The silence from the medical community, save for the courageous few, is deafening.

Thank God for the courageous few.

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Thank you again Dr McCullough. I'm sure you're familiar with Dr Mike Yeadon who, since early 2020, has been publishing precisely this observation: that the spike protein platform of this injectabke product is the smoking gun proof of intentionally evil design whose singular purpose is to create massive harm to the human race.

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories in general because they so easily become bottomless rabbit holes driven by emotion.

But, what are your thoughts on this position by Dr Yeadon?

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It seems many do not realize Dr. Yeadon is on Substack now. He is at drmikeyeadon@substack.com. He is well worth following.

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Great minds think alike. Yeadon has been fearless and outspoken as has Dr. McCullough.

It is sad to me that the lesser lights in the fight against the medical mafia are being relentlessly hounded and torn to bits. Dr. Joseph Mercola for example. Oh well, I guess the "dogs of war" have to bite someone...even if it is just a guy selling vitamins. Similarly Dolores Cahill was ruthlessly destroyed--her career wrecked and personal life maligned.

I support Dr. McCullough whole heartedly and Dr. Yeadon--brave heroes in the fight against medical fascism. Every one of us must stand up and be counted.

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EVERYONE should read RFK Jr.'s book The Real Anthony Fauci - and there is also a documentary done by the BBC called Guinea Pig Kids - How New York City was using children to test experimental AIDS drugs - there is a MASS GRAVE of these poor unprotected children in Gates of Heaven cemetery - Fauci should be put on trial for MURDER - The children involved were orphans I think - this is UNBELIEVABLE that this happened in our country. Not to mention what he did to beagles as well. There has to be a hell for this piece of human debris. Fauci murdered people even before this lies about Ivermectin and HCQ - with the AIDS epidemic. And he's done it again with this mRNA poison.

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And there he is--blithely retiring with his $400.000 a year "pension".

He is nothing but a paid hit man. Pharma used him as their personal doorman into the public coffers. He was always a murdering monster. That is why he is so very useful to Pharma. He even enjoyed killing beagles.

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Agreed but I'm hoping Trump wins and puts RFK Jr. in charge of the NIH - either that - or make him the AG and have him go after all of these people. Truly there is a special place in hell for Mr. Fauci - and that I truly believe

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Do not see how there can be any good in an intervention that suppresses the immune system and kills people.

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There is certainly no good in this "intervention". Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi-- internationaly recognized expert in epidemiology said three years ago that these injections would cause lethal auto-immune attack and thrombosis. He and The doctors 4 covid ethics have been at it as well and they have been ignored....Well guess what....people are being killed by hospitals and doctors everywhere. Very demoralizing.

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Finally, the truth slowly emerges. We are all so indebted to you, Dr McCullough 🙏

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Since mRNA transfections have 20 years as failed cancer therapy with LNP uncontrolled distribution & concentrations in liver and reproductive organs we should have someone explain what mechanism of action was supposed to confer immunity to a virus. All of these transfections produce NOVEL proteins that violate basic immune system function of identifying NON-Self proteins for destruction the entire scientific basis for the injection of mRNA looks insane. Is there any scientific paper that explains how foreign genetic material can effectively augment an immune system? How does an airborne RNA virus that activates T-cells for natural immunity supposed to have transfection immunity provided without T-cell activation?

Weren't these gene therapy products shown to fail when they killed Jesse Gelsinger by correcting his life threatening genetic defect but learned human bodies do not tolerate foreign genetic material even if the genetic modification is to repair disease?


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It just seems that in so many ways TPTB are trying to murder us--

People: we must . RESIST. or kiss or as*es good-bye. I remember watching

the WTC being reduced to dust and thinking: Wow--this isn't even being hidden anymore--

murder in plain sight while the cameras are rolling! We are being "depopulated" in many different ways right out in the public venue.

And now they are even killing our children. The toxic and poisonous mRNA platform is being used in the childhood vaccine schedule. Reptiles is too kind a word for them.

