Perfect timing.. send this to many of my closest. It's vindicating to read these words strung together so well. Do not comply, our son's and daughters learn from our leadership and seeing our willingness to deal with the pain of freedom. Being free IS NOT FREE!!! The family court system ordered and revoked my custody to prove it was right and I was wrong for standing up against medical experimentation for profit on children... on my 8 year old boy. His mother whonworks for public health won full custody and now I am so dangerous that I must pay to visit my son while being watched by the Ministry of Truth.

My son knows I am the safest person he's got in his life.. and that I am the most dangerous person the state will ever come across... I am a free man who teaches his son to NEVER submit to the laws of man that attempt to break the laws of nature.

How bad do we individually value freedom? Show me.. don't tell me.

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" . . . We didn't love freedom enough . . ."

-- Solzhenitsyn

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For those who haven't seen it, the entirety of that quote is well worth reading and absorbing: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/show/34738 .

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His books, "The Gulag Archipelago" are even more telling, though they are long and dense.

I'm reading a biography of Peter the Great, circa late 1600s to 1725, when he died. Though he almost single-handedly brought Russia out of the dark ages and into contention as a regular country with his European rivals, his (and his people's) penchant for harsh punishment and death for defiance may well help to explain why Russians thought little of setting up gulags for non-conformists. I'm guessing it is hard for cultures to deny their destinies.

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“…We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Poignant. Powerful. Perfect.

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Great link---thank you!

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Reading The Gulag now.

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When you say you have to pay to see your son, do you mean you have to pay child support? Does your 8 year old old know which laws break the laws of nature? Parents should teach their children to question government authority but a bad law, or a number of bad laws does not mean we should disobey laws except those which arbitrarily interfere with our autonomy. Children are generally not knowledgeable enough to know which laws should be disobeyed. These “vaccines” go well beyond what’s reasonable. They clearly don’t work and they are causing undefined harm. The pandemic is over and their continued use is unjustified.

I refuse to support or submit to arbitrary measures, but I always drive on the right side of the road and I don’t tailgate. I am trying hard to address issues arising from my lead foot.

I am supporting everyone who is or was wise enough not to submit to arbitrary authority. There is no justification for mandates for these “vaccines”. There never was.

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I'm sure he's talking about supervised visitation, which is court ordered but you pay for out of pocket. The supervisors are generally young college grads who have never had kids and take notes while parents interact with their children.

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I’m not sure what he is saying. In my 42 years as a trial lawyer, which included extensive first hand experience with Family Courts, I found that they are usually biased in favour of mothers and intimidated and afraid to be on the wrong side of this very political divide. I always preferred to have a female Judge and my worst anti-father experience involved a conservative male judge.

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However, in the several cases in which I have testified as medical expert witness regarding vaccine hazards, when the Mom argues to protect kids from vaccines, and Dad says, "shoot-em-up," Mom gets raked over the coals and has an enormously difficult time, due to very lopsided pro-vax bias in all governments and their branches, including judiciary.

One attorney I know in this area says vaccine disputes are now the leading cause of divorce. So this is another vaccine hazard: fierce ideological disputes splitting families.

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In my 45 years of working in juvenile and adult court systems, sometimes with parents judged to be inadequate for whatever reason, it was not uncommon for judges to order supervised visitation, allegedly to assess the competence of one or the other parent. Facilities serving juveniles often contracted for this work, as it paid well and required little of them, other than taking notes about the parent, often using staff with minimal training and experience. Not sure about the male/female judge issue in fam court, but I can testify that the current batch of criminal court female judges in the county where I worked were often emotion driven, arrogant and wanted out of the office by 4 at the latest, as opposed to older male judges (whose places they took), who were reasonable, fair and often worked long hours to try to fully understand cases and make wise decisions. The women who originally worked hard to become judges, now long gone, must be very disappointed to see women now acquiring that title, marrying investment bankers and climbing social ladders rather than concerning themselves with justice.

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Ecclesiastes 7:28-29

28 while I was still searching

but not finding—

I found one upright man among a thousand,

but not one upright woman among them all.

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..No one so blind as he who will not see…

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Amen. Show me don't tell me

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Lone wolf here in my industry. Or, I feel that way anyway. I was forced out of a high paying job to the detriment of my family and our future financial security because I refused to comply. God gave me very clear direction that I only needed the natural immunity He gave me. My personal doctor advised against vaccination due to my medical history. Both of these were deemed insufficient to grant me exemption by my former employer. If it were not for the community I have found in substack, I would feel so alone. Thank you for all you do to encourage critical thinking, the restoration of freedom and the individual relationship between doctor and patient.

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I'm right there with you, sister! I lost my career as a pharmacist because I refused to take that poison shot. So many people asked me why I did not get a religious exemption or something. I told them that I should not have to. I said, "No.". That requires no further explanation or elaboration. No government or employer has the right to demand such abandonment of personal sovereignty as a condition of their version of freedom.

