Yes, there are fewer men or women who exhibit any evidence of morality or even a backbone these days. Stauffenberg was a deeply religious man who was aware that the attempt was essentially symbolic. His intention was to preserve German honour.
1) Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was part of a larger resistance movement within Germany (key plotters included Beck, Olbricht & von Treskow) and his attempt was simply one of many.
2) A weakness of the plan was that he had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
3) Von Moltke, who was part of the “Kreisauer Kreis”, was right and Stauffenberg was wrong: had Hitler been assassinated the Nazis would have blamed the plotters for all subsequent military defeats. The only option was to plan for the time AFTER the end of the Nazi regime.
4) Regardless of the courage of Stauffenberg, Beck, Olbricht & von Treskow (to name but a few) violence is NEVER the answer but merely leads to more violence. This is why peaceful resistance against the current wave of Nazism & Fascism (digital ID & digital currency, the censorship, the Genocide by Jab, the Lockdowns, the Concentration Camps etc.) is the ONLY way forward.
I certainly don't consider that cowardice. He knew fully well he would be executed, yet carried through anyway. Why on earth would Claus wish to die alongside such person? If Claus had been killed by that bomb, he may have been considered as one of Hitler's supporters forever. I think its possible you may know more about this account than I do. Why do you think he was a coward?
Right. You, on the other hand, would have charged Hitler with a Samurai sword. I know this because of the way you have already carried out a similar plan and executed today's tyrants.
We are lucky to be graced with your presence here on this board.
Thank you, great master, for your own exceptional example and matchless courage.
I don't know, but I would assume he left to tell his co-conspirators he was successful in planting the bomb. He knew Hitler well enough to know of and probably witness executions of people who had committed less treasonous acts. You imply Claus should have stayed in the room with the bomb to make sure Hitler died. What if Claus died and Hitler survived? Leaving is the only way be could be certain if Hitler died or thrived.
He may not have had a choice of when to leave; he may have been dismissed. Do you have information re: this possibility? And how would his sitting there with the bomb have enabled him to make sure Hitler was killed by it? It sounds to me like what was needed was a more powerful bomb.
“It seems fair to conclude that Jewish organizations have uniformly advocated high levels of immigration of all racial and ethnic groups into Western societies and have also advocated a multicultural model for these societies.” — Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique
The real cowards were the Nazi’s that killed themselves with cyanide or a bullet to the head rather that fight the Allies in the streets of Berlin and other battlefields or face Justice for their criminal and inhumane insanity. No, instead, they sent children and old men to die for the “Fatherland” and murdered innocent men and women who weren’t members off the “Master Race”. Well they lost the war, their souls, the 1000 year Reich to the Allies and humanity.
This shows that you haven't done ANY research. A weakness of the plan was that Stauffenberg had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
I am still hopeful there are, Steve. The problem is that what those rare birds with integrity and honesty have to say and do, never seems to be able to gain any traction. They are dismissed, mocked shut out and silenced. Look at Assange and Snowden. Heros in my opinion. The majority of both parties are for the same thing in Gov-vermin, really. Big pharma, the medical and war industry, all the 3 lettered gov-vermin agencies live in an altered state of reality. Hey, at least the state YOU live in has common sense!!! ;)
Thanks Nancy. I agree with you. Snowden and Assange are heroes. Florida should stop the mRNA shots. Our "leaders" talk a big game but in the end, they are weaklings. Everyone is on the pharma payroll. Peace.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
This document is so surrounded by bullshit that it is impossible to know who wrote it, why and what the truth of the matter is.
The lady who purportedly discovered it is Justine Glinka, a Russian Theosophist, and close friend and colleague of Helena Blavatsky. The Theosophists of course were (a) all freemasons, and (b) invented the concept of the Aryan race and the swastika, and (c) were intimately involved in the establishment of the Nazi party and quite specifically Hitler's rise to power (every senior member of the Nazi party was a Theosophist, which was an occult Luciferian society).
They were then declared a forgery allegedly as a result of an investigation by Allen Foster Dulles who would subsequently become the head of the CIA.
Heaven knows what the truth is regarding a document which was initially produced by a group of proven liars and then declared a forgery (on somewhat dubious, or at least arguable) grounds, by a member of the same (extended) group of proven liars. Anyone who claims to know for sure who wrote it, and whether it is truly a forgery or not had better have some darn strong evidence is all I will say on the matter.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Just my opinion with what little I know about what actually took place in those days, but the US corp. were supporting Hitler's military as was the Vatican. Our news media knew Hitler was committing genocide of the Jews and others, but they turned a blind eye to it and they themselves were Jews. So, of course the US wasn't willing to help the German Resistance. What I've learned since I got old, was that this country's government, military, CIA especially, and corporations, are the most evil in this world. They do more killing than Hitler ever thought about doing. Remember Pearl Harbor, 9/11, covid vaccines, and many other incidences, that prove my point.
