The FDA and CDC can go to hell. I'll never believe them for any reason on any topic again. I knew from the start that this whole bird flu operation involved amping up panic and uncertainty. This is the exact same panic they drove when they insisted that ASYMPTOMATIC people tested positive for the "Covid virus." People with no symptoms had a disease--certainly a remarkable scientific discovery previously unknown among the world population. Healthy people were suddenly and mysteriously contagious. Whoa. Watch out for the Boogieman!! The WHO can go to hell with the FDA and CDC.

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Evidently they are using PCR for these tests so it's the same nonsense as with Covid. Probably running a ton of cycles.

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Unless there is repentance by these agencies (which requires remorse and a 180 in behavior) heard the world 'round, rest assured, they can and will go to Hell on their own merits.

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I agree!!!!

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EVERYONE is positive for a virus before they have symptoms. What's your argument here? We are perfectly healthy, a virus enters, it multiples (at various speeds), at some point it becomes recognised by the body as something that needs to be quelled, at which point symptoms begin, and viral load begins to reduce. The best time to test for the genetic presence of virus is just before symptoms start, ie, when people are a-symptomatic.

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I have always relied on my Creator's magical immune system which our science knows little about. Look after God's temple donated to you FOC and it will look after you:


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May our immune systems serve us well into old age.

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As a systems engineer, I know full well that it is the system that fails, not the person. Correct the system and the problem disappears, forever. I am certain (at 80) that my system will function 100% until the call comes. Note, you are what you eat!




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Because it has HIV in it! See Frankspeech.com x-Pfizer employee, Karen Kingston on "Brannon Howse" show. She has shown the patent! See in their archives! Also that it is a bioweapon device!

Also see more info with "AFLDS," "AMERICAN FRONTLINE DOCTORS," at Daystar.com/censored

& SEE Dr Simone Gold who started this, AFLDS, in the film: Capitolpunishmentthemovie.com

See more info about the injuries & deaths at: "Died Suddenly" & "Watch The Water" part 1 & 2 @ StewPeters.com free documentaries (can donate)

& see: Anecdotalsmovie.com

jab device Injured

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Yes, thanks Ingrid. I was aware of the HIV insert. I was engaged on a consultancy project with the Welcome Foundation in 1985 - I learned all about HIV during my assignment.

A microbiologist explained that HIV is an engineered bioweapon designed to reduce the demand for drugs (to knock off the demand by kill switch) and thus was engineered to transmit via body fluids (drug users share needles), kill by damaging the immune system (plausible denial), and was released in darkest Africa (plausible denial again). There was much more which I won't bother with - we have moved on now, but the furin cleavage site gives us the audit trail.




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Uhh...possibly that the test was faulty? 🤣🤣🤣 Tanzanian President John Magufuli sent samples from a goat, papaya, and quail to the WHO for testing and received a positive in each case. OH, NO!!! THEY WERE CONTAGIOUS FOR COVID!!! 🤣🤣🤣 They were sent under "human names." How do you measure someone who presents with no symptoms; yet, you want to leap and conclude their "viral load" is nearing illness? Didn't Kary Mullis explicitly state that this procedure shouldn't ever be used to diagnose a person? The "test" was simply to amplify DNA within a purely research setting? Again, I ask...how are you going to measure this quality or quantity in a human being? At what point are they truly contagious? Moreover, given that you could present a valid test, what part of the DNA sequence are you using to "identify" your virus...since no one had the entire sequences for supposedly Covid? Is your replication at a low enough threshold to warrant a truthful result? What about the people who tested "positive" for Covid...and thereby, according to the CDC, WHO, and you were CONTAGIOUS...AND NEVER BECAME ILL WITH COVID? You seem stuck on scientism. I respectfully point out that you have no proof of anything you write. I'm quite forgiving. You believe your way; I'll believe my way. Because science isn't a Divine Being, and I don't worship it. What you wrote I'm sure is included in some medical textbook somewhere...our new 21st century "magic" which explains exactly nothing and continues to fail us at every turn. Certainly Covid showed us that the only value to science was as a magic rite to constrain the unruly mobs who might disbelieve such a rampantly contagious disease existed which warranted 100% shut down of our society and the destruction of thousands of small businesses.

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I know all the "it tests positive on coke/orange juice" claims. I'm a bit of an experimenter, so one day I tested orange juice on the test - it didn't test positive.

Otherwise healthy people are usually mostly contagious, and predominantly contagious, just before they develop (effective) symptoms, or just as symptoms are beginning, because that is when the virus is multiplying exponentially without hindrance, and before people know to keep their distance.

We tested at the requested amount in our household. We obviously didn't have symptoms through the big lockdowns, but once we opened up we tested whenever we had symptoms. The only time we tested positive on the covid tests was when there was a known train of transmission to other people testing positive. We tested throughout our illness, and continued to test positive until sufficiently recovered - 100% accurate. Those in our household who did not develop symptoms also tested - a requirement before they went shopping. They tested negative throughout, on the same tests we sick people were using.