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I am a pharmacist too. I'm retired because of disability. But I would have said no and did despite my rheumatologist insisting the vaccination. My son lost his career as a concert musician, a position he just recently obtained at 21.

I think you will be needed and welcomed soon. And trusted. God speed.

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Honestly, I never want to return to that career. Any job that would throw qualified people away like trash is not anything I want to be a part of. Especially for such an unfounded, irrational reason. Ludicrous. Not to mention how enthralled the entire healthcare industry is to Big Pharma. Count me out. I am truly sorry about what happened to your son. What a shame to have to make such a life altering decision at such a young age. Good for him for standing up for his right to personal sovereignty though. You raised a fine, honorable young man indeed.

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Your ability to cope with a loss will be your best friend. Resilience is the key. You are showing your own "Pack", new important survival skills. They will come to understand such importance!

Your efforts like others, is what will turn the Titanic's from the ice bergs.

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Jennifer, you are not alone. God gave me that direction as well. And the grace and strength to not comply.

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“But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29

We are sisters in Christ, and I understand your personal story. I think there’s many who do. We just don’t know one another. God the Father and the angels (all around us) protected us. Thank you for sharing your personal battle, Jennifer. May God guide you!

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"...Both of these were deemed insufficient to grant me exemption by my former employer..."

Pure evil. Sorry to hear so many people were put in this outrageously unethical and illegal position. Sickening.

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God.... I hope each and every one of you who lost their job or was forced out of their careers for staying true to themselves and their rights, gain justice soon. The day will come when these employers will be bankrupt for their complicity, as only then will they see the wrong in their actions.

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Please pray for that justice. God's will be done.

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Love your bio. Love my Substack compatriots from all corners of the world.

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if you stayed you would have been contaminated with vaccine shedding anyways.

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Psalm 146:3

Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there.

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Bravo indeed. I comment from Sydney Australia - there has been a "hoo-ha" in this country with your planned events being cancelled by ticketing company eventbrite, and protestors that do not want you to enter AUS (and a successful change to another ticketing host).

To be honest I did not buy a ticket originally to your sold out Sydney event, but once I heard about the cancelling garbage I was 100% keen. I feel it's my duty to support anything that corporations -including government corporations - try to cancel.

Last night Novak's victory @ the Australian Open was a joyful example of a celebrity standing strong. Onwards! Looking forward to your Sydney Feb 13 event !

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I wish I could be so strong. I am a nurse for 30 years. It’s all I know. My only source of income. Four children that need to be educated. I live in and work in New Jersey. I was able to get a religious exemption for the shot (not a vaccine) but I am forced to swab my nares every week. Still. I believe we might be the last state in the country doing this. I am beyond saddened by what has been allowed by this tyrannical state government and am losing hope.

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We are in NJ too. My son works in a hospital but is not a clinician. He’s received two RE’s but what is the chemical doing to his nasal tissues after two years? Insanity in hospitals began one year ago when it became apparent that the shot do not stop transmission, yet only those exempted have to test!

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Jan 30, 2023
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It isn’t that easy. It’s extremely expensive to move. I can only imagine with four children.

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"The trick is for individuals to act together in unison."

... which will happen once a courageous set of individuals, acting without the support of others, lead the way. People like Gina Carano. She didn't wait till there was someone else to act together in unison with her.

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That IS the key! During the masking, I walked into grocery stores without a mask on. I prayed before I walked in. I know my angels were with me. Freedom isn’t always free. Especially when man tries to snatch it from you. Remember that God gave it to you, NOT MAN!

And remember this word: “NO!”

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The key word being "act", it is short for "action". A responsive collective action must follow.

This is not a drill nor rehearsal. The curtain has been drawn back. How's the show so far?

Disturbing and chilling to make any logical sense of? Welcome to the horrors of Tyranny.

Fear is being served for compliance. Not compassion. Sigh......

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I was once a member of a board in a community that had no land use authority. One way of getting an incorporation on the ballot was to gather signatures. Another was to have a sponsor (a government body, such as the one I served on) to put it on the ballot, which would in turn dissolve the body.

It was becoming obvious that nobody wanted to stand up and begin the costly effort, and some of the more politically connected feared the county.

I stood up from my position on the stand and came around to the public comment microphone, explained that I was not speaking for the board, but for myself, and despite knowing I'd take a lot of heat for doing this at home, I wrote a check for $1000 and donated it to the cause.

The donations poured in afterwards.

They just needed someone to stand up and start the whole thing.

It was a huge fight, which we ultimately lost, due to proven collusion between the county and a prominent developer who paid for a massive carpet-bombing campaign of literature against the incorporation effort.