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The Wheel of Misfortune, watch the needle you took spin round and round until it lands on your consequence!

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I took no needles...never will.

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I didn't understand this part of their report:

"Thus, these data suggest that these vaccines’ efficacy in decreasing disease severity and death might lie with their previously undiscovered immune suppressive characteristics."

What exactly does that mean? The vaccines were effective because they suppressed the immune system?!

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My guess is that the disease severity caused by cytokine storm might have been diminished if the cytokine release, as part of a hyperimmune response to infection, was suppressed???

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See my post later.

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Does this mean they DIDN'T KNOW that the vaccines suppressed the immune system??

That's impossible. They all knew. And they didn't care. Like Dr. Yeadon said--these injections were made to kill, maim, and disable. No two ways about it.

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Now that the mass poisoning has largely ended, or at least the mission of mass poisoning has reached a perigee, it is now legitimate to criticize the poisoning. Too late for those who got poisoned. Now the poisoners can all point fingers at one another, or claim immunity under the PREP Act and say, "Sorry, we tried so hard to help. We regret it didn't work out better". Like hell they do!

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“The good, the bad, and the ugly.” You made no mention of “the good” in your piece.

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Very good perspectives in this paper. I have noticed that several people on immuno-suppressant therapy had an average response to the virus. These people were strongly advised to get vaccinated but those in my group who were not vaccinated had no worse pathology than those who got vaccinated. I now think that some of the people on immune suppressing drugs were not more likely to have severe disease because their immune response was weaker, lending support to the hypothesis that the vaccine may have had its benefit in suppressing the immune response rather than via an antibody response. Its been know for decades that in respiratory pathology it is often the immune response that does the damage.

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You are been too kind to Faucci and his team of CCP operators at Wuhan…and gain of functions. They were interested in making the virus more virulent to all humans…and they then devised a weird and truly untested (to the degree of all previous vaccine)….make people sick and then offer some substance to help…which its safety was decreed by the very pharma masters. The very desire to HIDE the data on testing data for 75 YEARS says it all….they knew it was flawed and likely even the FDA knew all about it. Trying to suggest there was any “ science” between the “vaccine” studies is to defuse the real criminality that was likely involved…they used very secure communications to hide what they really up to..and you can bet the NSA has those but will never release these to the public.

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Thanks Thomas Marsh! very information rich post.

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The perspective article by Igyártó and Qin is one of nine in a special research topic issue of Frontiers of Immunology focused on mRNA vaccines(sic).


The overview presents a completely positive appraisal of mRNA products as a wonderful new technology for, "the prevention and control of prevalent and newly emerging infectious diseases."

The papers all put a positive spin on the prospects of mRNA products. Only Igyártó and Qin sound the cautionary note and criticize the censorship and intimidation that so thoroughly disfigured medicine.

So, although the paper of Igyártó and Qin is a hopeful sign, it is only one straw forecasting a wind that remains over the horizon.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but, on the Infographic, the bar charts on the left, section A, the "Y" axis is logarithmic scale (Lg), so the increases are considerably more than first visually appreciated- eg Deaths 0.26/million from "normal " vaccines, compared to 30.15/million Covid jabs ( small print on screen but a 115 fold increase). The little diamond figure on the graphs show the "fold" change for any observers not familiar with Log scales. If you are showing this to a Covid jab lover, this should be pointed out.

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"The dam is cracked" alright...I wanted to play with that Doc...reword it a little....the damned have been using crack too long already. It is time to clean them up. Let's make scientific and academic fraud a class one felony, life in prison, or better yet, treason, with hanging. Fisman, from the University of Toronto faked data to support the Jagged /Turd in his perversity, locking down, financially raping Canada and besmirching the unvaxxed. We the folks have had enough of liars and miscreants. Thanks for bringing the truth to light Doc.

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"Jagged/Turd"...ha ha. Son of Casturd. I heard his mother had a brief affair with Communists in Cuba....

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