Very tricky with our own department of defense behind it all! The bio weapon / so called vaccine. Thanks for working so hard for humanity Dr McCollough and Mr Leake . God bless & protect you.
Maybe the Purdue decision was merely a message to all who might be inclined to take their obscene or illegal profits without proper government oversight and involvement :~).
There is no government oversight. We don’t have a functioning government. And the government doesn’t care what you think, or what you want. They’ve gone rogue. It’s a coup, but worse.
The reporter is supposedly OK, but little info. has been released.
She or someone else made her Twitter account private, but before she did a few folks managed to get screenshots of prior tweets extolling the virtues of the clot shots.
I am very sorry to hear that..But excellent choice you made! Now at least you are still able to work...I hope you found I nice job where you are being valued properly, and that is when you are happy with it, so I really do hope you are, or soon will be! Good luck!!
check mortality rate in 2022 … you need to stop asking to be spoonfed … do your own research or alternatively, take more boosters and see how many your body will tolerate. and please let us know when you feel like that reporter … most people are not so lucky and collapse when they are alone … by the time we find them it’s too late
jan, so sorry i missed your party. thank you for the compliment.
“ someone makes claims mentioning two studies and does not provide a link to the studies.”
please provide links to the long term safety studies done on covid vaccines (just the mrna vaccines will do) … to prove to me - going by your logic - that they are safe in the long term since the red flags in the short term Pfizer studies are not a secret anymore (one example is there were more deaths in the vaccinated arm vs the placebo arm before Pfizer decided to unblind the study).
if you can’t provide the links … the vaccines are not safe.
ah jan, glad to see you outdoing yourself with every post.
keep using your eyes to find your sources. when you do, maybe you can try activating your brain to understand what’s happening around you. the opioid crisis was bad enough. the mrna fallout crisis will dwarf it. in looking for sources, i will say this: Purdue advertised their narcotics for anything up to an including headaches … knowing full well their addictive capabilities … but the only people doing those studies worked for Purdue and profited directly form the sales via continued employment there … so they did not disclose it anymore than the CDC disclosed their findings of the incidence of autism in young black boys following MMR vaccination (in fact they ordered Dr Thompson to destroy the records … this came to light in court). it wasn’t the doctors or other pharma companies that rang the bell on Purdue … it was the individual states that took them to court because of the opioid crisis that those states could no longer manage … it wasn’t the white house that took the Sackler family to court. i watched the deposition given by the only member of the Sackler family allowed to do so and it was very revealing. just because Pursue went under doesn’t mean that narcotic addiction does not continue … it’s still going strong and affecting plenty of people across age groups … but in your world if there’s no studies on it = it’s all bullshit. right, nobody is dying from narcotic od’s anymore … that’s why narcan kits are handed out like candy.
Jan, maybe you should be speaking to people that don’t realize America is gone and our government is trying to kill us. All of us are going to have to come together to save our fellow man. I’m not in to pissing matches.
Between 1966 and 2004 there were 1,101 sudden deaths among Athletes under the age of 35
The sudden death of athletes under 35 years engaged in competitive sports is a well-known occurrence; the incidence is higher in athletes (approximately 2/100,000 per year) than in non-athletes (2.5 : 1), and the cause is cardiovascular in over 90%.
To estimate the absolute number of sudden deaths in US competitive athletes, we have assembled a large registry over a 27-year period using systematic identification and tracking strategies. A total of 1866 athletes who died suddenly (or survived cardiac arrest), 19+/-6 years of age, were identified throughout the United States from 1980 to 2006 in 38 diverse sports.
The other data on Vax deaths in the first 3 days I got from the CDC. I am sure this is actually just a small fraction of the REAL numbers but they are all we have right now.
the current risk. And it discounts the impact of covid infection. Come up with the people with sudden deaths, eliminate people who are not actually athletes, eliminate people over 40, eliminate people who died from trauma/ cancer/suicide, and also eliminate the people who died within 60 or 90 days of a covid infection. Then we can discuss if sudden deaths are increased, and increased due to some unknown factor.
I’m quite sure that NOBODY will request answers. Because the next steps would immediately be tribunals & executions. THAT will hopefully still happen, but these psychopaths will prolong their existence as long as possible. And harm countless millions in the process.
The DOD is in charge. Who’s going to do tribunals? Congress is guilty. Who’s going to do tribunals? The fAkE POTUS is guilty. Who’s going to do tribunals? WHO?
What? Really? Anybody paying attention the last 24 months think, feel, or crystal ball that the DC syndicate will do something, anything good, substantial, honest? We don't have American leadership!