(We were in a very high end bedroom community and it would have represented a big tax loss eventually to the county, as well as loss of control for developments. The developers feared a "no-growth" effort, while the county kept the high rates of growth down in our area, and kept the rest of the rural county satisfied with limited/no growth. (The developers favored the devil they knew, vs. the devil they didn't.) We were tired of the homes being crammed in all around us.)

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Sufficient number of us have refused to comply we have now a valuable measure of character to choose in others. Those who complied were weak, they were further victimized, and they were liberally warned. They failed to pay attention to those who warned them and even ridiculed those who died. Character is character.

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Yes KW Norton! My 80 yr old mother shouted at me many times stating, " You are actively choosing to die on a ventilator alone in a hospital by not getting vaccinated!" Further stating, " I don't know you anymore!" She hasn't spoke to me in 18 months. In her case, she lives in a 600 square feet low income/senior apartment with a Direct TV Satellite set up that costs more monthly than her rent. She is glued 24/7 to MSM: CNN, MSNBC, PBS and believes Fauci is a Savior, Rand Paul is EVIL and anyone who does not comply deserves to die alone, including me, her first born. I totally understand and forgive her because she is completely brainwashed by the propaganda spell. Of course I am not angry at her but mad as hell at the sorcery psy-op that has programmed her, thus stolen her ability to think critically.

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Yes, I can identify. In our family it is the opposite with us warning adult kids - some of whom listened and understand, some who do not. It is an agonizing but important choice to go on without their support but they are all victims. Our society creates a victim mentality and keeps so many in a perpetual cycle of abuse. Finding the ways we can stay strong in the face of this and see ourselves as having been victimized - and yet refusing to see ourselves as weak victims, but as strong and defiant survivors, seems apt. Victimized but not victims. There is a big difference.

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KW NORTON. Completely agree. Love how you put it, " Victimized, but not victims." The first time I fell head over heels in my early 20's was with an abuser. This preceded any acronyms like BWS and there were no shelters for Battered women... I liken the constant barrage if fear-porn and propaganda, especially since 911 to extreme psychological abuse. Sadly, we pay ( via taxation) the government to play the role of abuser and many citizens have full-blown Stockholm Syndrome.

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Thank you! This is one of the subjects I continue to write about. It seems central to the entire thing. Here is one of the posts I wrote recently. I have yet another one in the works today. We as women are seriously at the center of being able to recognize this and hopefully heal it.


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I’m so very sorry Michelle. So very many heartbreaking stories like yours. I have one too. 😢

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Thank you Laura and I too am sorry you've experienced this also.

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Jan 30, 2023
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It is everywhere. We have selected for toxic narcissism.

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Most of those who complied had no real choice. A lot of people placed unjustified confidence in government and medical authorities and did not have the wherewithal to learn the scientific truth.

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Is this actually true? In a world where we can search out any information we wish - and with everything we already know from our lives - who would make the choice to have confidence in a government and their accepted medical authorities? I know intelligent folks who had abundant evidence to the contrary still accept the vaccines as if they were their personal savior. They agreed to live in fear of a virus.

I do however believe that we all have been serially abused by these same toxic forces. These forces. agents of death, seek only to destroy.

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But the truth was there!

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Very good interview.

In my humble opinion the tools which enabled this to happen are the increased globalisation, the mass communication through MSM and internet and the increased ability of control through technology.

But these are the tools.

The underlying human aspect is the lack of critical thinking, the rise of perceived victimhood and reliance on the state.

If we do want to turn this around it will need a shift in the way people think.

I don’t think it is likely we can put all the tools back in Pandora’s box.

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"I don’t think it is likely we can put all the tools back in Pandora’s box."

Indeed, we can't. But we can employ the same sorts of tools on platforms of our own creation, or on those which others create that are not hostile to free expression. It's hard not to despair when lies have been accepted by perhaps 95% of the populace. But we the five percent cannot be squeezed out of existence, and as the lies inevitably result in ever-greater failure to accomplish what they promise, our voices will find increasing traction.

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I remind myself that I'm a child of God. I serve him first. And I have no fear about what others say/do. And He expects that I learn what I can, and lean on Him when I'm in need of help. There are plenty who have fought for freedoms in biblical and national history.

Why should I be any different? Having "seen" what the other side is like, I'm not afraid there either.

I also happen to believe that the Constitution is a divinely inspired document with divinely granted rights for me and others, and I adhere to the principles ensconced therein. Having served in the military and in office, I've taken an oath to protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic.

If my own oath to God and my country don't mean anything, then who am I?

I get to stand in the mirror and be happy with what I see there.

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BRAVO JUSTIN, my brother in Jesus Christ!

You’re all GOOD Justin. Keep that thought.

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Do Not Comply!

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Thank you for this. It is so important to understand that obligatory CRT workshops are in the same line of human rights violation as mandated covid jabs.