100%. The USA taught Hitler everything he needed to know about eugenics. Major US corporations, like IBM, supported him. See Vera Sherav's documentary on CHD.TV "Never Again Is Now Global" - it's a 5-part series and it covers the US corporate issues in depth. Peace.
Looks like Don Rumsfeld was right with the comment ‘Europe has shifted on its axis’, the wrong side won WW2, and it is becoming clearer with each and every day . . . What has NATO done to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing.
My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh, or in some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels, and Tel Aviv . . . Heil Hitler.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Yup. The corporations, bankers, and parasitic families. As then, so now. But that doesn't mean we the people shouldn't realize this, and start supporting those of us who really are united together around this globe for right. Eyes up there people , they play us, and keep us looking at who they tell us to: they are the enemy ; the same families. Still.
Uganda No Longer a Slave Colony for Western Sex Perverts Like Jewish pedophile U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff-D (CA), Democratic Mega-Donors like Ed Buck, or homosexual Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky . . .
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
Eugenics was practiced throughout the world before it was EVER defined or allocated a given name...What do you think all the Serf/Peasant starvation, exposure, ignorance, rape, torture, murder and over-taxation was about? Population Control...THEY CONTINUE TO VIEW THE PEOPLE AS THEIR CATTLE.
NOBODY in the old world needed any lessons from the U.S. about DEPOPULATON in Europe...As the serfs and peasants of the middle ages before North America was ever known in Europe could inform anybody of. That includes OUR OWN ANCESTORS BY THEIR OWN TELLING, WRITING IN JOURNALS AND WHAT WAS WROTE IN HISTORY BOOKS before the Rothschilds Rockefellers and all the International Central Banker Family Mafia determined to RE-WRITE HISTORY TO FIT THEIR PROPAGANDA THEY HIDE BEHIND.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Do believe there's more information here than in 'Tragedy and Hope'. You're covering several tombs...And, have the same one's. Hope you're writing in other Media beyond Substack as many need the info.
I'm not quite sure what you mean but I think that what I'm writing is nothing new or special but reflects the consensus of informed opinion. All one needs to do is do a little bit of research. That is all. The information is all out there and isn't especially hard to find.
You're writing from more than 'Tragedy and Hope' as a resource. There's information covering several books on my shelf. Sorry. Didn't intend the lack of clarity.
And of course the Royal family all were supporting Hitler. That Wallis Simpson love abdication story thing was just silly. And look, we're still so easily believing their cover ups and stories after all these years. These families don't actually have any loyalties to a country. They use us like cattle, and still do.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Nonsense . . . “During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
I suppose if they're anything like the US, Israel has a direct line in to their emails and communications and can see everything going on in Congress or Parliament.
And no worse traitors to freedom in our nation and the world than the Bush Family Crime Syndicate. Prescott Bush. Aka Hitler's Banker. Trading with the enemy, even during WWII, got filthy rich and powerful off the blood of US soldiers. War is good business. When you have interests on both sides. Like Bush. Thyssen. Rockefeller. Morgan. Harriman. Brown. All the bastards. And a son and grandson who pushed the nation into Fascism, helped murder JFK, established CCP China as the successor of a failed US on the global stage, New World Order, branding American Patriots domestic terrorists, the "Patriot Act" naming the target of "Homeland Security," A Heinrich Himmler worthy named department targeting domestic political opponents. And there we thought Patriot Act meant they were protecting us, Patriots, joke's on us.
