Thanks for publicizing this! I got to go and it was so nice to be surrounded by so many people who can see the light!

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I wish Griffin's "More Deadly Than War" had been required viewing when I took government in high school in 1971. I live-streamed "The Great Awakening" last night and experienced a range of feelings I was not expecting...guilt, sadness, shock, etc. I cried more than once and was emotionally drained by the end of it. It would be nice if Mikki added back some of the interviews that got cut and divided it into Parts I and II.

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spot on description. I also watched the livestream--to the end. About 4 a.m. est. Mikki Willis is a phenomenal visionary...I pray there are billions of views. The power of one for good--Cried too...Every emotion surfaced. What the hell is humanity doing allowing these cruel bastards “lead” them? Mattias Desmet is right...praying people across the globe wake up from their hypnosis.

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Yes, we need a great awakening! God has called us to be salt and light!

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I cried also esp when Lily was speaking near the end

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A short video... More and more J6 footage is now coming out. Are you hearing about it?

see capitol police open door from the inside to let people in

see protestors assist a policeman that fell

see a man framed for something he didn't do

More evidence of non criminal behavior on J6


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And Nancy had her daughter there filming her "bravery" for her documentary.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts on "The Great Awakening" film.

I have to say I was disappointed with it. The few parts about covid tyranny were good, and I also appreciated very much that Mikki Willis at the beginning mentioned that his brother had died of AZT poisoning. I hope he'll consider doing a future film about the manufactured HIV hysteria and how that was a sort of dress rehearsal for the covid scam.

But the repeated theme and primary thrust of the whole film was the evils of communism, which he portrays as the gravest threat we currently face. This misses the boat in my estimation. What about the obscene concentration of wealth and power among the super-rich and the Wall Street/City of London financial cartels used to impose their agenda on us? The oligarchical agents of the Anglo-American Empire that has vigorously fought against communism for over 100 years wherever it cropped up? No mention of that.

Yes, grassroots communist and socialist movements aimed at improving the lives of the poor and working class (upon whose labor we all depend after all) have often been infiltrated and co-opted by the big money interests, but the problem lies in the pathological greed of the global elites, not those trying various ways to better the lives of ordinary people in our communities.

The film made no mention of the astronomical US military spending and war-mongering costing countless lives and giving excessive profits to the weapons and security industries while slashing funding for basic services and infrastructure.

Government is portrayed as the problem, but no mention of how our system has been sabotaged so that the super rich and big corporations basically own and control the government. No mention of the evils of Big Pharma and Big Tech that are trying to take over our lives while collecting huge amounts of our tax dollars to fund their nefarious schemes. I'm glad he did point the finger at WEF, but didn't go far enough to identify the deep structures of inequality that plague us.

No indication that if the people actually took back the government, as is supposed to happen in a democracy, it could be used in ways to benefit everyone.

There was lots on how terrible communist China is, but that's a message that our corporate-backed government also expresses--seeing China as an economic rival and adversary even though it has tried to use China for cheap labor, and US leaders are continually threatening to provoke a war with China over Taiwan.

Let's join with people from right and left to focus on challenging the greedy Big Money interests, wherever they show their faces or hide them, and prevent them from enslaving us in techno-tyranny.

I did appreciate many speakers in the film asserting we need join together across our differences and be guided by love and not fear. Amen to that!

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No Wuhan without Ft. Detrick.

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Jun 5, 2023
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You're right. Seems like a simplification with much left out, like the state of earth's systems, the devastation of the pandemic and vaccines. China under Mao was very different than China under Xi, in which communism is just a collectivist mind control ideology for the people. China under Mao is an excellent example of Desmet's theory, though, but I don't believe our country, if it still exists as anything other than a satellite node of some huge structure, both overt and hidden, which is entirely novel, and thus not fully modeled yet, wants to go to war with China. That is spectacle, fear mongering, and even a war would be theatrical, save for the weapons manufacturer profits and the loss of life and the national lift given to the Chinese if they became the "champions". Then again, maybe they are planning a war to stop the pandemic devastation inquiry, and to further the mass formation that a collective national goal would create. Like reverse Pearl Harbor.

Ancient China was a magnificent civilization, and tomorrow is the anniversary of Tiannemann Square and the Pro-Democracy movement and the massacre. Pictures of the student standing against the tanks are banned in Xi's China. The ancient Chinese had a concept, "the mandate of heaven," which held that if a government became too corrupt, it lost the mandate of the heaven and needed to be replaced or overthrown. America and China have clearly lost that mandate at this moment, but there is no predicting in a linear way what is to come. I say amen too!

