Let me tell you a story John. I have a dear friend who has been my therapist many times through shoulder and knee surgeries. She's a dear. Anyway she took the jabs. She had heart problems, but thankfully they passed. I put her on Nattokinase a long time ago, actually took her a bottle. She started taking it and a few months or so later she had a checkup with her internist. Her blood tests for whatever problems she has came back much, much better than they had been. The doc asked her if she was taking anything different and she told him about Dr. McCullough and Nattokinase. He said, "KEEP TAKING IT." So your good advice has been spread wide. I not only tell people about it, I buy them a bottle of it.

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I love natto and have eaten it for years to discourage blood clots from my chronic high platelets from Essential Thrombocythemia. Here is some information on natto and nattokinase. First, nattokinase capsules do not necessary contain nattokinase at all. See the Japanese Nattokinase Society study of several brands on their website: https://j-nattokinase.org/en/.

I prefer eating natto itself although it is impossible to quantify the amount of nattokinase, but then you get everything else too. You can buy natto frozen in Asian stores. It will be labeled by its little flavoring packet containing every chemical known to man and then some. You can throw out the packet and just eat the natto. An excellent source is by mail to your doorstep from Rhapsody Foods in Vermont. It is excellent. OR you can make natto yourself. All natto aficionados start with the website and Youtube videos of NattoDad. I use Laura's small organic soy beans, a few tablespoons of left over natto from Rhapsody Foods for starter, and the temperature/time controlled Luvele yogurt maker. Then I freeze it in paper cups from Dollar Tree. This is very economical but requires some work. To judge the quality of the natto, stir it about 10 or more times to see how the "neba neba" develops. This is the stringy slimy substance, perhaps not attractive or rather perhaps repulsive to some people. All in all, natto is great.

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That's a really useful link. Thanks. I'm minded to enquire of my UK supplier how they can support their quality claims.

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So, what does it taste like?

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This is the reason they add those flavor packets into the frozen packages. It needs to be experienced! Some people say it smells and tastes like old socks. Others say it has no taste. I think it the sensation of it that is most remarkable, but after while...

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I began taking Nattokinese when I first heard Dr McCullough talking about it during Covid. I have psoriatic arthritis; autoimmune disease DX in 2010, though I was symptomatic from age 15 and my mother, aunt, nana and brother also have autoimmune disorders. I wish I could afford $90.00 for the Wellness brand-lots of good stuff there, just not for those on a fixed income.

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Source Naturals Nattokinase retails for about $35 for 60 capsules. https://www.sourcenaturals.com/products/GP1759/

It's a high-quality brand found in most natural product stores and onliine. Other brands are KAL and Solaray. Source Naturals also has Serrapeptase, another fibrinolytic enzyme.

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The “challenge” regarding supplements is assessing the actual quality ( and therefore ) of the product. Some supplements are not as advertised and therefore a complete waste of money. I do trust the Wellness company. I also like to make my own and a commenter has already given good instruction. And it is a bit of work so if you have a trusted brand, and want to save time, gob with someone you trust.

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I like all of those companies. Currently I’m using NOW. I also like Solgar products. Thanks!

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Another excellent brand is DaVinci Laboratories, although somewhat more expensive. Nattokinase Plus has 150 mg each of Nattokinase and Serrapeptase, plus 200mg Rutin, retailing for around $44.

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I’ll look in to that brand. I was looking for the combination of the two in one. Thanks again.❤️

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The Wellness Co. is a rip off. Thanks for sharing this info.

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I use it often. Forget the big pharma drugs of death.

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Icwas taking it until Health Canada cracked down on any supplements that didn't have trials, now I can't find it any more. Guess I'll order some from you guys...when Canada Post comes off strike. What a stupid, left wing country we've become.

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Hi, John. I live in Canada and buy mine through Amazon


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You can buy in Canada from iherb.ca

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I started taking Nattokinase in 2021. This was after I had a blood clot in my left leg not related to the vaccines. I have not been vaccinated. After four months the blood clot was gone. My cardiologist wanted to put me on thinners and statins. I refused. I Nattokinase twice a day in between meals. I fast every day intermittently for 12 hours. Nattokinase is a great benefit for me. I suggest that you do your research. Look at it for yourself. It has a lot of health benefits for cardiovascular health.

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Darrell Thompson, good for you refusing the blood thinner and statins. Midwestern Doctor’s Forgotten Side of Medicine (Substack) has some excellent articles on how worthless statin drugs are along with negative side effects. Yet doctors continue to recommend them anyway.🙄

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Thank you. I’ll look that up! 😊

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You sure? You can get spike protein from covid infections, as well from shedding from the recently vaccinated.

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You’re absolutely correct about that. Since the spike protein has nano technology with heavy metals and other foreign particles, Nattokinase is one approach to eliminating the spike protein from your body however, you may want to try to remove heavy metals by purchasing zeolite. It removes toxins and heavy metals. Also another product called EDTA with vitamin C in combination removes heavy metals as well. Activated charcoal is a great way to detox chemicals and food additives which are not natural. All of these products work really well and are effective. I use all three. I alternate, but I maintain a high level of a clean diet and detoxification on a regular basis. Antioxidants are key to protecting damage from free radicals to our DNA. DNA damage is like a old-fashioned pinball machine once it’s activated. It keeps banging around into others and helps to destroy the chain of DNA. Our food, water and air has been contaminated by the mRNA by our government. We have to be very vigilant in protecting our health. You brought up a good point.Thank you.

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Darrell do you take those health supplements for protection or after the 'jab'? 😎

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I have not been vaccinated. I take the approach of Maintenance and being proactive and maintaining good health. It’s a lifestyle that I embrace wholeheartedly.

