From a close friend tonight re Helene. Upper East TN and much of rural western NC remains abandoned by any gov official agencies. Only churches, neighbors, Cajun Navy, mountain Mules, Samaritan Purse and smaller local charities and groups are trying to help and reach the unreached. Gov MIA.

This just came:

"Talked to the man that borrowed my tow wagon. He said they started in Blair tn then went to Ashville. Wasn't able to help in Ashville bc he didn't have protective chaps, mask, and permits for chain saws. He offered to use his tractor with a lift scoop and a digger but was told no bc he didn't have the proper insurance. Tried to offer the truck load of supplies and was told no. Not femma approved. He said there was a lot of military support in that area and press so they headed up north and stopped at local churches in communities where government support had not been. He said each community had taken it upon them selves to do what they could for each other. Churches are the center points coordinating who needs help with what and who had not been heard from. They found plenty to do in these locations clearing roads and clearing houses. Taking supplies. They helped a 91 year old man

clear his house, remove drywall, and fix his wood burning stove. The man had been mowing his own yard at and taking care of his property at 91. He lost everything even though his house was over a mile from the river. They ran into a rescue squad leader that said in just one area they had recovered over 500 bodies with 1500 still missing.(so the medias death toll is way off). The were amazed at how community was helping community. He said the sad thing that was pointed out to him that hasnt been reported on or thought about is 1. the temps are starting to drop and still no power. 2 the alarming number of suicides in these small communities of people that do not know how to cope or handle what they have experienced. Some things much needed are heaters, damp

rid, fuel for cars, generators, heaters. They need generators. There is still NO phone service of any kind in these areas. They could use long distance radios for communication. Clothing, food, just about anything. They have lost everything. Houses that are still standing just have piles of belongings outside that were washed out. They need PRAYERS."

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Trying Hard - thank you for sharing these REAL details about the Helene aftermath. I know that the corrupted corporate media will not share this type of information.

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Fantastic commentary. Thank you.

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A 75-80% budget reduction across the ENTIRE federal government sounds about right…for starters.

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Thank you for writing short, sweet and succinct. I get many newsletters and substacks (I suffer from perennial curiosity - fortunately I’m not a cat) and have to have SOME time over to do the rest of my life … cleaning, gardening, writing, cats, art, see friends, etc.

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It almost feels as if: There are some powers that be that want to reduce the population on this planet 🤨


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Though I like the idea of reducing Bill Gates to nothingness. Humanely, of course.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

Another great discussion between 2 Inquisitive truth tellers and seekers. Thank you. I have to say I laughed out loud at John's final comment in this interview. So true. You were talking about the Overton window. In my world and I have a fairly large circle of friends and acquaintances. Many of them PhD's and doctors and biologists. Very few of them have opened their eyes on the covid jabs and the dangers. These are the same people who developed clots the same week of one of their many boosters, Or had heart attacks or have developed strange problems. One even died of a rapid case of CJD. Another died of Guillan Barre ( sp?) 32 yo. The fact that they keep having serial covid does not seem to make them question either. It is as if their curiosity is completely gone. Or I guess it was never there.They are militantly unwilling to even consider that these concoctions might be dangerous. To me it is astonishing. By April 2020 I could see the biggest RAT ever, but I didn't have the details I have now. But I knew something was very wrong so I did a deep dive that I have never come up from yet 4 years later. Personally I have seen very few of my circle Open their eyes or change their minds on dangers. I have given up trying to offer them early treatment protocols or even discuss it.

I've read every book and scientific paper I could get my hands-on and offered these to others including my own grown children ( with 8 precious grands) whom I bought several books. I might as well have laid a rattlesnake on their dining room tables. Please discuss the vaccine book Turtles all the Way Down. Is horrifying and eye opening. At the endthey even discussed the polio vaccine in a way I had never read before. Intriguing and thought-provoking. Of course RFK's Fauci book should be a "must read" for everyone but those still stuck in the original Overton window will not touch it. So I guess I would say each of us is living in our own Overton window at this point and these windows can be drastically different. Most people have become silent in order to preserve relationships which to me is tragic but I've done the same unless I see a glimmer of curiosity in someone. By my estimation just in my own life I would say only 10 to 20% of the people are questioning And actually seeking answers and trying their best to get around all the censorship To find The Truth. Maybe another 10 to 20% are open to hearing it. But I'm afraid the majority still have their eyes slammed shut. But thank you for continuing to try to open people's eyes. It is so important.

