AND WALGREENS.
ALL OF THEM NEED TO BE SUED if not hanged.
THe people who thought they would DIe if they took it, coupled with the people and families who lost loved ones because THEY DID DIE FROM NO EARLY TREATMENT (and that no early treatment needs to be litigagted also) along with all the HOPSITAL AND INSURANCE COROPROATIONS who thought they WOULD BE SUED...NOW THEY MUST BE. It was the single most in your face I want you to die and live in fear by our was DEMOCIDE.
NS, change laws, and get compensation for the victims.
Slaughter time!
Good to know.
It may be worth noting that had Ivermectin, et al. been declared effective therapeutics, there could have been no Emergency Use Authorization granted for the vaccine. Many believe, including myself, that the virus was the means to a nefarious end, that end being the "vaccine."
There was a meme going around, a picture of Glinda the Good Witch from "The Wizard of Oz" sweetly smiling. It said:
The magic potion wasn't created for the scary sickness
The scary sickness was created for the magic potion
It was all part of shocking mainstream corruption for power and money:
* The huge amount of potential profits to made from the NEW, trivially "tested", horrid "vaccines" and drugs like remdesivir.
* The announced "Warp Speed" (retarded name/idea) "vaccines" providing further cognitive-dissonant backing to prolonging the traumatising fake-quarantines of the lockdowns, S&M mask suffocation/poisoning, ridiculous/frustrating "social distancing", ugly/isolating plastic screens, and to sneak massive corporate welfare/bailouts into many, probably nearing-insolvent, corporations.
With no EUA, the alleged "Covid" crisis would probably have fizzled out in mere months rather than dragging on for years!
I agree that everyone who _mandated_ the toxxine must be hanged:
If they can get away with demanding the opening of your bloodstream to arbitrary profit opportunities, we cannot survive for long. They must not be allowed to get away with it.
I know that the elite never convicts any of their own (except in cases like Bernie Madoff, where one member of the elite is stealing from others) but simply seriously talking about hangings has a salutary effect because it makes them a bit nervous about doing it again.
I want them to be a lot more than . . . uh, "nervous".
How do we do this where we have completely rigged elections and an absolute ban on convicting anyone in the elite of any crime (except against other members of the elite)?
The FBI is armed and waiting to pounce on patriots who want to revolt against the current aristocracy. They are the _exact_ equivalent of the old KGB, protecting corruption.
While they are at it, throw the Rico Statures at the Pres for allowing sex traffickers and drug traffickers across our border!!!
As several have intimated in this thread, serious crimes may have been committed. It's becoming increasingly obvious the 'vaccines' contain DNA crystal self-assembly technology (lipid nanoparticles) as detailed in this paper:
I highly recommend Karen Kingston's Substack for continuing coverage of these scary revelations: and particularly this piece:
That looks quite alarming. I was already aware about the dangers of rGO and rGOH from a mechanical and electronic perspective, and the seemingly etched electronic circuitry on crystals in the "Covid" jabs, from independent Spanish-speaking researchers, via Orwell City. Also, the dangers of unnatural "Cationic Lipids", but this goes even deeper. Some of this is so technical and complex that it may take time for me to sufficiently comprehend, like some software frameworks/libraries I am learning.
The images, moving images in the video from Karen Kingston and Dr Ana's Zoom with several experts in different science fields are astounding:
The chip technology is what should turn out to be premeditated if I got this right!
Outraged Dr. Ana and Karen Kingston
Recommendation, my arse. Malfeasance and mass murder by the Center for Death and Control.
I pray and hope that there is a judge with courage and common sense.
We have seen a number of them-- for example the rulings against masks on airlines in the US, against NY Governor Hochul's quarantine camps, NYC workers reinstated after not complying with mandates, and the FOIA requests granted for the Pfizer docs and V-safe app data, among others... but of course the MSM avoids much mention of such rulings.
Exactly, but MSM are not simply avoiding. . . They are proactively manipulating with long sought after zealous malfeasance everything seen on the tube. News mainly, but majority of ads, huge presence in streaming content. MSM has the MAIN power of the system. The owners are likely THE main manipulators world-over. The removal and excoriation of the MSM media around the world is required and critical to any return to a reliable world of decency. With prejudice.
Gonna need a prosecutor with some cojones to bring the criminal case before a judge....