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I'm glad you have a test in which you have confidence. I haven't had Covid. In fact, I haven't had anything resembling a cold or flu since well before March 2020. Since I'm 75, I've had a great many flus and colds during my lifetime...particularly in my 30s after moving across country to a completely different geography. My warning system was feeling unusually tired; perhaps a scratchy throat; maybe slight fever; and definitely nasal area becoming stuffy with difficulty breathing through my nose. So, I would stay home. I was lucky my bosses agreed with me. Unfortunately, most people I encountered during that period would come to work sick. I always had trouble understanding this rationale. I think to respect ourselves involves taking care of ourselves when we feel sick and making our medical choices to maintain our best health. Which is why I believe in medical sovereignty and freedom and remained adamantly opposed to the Covid "vaccination" for myself. Unlike many people, I was well aware that mRNA injections had failed their Phase 3 trials consistently and thereby remained unapproved by the FDA up to the point of the EUA.

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I Wouldn’t Jump To Conclusions

About The Vaccine.

I’d Wait Until They’re All Dead

Just To Be Sure.


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Is XLEAR xylitol spray more ideal than povidone iodine based for nasal spray when one feels a cold coming on?

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I have used both and like Xlear more. There was an interview Steve Kirsch did with one of the execs with Xlear and I was drawn to the person and the company. Link to the interview: https://rumble.com/v1l1ha1-interview-with-nathan-jones-ceo-of-xlear.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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The povidone iodine burns me. The Xlear does not. It is a balancing act, to flush the sinuses without stripping the needed mucous.

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I've been using it for 3 years as soon as I get home from being out in public and haven't gotten sick. If I think I'm possibly getting sick, I use it a second time just before bed.

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Me too. For the past 16 mos when in a crowd, I use XClear. I haven’t had so much as a sniffle since.

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A more effective treatment may be to alternate a dilute povidone iodine (betadine) with XLEAR. The povidone iodine with kill any viral, bacterial, or fungal material. XLEAR will not kill anything, but it will keep it from adhering to the nasal mucosa.

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Personally I like the 5% povidine-iodine better (a 50/50 dilution of the 10% mouthwash with saline) - more gentle on the nose than the alcohol in xlear. I don't know which is better against covid, because I didn't have the xlear at the time.

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The povidine iodone always worked great for me.

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I worried about it a bit though because of the iodine and potential thyroid issues from intense use, so I ordered the xclear (quite expensive here in Australia because it's not generally on pharmacy shelves) hoping it was a better solution. I found it a bit harsh.

And just saying that neither of them seemed to slow the symptom buildup from a non-covid cold that I had, about a year later.

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Bird flu fearmongering/manipulation/control tactics on the way.........

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On the radio, daily the discussion of H1N5 is hosted. The spokes lady today said we need more urgency regarding the matter. It was all threatening rhetoric. The original bird flu is not a serious threat to humans, but if it has been modified for human-to-human contact, well that may well be dangerous until it mutates. I think the catastrophes are created, because technology allows for rapid mobilization of regulations, drugs, shots, for billions of people, meaning continued funneling of vast wealth out of the middle class and into the pockets of corporate monopolies pulling the strings. We are being taken over right now, we are moving toward you will own nothing, everyone will be forced to rent, land will not be available for purchase. You will not own your body, in the sense that others will decide what goes into it. We must, must turn this around.

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I expect news that there was gain of function research on the Bird flu virus will soon reach bigger conservative media. The virus has now infected dairy cows in the U.S., with the CDC saying there is nothing to worry about if the milk is pasteurized. But what if it reaches the higher quality dairy cows used for certified raw milk? I've questioned one of the biggest California producers of certified raw milk to see if their dairy products or cows are being tested for the bird flu virus.

As with COVID, there seems to be no treatment advice to people who get infected with this bird flu virus. There is advice about getting isolated to stop the spread, like with COVID.

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Excellent discussion. I foolishly imagined that Dazak was history. And today I saw war politics discussed at WHO. So big merging of things. Abd incredible responsibility to find truth in it and distraction like 2 wars and EU east and West, north and south , plus USA and UK. But it’s all coming down on the peoples everywhere and it’s so difficult to discuss in the daily life.

Thank you so much.

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Here we GO AGAIN!!!!

Individuals going along with this PSYOP for a NON EXISTENT 'virus', JUST LIKE the 'CV19' NON EXISTENT 'virus'!!!

There are NO SUCH THINGS as a 'virus'!!

What we have here, is a CONTINUATION of USING THE FRAUDULENT 'PCR' so-called TESTS!!! WHY are we STILL DOING THIS??????????

As the INVENTOR of said 'PCR test', Kary Mullis, stated, this 'test' does NOT DETECT DISEASE/ILLNESS!!!!!!!!!


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I think , we can count on a lab leak of the virus as this is WEF next bio weapon. Next is another variant of the death vax . I have no doubt.

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Great advertorial John, thank you. Persistent upper respiratory tract infections are perennial and anything that will help is welcome. My magnesium research has yielded good results. Both my wife and I (in our 80s) have tested low on the Mg red cell test (normal blood tests do not record it). https://www.medicinenet.com/what_level_of_magnesium_is_too_low/article.htm

Thoughts anyone?

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Thanks for sharing. I wonder if Dr. McCullough can inform us about the evidence related to both.

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McCullough has a foundation? I feel foundations are money laundering schemes- such a disappointment

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Youre the disappointment.

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The creating dangerous critters to terrorize harm and capture you for profits. Stakeholder healthcare errrr capitalism. Going global

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The Toxic ☠️Twins 👿👿 'strike again', smh...

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