Got my first student discount subscription to the Wall Street Journal as a college sophomore in 1977. I kept the subscription for 43 years. I finally had had enough, watching what was once arguably the pinnacle of American journalism descend, slowly for many years and then quickly for the past five, into what it has become today, a Yellow Rag with 21st century pathology. That pathology was born of generational mis-education and of a burgeoning love of money, the main ingredients of the fall of America.

I was fond of participating in the online edition Comments section of articles, particularly opinion pieces, during my last years as a subscriber. Increasingly my comments, fact and opinion(one must know the difference) were taken down by the “moderators” or not allowed to be posted by the algorithms. This became so bad in 2020 that I could no longer stomach the subscription price or the product.

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I went through a very similar process. I’m not sure if I changed, or the WSJ changed, but either way I decided to stop paying to have the government feed me propaganda. In that vein, I also ended a multi-decade paid subscription to the NYT.

Now I’m happy to pay a modest fee to Tucker to platform Jeff Sachs, Greenwald, and Taibbi in the same month. The journalistic grand slam would be the addition of Assange, a Murders Row to the pitching of the corporate press.

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Me, too.

Danny Huckabee

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

The Bancroft family owned the WSJ for 105 years before selling it to Rupert Murdock in 2007. I remember some great coverage under the original management, including a center-column front page article on how the intended patsy in the first World Trade Center bombing recorded his interactions with the FBI and was able to show in court that the Fibbers had promised to supply inert "explosives." Can't find the Journal article, and NYT's similar coverage is behind a paywall, but a 2023 NY Post piece recounts the events:


Today's neocon War Street Journal would probably seek the death penalty for the paper's 1993 editors.

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Me, too.

Danny Huckabee

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It largely depends on the veracity of ones sources to know when facts are factual and the WSJ's sources have never been more reliable than their opinion page writers.

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As Glenn Greenwald pointed out last week, the security state regularly misrepresents two important facts about Assange: First, they falsely suggest that, unlike other journalists, Assange never gave the US government advance notice and opportunity to review its trove of evidence; this is false. Assange, though under no actual obligation to do so, made precisely this offer to Hillary Clinton’s State Dept; State chose to refuse, preferring to villainize Assange later. Second, they falsely suggest that Assange put lives at risk, both of American soldiers and Iraqi collaborators. In fact, despite repeated demands for an example, as well as independent journalist investigations, there is no proof that a single life was lost due to the publication. MSM like WSJ continue to discredit themselves by publishing these lies.

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All of those who join the military place their lives at stake to all others therein.

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Let's not forget that the unredacted materials were released not by Assange but by Guardian reporter Luke Harding, who published the private key to the cloud storage of the State Department cables:


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Mike Pompeo also allegedly wanted to assassinate Assange and so did Hillary. Pompeo is part of the hostile deep state.

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We lie, we cheat, we steal: Pompeo's brag to cadets at West Point seemingly mocking the academy's honor code.

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The Honor Code went off the rails back in the '60s, and, to the best of my knowledge, just kept going further rogue. It did so at all 3 major academies within the space of just a few yrs' time. the Coast Guard Academy held out a bit longer, as did VMI, and the Citadel, but alas they also succumbed, by the time Vietnam was shutting down. It's been an empty figurehead since the '80s, a lie they and we, tell us! So Pompeii actually told the truth about that!

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The press is no longer independent from state control in any way/shape/form. Any articles that seem to indicate it IS separate, or truthful, are part of effective propaganda. Just like they had to administer a ton of saline shots so that not EVERYONE died or got very sick from them.

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A bit off-topic, but the shots seem to have included an intermediate tranche that while not appearing to sicken recipients, still caused shedding which reduced my hearing acuity and caused dizziness, and gave unjabbed women, also including post-menopausal, menstrual effects and blood clots.

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Wow. No matter if off-topic, I'm glad you posted. Individual experiences need to be shared, and widely! I too was Vax injured, a decade ago. Maybe others will hear your story and quit getting shots BEFORE they're hurt by them!

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If people can get (well, could have gotten; covid jabs are obsolete, and other than tweaks for variants, were other than in southerly locations such as Australia, well before they were available) the intermediate, and apparently most common tranche, this wouldn't deter them. It apparently worked pretty much as advertised, and other than those they were imposed on, those people only care about reduction of their own symptoms; not effects shedding have on unvaxxed others.