A video and transcript of former DOJ Nazi Hunter spilling the goods from official files about the duplicity and treason of the Bush family patriarch. Only issue I take with his presentation is his assertion that GHWB and GWB redeemed Prescott's treason...when they actually continued the family business of destroying our nation. And now you know why they hate MAGA so much, the Rino's Cheney's, Romney's, et al - they really are Fascists. Not just a slander leveled by Marxist Antifa, they're telling the truth about the core of the leadership of the GOP. Whether Trump is or isn't depends on his sincerity.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle is a raving lunatic, his hatred of all Jews is disgusting to me. I make my comment as the truth that it is without his filthy poison infecting it. I disavow his message. And won't engage with him beyond this comment.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Disagree...Behind the U.S. at EVERY LEVEL is the orgs. out of the U.K or 'The City of London'.; ALWAYS. U.K. Military owned by 'The City of London' was the Pit Bull until WW1. Then, the U.S. with all the Natural Resources and Human Cattle to put on the Frontlines in the continuing 'Wars For Profit' matched all the others in Europe, Africa and North America since 1492. All they did was seduce and purchase the Prostitute Politicians and Deep State Minions while saturating the Institutions with their own agents.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
No, -- ask your friends in their upper 80s and 90s-- when they were little children, they went to the movies and before the movie or between shows, newsreels were shown which showed what was going on in Germany -- Newsreels were very effective in those days -- journalism in the movies!
You can hear Judge Freisler screeching at the defendants—the same judge who sentenced Hans and Sophie Scholl and their White Rose compadre Christoph Hermann Probst to guillotining in a trial that lasted a mere hour.
❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞
He was a father of four young children. To have acted in a manner which gave no hope of survival would have been a dishonourable act to his primary concerns - his wife and children.
Additionally, shooting Hitler only, would have left the rest of the Nazi hierarchy, in attendance, to continue unabated.
Not to say he wasn't courageous, as can be observed by how few tried to do even what he did. But even just to stand there and wait for the disruption when the bomb went off, and take advantage of the commotion to finish off the beast .... Well, easy enough for me to say! Anyway, thanks for offering this tribute, it is great food for thought in these times as well.
You are on the right track. The assassination was only one part of the plan. The second part was to mobilise the Home Army and to arrest the Nazis (which began). Sadly, some, such as Remer didn't follow the orders and contacted Goebbels.
Here’s the thing....the Nazis did not lose the war.....research Operation Paperclip. Also, research how American industrialists backed the Nazis. Where did they obtain all of their supplies when they were a bankrupt country??
Who supplied the Nazis with oil? The Rockefellers. Who built the Nazi tanks & other vehicles? Ford & GM. Who built the Focke Wolff? ITT. Where did the Bush family make its fortune? Auschwitz.
The ludicrous conspiracy theory that says Stephen King killed John Lennon . . .
❝For conspiracy theorist Steven Lightfoot, however, there was more to the case than just King’s chunky prescription sunglasses. He argued that Raegan and Nixon wanted Lennon dead because of his anti-war stance. I suppose that’s possible, but the chances of them hiring an unknown writer with poor eyesight and bad posture to carry out the assassination are pretty thin. I mean, come on, hiring a writer to murder a political enemy is like hiring Julio Santana to write Harry Potter fan fiction.❞
Roosevelt 'bounced' Churchill into the policy of Unconditional Surrender at Casablanca - Churchill had no idea it was coming. But where did Roosevelt get it from?
His administration had over 400 Soviet spies in it. He was a complete dupe - selling out our nation to Stalin. The war could have ended much sooner - see Diana West's "American Betrayal" - the definitive work on his administration and the communist influence. Peace.
The U.S. State Dept. has been infested with communists since WW1 and Woodrow Wilson, they tried to steal the Russian elections for their comrades in the Russian Communist Party through non-profit NGOs . . . just like at home in America . . .
But, Vladimir Putin defeated them, so they launched a faggot jihad against the Russian Orthodox church over the punk rock band and the Olympics . . . something Mitt Romney stupidly piled onto . . . Miss neo-kabbalah lesbian Madonna, now rumored to be a Muslim convert, was flown in to agitate when Hillary went on a world-wide gay pride tour . . .
And while Leon Puñettas (sic) was busy with gay pride celebrations at the Pentagon, two Navy Seals, a U.S. Airman, and a U.S. Ambassador were murdered, all because everyone was being so fucking gay.
The reality that few wish to acknowledge is the fact that Hitler and his regime was funded by Wall Street Banks and American Corporations, so why would America want to stop the war early when so much money could be made on both sides of the ledger. This is the ugly and evil truth of war, and exactly what we are seeing in Ukraine today.
Anyone doubting this, I suggest you read Prof. Anthony Sutton's 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler', which meticulously documents the role played by JP Morgan, TW Lamont, Rockefeller, GE, Standard Oil, Ford, General Motors, and the rest of those treasonous groups who pretend to be patriotic, but are nothing more than merchants of death!
