Disgusting is the only word to describe it.

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The love of money..... 😡

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is the root of all evil.

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And it was all about a lot more than just money...

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And power and prestige with which they will no doubt use in the afterlife to gain a higher status.

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Just remember, the size of your honour guard determines your status in Hell. Choose your sideboys wisely...

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None of us should be surprised, Up here in Canadistan they were under a gag order. Speak up face discipline. and possibly lose your job. Doctors practicing here are government employees.

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Seriously questioning why I should ever go see my family doctor at this point!

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There's a risk/benefit ratio you'll have to evaluate...

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Sure, I'll say it:

- Benefit = ZERO


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What benefit?

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Oh, you can see him and even wave to him but never enter his torture chambers.

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The risk is engaging with an 'industry' using three tools, scalpel, radiation and crude oil derived pills to address the amazing variety of individual health issues, excluding those induced by the above 'cures'. Being responsible for one's own health is a primary concern in these times.

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“Listen up doctors! Just do as you’re told and nobody gets hurt.”

More like the advice from kidnappers to their hostages.

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Well, you guys do have socialized medicine...100% govern-men-tized.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

There are similar incentives for pediatricians and child vaccinations from what I have read.

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Weren't the vents incentivized too?

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They most certainly were. Everything that was harmful was generously incentivized (https://bitchute.com/video/Ylu755nRLpkq), while treatments were suppressed and heavily censored.

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And that's why doctors will "fire" patients. They'd rather lose you as a patient than have you bringing their percentage of vaxxed kids down.

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It happened with my kids twice! I finally quit going. We had a great chiropractor anyway.

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Nothing new. These types of "incentives" rolled out with Obamacare and Medicaid expansion. Medicaid pays almost nothing on a "fee for service" schedule, so they concocted some ways to incentivize doctors to check the correct boxes for the government. The acronyms are MIPS and MACRA to describe these schemes that place bureaucrats between a patient and a doctor. It was bad before the ACA, but the ACA made it much worse. This is why I left the system in 2015, opted out of Medicare and Medicaid and started a direct care or direct pay practice. It's the only way forward. Get out of the system. I'll be speaking in Kansas City on May 4th about how doctors can extract themselves from this corrupt system. As for patients, start by finding a doctor who does not bill insurance for care. There are some Direct Care doctors who were indoctrinated on the covid vax narrative, so do your homework first.

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That’s what I’ve done.

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Agree 110%

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How can one find a direct care doctor in their area? Thank you in advance!!

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You can't expect a doctor making $500k a year to risk starving now can you?

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Is your speaking engagement open to the piblic or only offered to physcians?

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It’s at the Free Market Medical Association meeting. Mainly physician but other people will be there I’m sure.

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Thank you so much for mentioning my article! And truly, this vaccine bribe is beyond egregious!

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Great article thanks for sharing as well❤️🤍💙🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️🤍💙

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Thank you, Tracy!!!

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It’s nauseating and it’s happening everywhere. In Canada, places like Western University, accepted bribes from both the Canadian government as well as the Bill & Melinda Gates Depopulation Foundation, to promote an experimental mRNA therapy that did nothing but deliver illness and death. It is deliberate and criminal. No amnesty.

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I love this article. I recently found out another follow the money with the Doctors. Many, many took saline shots and/or got vaccine cards (although didn't get a vaccine) for the simple reason that they were afraid of getting their licenses taken away, wanted to keep paying for their house and kids' private schools, etc. So, these doctors KNEW. It's not that the doctors were just naive, or too busy to research it, or just had always had firm beliefs in vaccines, and so on...Of course, THEY KNEW. Our gut feel was correct. My contact also said there were many doctor suicides in the US because of this pressure.

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No wonder. They went from "Do No Harm" to KNOWINGLY doing harm.

I don't know how they sleep at night or look in the mirror.

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You know, I've learned that doctors aren't that great. Most go into it for the money and prestige. There's no math in med schoolwork D we're honest we know biology subjects in school aren't that difficult. I don't think most have ever thought that they might be tested someday. They are ashamed and embarrassed when Dr. McCullough walks by but most of the time they just stick together and take care of themselves. Maybe those jerks sleep just fine inside their fancy, expensive homes.

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Some truth to what you say, but not fair to paint all doctors with the same brush. Medical school is pretty tough, and a 5-year surgery residency is grueling—about 105-108 hours a week at the hospital. There are quite a few doctors who take their responsibilities to patients very seriously and are not in it for the money. They are “old school “ and some of them didn’t sell out during covid.

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It is clear Jennifer is referring to the majority. It is not so clear how many 'old school' doctors there are. Given the pervasive compliance of the medical apparatus over the past 3 years, with a complete abrogation of the 'first do no harm' principle, it certainly seems you are defending a very small minority.

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Hospitals were also completely on board with the CDC protocol. Doctors don’t run hospitals now like they used to. Biggest problem is that many doctors now aren’t in private practice. They work for hospitals or are in big groups that affiliate with hospitals. A terrible time for medicine now. I managed a small surgical practice for 31years and most of the many changes I saw weren’t good. And yes, many doctors failed their patients during the past three years. 😢☹️

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The 'big groups' are labeled syndicates...

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To me, an old school doctor would be someone like Vernon Cole or Dr. Christopher (deceased).

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I feel sorry for those who, in the earlfy days, would have been placed in pressure situations (whether to vaxx or face consequences for questioning) at a time when it might not have been very clear that there would be harms from the vaxxes... the ones who trusted the system, the ones who would have been naïve, the ones who then realized that they had been mistaken, and then felt that they had been fooled into harming their patients, and who then find themselves in a tricky situation.

