On this July 4th, this is a wonderful reminder of the courage it took to step up against the forces that would enslave them. Thank you.

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My ancestors, including the great General Nathanael Greene, knew what it was to step with courage to sacrifice in a possible losing proposition. Few of us have the guts to put it all on the line today. We’ll see...

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99% of Americans have nothing to put on the line. No house, no land, no gold. Just balls, boobs and bullets. What we fight for today is the freedom to not be force injected with the devil’s poisons.

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Make a heck of an arm placed worded Tattoo .

Few of us have the guts to put it all on the line at any moment in time.

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Old favorite.. Kris Kristofferson.. Me and Bobby McGee “Freedom's just another word for "nothing left to lose..”

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Great reminder. None of us are without sin. Including every living person today. Including those swept up in the racist ideas of this day. Racism against non black people who are accused of being racist toward blacks is the log in the eye of those who would dismiss all noble accomplishments based upon skin color and intolerance of their inability to free themselves of the evil culture of slavery in their day. It’s not an easy thing to put oneself into the shoes of another in a different time and culture.

Had the signers of the declaration insisted upon an end to slavery before advancing their cause of freedom from oppression under British rule the Declaration of Independence would not have been signed.

Oppressive British rule would have continued. The American experiment in freedom which in a short time moved forward to win freedom for slaves and charted a new course for freedom and prosperity globally would not have begun.

The civil war is another example of noble self sacrifice by imperfect people. Lincoln had not reached the point of freedom from anti black racism. He viewed blacks as inferior. Yet he fought for their freedom and lost his life in the battle along with about half a million other people. Large numbers of them white young men fighting for freedom for black slaves. The ultimate sacrifice.

The story of America is wonderful and should be celebrated by all. But today it is fashionable to dismiss what has been achieved.

Now the predominant racism is anti white. Racism in the guise of combatting racism. Politicians love this sick game. The Black Lives Matter movement is Marxism disguised. This sick game is taking us all back into oppression under the rule of politicians.

Celebrate America.

Celebrate freedom.

While you still can.

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Well stated!

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Whatever wrongs existed at the time of the founding of this country, or persisted over time, there are many of us who owe our freedom to the founders, whose courage to rid them of the British resulted in what we now have. I could concentrate on the fact that my father was forced out of Palestine in 1948, as European zionists invaded and stole Palestinian homes and land, or I can concur with my father, who has consistently expressed his deep appreciation that there was a country where he could come and find success. He has often pointed out that though he was barred from attending medical school due to laws that allowed only returning military personnel from the Korean war into those schools, one of his daughters was able to achieve that dream. He is confident that there is nowhere else in the world this could have happened, and I believe that's true. Our culture doesn't allow for increments of improvement, and that will be our downfall if this perspective doesn't change.

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The men at the Declaration of Independence honored men and women all around the Colonies when they showed their bravery, commitment, and leadership. On July 4, we remember them and thank them.

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Courage. That which seems in very short supply these days.

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Fabulous writing!

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For those choosing to denigrate this nation on her birthday, I’ll quote Ken Hamlin, radio host & author, who happens to be black, “pick another country.”

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They were bold principled men with great hope and faith.

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The signing of the Declaration of Independence was a rare event as it required altruism on the part of political leaders and, as the historian Barbara Tuchman points out in her book The March of Folly, there are few altruistic political leaders.

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Happy 4th

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“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”— Psalm 11:3 UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED

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But did we really achieve independence? Did everyone who sacrificed too much during the Civil War, as well as all the wars that followed to date, truly achieve independence for the rest of us living in this country today? Because I don’t recognize where the USA and its free citizens are real within our boarders, anywhere. But I do recognize the U.S. of D.C.—that the reality the Royalty of England are still in complete control of our country by-way-of their instruments such as bought politicians, the CIA, FBI, DARPA... And don’t forget the dollar via the fraudulent Private Federal Reserve used to purchase these loyal traitors and the U.S. Birth Certificate for all of their slaves—both installed about the same year “they” sunk the Titanic. And don’t forget the Royalty of England’s supreme rulers—the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their war-profiteering IMF & Central Banks created from centuries of war-profiteering, racketeering and slavery, who also own all media, textbooks, healthcare policies currently installing mRNA Biotechnology & MAC addresses in all of their most obedient slaves within the past three years. Look, I’m not trying to be a downer just to ruin the moment. I Love fireworks and barbecue, but I find it impossible to celebrate understanding these realities I speak of that keep getting me shadow-banned on most social media—just for asking questions & demanding honest dialogue when discussing these truths of tyrants still holding everyone hostage by manufactured fear, diseases and war. In any case, Happy Fourth of July—🧨 💥🌭🥩🍺✌️❤️🗽

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Freedom is an elusive pursuit. I agree entirely with you that our freedom has never been complete and what was gained has largely been taken away. This is human nature playing out once again.

But surely we can celebrate how humanity has been lifted up if only for a time by the noble sacrifice by those who have given their lives in the battle for freedom.

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Perhaps, doc. Believe me, I’m alway trying to be optimistic and hopeful that one day the madness of war will end, forever. And I am always thinking of my friends—the other soldiers I served with that weren’t so lucky as I was to spend most of his service in classrooms, labs, clinics & hospitals. But there’s so much so many just don’t understand about the fraud of war, and the abundance or natural energy and clean water. Also, I don’t believe war has anything to do with human nature, but a grotesque deviation by the most persuasive war-profiteering psy-ops professionals keeping us believing the two most lucrative frauds of human history: overpopulation and scarcity, which without that misguided belief, there would never be generational-warriors giving up their lives for freedom the survivors will never fully achieve.

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Jeffrey, first I thank you for your service. While our leaders are corrupt I believe most soldiers serve their country with pure motives.

Cain killed Abel. Human history is all war and oppression. I believe this will continue. The only real freedom is spiritual.

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Mr. Leake - with every post you impress me more and more. Thank you so extraordinarily much for highlight the thoughts that you raise here! 😁

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Thank you, Elizabeth, for your generous and encouraging words. And thanks for reading our Substack! Happy Independence Day! --John Leake

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We have to take the good with the bad. Do not excuse the bad, do not forget the good. Yes, there can be slave owners that recognize that all should be free. There can be lazy that note the importance of hard work.

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