Thank you for this. I read the book. I had to kerp a bucket next to me, as the truth made me sick to my stomach. As you know, 3 doctors in Texas sued the FDA for preventing them from practicing. The FDA lawyers (where's my bucket) said the FDA did not PROHIBIT ivermectin. It was just a recommendation. Yet the FDA clearly uses the word PROHIBIT in its mandates and on its website. I interacted and debated with many lawyers in my career. There are many fine, altruistic attorneys; bc of the people they are, not bc of what they learned in law school. Robert Kennedy, Jr. is one. Ted Cruz is another. And Congresman John Kennedy. Yet, there is a reason why the following joke always gets a laugh: What do you call 100 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start.
That's a funny lawyer joke.
But among the heroes: Aaron Siri and Bobbie Ann Cox, too.
Hero Lawyer: Jeff Childers
Yes indeed, Jeff Childers!!!
Also, Peggy Hall of is not a lawyer but she has done a huge amount to help people with religious exemptions, and more.
TY for your reply, Transcriber. Aaron Siri, YES. And Bobbie Ann Cox, absolutely. I keep my ear to the ground. I saw her speech on YouTube in which she explained her motivation for filing the law suit against the State of NY for the lockdown. She said, "When I heard 'just for 2 weeks to flatten the curve...the hair on the back of my neck stood up". There is nothing more inspiring to me than when intelligence and altruism come together in one person. We need more Bobbie's than we have, as the opposition is well-staffed and financed.
Bobbie Ann Cox is a wonder. As you say, "There is nothing more inspiring to me than when intelligence and altruism come together in one person."
PS To everyone reading this comment, of you haven't already, check out her substack:
When Covid first started we asked our doctor what he would do if we got it. He said he would give ivermectin. we got the virus. Called him and by then he said it was too controversial to prescribe. we had gotten some on our own and he said to go ahead and take it. That tells you it wasn’t just a recommendation.
They keep track of who prescribed what, there is a database. And they actually went back to doctors who were prescribing IVM, and threatened them with losing their job and/or their license.
And they succeeded to take them from any doctor who practiced genuine clinical medicine and their doctor -patient relationship as sacrosanct
Was there a paper trail? Somehow a recommendation turned into something more, but how? The NIH can't make laws.
In NYC of all places, I prescribed plenty of HCQ in 2020 and got on board with IVM the following year. To my surprise my license and other credentials have never been threatened by any official body. It was the big chain commercial pharmacies who either impeded or outright refused to fill off-label prescriptions for these meds. Sole proprietors and small mom & pop drug stores filled them just fine. Perhaps I have just been lucky or too small a fish to be made an example. But I think the stuffed shirt MD-MPH types pushing paper at the DOH and NYS Education Dept Office of Professions - are a bunch of hypocritical cowards and knew this was a fight they might lose. Same goes for most of my clinical "colleagues" who have cringed at the idea of defying official practice mandates.
I also found a caring Dr. and compounding pharmacy to care for me and am very grateful. Glad that I was aware and could afford out of pocket expenses.
That is wonderful news for your patients, and thank you for treating them with dignity and respect. I wonder if other physicians found a way to get the right medications to their patients?
On a limb here - your patients almost love coming to see you, sort of.
Many patients walked either because I advised against the shots or because I never masked, or because I never put up a stop sign on my door and morphed clinical medicine into a virtual reality farce. Plenty of patients stayed however and I must say it is a happier <though smaller> practice than before.
Courageous Doc! All of that, I really want to know how many other physicians did that or maybe now will consider taking these positive steps to outing a scam?! Smaller practice in your case must be a happier experience, probably financially risky for newer docs wanting do follow their Oath. I'm very happy for all at your practice. Many perhaps regret not heeding your best Gold Standard medical care.
Have you ever compared your Covid patients' outcomes with those of your "clinical colleagues" with similar patient demographics who did not defy the official mandates?
AMA and hospital corporations. All the hospital corporations and EVEYR STATE DEPT OF HEALTH ARE uLTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE.
What does it take to turn a known Nobel Prize-winning wonder drug into sludge 🤔😒
It took several false articles in local newspapers how it was killing people, that were amplified throughout the national press, TV and radio. They were later retracted, but that part was not amplified. Someone should dig deeper into who directed these articles to be written and amplified.
I think one of the articles referenced one hospital who gave ivermectin to a dying patient at toxic levels. He died. They then shouted from the hilltops, "see, see? Ivermectin killed him". Never mentioning all the lives that Ivermectin saved, when given at proper time and proper dosage.