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Uh no... They have simply been wedded to flu shot, and are working to include RSV! That makes them doubly,or triply, more dangerous than each individually!

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What was the tranche intermediate to?

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Saline and kill.

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When was the press independent of the state?

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

The 12th of never....

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Which provides a monthly option.

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So well-written! Thank you for that. A long WSJ reader, I dumped them ~ 2022. Too big; too influential (undeserved). The straw for me was their health (editor?) was myopic about the C19 vaxx to the point of propagandizing. And no discussion about opposing opinions. If memory serves, she was replaced by someone less extreme. Too late, too many other global sentiments. Buh-bye.

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These spooks are pure evil and morally bankrupt. They were implicated and embarrassed by their nefarious deeds. I have no problem with spying on enemies but these people hsve been off the rsils since after wwll Trumans regret was not disbanding oss and bill colby was the only American who wanted to reorganize and they killed him. How bout massies wife? Cia zionist op?if God is all forgiving what do i have to do not to be with these low forms of life ever

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God is only forgiving if they repent.

For God’s own reasons, for our own sakes because He commanded it, we have to pray for their repentance and conversion so they don’t go to Hell.

That doesn’t mean they all *will* receive the grace to repent and convert.

We dearly and rightly desire justice, and God promises it, yet we are commanded to pray for and love our enemies… it’s a personal struggle for me but maybe it’s for our own sakes, so we don’t become evil too.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Repentance and forgiveness do NOT remove the consequences of past evil acts! they go did a RIGHTEOUS judge too, and that also must be satisfied. I don't know, because we are not shown, how Yhwh will deal with that other that "rewards according to their acts" in Revelation. but he is better equipped moments out that justice than I, so I leave it in His hands. Left up to me, a lot of them would probably have met "bolts from the blue" long since, to be honest...

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Yes, exactly, repentance and forgiveness do not remove the consequences of evil acts. That is how the doctrine of Purgatory developed among the early Christians. Purgation of impurities, attachments to sin and payment for its consequences, for those who aren’t ready for Heaven but still belong to Christ. As Jesus warned us, we can’t enter “until you have paid every last penny” (Matthew 5:26)

Christ opened the gates of Heaven to us by His death on the Cross, if we accept His grace, but we still have our own payments to remit when we die, if we did not conform ourselves to His Life in our lifetime.

Many never accept His grace of repentance. They choose Hell, eternity without God’s Love.

Some accept His grace but still love themselves or are attached to their sins and evil acts, and hopefully repent.

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"Purgatory" implies a 2nd chance that the Bible does not offer, and is works-based, also anti-Biblical. However Yhwh God has it planned out, we are either repentant sinners, covered by the shed blood of Yeshua, or we are not, when we die. IF we are then whatever Yhwh has planned as the method of payment for those crimes will be presented when other awards are, for our acts in this life. There is no 2nd chance to earn redemption, which cannot be earned at all. Whatever our status when we draw that last breath in this life is it. It determines our eternal abode.

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I’m going to write back to contradict you because I enjoy quality apologetics discussions, as Our Lord prayed that one day we would all be one (John 17:1).

Purgatory is indeed Biblical as Our Lord stated as i quoted Matthew 5:26 above— maybe you missed that?

“Works” in the “working out” of our Salvation is INDEED Biblical, and there are too many direct Scripture quotes to list them all. The Letter of James, obviously, faith without works is dead…

“If you love Me, obey my Commandments”….

“Many will say, ‘Lord, Lord,’ but I will reply, ‘Begone, you evildoers, I don’t know you.’” Etc. :)

I think I already explained Purgatory as it originated by the early Christian leaders… who by the way, wrote and compiled the books and letters which we now call “the Bible”…

Anyway, I’d rather follow the lead of 2000 years of organic Christian theology rather than a lady repeating a 500-year-old break and manmade tradition of reinterpreting the Bible and the Pillar of Truth.

Peace in Christ Jesus, ma’am

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Sorrry,, no. Sheol, divided into paradise or Abraham's bosom, and Gehenna are "waiting areas" described in the Bible from which Yeshua taught, not places where past evils are worked out. They are either heaven nor hell, yet. During the 1st century, 1 of the heaviest duties of the apostles was combating the distortions already being put forth of which a 2nd chance is but 1!