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Awesome info thanks Darrell! 🌻🙏 I was going to mention the shedding too as I saw a vid, they wanted to know why the unvkd peeps blood was similar to the vakd peeps blood. We've been using DE, but I guess Zeolite is better.

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Next time you have blood work done, request a certain test called D- dimer. This is a simple test to determine how much micro-clots is in your blood. As we age, our bodies cannot regulate fibrin in our blood as well when we were younger. The body removes fibrin from the bloodstream in a normal healthy human being. Fibrin is essential for blood clotting to stop you from bleeding excessively. If you cut yourself, your body will send fibrin to the wound and start the clotting process. Under normal circumstances and good health that is not a problem. But since we are being bombarded by outside interference into our health and the fact that we age, our body has too much fibrin. Fibrin will begin to clump together because it is sticky. This is normal. Fibrin that our body does not need begins to overwhelm the processes that removes it. This creates micro clots. As we all know, micro clots will get to the smallest spaces available in your capillaries and veins and arteries. This is a good test to have done once a year. It’s not out of the ordinary to ask the doctor for this test. Please do your research on this subject of fibrin.

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Did they ever isolate Covid? There wasn't any flu during all the Covid, where did the flu go?

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They called all influenza like illnesses COVID so they could get the special bonuses for every COVID diagnosis.

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OF COURSE! Lots of moolah to be made via covid deaths after their horrible protocols, and the kidney destroying remdesivir.

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As far as I know, sardines and bee pollen with honey can repair DNA too. 🌻

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John, herbalists and other natural medicine professionals have used nattokinase for blood clotting long before Covid, as well as serrapeptase. One client I've known for years used nattokinase to unblock four arteries, thus avoiding surgery, She continues to take it along with a formula from Natura Health Products called Botanical Treasures, containing, turmeric, green tea, black cumin, Japanese knotweed, grape seed, holy basil and rosemary.

Both nattokinase and serrapeptase have also been used to dissolve biofilms such as those created by encysted borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes.

I'm always amused when mainstream medicine "discovers" plant medicines that have been used for sometimes thousands of years in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. They then want to use the isolated plant constituents to make patent drugs instead of just using the plants.

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What a coincidence -- I just ordered some starter to make natto, from Cultures for Health. Except I'll use black beans or some other bean instead of soybeans. Some people don't like natto, but I love it, and I think many people who have transitioned to traditional foods (like those promoted by the Weston Price Foundation), have developed a taste for deeply nutritious, fermented foods such as natto. You can always make a sauce, from coconut aminos and mustard for example, and serve it as a side dish with eggs, veggies, etc. I'm really looking forward to making my own!

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Beth- will other beans produce the same beneficial bacteria like soybeans? I would think it would be a different strain since it’s a different food.

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Beth - how do you know the benefits will be the same, using black beans instead of soybeans?

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I want to make a correction. I mentioned that I use all three, when in reality I’m actually using four including the charcoal.

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Works for me.

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I've eaten natto a couple of times. It has a strange consistency, and I would say for most westerners it would be an acquired taste. I prefer tempeh. Nattokinase seems very promising, though I doubt I can get it in the UK or afford it.

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Even the Japanese like it mixxed with a bit of white sticky rice for improved palitability.

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Serrapeptase is in the same family and I heard about it from a English story about a guy that got off oxygen with it.

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Let freedom ring

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There are those that have gotten off of the thinners because they take the Nattokinase. Do your research on Nattokinase. There is a great deal of information to help you make a good decision. Do what’s best for you Nattokinase is a natural enzyme with cardiovascular health benefits.

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I got off the ace inhibitors, blood pressure pills and statins 12 years ago by taking Serrapeptase and EDTA chelation. EDTA was used to treat ship painters WW2 era from lead poisoning but a little know effect that got hushed up was that the painters with heart disease. Were no longer having heart problems

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That’s interesting about the ship painters from World War II. That makes sense. That is one of the most harmful heavy metals that we come in contact with. I am glad that you were able to come off of these medications. There is a product that combines Lumbrokinase, Nattokinase and Serrapeptase. I take this every day. I had a deep vein thrombosis experience that ruptured 15 years ago. Ever since that experience and the removal and tying off of that vein, I began to do my own research. They wanted to put me on thinners, but did not want to address the real issue of what was causing the problem. Since that time, I have not had any other issues with the exception of a single blood clot in that same leg. I began to take this product and my blood clot was gone within four months. I fast during the day. I take Nattokinase at that time while fasting. I also take the three combination in the middle of the night usually around 3 to 4 AM. I do not eat past 7 PM. This allows my body to repair and it is the opportune time to take this product.

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With Serrapeptase

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Liposomal is another brand. There are many brands.

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Darrell - so, what is the three combination product? Why do you not name it?

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Minor correction: curcumin is derived from tumeric

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Is it beneficial to reduce cardiac calcium?

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Calcium buildup in arteries is like the calcium buildup on a coffee urn or hot water faucet. Vinegar is what takes it off. Chelation is a similar molecule and it cleans the circulation system out . Painters during ww2 were getting lead poisoning from painting the US war ships and after treatment it was discovered some of the their heart conditions like hardening of the arteries disappeared. Why was this info kept secret?

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I am aware of Dr McCullough protocol. I think Steve Kirsch said he has a problem with one eye where he lost his vision due to using nattokinase. Something about a bleed into his eye. He hasn't said if he was on other things. Does anyone know about this?

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My first thought is that keeping body tissues, in this case veins and arteries strong and elastic with good vitamin C and E could prevent a lot of that kind of stuff. I hope his eye heals. I sent a prayer.

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Rebecca Beck, Steve K did write about his eye bleed issue. While Nattokinase may have been a factor, his getting the mRNA shots may have been more of a factor. I do not know for sure nor has he updated readers other than to ask if he should try DMSO.

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