I grew up so sheltered. I really didn’t believe that there were so many people willing to trade in other peoples’ lives for profit. This pandemic has been jarring. I knew things were going on before, but this pandemic has brought a whole new level of evil into the daylight.

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Adding this to “the watch list”

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Me too!

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When the film of “The Constant Gardener” came out, I recall someone saying the part that wasn’t believable was not that a big pharmaceutical company would cause massive, inexcusable harm in its drug operation, but that it would feel the need to resort to an elaborate cover-up, including murdering whistleblowers, for self-protection.

Even then – the veritable Stone Age of narrative management compared to where we are today – atrocities by corporations and the Pentagon could be exposed and still be counted on to quickly recede from public attention without the perpetrators suffering the consequences of their misdeeds – no le Carré-worthy plots required, just a pliant media and a passive, manipulable public.

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Our vaxx injured have little to no chance of justice or compensation if we fail to share what we know to be the facts. We cannot turn our backs on them too.

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The story remind me of the documentary I just watched with Dr Burzynski and his long fight with FDA and big pharm to stop and or prevent him from using his treatments that cure cancer. It went on to show how the FDA's control group used the same tatics to skew the data! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmxUsAI29fw

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Its most notable proponent is Oscar Wilde, who opined in his 1889 essay The Decay of Lying that, "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life".

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Thank you, John Leake. I watched "The Third Man" for the hundredth time recently because it is so brilliant on every level and I was struck by that scene and how much it says about today. I also reread "The Constant Gardener" and was caught up as if I had never read it because of its relevance. Loved the line of Ham's, "Name me the most secretive, duplicitous, mendacious, hypocritical bunch of corporate wide boys, it's been my dubious pleasure to encounter. Pharmaceutical. Beats Defense into a cocked hat."

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Force -- all force -- that is not in the immediate and dedicated service to the Creator of Life and His Aims (LOVE) is in the service of hell. We are not our own but are beholding to our Maker and the Source of our being. Joseph Cotton’s moral compass has meaning only because it descends from the One who gives us the Inalienable Rights that Jefferson speaks of. The distinction of the dots Orson Welles speaks of is their origin in the love of God. Isn’t it clear to all of us that crime after crime of humanity in our evolved societies belongs to all of us who benefit from these societies? Could the innocent adults please stand up? Willful ignorance is not our defense. We are now in a catastrophic situation of bioweapon injections because for decades we willfully ignored the injuries to children and our prophet RFK. How superior and tribal medicine was.... but not just them... the regular folks too. How happy we have been for the cheap goods from Chi slave labor? How glad to have our produce from people who died young from pesticide poisoning and no safety net? Sounds like a lefty list doesn’t it? If it was not a political list, but a list of care for our neighbors based on our duty and service to our Creator and His wishes for the Kingdom on Earth then there would be no vacuum for the communists to fill. Sadly, the right with whom I caucus, doesn’t really get that in their cherry picking revision of history. The ordinary man and woman has an obligation to support Justice and Mercy at every turn just as much as the high and mighty. The dots have a moral obligation to seek the truth and not just the feel good sentimentality of the crowd. We will repeat Vietnam until we learn from it collectively. We will repeat and amplify vaccine injury until we learn from it collectively. We will be slain by the ignorance and deficits of scientists and healthcare providers until we stop exalting them pathetically. We will be trodden down and hunted until we care about our brothers and sisters. And, we will fall and fall and fall until we grasp the Hand of Our Maker.

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Bread and circuses keep us blinded. 😢

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Extremely well stated!

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My absolute favorite movie, hands down. We are living in Harry Lime's world.

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Great post! Just curious: was the Ferris wheel still there during your time there?

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Yes, was particularly enchanting to ride on it in the spring, when the horse chestnut trees in he Prater were blooming.

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Reading your book now. Thank you, Dr Mccullogh, for allowing a glimpse into your humble beginnings.

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One of "our" (anti-bigpharma) greatest handicaps is how NAIVE WE ARE. My Doubting Thomas family, who unbelievably TOOK THE CLOTSHOT (Dad is dead you motherfuckers), can NOT envisage this Evil, this utter Indifference of one human to another. Those "dots, far below, worth $20k", that's every victim murdered in a ventilator, or by Fausti's drugs. ALL KILLED, not healed. It's the Human Race, Stoopid...

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Great film... and then on to Citizen Kane to understand the press... We all knew this before, how things become forgotten.

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Recently watched this. Made years before I was born. The old movies are often much richer in substance than most movies of the last 50 years. Special effects can be entertaining. A lot of it is so over the top you'd might as well play a video game. I'm leaning more and more towards old movies.

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Thankyou for reminding us that these companies are operating primarily with self interest... The scam persists..the atrocities multiply...

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Funny how things don't change in the US. This old 1999 movie, The Insider, relates the same we are witnessing today, 1:12:18 mn: corporate moguls poisoning people for profit:


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Graham Greene's "The Third Man", Le Carre's "The Constant Gardner", the TV show & subsequent film of "The Fugitive", no coincidence they all feature the evil indifference of Big Pharma when it comes to the lives of real people. A more perfect choice for the iconic cinematic example of how toxic the pharma industry really is would be next to impossible to come up with. Great post, thank you John!

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Things are unraveling for them. Too many powerful know they won't be spared no matter how rich they are. Take a look at the billionaires that have recently died. Their system is unsustainable as it is. Keep pushing people. Keep honing vocabulary and grace in the delivery of your message. Sincere and thoughtful words are the most powerful of all and people recognise it.

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