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That was part of what got JFK too; that and he wanted to shut down the very unconstitutional Federal Reserve!

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“Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars…the better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted. . . . Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back on my life, I regret. But I was part of it and loved being in it.” He invoked the names of the high eminences who had run the CIA in his day—Dulles, Helms, Wisner. These men were “the grand masters,” he said. “If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell.” Angleton took another slow sip from his steaming cup. “I guess I will see them there soon.” -James Jesus Angleton, 1987 on his death bed, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence and operator in OSS, 1943-1975

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"Foreigners"? What about our own CITIZENS?!

Same offense!

Holder: walks free

Garland: walks free

Bannon: prison

Navarro: prison

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Yep. See Revolver News' coverage of how the same operatives who ran the Deep State's color revolutions against foreign regimes brought a color revolution home to take down Trump. Reminiscent of the description by Mister X (the late Donald Sutherland) in the JFK film of how the Black Operators of that era were great at taking out foreign leaders and eventually realized they could do the same to Kennedy.

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Thinking of you

and Dr. McCullough et al:

Some of them are just people.

(Obviously they all are.)

Just people.

And as people, only certain types of people become doctors of medicine.

To their detriment, and to the detriment of society, they are not a very questioning type.

(Ironic, isn’t it?)

What they don’t understand about the human body, they substitute with Assumptions, or “Givens” something that is “given” ideas that are given to them.

(That’s worse than ironic. It’s controlling.)

The work and the heavy lifting is to help these doctors as the Assumptions and Givens are overthrown in their struggle to take Control of themselves.

It is not easy work “Curing A Doctor” but it is something each of us can do, and I would argue must do.

Fortunately, and I understand this with every fiber of my body, it doesn’t take a doctor to cure a doctor.

And with each doctor we cure the odds of them helping one another vastly improve.

It’s either that or we’re done.

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One very interesting legal perspective that individual States can use to protect their citizens from being attacked with nuclear missiles in a war with Russia uses the Rome Statute (The International Laws of War).

If States or individual counties within a state proclaim themselves separate from the United States State Department and National Government, they can establish their status as civilian non-combatants even if the USA declares war on Russia or China.

This makes it illegal to target the citizens of any state that has refused to declare war and disavows any aggression to the foreign state that the US government is currently making war with.

Rome statute Article 8 (2) b (i) https://www.icc-cpi.int/sites/default/files/2024-05/Rome-Statute-eng.pdf

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What are disadvantages of doing this?

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People survive.

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in 2013, when everyone knew that the US government was spying on it's citizens, people said to me "well, if you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about." frankly, that's not the point. an out of control government gets to change the definition of "anything wrong" at any time and come after you retroactively.

but notice, that the "if you aren't doing anything wrong..." doesn't work for the government. it's always doing something wrong! but it sure doesn't want you to know about it.

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The NYT's deception goes back decades. For a glimpse into their deceptive practices, I recommend the book, "The Gray Lady Winked" by Ashley Rindsberg. Further, my mother was living on the West Side Drive in NYC during WWII. She told me that there was never any front-page reporting on the atrocities that were occurring in Europe. Tidbits of information might be found elsewhere in the newspaper on occasion. Many people in this country were clearly in the dark for a long time about what was happening abroad. The NYT was largely responsible for that suppression of information.

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The substantial investment the government and the media make daily to lie to the citizens to cover up its own misdeeds is par for the course. Pompeo is a two headed snake. Same guy who told 45 C19 was a "military operation." I can now see why West Point changed it's mission statement. To protect people like pompous Pompeo.

From the beach...


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Well reasoned, John. Thanks for sticking up for Truth.

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Right On Target, John Leake.

Millions, if not billions more lives are at risk from secrets kept.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Rev. Charles F. Aked

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1 thought Edmund Burke said that in the UK in the 1800s.

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In actuality; he wasn't the first to say that or words to that effect. The actual origin of the phrase or idea is unknown as they can't ascertain who wrote it or spoke it first. It was once attributed to Burke...So, you're not too far off base with the claim.

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Thankyou for your reply on the original author.

Your quote," the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" needs to be more widely known because it reminds us when we are lazy or hesitant to speak out or act, that we are responsible to fight evil everywhere.

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WSJ is just another Establishment rag.

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Quite an amazing parallel isn't it? History might not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes. It's way past time to learn lesson's from history.

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Poets have no need for truth.

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