You are confusing IVM with HCQ. Yes, there were studies giving HCQ at toxic levels, and we started hearing that "HCQ kills" as early as April 2020, even from Fauci himself (in fact, this is exactly what first gave me a clue that he is misinforming us). But there are no toxic levels for IVM. While there were definitely IVM studies that were "designed to fail", they used other means to do it -- mostly by setting up study sizes and control groups in a way that the positive signal, while present, was not significant enough.
"Someone should dig deeper" - indeed.
A corrupt Government and a mockingbird Media.
I have been taking ivermectin as a preventative for over two years , one pill weekly and I have never had Covid.
Our family has been taking the equine version for a year and a half now, and we don't really care if the feds belittle it. Pleasant apple taste (wife would disagree on that) and easy to get. We did get C19, but it was extremely mild and over in 3 days..
You can get Ivermectin from compounding pharmacies in Tennessee without a prescription.
I live in Nevada where our former governor (D) succeeded in outlawing hydroxychloroquine, apparently to maximize deaths in the state. There's a good chance my GP would give me a Rx, but then I'd be in whatever databases the state and/or feds use to keep track of nonconformists. Paranoid maybe, but my wife's cousin, one of the kindest people I've ever known, was murdered in a hospital with remdesivir and a ventilator - no actual treatment that might have saved him. Staying out of the system seems smart.
Interesting Nevada, huh? I got my IVM FROM a Nevada pharmacy. Through PUSH Health website. It is simply not necessary to use the horse paste; readily available and relatively cheap-- about $50 for a 5 day treatment. Simply tell the Push doc(on line messaging) you want to follow the FLCCC protocol for Vaccine injury or for COVID 19 infection; he will prescribe accordingly.
You just have the Nevada pharmacy ship to your door; never have to leave your home.
What was done was mendacious and perfidious indeed. Thank you for standing for patients' rights and for doctors' rights. And may those who committed crimes be held accountable before the law.
Here in Santa Cruz California the powers that be are warning us about mosquitos carrying vector viruses, e.g., Dengue and Zika. They are planning to surveille our property and who knows what else. They are not planning to provide us with IVM, which treats vector viruses. IVM takes on the PHARMA-MIC. Seems inherently racist that the government is not doing whatever it can to ensure the population has access to IVM, given the widespread use throughout the Global South.
Isn't it ironic that Bill Gates not long ago created patents for introducing special mosquitoes to certain eco environments
Looking back, Gates seems to have his hand in all of this, including pandemic tabletop exercises that seem to have predicted where we are now, and forecasting where they want us to be in the next year or so. He and his partners are truly evil beings. They must be destroyed before they destroy us.
And he made 20:1 on his investment in Moderna. Really smart investment, almost like he knew the future. Wonder how many others struck it rich?
And let’s not forget he’s buying up all the farm land…interesting!!
Find a doctor via telemedicine websites below that will prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine so you can have them on-hand IF you need them or take them prophylactically.
The Wellness Company (Drs. McCullough and Risch are working with TWC) (Dr. Simone Gold/America's Frontline Doctors new medical care)
Dr. Pierre Kory
Praise God, the filthy truth is finally being exposed!! I contracted “the virus” in November 2020 and was very sick. In bed for 3 solid weeks!! I have (2) autoimmune diseases, plus seasonal asthma, I’m NOT vaxed 🙏🏻. I begged my PCP to prescribe me IVM & hydroxychloroquine after watching many videos with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, God rest his soul🙏🏻, who never lost a patient to Covid with the protocol he shared with the world. My doctor refused prescribing it saying it’s not proven effective!! I could have been healed within days, instead I suffer from long Covid and all kind of side effects. This is a disgrace and a crime that so many lives were lost or injured due to pure negligence!!
Cheryl Forino - I am VERY SORRY for all of your UNNECESSARY SUFFERING!
There are approximately 1,000,000 primary care physicians and 500,000 physician assistants in the U.S. The MAJORITY of them abandoned their patients by REFUSING to provide EARLY/IN-HOME treatments (Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, steroids, antibiotics, breathing treatments, oxygen). My husband, five other family members and I all got COVID-19 late December 2021/early January 2022 (the "wicked bad" Delta variant). We were IMMENSELY BLESSED to have a COVID-19 Doctor that provided us EARLY treatment and everything else we needed (including oxygen for those of us when it turned into pneumonia) at home. She provided the BEST care we have ever received via text. I still have never met her in person. None of us suffer from long haulers because we were provided the type of care EVERY person should have received.