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Please check this out for what really happened at Tiananmen Square, who was behind it and put it all into context: https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/the-tiananmen-square-hoax-massacre?

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Just watched that yesterday and mentioned it (as well as your excellent comments) in my review: https://sanefrancisco.substack.com/p/watching-plandemic-3-the-great-awakening

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Yes I saw that, thank you for mentioning it in your review!

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Jun 4, 2023
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Thanks Marilyn, I posted your comment in my "round-up" review: https://sanefrancisco.substack.com/p/watching-plandemic-3-the-great-awakening

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Thank you for this summary! I watched it last night…. Still thinking about it!! I thought I knew all this, but there are subtleties that I am still processing. The more people that see this film, the better. If we don’t see the big picture, we are just floundering around — it’s a long-term battle between individual freedoms (as embodied in the U.S’Constitution) and collectivism (global control).

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cc: Peter

Dear Robert and Jill,

Think of this whole thing as a castle with many doors. The doors are all each entryways to parts of the system; medical; tech; legislative; etc.

The doors are a vulnerability. The people and the contents of the castle are extremely vulnerable - that's why the castle is locked and fortified.

All you need is one crowbar (leverage) to pry open a crack in one of the doors and the pressure applied by others who are with you will bust it open.

Your knowledge of the medical corruption behind one of the doors is the prybar - and you have leverage.

Just crack open that ONE DOOR where the light from outside is shining in. Everyone will follow that.

You have no leverage at the "free speech" door. You will just be banging your head against it.

Once you, and others crack open - just that one door - your door - you can open all of the others - from inside the castle halls.

It's that simple.

Pry open the door with the leverage you have:

Your knowledge of how and what they are doing is false/unscientific and your powerful ability (leverage) to demonstrate what they "know" but are not telling the public.


Then you're in.

And it's what you make of it.

They'll kill you if you stay outside.

Don't parade around the castle.

Pry open the door.


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It was very well done. For sure, we’ll worth watching.

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I watched Sunday in it's entirety.

Very revealing well documented by actual intelligent men and women.

I will watch it again some evening. I'd advocate everyone should.

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I have watched GEG and Yuri Besmenov's interview several times. He was the original whistleblower. The best presentation was a talk he did to a university group. I understand it much better after watching The Great Awakening. Here in Australia we are seeing an new threat unravel called "The Voice". https://voice.gov.au/ This is a plan to install socialist government right before our eyes. It is presented as a way of recognizing aboriginals in the constitution when it is simply a racist division of the country. What is worse is that it cannot be removed. 24 unelected people will control government decisions. The high court will be the arbiter. However that is all just a smoke screen. The real agenda is socialism and then communism. The small group of elites will be controlled by WEF and China eventually. The war is being waged from within. We must act at a local level to educate voters.

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The US constitution is on life support and the only amendment still standing is the 2nd. The Twitter files showed that the government was involved in censorship. The 4th amendment was destroyed when congress passed the patriot act and even before when the Bush administration spied on us without warrants and congress made it legal and reauthorizes every year or so. The 3rd amendment also includes the castle doctrine and the police now use no knock warrants to just break into our homes without warning and then get away with shooting anyone who thinks they have a right to defend their homes. And their dogs for protecting their families.

Habeas corpus was rescinded during Obama’s tenure and now any president has the right to have the military arrest us for any reason and hold us indefinitely without a trial or access to a lawyer. Boy it’s a good thing that our military is fighting to defend our freedoms huh? Maybe if they hadn’t been out of country for the last 2 decades they might have noticed that our freedoms are gone.

Then there were the many governors who basically declared martial law during Covid and I don’t care what legislation congress passed because you can’t make crimes against humanity legal..

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I've just recently started learning about the US constitution; myself and a fellow Sane Franciscan are making a documentary about the Purpose of Government. I mention it here in my "round-up" review of this film: https://sanefrancisco.substack.com/p/watching-plandemic-3-the-great-awakening

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Here is the link to the full video from last night: https://thehighwire.com/thegreatawakeningpremiere/

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Fantastic! Del Bigtree does it again!

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Looking from Australia I would say the USA is all that stands between the human race and a totalitarian tyranny far worse than anything that went before. From the next one, there will be no way out. God Bless America! God Save America!

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Best Plandemic documentary yet.

Here is an easy Rumble link...


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Being ALIVE is the most valuable aspect of each of us. LIVE!! It is within you.

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