Same as the good doctors, these are probably not a large number either, I think most knew enough to know better, but chose to protect their incomes rather than risk protecting their patients.

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Certainly not all. We have a group like Drs. McCullough, Kory, Merrick, Battachara, FLCCC, etc, and probably another 10 or so who spoke up and didn't sell out.

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Thank goodness! And there are some who are quietly doing the right thing, treating people properly, and staying under the radar so they don’t get targeted by their licensing board, both state and certification boards. At least that’s something, however much we wish they all had spoken out vigorously. I have the greatest respect for Dr. McCullough and the others you mentioned. Have been following them from the beginning and using their protocols.

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“A midwestern doctor”, who writes a superb SubStack anonymously, is one. And there have been references to collaboration with some other doctors.

Fortunately it is a lot more than 10 dissident doctors but not nearly enough - yet.

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I have to admit, I've got a younger County doctor who has been amazingly cool about the whole COVID vax thing. The first time she brought it up, I just said, "I would prefer to remain in the control group for this study." and that was the end of the conversation. After I'd gotten COVID and gotten over it (which wasn't anything to me, as it happened,) and everybody & his left testicle were pushing me to get the vax, I asked her if I could get an exemption on the fact that I had been recorded as having gotten over COVID and had a high antibody count without getting the shot. She told me the county wouldn't give exemptions - full stop. I said, "OK, done." That was a year ago, hasn't been brought up since.

First doctor I've had in a bit that I've actually liked...

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

They take a pill for the nights and wear masks during the day.

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Well isn't that all part of the loop? Drug suppliers and pushers. Everyone makes their money. What kind of drug pusher only wants a one time customer? Imagine the profits to be made on life long junkies....er I mean, chronically ill patients.

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These bribes.kickbacks have been going on for years regarding childhood vaccines and yet only now are people waking up to this, or why pediatricians would kick unvaxxed kids out of their practices cause they were costing them money. Essentially, giving jabs became the primary income stream of pediatricians and they deteriorated into vaccine pushers and Pharma shills. So, thank you COVID for exposing this.

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My doctor pushed the experimental MRNA gene therapy (though he called it a vaccine) on me in January of 2021 after he knew I had covid in November 2020 and had natural immunity AND had bounced back completely as I was a healthy early 50's with ZERO medical issues ever. I pushed back at the time and assumed he was just a brainwashed progressive but this makes so much more sense. When I asked why he would recommend something without long term results on a healthy person with natural immunity, he mumbled that everyone should be getting vaccinated. I never went back but wish I had been savvy enough to ask him if he was being incentivized to make the recommendation... I will do this, probably with everything, going forward.

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You could have asked...doesn't mean he would ever come clean.

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In Western Australia the government bribed children with trips to the zoo and face painting. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/dear-australian-politicians-and-doctors

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I remember reading about one teenager who either died or had a serious adverse reaction to the covid vaccine. The reason they got the shot? A free box of doughnuts was given to all the kids who got in line and got vaccinated. 😡

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I so wish Dr McCullough had made it to Western Australia. He has a lot of support here. His publication history and reasonable arguments were instrumental in convincing a lot of people to not get the jabs early on. And thanks to Alex Jones for providing him a platform when he was banned everywhere.

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Parents have got to get the truth into their kids...warn them about these tactics! And people wonder how the Germans allowed the holocaust to happen. It's now happening everywhere and we're all in on the virtual discussions...with few answers unfortunately.

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I’ll call out my doctor right now in Boise, Idaho.....Dr. Peter Sheesley at St Luke’s! He tried three times in one appt. to get me to take the jab. Nope. I got so mad and disgusted I walked out of my appointment. We need to start mentioning their names and calling a spade a spade!!

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Yes very important to do this take out adds , do an interview, make lists tell everyone

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I think that’s an excellent idea.

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Stand out on sidewalks near driveways and business entrances with signs saying "This doctor takes COVID SHOT incentive $$$$"

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Pretty sure CMS was incentivizing/pressuring hospitals.

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$19,000 for Covid diagnosis.

$39,000 if vented!

Disgusting evil!

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This documents how greed and avarice have replaced ethics and the Hippocratic Oath in today’s medical profession. Such a shame

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I was told by someone that they are no longer required to take the Hippocratic Oath. I don't know if that's true?

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Some schools require it, others do not. It was last revised in 2017, but since universities went woke and no longer believe in objectivity, the oath seems to have little meaning for any of the doctors that let themselves be coerced into violating it. See https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-myth-of-the-hippocratic-oath-201511258447 and https://bioedge.org/bioethics-d75/new-hippocratic-oath-for-doctors-approved/

On the other hand there are still a few ethical doctors like those in the FLCCC and others named in this thread, and I might add Dr. Ben Marble, who start6ed myfreedoctr.com where he and his associates have treated 300,000 patients with HCQ and Ivermectin (stick it, Fauci) with a 99.99% survival rate. More on this at https://rescue.substack.com/p/covid-hero-doctors-marble-alexander?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=418275&post_id=114593369&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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It is very important to expose this payment

Scheme by big Pharma. Big Pharma is paying off many in this conspiracy to give C-19 shots. More reason to stop the C-19 shots / boosters now for everyone .

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Keep digging, this is important stuff!

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I have a Direct Primary Care arrangement with a Dr. I respect a lot. He initially advertised having the Moderna shot available, then I head nothing. Last checkup, he actually apologized, unprompted at all, for getting caught up in the hype. Think I'll stick with him.

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