Personally I think CRT is junk theory, however, I believe in free speech, so I'm not saying no one should write or talk about CRT. In a free country, you should be able to say what you want, publish what you want, take out a billboard ad about it if you want, and say whatever totally brilliant or daft thing you want. I'm saying, it's a violation of another person's rights to oblige them to listen to you and then respond the way you want them to respond in order to keep their job. And, by the way, if you have dignity and honor, some jobs are not worth keeping.

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"It is so important to understand that obligatory CRT workshops are in the same line of human rights violation as mandated covid jabs. "

In China, they called them struggle sessions.

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Excellent reminder, thanks.

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Novak (aka Novax) Djokovic is a sterling example of this. He was dismissed, demeaned and called terrible names but he held strong and also did not seek the obvious revenge that many if us would have done by telling the Australian Open people to kiss his ass. Instead he waited it out and when he was allowed to play again he won so beautifully. The perfect middle finger to all of the naysayers.

Of course all of the cowardly naysayers are trying to back off and pretend they didn’t say the terrible and ignorant things that they said. Cowards to the end.

Pam Shriver I’m lookin at you.

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Dear Dr. McCullough,

You are a Hero of Great Magnitude!

There is so much that is afoot.

I have a question that I haven’t seen addressed.

How, why and who determined the original Covid19 protocol of remdesivir and ventilation? It certainly seemed effective in producing the opposite desired outcomes (death) in aged nursing home residents, thus creating the basis for mass fear and panic. It also seemed to me that due to the fear and panic brought on by the aforementioned that quite a number of people with a simple cold or flu that included congestion, and even the Covid for that matter, that were concerned and sought medical attention and may have been given this protocol which resulted in death that otherwise would not have happened if only the cold or flu etc. had been allowed to run it’s course. Thus perpetuating the fear and panic.

It just seems sinister.

I have not been injected. I was a state of Wisconsin employee where there was great coercion to get injected amongst other things. The final straw for me was when we were given a two week notice that we were required to submit our vaccination status by Sept 9, 2021. That crossed the line between owning a piece of my time and actually owning me. As a department head (Asst. Power Plant Superintendent) I was also expected to support that mandate in regards to those under me. I put in my two weeks and retired on Sept 8, 2021, much earlier than I was planning.

All the Best!

Greg Bastian

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Fauci is behind the Remdesivir protocol, knowing that it was extremely dangerous.

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Hope it gets dug into and exposed. Also waiting for the Fauci Files.

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Tribe, herd ... we must all learn to run and survive amongst the group; but it is the strong that have the quality and strength to start their own herd. This is where all great leaders in history have materialized from. It has been said, “To thine own self, be true.”

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So true. Humanity is being tested. We have strayed so far from God. Do we really trust and believe in miracles? They are not restricted to the Bible. The test is do we trust that if we walk away from something we think we can’t survive without that God will provide the means to a better outcome than we could imagine. We have to face our worst fears and summon the courage to blast through them. I am here to tell you the other side of that is freedom.

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Amen. Very well said.

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Free to have no existence at all tis way better than staying in jail voluntarily, God help us

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What an uplifting way to start my day. We all need to be aware of attempts to control our thoughts and actions. Then training to be prepared is the next step.

The wisdom and encouragement in today's world is much needed and doubly appreciated. Thank you.

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Somehow we need to organize a DO NOT COMPLY STRIKE. everyone fed up with irrational mandates needs to STRIKE worldwide simultaneously and continue to do so together. How do we get this organized? There are more of us than them, but we need to STRIKE in unison and be united.

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I just called to book a dermatology appointment and the receptionist told me they are STILL requiring masks?! I was like, how will the doctor examine the skin on my face with a mask?! How dumb are we as a people now. Even the doctors' offices still complying is the worst!

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Rachel, after thinking daily of what to do, studying, reading substacks and finally getting answers to all of my red flags, I am convinced Steve Kirsch might be on to something regarding 25k airline pilots who really do have power. Medical doctors, scientists who have risked everything only to be ignored by the majority have guided us with profound information, unbelievable unless one knows history. Now the goal is to mobilze an ignorant nation with multiple corrupt distractions thrown at us on a daily basis. I pray we all find strength to continue standing on the hill of defiance and give thanks for all people working on so many fronts to provide ideas and solutions. Thank you!

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IMHO: Pilots do indeed hold a unique position, their limited number having skills in short supply and high demand. They have a union, but there has been no protection afforded from that quarter. Unions at one time empowered the individual worker through the collective. The union leadership has always padded their own positions, but now have overtly shown their true colors; they are now part of the government collective and as such drag their membership further and further into danger. The members feast on crumbs, those little distractions from the big picture, and thank their leaders/guards for the comfort of their imprisonment.

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