John, regarding "... why regulatory laws and procedures for protecting the public against dangerous medical products were cast aside in order to promote and even force the dangerous mRNA vaccines on mankind." Use this as your launching point:
I’ve been researching this for 8 years. I did “The Big Pharma Report” for IRL Media for 2-3 years. Banned everywhere now. PodcSts removed. 80’s Crack Epidemic, 90’s Meth Epidemic, 00’s Opioid Epidemic, 10’s Fentanyl Epidemic (another synthetic) and now 2020’s pandemic Epidemic. I’m tired. I dusseminate now. Thanks! Great sources
Why would you thing that the same government that is continuing to push these injections for Covid, which has killed thousands of people, would do anything about opioids and fentanyl, which is also doing a great job of killing people?
Opioids and fentanyl kill people they like (thieving drug abusers); injections for Covid kill people they don't (lower level productive citizens). Idea: collect as many Narcan kits as you can so that program become unviable. A Narcan a day keeps the druggies at bay!
Dear John, these questions asked are ones that completely go against the controlled narrative and are not allowed at this present time. Stop thinking for yourself , don't ask anything critical, we have fact checkers to do that for you, everything is safe and effective, everything is effective and safe, we will look after your best interests, trust us, yes just trust us John.
Here is the crux of the problem. DOJ has been gradually destroying NVICP in which the lawyers keep getting chiseled on reimbursement , which DOJ dictates. All the way drawing out cases for years in which the Secretary of HHS can change the initial injury compensation set by congress by fiat. After a certain level in the deep state hierarchy, officials are accountable to neither the congress nor the courts yet they rule our lives with impunity. DOJ will never intervene with these current crimes being perpetrated on the citizenry.
Funny how it is, that Sam Quinones' book DREAMLAND, an outstanding work of original reportage which broke the story of the Purdue oxycontin scam, and the concurrent and related rise of Mexican tar heroin just... suddenly... kinda... disappeared... off the cultural radar during this time of hyper-intense focus on getting everyone jabbed with covid "vaccines." Readers who aren't familiar with DREAMLAND might find it worth their while to check it out. The covid jabs are a different story than the opiate addiction epidemic, of course, but the current pharmaceutical and medical industry corruption and depravity are echoed in that history.
Very tricky with our own department of defense behind it all! The bio weapon / so called vaccine. Thanks for working so hard for humanity Dr McCollough and Mr Leake . God bless & protect you.
Maybe the Purdue decision was merely a message to all who might be inclined to take their obscene or illegal profits without proper government oversight and involvement :~).
They forgot their 10% to the Big Guy.
There is no government oversight. We don’t have a functioning government. And the government doesn’t care what you think, or what you want. They’ve gone rogue. It’s a coup, but worse.
Katherine Watt has their number. She's got a substack here too laying it all out.
She is AWESOME! I just watched this interview…I have her Substack as well.
Thank you Rosalind!
The reporter is supposedly OK, but little info. has been released.
She or someone else made her Twitter account private, but before she did a few folks managed to get screenshots of prior tweets extolling the virtues of the clot shots.
Canadians were compelled to take the shots even more than Americans. At least our courts stopped some of Biden's mandates.
Yes, the coercion here was over the top. Lost my job over it.
I am very sorry to hear that..But excellent choice you made! Now at least you are still able to work...I hope you found I nice job where you are being valued properly, and that is when you are happy with it, so I really do hope you are, or soon will be! Good luck!!
Thank you kindly.
Thank you for your courage! Too many just rolled over. Hope you rebounded quickly and are prospering.
Yes, I was an ESL teacher at a language school and now work from home as a test examiner.
One door closes; another opens. Appreciate your kind words.
my gratitude and highest respect to you for your courage and resolve. keep your wits about you. i think you're awesome!
My daughter drinks soooo much kombucha....I need to start calling her my KombuchaKid! 😄
love it!! cheers (and i love the beach, too!)
On TMZ there is a statement by her, assuring people that her medical issue is definitely not caused by the vax.
It must be someone’s full time job to get to those who publicly faint, and “persuade” them to keep quiet
oh yeah … she’ll be fine … like Tiffany Dover?
no evidence that Tiffany Dover is anything but fine -
Is there evidence that Tiffany Dover is anything but deceased?
yes, actually. (sightings on instagram, etc) but, like Obama's birth certificate, nothing will ever be enough.
Difficult to watch even as a retired neurologist as she is someone's daughter.
2 studies-
1966-2004(38 years)~29 deaths year
1980-2006 (26 years) ~71 deaths/yr
Jan 21-Oct 22 (22 months) 1429 events with 975 DEATHS.
in 1976 the Swine Flu Vaccine program was abandoned after 10 weeks when 25-50 people died and 500 were Paralyzed by Guillian-Barre
in 2021 The COVID-19 Vaccine Program
In The Hours after VACCINE
1st 24 HRS- 3,396 people DIED
2nd 24 HS-2,621 people DIED
3rd 24 HRS-1,260 People Died
TOTAL, 7,277 People DIED
That total is way too low. We are now seeing deaths in the billions worldwide.
you should stop smoking that stuff, it is killing your brain...