Sad but true. Granted I was stricken with Covid in the earlier stages of the pandemic when there was much confusion and controversy about treatment. However, I’ve completely lost faith in our healthcare system and for sure our pharmaceutical companies. I use my chiropractor/kinesiologist for any healthcare concerns I have. He’s very smart and was convinced early on about all the BS that was being feared into us. He helped me get through Covid in 2020 with supplementation of vitamins & minerals, and called me twice a week just to make sure I was improving. It’s disgusting what we have to put up with just to be seen for a routine doctors visit. I’m so over conventional medicine. Everything is all about Covid. I’m now on the hunt for a homeopathic gynecologist after being pressured at my last routine exam about how I SHOULD take the thanks!
Hope I'm not being a guy stepping on your conversation between you and DaughteroftheKing but thought this link to The Wellness Company will be helpful:
Dr Paul is involved in this I recall, if my apologies.
Will send same to her.
Thank you Daniel, you’re not stepping on the conversation at all. We’re all here to support each other. Thank you for sharing this info.
God Bless🙏🏻
Thanks for sharing!
My husband and I just began working with a homeopathic doctor in January. We want to get away from the "corporate-owned" medical care system as soon possible but it will take time to navigate our exit.
Hi - sent this to Cheryl, The Wellness Company link.
Best 🙏
Thanks for sharing!
Shouldn't you be able to dictate what you get a prescription for? it's not your doctor who gets to determine whether it's effective or not. It's up to him to prove that it's not effective, if they're going to keep you from being able to get it.
Should be…
I hope you’ve found a new, better Doctor. It’s a good thing to cut ties with amoral Psychopaths.
Cheryl, I hope your found another doc. . . I have not. Found a Naturapath because of all the folks here recommending against allopath docs and for homeopaths. . . He want me to take 900 pills in a month(!) for my digestive problems. I am getting a 2nd opinion!
That’s a lot of pills!! Definitely get a second or third opinion.
Good luck, God Bless🙏🏻
They’re trying to rewrite history. Good thing we kept the receipts. There was no “recommendation”. Only witch hunts. I’d suggest going after the physician organizations - they’re lower hanging fruit. Look at what the “people’s court” is doing to the Ontario College of Physicians & Surgeons: bricks thru windows, the office building being smeared with feces & graffiti. They’re reaping what they sowed.
Despite their persecution, the Canadians are fighters waging a righteous battle.
Why aren’t we?
How so? I’m not seeing the wins there.
Darn good question....why aren't we? Are we that dumbed down and intimated by
the gestapo government?
That is what "January 6th" was for. Political prisoners still in solitary confinement in a hellhole with no bail for essentially taking a self-guided tour through the capitol. Some who were recognized by facial id software or were traced by credit card receipts for being in town have been harrassed. It was an FBI operation to silence all disent.
The FDA and all agents of the government expressing a view or opinion were looked at by the citizen as a controlled voice sufficient enough to cause the most educated medical personalities (95% at least) to mount an assault (coordinated) against the targeted product that resulted in the denial of a citizen to have common access to the drug. The drug on the other hand was legally purchased and brought into the USA through Customs at the Mexican boarder. Lao information regarding Ivermectin was a constant blitz so that the FDA could monitor their desired results. At issue is that the approval and use of Ivermectin as a single product caused the FDA legal issues regarding the introduction of the vaccination program. Ivermectin should have caused a stop in the vaccines under the laws of the USA. So what we are looking at is total fraud by the pharmaceutical industry with the illegal help of the US government. The judge and the court system are struggling to stay out of the fight, a fight that is the sole purpose of having a judicial system with a duty to pretext the innocent. Fraud by government and its actors with corruption of the legal system. Are there no brave citizens anymore? The type that gets Medals Of honor? This will not end anytime soon unless World War 3 starts. At that point none of this will matter anymore. So the corrupt agents of government have only one choice to save their skin and that would be a war. Smile. See how easy it all fits together.
There will be consequences. This all will go down in history.
Not if the censoring continues. Anthony Fauci COULD go down in the history books as a hero (1984). Instead he should pay restitution to all the injured who's lives have been needlessly destroyed. Plus the families of wrongful death. Some young people actually believe that the Hollicost never occurred.. NOTE spell check would not spell the H word in the last sentence.
God bless humanity.
It is spelled 'Holocaust'.
Whole lotta backpedaling going on here. Is it because the Republican Congress is investigating the plandemic? Or just a coincidence?
Both sides, dog and pony show.
Thank you Dr M. I’ve trusted your wisdom and compassionate desire to help people from the beginning.