Germany is very far down the road to totalitarianism again. Any voice that opposes the givernment narrative is labeled 'alt-right,' 'fascist' or 'hateful.' There are many examples of futile prosecutions where people are arrested for merely supporting an opposition party or for calling a politician 'fat.' I hope for a good outcome for CJ, but I'm afraid that the mass formation in Germany is too far along to yield judges with common sense.

cf: https://www.wildhorsewisdom.xyz/p/i-see-what-i-see?r=31a4ti&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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The world has gone completely insane 😬

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Principally the WWW western woke world

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Lawfare is out of control

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Amen, John.

I daily reflect on the plight of the J6 prisoners and the "insurrection" pathology of Pence, Pelosi and the DOJ. Oh wait, I forgot Liz Cheney, Dick's daughter.

From the beach...


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Dick the oops I shot my friend hunting Cheney;( daughter just as bad

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I am living in Germany, and I am ashamed.

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The good thing about Germany is the AFD may only have 25% of the vote or thereabouts as a whole but it has a far higher proportion of the vote in East Germany and so they dare not ban it lest those in the East demand a new wall be built to protect their sanity ....... and their freedom from those in the West.

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In the US the prosecutor cannot appeal a NOT GUILTY verdict. So germany allows it? What a travesty.

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Not only germany, also other eu states.

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The prosecutor can't be that stupid. This appears to be another case where the prosecution itself is the punishment. More lawfare at work.

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The prosecutor is not only lying, but actually disseminating pro-Nazi propaganda by emulating Hitler's regime. As the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Totalitarians love to accuse any who oppose them of doing exactly what they in fact are doing. Their wickedness is exceeded only by their stupidity, because they seem to actually believe that the whole world does not see precisely what they're doing.

They're like a toddler covering their eyes in a game of hide and seek, in the mistaken belief that no one can see them. It's cute when a child does it. Totalitarians are anything but cute, exhibiting the ugliest aspect of human nature in this fallen world. They worship the father of lies as a means of brutalizing innocent people, exerting all their energies in an attempt to steal their God-given freedom.

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The only good that comes from this is the awakening of a few more people with each absurdity. At some point, hopefully soon, there will be a critical mass reached and their whole house of cards will crumble.

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DA’s apparently are the stupidest, most disingenuous people on the planet

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"DA’s apparently are the stupidest, most disingenuous people on the planet"

They are certainly some of the most corrupt. Here in the United States, they are the most blatant scum.

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Dunno, pathologists/doctors must come in at least a close second.

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Totalitarian state? He me immediately comes to mind the Russian Bolsho-Communist state which caused several tens of millions of deaths in its population.

Germany was destroyed (predicted by Churchill and Disraeli) by our Anglo-Saxon friends in 1918 - until the 1930s for a war for which it was not even responsible. It had to pay for everything and lose more than 2 to three million innocent civilians from 1919 and the Weimar Republic that followed.

For Hitler, he did what he could by sending the Rothschilds away. It was therefore necessary to have a new war planned by Pike and again Churchill as well as your Roosevelt (see the correspondences of these two bastards from 1935).

For the rest, read the book from the Jew Henry Ashley Turner Jr - German Big Business & the Rise of Hitler-and you will learn more than the dreamer Sutton.

At last , for crazy prosecutors, I have seen worse ones in the USA over the last 4 years but also well before.

So let's sweep everyone in front of our door

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I'm in favour of anyone being able to appeal a guilty verdict but I am totally against the state or anyone else being able to appeal an innocent verdict.

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Pathetic abuse of prosecutorial power for poliical coverup of the Truth. I consider this a malicious prosecution, that should engender a private criminal prosecution by Mr. Hopkins against the Berlin prosecutors office for abuse of process and misfeasance in public office. It appears this may be a breach of Mr.Hopkins European Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms as set out in the Lisbon Treaty of 2009.

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No one but an idiot would think you are supporting Nazis and Fascism, but then look at who or what is running our Western Governments.

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Holy cow! We as a world are certainly going backwards. It’s a pandemic of totalitarianism mixed with foolish bystanders who support this as long as it’s not them.

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These leftists, both here & abroad, don’t even realize that they’re the modern party who would strengthen the Nazis

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