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
Very informative …Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg such
a brave men and hope their deaths not in vain… I would do same but think I would stuff it up!! At least with the internet many worldwide know what is happening
In my opinion, Stauffenberg was a brave fool. It was undoubtedly courageous to risk one's own life to kill Hitler. But it was idiotic to attempt it as late as 1944.
There were others in the German resistance who tried to remove Hitler from power much earlier: Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, the former mayor of Leipzig, for example. He tried, among other things, together with Eugen Gerstenmaier, who later became president of the Bundestag, to get Hitler's demands rejected at the Munich Conference in 1938, thus inflicting a severe political defeat on him. Hitler's damaged reputation could have been used domestically to force him to resign.
But this was not wanted by the other powers of Europe and the world and so Hitler went into the Second World War as "Man of the Year" (Time Magazine 1939).
Gerstenmaier, later said in an interview: "What we in the resistance could not understand during the war, we learned fully afterwards - namely that this war was not fought against Hitler, but against Germany."
From my point of view as a German, it should be people like Gerstenmaier and Goerdeler that we should remember first. For they recognized early on the great danger posed by Hitler and tried everything in their power to stop him. Many other members of the resistance, such as the Scholl siblings and their friend Christoph Probst, paid for their courage with their lives and did so well before Stauffenberg's act.
Unfortunately, they weren't wearing such fancy officer uniforms, and nothing blew up with a loud "boom."
So don't look so much at July 20, 1944; look at September 30, 1938, and ask yourself why so few had any interest in removing Hitler from office.
Yes, Stauffenberg was simply one of many but the problem was that the Anglo-American Establishment wanted to destroy Germany, which is why they financed the Nazis, put Hitler in power, whisked him away in 1945 and ignored the resistance. Now they want to destroy Germany by dividing Germany from Russia (by starting a war in the Ukraine) and by destroying the German economy (by blowing up Nordstream).
Others, and I agree, have suggested that his failure is what ultimately brought the Nazi's down. If Hitler had been assassinated it's probable that the missteps made by Hitler by opening up another front when he did as well as other strategic mistakes would not have occurred. The alternative result would have solidified Nazi Germany's control over Europe. So had the plot succeeded, we would not have had the drug addicted bumbling Hitler to provide openings for the allies to destroy him.
The USA also probably assisted the escape of Mengele. He was in US custody and then allegedly "escaped" to South America where he found solace for the remainder of his life.
I find it hard to comment on these stories now that I have become aware of some of the lies we have been told and of some of the actions the allies carried out.
The Nazis may indeed have been the bad guys, but the allies committed similar crimes with impunity.
By July '44, the allies knew what the final outcome was going to be, but they didn't want the war to end before they inflicted as much damage as possible on Germany (sparing I. G. Farben of course). Many more soldiers and civilians had to die, but that was a sacrifice our leaders were willing to make.
Sadly, such honorable men were rare in 1944.
Are they less rare in 2023?
Yes, there are fewer men or women who exhibit any evidence of morality or even a backbone these days. Stauffenberg was a deeply religious man who was aware that the attempt was essentially symbolic. His intention was to preserve German honour.
1) Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg was part of a larger resistance movement within Germany (key plotters included Beck, Olbricht & von Treskow) and his attempt was simply one of many.
2) A weakness of the plan was that he had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
3) Von Moltke, who was part of the “Kreisauer Kreis”, was right and Stauffenberg was wrong: had Hitler been assassinated the Nazis would have blamed the plotters for all subsequent military defeats. The only option was to plan for the time AFTER the end of the Nazi regime.
4) Regardless of the courage of Stauffenberg, Beck, Olbricht & von Treskow (to name but a few) violence is NEVER the answer but merely leads to more violence. This is why peaceful resistance against the current wave of Nazism & Fascism (digital ID & digital currency, the censorship, the Genocide by Jab, the Lockdowns, the Concentration Camps etc.) is the ONLY way forward.
Quite a predicament for the world today.
The wrong side won the war.
The wrong side wins every war, because there are no right sides any more.
The Oligarchs were on both sides, making lots of money while doing so (just like Putin & Zelensky who are both making money from the war).
Stauffenberg was a coward, he didn't have the courage to sit there with the bomb and make sure his target was killed by it.
I certainly don't consider that cowardice. He knew fully well he would be executed, yet carried through anyway. Why on earth would Claus wish to die alongside such person? If Claus had been killed by that bomb, he may have been considered as one of Hitler's supporters forever. I think its possible you may know more about this account than I do. Why do you think he was a coward?
A weakness of the plan was that Stauffenberg had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
If he knew he was going to be executed, why did he flee?
