The marxist takeover of the education system has allowed the brainwashing of our citizens.

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Indeed, the Greatest Organized Crime in History. Hidden in plain sight. Too big and too complex to possibly be true.... but here's the evidence right in front of us. My respect and appreciation for RFK goes up yet another notch with the release of this book.

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It makes me angry when people start 'screaming'....."Wuhan!.....Wuhan!.....WUHAN!!!".

If we cannot the THE FACTS CORRECT, we are NO BETTER than 'those LIARS' (Globalists & their Minions)!!

The BIO-WEAPON (it is NOT a 'virus'; 'viruses' do NOT EXIST!), that we all call 'CV19', was BORN in NORTH CAROLINA, at Chapel Hill, and was THERE, for MANY YEARS, before it went to China.

Dr. David E. Martin has all of the FACTS that one can possibly ever need! FACTS that one could bring into a Court Room, IF we had an actual JUSTICE system!

If we CLAIM to be ADULTS......lets get THE FACTS STRAIGHT! The 'CV19' BIO-WEAPON did NOT 'come from' Wuhan.......it CAME FROM NORTH CAROLINA! (via Fraud-Fauci, of course!)

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‘If the American people have any sense, they will vote for Kennedy in 2024. In his education, intellect, and discernment, he towers above the doddering Biden and blustering Trump.’

Kennedy believes the government should pay for reparations. That isn't fiscally responsible and is a very divisive stance for the country. Kennedy believes in global warming which is another hoax being fed to the world like the pandemic was. When speaking after the fires in Hawaii he addressed all gods. If he is a Catholic, he should only acknowledge the one true God. Don't tell me as an American with sense who I should vote for when he has policies he supports that are lies. You are either truthful all the way through or not. You are welcome to your own opinion of him though.

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I like Kennedy a lot, for many reasons including those mentioned in the article. However I cannot vote for him. Sadly, he is pro-abortion....and I will not vote for someone who will not defend the human life of the most vulnerable among us. 😔

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These people have had a lot bred out of them.

But inducing them to kill themselves,

While itself remarkable,

Is eclipsed by how easy it was to accomplish.


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Thankful for Kennedy on so many levels BUT how can a man who fights for children and truth be for abortion where your life is only valued IF your mother values it??? How can we simulataneously mourn over a lost pregnancy at 12weeks and celebrate the choice to end a life at 12 weeks? Does life have inherent value or is it dependent on whether or not you are wanted? Abortion is the #1 killer.

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‘If the American people have any sense, they will vote for Kennedy in 2024. In his education, intellect, and discernment, he towers above the doddering Biden and blustering Trump.’

I have 2 questions after hearing repetitively about all the mountains of evidence proving without any reasonable doubt the globalist’s avenues of corruption…

Where are the solutions?

Many are making $$$ putting out evidence of corruption…

What are the profiteers doing with their $$$ to contribute to real actionable solutions?

You do know you need UNITY for any solutions to be viable…

NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…only America First Constitutional strategic planning organization in America!

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While I like Kennedy's book and he's done groundbreaking work for the cause of health freedom, he also supports the violation of our constitutionally-protected rights, namely the 1st and 2nd Amendment. As it is, he's unacceptable for public office.

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I like this guy and what he's doing, but you have to understand, if he gets anywhere near victory for POTUS, he is a dead man. It is a certainty. The exact same entities that had the power, resources, and leverage to pull off C19 on a global continuing basis, even with all our current awareness and expose of the topic, are the ones who cannot allow him to ascend - it would be a major setback for their mission, their goal, their power, their secrecy. They will not allow it.

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The question to ask is why the American people have lost all common sense. Its been over 20 years in counting and I wonder how two hollogram airplanes can bring down three towers in a freefall!

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Mr. Leake, thank you for your intriguing and interesting book review.. I already have the book and look forward to reading it. However, I could have done without your concluding paragraph.......!

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RFK jr was all in for the lockdowns which wrecked havoc on all businesses especially small ones some of which never recovered.

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Dear sir..you have a complete blind spot for Jr. He is, has been, always will be a liberal progressive Democrat elite.. He has voted for Clinton(,both) Obama and Biden along with the ones prior and the ones not elected. Speaking out against covid does not a leader make. He is totally on board for the green climate hoax. He supported masks, lockouts, distancing, mandates for vaxs including imprisoning non compliers. Same club different team. Intellectuals have gotten us where we are in deep do do. He does not treat women well and is deep 6 in Hollywood

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"After SARS-CoV-2 monster escaped from the Wuhan lab..."

Pretty big assumption there. Especially with phony death projections (Ferguson), phony PCR tests (Drosden) and phony HCL tests deployed within days after 1st cases announced. In Oct 2019, French Health Minister got over-the-counter HCQ banned starting Jan. 2020. Over-focus on Wuhan cover-up is itself a cover-up of DOD financing, marketing, distributing SARS-CoV2 underlying WEF, WHO, Gates, CIA October 2019, Event 201 Pandemic dry run. Does RFKjr mention that in his book?

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This Author shows he is anti Trump not good journalism if you write about the issues stay to point

Also where was Mr Kennedy around 2016 election

Mr Trump took on the role for his country and made a difference amid the greatest criminals running America who are still there

It seems to me if you want to save your country you need to join forces not to fly your own flag

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