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The conflict within the U.S. is between those dependent upon government spending ( Welfare at the bottom. Lucrative contracts, grants, employment at the top ) and those not. ( The infamous middle. )

You’re either dependent “on the dole” at the bottom and the top.

Or you’re not.

‘Same as it ever was. ‘Same as it ever was.

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The Church is not taking a stand for these clot shots, rather it is Jorge Bergolio, the leftist social justice activist [Judas Ischariot] that is promoting the experimental, DNA altering injection. He serves the everything anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, not God, whom he has been ordained to serve.

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Thank you John Leake....I needed a good laugh. This essay is true and also is hilarious. This graphics are perfect.

It seems recently with the hurricane where I live in Asheville etc etc...so much tragedy and possibly deliberately inflicted to disenfranchise the residents ....it is all so grim and coming close on the heels of the exposure of the toxic "vaccines" (my whole family took these}.....I would never laugh again....Thanks for this.

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Joseph Statin - his cholesterol was around his ankles!

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“including Joseph Statin”

Very bad guy. Did nothing for cholesterol.

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You are quick!!😂😂😂

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I love the “Hot Zone”. There are so many interesting conversations. In your discussion of the Overton Window and the amount of time it takes to move things forward, such as the smoking issue, do you think that having the internet, and those like you discussing the vaccine and health issues, shorten the amount of time to sway people? In other words to move the Overton window so that important changes can be made. It’s hard for me to believe that people have not heard about the negative effects of the Covid shots and discussions about vaccines. I do personally know people who still believe the Covid shots are beneficial. It blows my mind!!

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FYI The Hot Zone with Chuck Holton a CBN reporter in Israel is good reading too! When the government showed up in Asheville a lot of the rescue work was impeded. Was just visiting there in September and when I saw what happened I just cried. We have done disaster work with Samaritan Purse several times. Franklin Graham gets around the government interference. God bless all the others like Mercury 1 and Congressman Cory Mills etc. Real Americans were there day 1 with helicopters and horses and mules. God bless America in spite of our bad side.

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I think Joseph Statin has been dispelt.

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Thank You 🙏



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Great interview! Where to begin…I’ll start with Helene and what happened in NC. I actually looked into Ashville when I was relocating, and I learned that it was a artsy-fartsy liberal town, so I knew they wouldn’t necessarily appreciate my company, but that didn’t matter anyway when I found out how devastated their area was. It’s bad enough to go through something like that when you’re not in danger of losing your country. I don’t know how much pain and suffering these people endure. I can’t imagine what they’re going through.

As far as the heroes who always show up on the ground for these disasters, it’s always people like your brother, showing up in Lahaina w/his friends. A lot of these guys are the same guys who are rotting away in prisons because of J6.

When I think about people like HRC, who called MAGA people irredeemable and a basket of Deplorables, it makes me long for the day when people find out what she really is: A Monster!

It’s sad to see so many Americans suffering, but I know if they can just hang in there, everything will be better. 2025 will be a year for celebration, a year to remember.

I go between being ticked off at our useless Swamp Rats - believe it or not, there are a couple handfuls that I actually like - because of the state of our country and their dismal failures and grateful for RFK, Elon, Tulsi, and Vivek. We need ten of each of them.

There’s so much broken, and I know it’s not going to get fixed overnight, but I just know they and many others are going to hit the ground running, and we’ll be amazed what smart, competent people who care about America can do.

RFK said we were being mass poisoned, but as much as I want him to fix our food/water situation, I want him to take care of childhood vaccines first. I would definitely want Dr. McCullough to have a place on one of his medical panels.

What I don’t understand about the medical profession is how many turn a blind eye to the dangers of the jab. They can’t possibly not know, can they?

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I think if you got the polio shot after 1963 you may have avoided the SV40 contaminated version.

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