He was a coward.
Right. You, on the other hand, would have charged Hitler with a Samurai sword. I know this because of the way you have already carried out a similar plan and executed today's tyrants.
We are lucky to be graced with your presence here on this board.
Thank you, great master, for your own exceptional example and matchless courage.
I don't know, but I would assume he left to tell his co-conspirators he was successful in planting the bomb. He knew Hitler well enough to know of and probably witness executions of people who had committed less treasonous acts. You imply Claus should have stayed in the room with the bomb to make sure Hitler died. What if Claus died and Hitler survived? Leaving is the only way be could be certain if Hitler died or thrived.
"Leaving is the only way be could be certain if Hitler died or thrived. "
Exact opposite.
A weakness of the plan was that Stauffenberg had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
A weakness of the plan was that Stauffenberg had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
He may not have had a choice of when to leave; he may have been dismissed. Do you have information re: this possibility? And how would his sitting there with the bomb have enabled him to make sure Hitler was killed by it? It sounds to me like what was needed was a more powerful bomb.
A weakness of the plan was that Stauffenberg had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
Thoughts on Britain’s “Rwanda Plan” . . .
“It seems fair to conclude that Jewish organizations have uniformly advocated high levels of immigration of all racial and ethnic groups into Western societies and have also advocated a multicultural model for these societies.” — Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique
The real cowards were the Nazi’s that killed themselves with cyanide or a bullet to the head rather that fight the Allies in the streets of Berlin and other battlefields or face Justice for their criminal and inhumane insanity. No, instead, they sent children and old men to die for the “Fatherland” and murdered innocent men and women who weren’t members off the “Master Race”. Well they lost the war, their souls, the 1000 year Reich to the Allies and humanity.
"and make sure his target was killed by it." Like stand beside him?😆
That's what jihadists do all the time.
A weakness of the plan was that Stauffenberg had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
What kind of a coward flees in the face of his enemy?
A weakness of the plan was that Stauffenberg had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
This shows that you haven't done ANY research. A weakness of the plan was that Stauffenberg had to be in Berlin to issue orders shortly after the assassination attempt.
You have to ask that question? There are NONE. Peace.
I am still hopeful there are, Steve. The problem is that what those rare birds with integrity and honesty have to say and do, never seems to be able to gain any traction. They are dismissed, mocked shut out and silenced. Look at Assange and Snowden. Heros in my opinion. The majority of both parties are for the same thing in Gov-vermin, really. Big pharma, the medical and war industry, all the 3 lettered gov-vermin agencies live in an altered state of reality. Hey, at least the state YOU live in has common sense!!! ;)
Thanks Nancy. I agree with you. Snowden and Assange are heroes. Florida should stop the mRNA shots. Our "leaders" talk a big game but in the end, they are weaklings. Everyone is on the pharma payroll. Peace.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
This document is so surrounded by bullshit that it is impossible to know who wrote it, why and what the truth of the matter is.
The lady who purportedly discovered it is Justine Glinka, a Russian Theosophist, and close friend and colleague of Helena Blavatsky. The Theosophists of course were (a) all freemasons, and (b) invented the concept of the Aryan race and the swastika, and (c) were intimately involved in the establishment of the Nazi party and quite specifically Hitler's rise to power (every senior member of the Nazi party was a Theosophist, which was an occult Luciferian society).
They were then declared a forgery allegedly as a result of an investigation by Allen Foster Dulles who would subsequently become the head of the CIA.
Heaven knows what the truth is regarding a document which was initially produced by a group of proven liars and then declared a forgery (on somewhat dubious, or at least arguable) grounds, by a member of the same (extended) group of proven liars. Anyone who claims to know for sure who wrote it, and whether it is truly a forgery or not had better have some darn strong evidence is all I will say on the matter.
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Just my opinion with what little I know about what actually took place in those days, but the US corp. were supporting Hitler's military as was the Vatican. Our news media knew Hitler was committing genocide of the Jews and others, but they turned a blind eye to it and they themselves were Jews. So, of course the US wasn't willing to help the German Resistance. What I've learned since I got old, was that this country's government, military, CIA especially, and corporations, are the most evil in this world. They do more killing than Hitler ever thought about doing. Remember Pearl Harbor, 9/11, covid vaccines, and many other incidences, that prove my point.
100%. The USA taught Hitler everything he needed to know about eugenics. Major US corporations, like IBM, supported him. See Vera Sherav's documentary on CHD.TV "Never Again Is Now Global" - it's a 5-part series and it covers the US corporate issues in depth. Peace.