Why are you even weighing in on this thread? The tweet is from iCHristian News. Should be immediately discounted, right?
Maybe boredom ?
There are only 7 billion people on earth.
Yes. And they publicly declared they wanted 95% depopulation. That means at least 6.5 billion will be exterminated.
And TPTB are putting their focus on the USA…70% I read.
What the want and what will be are not the same things.
Not yet we're not.
sources please
no sources= bullshit
check mortality rate in 2022 … you need to stop asking to be spoonfed … do your own research or alternatively, take more boosters and see how many your body will tolerate. and please let us know when you feel like that reporter … most people are not so lucky and collapse when they are alone … by the time we find them it’s too late
someone makes claims mentioning two studies and does not provide a link to the studies.
and now i am supposed to go on a witch hunt for those studies?
that is not how it works.
you make a claim, you provide the source.
that is how it works.
you do not provide the source?
you can go back to playing with your marbles.
then comes along a moron saying: check mortality rate in 2022....
jan, so sorry i missed your party. thank you for the compliment.
“ someone makes claims mentioning two studies and does not provide a link to the studies.”
please provide links to the long term safety studies done on covid vaccines (just the mrna vaccines will do) … to prove to me - going by your logic - that they are safe in the long term since the red flags in the short term Pfizer studies are not a secret anymore (one example is there were more deaths in the vaccinated arm vs the placebo arm before Pfizer decided to unblind the study).
if you can’t provide the links … the vaccines are not safe.
enjoy your vacation in moronland.
"sources please
no sources= bullshit"
where in the above statement did I make any claim about the safety of the vaccines?
apparently you were not very pleased with me calling you a moron, so you decided to come back and prove me right.....
ah jan, glad to see you outdoing yourself with every post.
keep using your eyes to find your sources. when you do, maybe you can try activating your brain to understand what’s happening around you. the opioid crisis was bad enough. the mrna fallout crisis will dwarf it. in looking for sources, i will say this: Purdue advertised their narcotics for anything up to an including headaches … knowing full well their addictive capabilities … but the only people doing those studies worked for Purdue and profited directly form the sales via continued employment there … so they did not disclose it anymore than the CDC disclosed their findings of the incidence of autism in young black boys following MMR vaccination (in fact they ordered Dr Thompson to destroy the records … this came to light in court). it wasn’t the doctors or other pharma companies that rang the bell on Purdue … it was the individual states that took them to court because of the opioid crisis that those states could no longer manage … it wasn’t the white house that took the Sackler family to court. i watched the deposition given by the only member of the Sackler family allowed to do so and it was very revealing. just because Pursue went under doesn’t mean that narcotic addiction does not continue … it’s still going strong and affecting plenty of people across age groups … but in your world if there’s no studies on it = it’s all bullshit. right, nobody is dying from narcotic od’s anymore … that’s why narcan kits are handed out like candy.
best of luck to you. enjoy the science!
I think that means people don’t spoon feed information. You need to find it yourself. With due respect.
that means that anyone can make any claim without offering any proof.
like for instance now i am claiming that you are an ignorant moron. with all due respect.
And that is called free speech. Have a blessed day!
you do not seem to appreciate the difference between free, as in not having to pay for it, and worthless, as in it not having value.
Jan, maybe you should be speaking to people that don’t realize America is gone and our government is trying to kill us. All of us are going to have to come together to save our fellow man. I’m not in to pissing matches.
nothing is free … not even the spoon you’re looking for
You know those numbers are questionable
Here are the 2 studies on the ATHLETE DEATHS (in the past)
Review Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil
2006 Dec;13(6):859-75. doi: 10.1097/01.hjr.0000238397.50341.4a.
Sudden cardiac death in athletes: the Lausanne Recommendations
Karin Bille 1, David Figueiras, Patrick Schamasch, Lukas Kappenberger, Joel I Brenner, Folkert J Meijboom, Erik J Meijboom
Affiliations expand
PMID: 17143117 DOI: 10.1097/01.hjr.0000238397.50341.4a
Between 1966 and 2004 there were 1,101 sudden deaths among Athletes under the age of 35
The sudden death of athletes under 35 years engaged in competitive sports is a well-known occurrence; the incidence is higher in athletes (approximately 2/100,000 per year) than in non-athletes (2.5 : 1), and the cause is cardiovascular in over 90%.
Sudden deaths in young competitive athletes: analysis of 1866 deaths in the United States, 1980-2006
Barry J Maron 1, Joseph J Doerer, Tammy S Haas, David M Tierney, Frederick O Mueller
Affiliations expand
PMID: 19221222 DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.804617
To estimate the absolute number of sudden deaths in US competitive athletes, we have assembled a large registry over a 27-year period using systematic identification and tracking strategies. A total of 1866 athletes who died suddenly (or survived cardiac arrest), 19+/-6 years of age, were identified throughout the United States from 1980 to 2006 in 38 diverse sports.