Hitler said he learned how to do his stuff by watching the American democrat party. How's that for an endorsement?
Looks like Don Rumsfeld was right with the comment ‘Europe has shifted on its axis’, the wrong side won WW2, and it is becoming clearer with each and every day . . . What has NATO done to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing.
My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh, or in some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels, and Tel Aviv . . . Heil Hitler.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Yup. The corporations, bankers, and parasitic families. As then, so now. But that doesn't mean we the people shouldn't realize this, and start supporting those of us who really are united together around this globe for right. Eyes up there people , they play us, and keep us looking at who they tell us to: they are the enemy ; the same families. Still.
100%. I agree. The same families. Peace.
Peace to you too my friend. Hope we make it through to the other side. I keep working at it.
Courage. All of us, all over this globe, really do stand together as brothers and sisters.
Uganda No Longer a Slave Colony for Western Sex Perverts Like Jewish pedophile U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff-D (CA), Democratic Mega-Donors like Ed Buck, or homosexual Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky . . .
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Well, they can piss off. They need us; we don't need them. That's the way of parasites.
“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
Eugenics was practiced throughout the world before it was EVER defined or allocated a given name...What do you think all the Serf/Peasant starvation, exposure, ignorance, rape, torture, murder and over-taxation was about? Population Control...THEY CONTINUE TO VIEW THE PEOPLE AS THEIR CATTLE.
NOBODY in the old world needed any lessons from the U.S. about DEPOPULATON in Europe...As the serfs and peasants of the middle ages before North America was ever known in Europe could inform anybody of. That includes OUR OWN ANCESTORS BY THEIR OWN TELLING, WRITING IN JOURNALS AND WHAT WAS WROTE IN HISTORY BOOKS before the Rothschilds Rockefellers and all the International Central Banker Family Mafia determined to RE-WRITE HISTORY TO FIT THEIR PROPAGANDA THEY HIDE BEHIND.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Do believe there's more information here than in 'Tragedy and Hope'. You're covering several tombs...And, have the same one's. Hope you're writing in other Media beyond Substack as many need the info.
I'm not quite sure what you mean but I think that what I'm writing is nothing new or special but reflects the consensus of informed opinion. All one needs to do is do a little bit of research. That is all. The information is all out there and isn't especially hard to find.
You're writing from more than 'Tragedy and Hope' as a resource. There's information covering several books on my shelf. Sorry. Didn't intend the lack of clarity.
Nazism & Fascism are simply branches of eugenics, which was started in the Anglo-American world.
Fuck you and your Jewish god.
To whom are you addressing, and who is this "Jewish god," Mr. Pagan?
Pagan? Sounds like a Satanist to me!
Wrong attitude dear. That's the sort of division thise people at the 'top' cultivate. For a reason.
And of course the Royal family all were supporting Hitler. That Wallis Simpson love abdication story thing was just silly. And look, we're still so easily believing their cover ups and stories after all these years. These families don't actually have any loyalties to a country. They use us like cattle, and still do.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Nonsense . . . “During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”
I suppose if they're anything like the US, Israel has a direct line in to their emails and communications and can see everything going on in Congress or Parliament.
And no worse traitors to freedom in our nation and the world than the Bush Family Crime Syndicate. Prescott Bush. Aka Hitler's Banker. Trading with the enemy, even during WWII, got filthy rich and powerful off the blood of US soldiers. War is good business. When you have interests on both sides. Like Bush. Thyssen. Rockefeller. Morgan. Harriman. Brown. All the bastards. And a son and grandson who pushed the nation into Fascism, helped murder JFK, established CCP China as the successor of a failed US on the global stage, New World Order, branding American Patriots domestic terrorists, the "Patriot Act" naming the target of "Homeland Security," A Heinrich Himmler worthy named department targeting domestic political opponents. And there we thought Patriot Act meant they were protecting us, Patriots, joke's on us.
A video and transcript of former DOJ Nazi Hunter spilling the goods from official files about the duplicity and treason of the Bush family patriarch. Only issue I take with his presentation is his assertion that GHWB and GWB redeemed Prescott's treason...when they actually continued the family business of destroying our nation. And now you know why they hate MAGA so much, the Rino's Cheney's, Romney's, et al - they really are Fascists. Not just a slander leveled by Marxist Antifa, they're telling the truth about the core of the leadership of the GOP. Whether Trump is or isn't depends on his sincerity.
Clarence Wilhelm Spangle is a raving lunatic, his hatred of all Jews is disgusting to me. I make my comment as the truth that it is without his filthy poison infecting it. I disavow his message. And won't engage with him beyond this comment.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞
Disagree...Behind the U.S. at EVERY LEVEL is the orgs. out of the U.K or 'The City of London'.; ALWAYS. U.K. Military owned by 'The City of London' was the Pit Bull until WW1. Then, the U.S. with all the Natural Resources and Human Cattle to put on the Frontlines in the continuing 'Wars For Profit' matched all the others in Europe, Africa and North America since 1492. All they did was seduce and purchase the Prostitute Politicians and Deep State Minions while saturating the Institutions with their own agents.
Yes, the UK/City of London is so much more a part of big, big things than I ever realized.
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
Trump is on the moderate, more reasonable, more "patriotic" wing of the Deep State but he is still Deep State.
Whom do you think is not Deep State?
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
"There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany. This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations. They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people. The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today." Tragedy and Hope
No, -- ask your friends in their upper 80s and 90s-- when they were little children, they went to the movies and before the movie or between shows, newsreels were shown which showed what was going on in Germany -- Newsreels were very effective in those days -- journalism in the movies!
Did you know there is actually film footage of the trial for the July 20 conspirators, including Bonhoeffer? I included it in the following piece:
• “Letter to the German Bundestag” (
You can hear Judge Freisler screeching at the defendants—the same judge who sentenced Hans and Sophie Scholl and their White Rose compadre Christoph Hermann Probst to guillotining in a trial that lasted a mere hour.
❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞
He should have pulled out a weapon and shot Hitler. It would have ended his life which ended anyway, but it would have been more effective.
He was a father of four young children. To have acted in a manner which gave no hope of survival would have been a dishonourable act to his primary concerns - his wife and children.
Additionally, shooting Hitler only, would have left the rest of the Nazi hierarchy, in attendance, to continue unabated.
OF course, I must have missed that part. He saved them by acting as he did. How thoughtless of me.
He had to be in Berlin to issue orders after the assassination attempt.
100%. I agree. Peace.
Not to say he wasn't courageous, as can be observed by how few tried to do even what he did. But even just to stand there and wait for the disruption when the bomb went off, and take advantage of the commotion to finish off the beast .... Well, easy enough for me to say! Anyway, thanks for offering this tribute, it is great food for thought in these times as well.
Yes. How many are wishing for 'that ' to happen, by someone, somewhere..
Valuable speculation, entirely possible. Thanks!
You are on the right track. The assassination was only one part of the plan. The second part was to mobilise the Home Army and to arrest the Nazis (which began). Sadly, some, such as Remer didn't follow the orders and contacted Goebbels.
Here’s the thing....the Nazis did not lose the war.....research Operation Paperclip. Also, research how American industrialists backed the Nazis. Where did they obtain all of their supplies when they were a bankrupt country??
Who supplied the Nazis with oil? The Rockefellers. Who built the Nazi tanks & other vehicles? Ford & GM. Who built the Focke Wolff? ITT. Where did the Bush family make its fortune? Auschwitz.
A true hero.
The ludicrous conspiracy theory that says Stephen King killed John Lennon . . .
❝For conspiracy theorist Steven Lightfoot, however, there was more to the case than just King’s chunky prescription sunglasses. He argued that Raegan and Nixon wanted Lennon dead because of his anti-war stance. I suppose that’s possible, but the chances of them hiring an unknown writer with poor eyesight and bad posture to carry out the assassination are pretty thin. I mean, come on, hiring a writer to murder a political enemy is like hiring Julio Santana to write Harry Potter fan fiction.❞
I cant comment on Stephen King conspiracy theories. I find it extremely improbable.
Steven Lightfoot is the name of the Stephen King conspiracy theorist . . .
That is true.
Do you have a tan colored Chevy van?
Roosevelt 'bounced' Churchill into the policy of Unconditional Surrender at Casablanca - Churchill had no idea it was coming. But where did Roosevelt get it from?
His administration had over 400 Soviet spies in it. He was a complete dupe - selling out our nation to Stalin. The war could have ended much sooner - see Diana West's "American Betrayal" - the definitive work on his administration and the communist influence. Peace.
The U.S. State Dept. has been infested with communists since WW1 and Woodrow Wilson, they tried to steal the Russian elections for their comrades in the Russian Communist Party through non-profit NGOs . . . just like at home in America . . .