The other data on Vax deaths in the first 3 days I got from the CDC. I am sure this is actually just a small fraction of the REAL numbers but they are all we have right now.
How so?
the current risk. And it discounts the impact of covid infection. Come up with the people with sudden deaths, eliminate people who are not actually athletes, eliminate people over 40, eliminate people who died from trauma/ cancer/suicide, and also eliminate the people who died within 60 or 90 days of a covid infection. Then we can discuss if sudden deaths are increased, and increased due to some unknown factor.
I’m quite sure that NOBODY will request answers. Because the next steps would immediately be tribunals & executions. THAT will hopefully still happen, but these psychopaths will prolong their existence as long as possible. And harm countless millions in the process.
Not so fast!
The DOD is in charge. Who’s going to do tribunals? Congress is guilty. Who’s going to do tribunals? The fAkE POTUS is guilty. Who’s going to do tribunals? WHO?
What? Really? Anybody paying attention the last 24 months think, feel, or crystal ball that the DC syndicate will do something, anything good, substantial, honest? We don't have American leadership!
We’re basically occupied territory, our own government being the enemy.
Clearly Jessica Robb was suffering from commotio cordis, at least that's what the Justin Brandeau told me.
John, regarding "... why regulatory laws and procedures for protecting the public against dangerous medical products were cast aside in order to promote and even force the dangerous mRNA vaccines on mankind." Use this as your launching point:
Then look through these Substacks:
I’ve been researching this for 8 years. I did “The Big Pharma Report” for IRL Media for 2-3 years. Banned everywhere now. PodcSts removed. 80’s Crack Epidemic, 90’s Meth Epidemic, 00’s Opioid Epidemic, 10’s Fentanyl Epidemic (another synthetic) and now 2020’s pandemic Epidemic. I’m tired. I dusseminate now. Thanks! Great sources
Why would you thing that the same government that is continuing to push these injections for Covid, which has killed thousands of people, would do anything about opioids and fentanyl, which is also doing a great job of killing people?
Opioids and fentanyl kill people they like (thieving drug abusers); injections for Covid kill people they don't (lower level productive citizens). Idea: collect as many Narcan kits as you can so that program become unviable. A Narcan a day keeps the druggies at bay!
The problem this time is the feds are in on the crimes.
I don’t believe it’s only “this time”.
They ARE the crime.
Dear John, these questions asked are ones that completely go against the controlled narrative and are not allowed at this present time. Stop thinking for yourself , don't ask anything critical, we have fact checkers to do that for you, everything is safe and effective, everything is effective and safe, we will look after your best interests, trust us, yes just trust us John.
We need to start demanding answers from our Congressional representatives! Please contact their offices today.
They never do anything. They are all in on The Plan
I am pretty sure you are correct. But I feel if we do nothing then we are somewhat culpable. 🤷🏻♂️
We have to do this ourselves. Government is the entity doing the culling. Cannot be trusted. Ever.
What do you suggest we are able to do as individuals?
I am from Europe, but I am ready for whatever it takes, where it takes...I don't care, it if works for somebody somewhere? I am inn
We’re human beings on the same page, in different places!
Not enough people are AWAKE! Unfortunately, many more will die before people understand what is occurring.
You have to figure out for yourself what you need to do.
Culpable? No, our government broke the contract. THEY are culpable.
Praying! This Cannot be the new NORMAL! This is TRAGIC & Criminal!
KEEP PRAYING. We need to invoke the power of God. Praying has power. Unfortunately, many do not have faith.
Here is the crux of the problem. DOJ has been gradually destroying NVICP in which the lawyers keep getting chiseled on reimbursement , which DOJ dictates. All the way drawing out cases for years in which the Secretary of HHS can change the initial injury compensation set by congress by fiat. After a certain level in the deep state hierarchy, officials are accountable to neither the congress nor the courts yet they rule our lives with impunity. DOJ will never intervene with these current crimes being perpetrated on the citizenry.
BRAVO! You get it!
Thanks for this timely reminder, John Leake.
Funny how it is, that Sam Quinones' book DREAMLAND, an outstanding work of original reportage which broke the story of the Purdue oxycontin scam, and the concurrent and related rise of Mexican tar heroin just... suddenly... kinda... disappeared... off the cultural radar during this time of hyper-intense focus on getting everyone jabbed with covid "vaccines." Readers who aren't familiar with DREAMLAND might find it worth their while to check it out. The covid jabs are a different story than the opiate addiction epidemic, of course, but the current pharmaceutical and medical industry corruption and depravity are echoed in that history.
It’s going to be hard to hold anyone accountable legally within the legal framework they have created and are continuing to bolster.