But, Vladimir Putin defeated them, so they launched a faggot jihad against the Russian Orthodox church over the punk rock band and the Olympics . . . something Mitt Romney stupidly piled onto . . . Miss neo-kabbalah lesbian Madonna, now rumored to be a Muslim convert, was flown in to agitate when Hillary went on a world-wide gay pride tour . . .
And while Leon Puñettas (sic) was busy with gay pride celebrations at the Pentagon, two Navy Seals, a U.S. Airman, and a U.S. Ambassador were murdered, all because everyone was being so fucking gay.
Thank you for this share 👍🏻
The reality that few wish to acknowledge is the fact that Hitler and his regime was funded by Wall Street Banks and American Corporations, so why would America want to stop the war early when so much money could be made on both sides of the ledger. This is the ugly and evil truth of war, and exactly what we are seeing in Ukraine today.
Anyone doubting this, I suggest you read Prof. Anthony Sutton's 'Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler', which meticulously documents the role played by JP Morgan, TW Lamont, Rockefeller, GE, Standard Oil, Ford, General Motors, and the rest of those treasonous groups who pretend to be patriotic, but are nothing more than merchants of death!
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks.
Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . .
Very informative …Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg such
a brave men and hope their deaths not in vain… I would do same but think I would stuff it up!! At least with the internet many worldwide know what is happening
In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .
But the world does no more to stop the evil.
I always believed that information is power.
But now, there’s so much that most of it is as pointless as the Weimar Republic Deutschmark - hyper-inflated into uselessness.
Protocols of Zion: Protocol II – Economic Wars . . .
Not so.
I could not agree more. The end of WW2 was handled in very badly.
The entire war was a farce. See Diana's West's "American Betrayal". Peace.
The communists won the war . . . George Patton was assassinated for saying so.
In my opinion, Stauffenberg was a brave fool. It was undoubtedly courageous to risk one's own life to kill Hitler. But it was idiotic to attempt it as late as 1944.
There were others in the German resistance who tried to remove Hitler from power much earlier: Carl Friedrich Goerdeler, the former mayor of Leipzig, for example. He tried, among other things, together with Eugen Gerstenmaier, who later became president of the Bundestag, to get Hitler's demands rejected at the Munich Conference in 1938, thus inflicting a severe political defeat on him. Hitler's damaged reputation could have been used domestically to force him to resign.
But this was not wanted by the other powers of Europe and the world and so Hitler went into the Second World War as "Man of the Year" (Time Magazine 1939).
Gerstenmaier, later said in an interview: "What we in the resistance could not understand during the war, we learned fully afterwards - namely that this war was not fought against Hitler, but against Germany."
From my point of view as a German, it should be people like Gerstenmaier and Goerdeler that we should remember first. For they recognized early on the great danger posed by Hitler and tried everything in their power to stop him. Many other members of the resistance, such as the Scholl siblings and their friend Christoph Probst, paid for their courage with their lives and did so well before Stauffenberg's act.
Unfortunately, they weren't wearing such fancy officer uniforms, and nothing blew up with a loud "boom."
So don't look so much at July 20, 1944; look at September 30, 1938, and ask yourself why so few had any interest in removing Hitler from office.
Yes, Stauffenberg was simply one of many but the problem was that the Anglo-American Establishment wanted to destroy Germany, which is why they financed the Nazis, put Hitler in power, whisked him away in 1945 and ignored the resistance. Now they want to destroy Germany by dividing Germany from Russia (by starting a war in the Ukraine) and by destroying the German economy (by blowing up Nordstream).
Others, and I agree, have suggested that his failure is what ultimately brought the Nazi's down. If Hitler had been assassinated it's probable that the missteps made by Hitler by opening up another front when he did as well as other strategic mistakes would not have occurred. The alternative result would have solidified Nazi Germany's control over Europe. So had the plot succeeded, we would not have had the drug addicted bumbling Hitler to provide openings for the allies to destroy him.
The USA also probably assisted the escape of Mengele. He was in US custody and then allegedly "escaped" to South America where he found solace for the remainder of his life.
I find it hard to comment on these stories now that I have become aware of some of the lies we have been told and of some of the actions the allies carried out.
The Nazis may indeed have been the bad guys, but the allies committed similar crimes with impunity.
By July '44, the allies knew what the final outcome was going to be, but they didn't want the war to end before they inflicted as much damage as possible on Germany (sparing I. G. Farben of course). Many more soldiers and civilians had to die, but that was a sacrifice our leaders were willing to make.