I just downloaded it on Audible. From what you describe, I hope the newly named Surgeon General Dr Janette Neshweiwat, reads it. Many Americans are worried about her stance on lockdowns, masking and promoting the C19V's.

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Read it? She's in on it. She's a lock down, mask the kids, shot pisher from the cdc, now on team kill em all.

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Hopefully, RFK Jr gets confirmed bc he will be her boss and he's pretty clear on his stance about this "vaccine". It needs to be removed and stopped.

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I pray he doesn't rfk is very pro vax, he says it a lot. He just wants to have them tested more😉 Who's babies does he suggest we test them on? This makes him very scary. He knows the real data because he's suded them a lot and says he has vax injured kids. Here's one example of his stating it, there are many videos, he even testiefied saying it. The interviewer tried to get him to say the right thing, as kenedy stutters and stammers.


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Yeah, and once there are actual safety studies and the info gets spread many more parents will refuse to vaccinate their kids and requirements for school in many states will begin to be reduced and repealed. RFK Jr. is a very smart and shrewd man: you come to this conclusion about his position based on what he says publicly? He's quite aware of the damage and also quite aware that if he spoke in the way the media claims he speaks he would undermine his ability to do anything, let alone be confirmed. Trump should make him a recess appt. if it's the only realistic option. By all means, let real science take place and vaccinology will take a huge hit, and if the 1986 act is repealed companies will simply stop producing many of them. The liability issue is the most important one,

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I based my opinion on the fact that everyone he's appointing is pro vax, and or invested in pharmaceuticals, in particular mrna vaccines. So I don't expect thrm to go away. In fact, I expect there to be some sort of "plandemic" and they will probably lower the hammer and try to force everyone, maybe door to door with stormtroopers.

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Mr Lewis makes my point about “the importance of not treating any politicians or doctors as Gods”, but based their integral morality on plus one, minus one outcome daily.

Unfortunately our culture of exponential corruption and seeking feel good hero’s and villains to justify our choices and cover our tracks makes matters worse. Since the realization of my massive Boomer generation’s potential stratified value in planning over six decades, and then the capture of academia, government, media, and corporate by 8% of the “chosen” TV politicians of that generation who by the mid 1990’s (uniparty of non dissent was born) invited Communist China, Vietnam, and slave labor regimes to America’s table did what? Stock returns owned by Boomers who were complicit by association, including the vaunted hierarchal academics, medicine, and political top dogs.

They will get away with crime because the victims were complicit beginning six decades ago. That is the unprecedented legacy of my Boomer generation’s loathsome chosen 8% and how the other 92% were manipulated to be complicit.

We know all the names now.

The current political upheaval comes from the fact that the 8% of Boomer perps (and their offspring) made stock value available to all, but other than 401k’s for Joe six pack, actual real stock value concentrated ownership including the 8% amounted to about 30 percent of Boomers and offspring. That would be the die hard supporters of the uniparty under the Democrat banner, and why the other 70% (deplorables) without gross stock value said enough.

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The CDC appointment? FDA? Seriously, the images you conjure up at the end are paranoid fantasies. That is NOT going to happen here. . . okay, maybe in California : )

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Good analogy and points. I saw this before, but upon second viewing RFK Jr. is clearly hedging on going after what he knows are wealthy stock invested big dogs in and invested in Pharma, it’s vast connection to China (90% of all generic and OTC drugs and medical devices), and vaccines in general. So he’s going after Froot Loops and vegetable oil. Huge disappointment.

Never treat doctors or politicians as Gods. Look at what they are doing in regard to the outcome of what they have done and deduce the changes going forward.

Plus one or minus one. To destroy medical corruption one must not only determine the manufacturer and purveyor, but the complicit investor.

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Swine, meant for food, are being injected with Sequivity, a mRNA “vaccine” made by Merck.

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Yes, exactly. She is one of _them_.

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I wouldn't worry too much about this appt. if RFK Jr. gets confirmed and the appts. of FDA & CDC get confirmed as well. The surgeon general is more symbolic and PR oriented and she'll be on an island if she remains in that position and advocates how she did in 2020. I suspect this is more about political optics in terms of appointing a woman and dispelling misogynistic media claims/arguments, as well as mixing in more mainstream viewpoints.

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If she's honest - and also not in cahoots with the MSM - it would be significant progress.

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Canadian here Infel the same....pharma needs a real harsh put down!

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Mary T, could be some lefties commenting on here. Let's wait until president Trump is inaugurated and his team start working, and then we will see the truth coming out hopefully. I am Australian, but follow American politics very closely. I am strictly conservative...socialists have nothing to say that I want to hear. I am 82 years old, and was vaccinated when I was a kid...we only had 3 vaccinations in those days and I haven't had any shots since. Some people are highly offended if they are called an anti vaxer...I wear it as a badge of honor.

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What is particularly stunning, is how easily people were duped into worshipping big pharma, and how easily they shamed those of us who questioned it all. This included my former pharma-skeptic boss, who indirectly called me an anti-vaxxer for questioning...

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The scale of psychological warfare was terrifying to watch being inflicted on an unexpecting population.

Many who could see it for what it was early on, were those who has previously experienced mental and physically abusive relationship - it leaves you with a lifetime scar of hypervigilant awareness, a 'natural immunity.

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I will be visiting family for Christmas this year and would love to give this book as a gift and as a bit of a 'I told you so' however, I do not think they honestly see what this vaccine has done - yet. I have a sister who has injected her kids with it thinking she was doing the right thing and posting of her heroic efforts on Facebook. I pray it has not harmed her kids in a way that she regrets her decision.

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It is hard to admit you’ve been duped. I pray your sister’s children escape the wrath of this “vaccine.”

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Most wouldn't read it. Let us know of tou have different results.

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Pfizer's (and others), our government's, our media, our physicians CRIMES against humanity are no longer debatable. WILL THERE EVER BE ANY ACCOUNTABILITY, and if so, for who and what will it look like? If no accountability, then we as a people deserve for it to happen again and it will!

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No, there will never be accountability. Certainly, you can see that people have been “given over” just as it says in Romans

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Check your library. Not listed? Ask them to stock it. The forward and initial comments by the author are all the layman needs to know. The rest is technical and is the class action lawyers bible to sue Pfizer for their very last dime. Also, medical professionals should read it and stop asking the patients. Did you get your booster? Did you get your flu shot? Did you get your RSV virus shot? Tell them I'm working on boosting my immune system to handle it and I don't get side effects! I take Vitamin D and all the other good supplements that work!

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Thank you for your excellent Stack article. Anyone who has had.friends or family members suffer injury or death as a result of these very evil people, knows the depth of suffering they have caused. Those of us who have watched the suffering know that one cannot simply observe from the top of the Ferris Wheel. This is personal and real. I know a judge, in a case I brought, that will soon be receiving her copy of the book from me. I can only hope that her conscience is so stricken that she steps down. Texas does not need incompetent federal judges.

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An amazing world we live in - crimes against humanity on a heretofore unheard of scale are revealed, and most people just yawn.

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Sergie...what else should we do? Cry out loud? I've done that. It horrifying and sickening..im far from yawning.

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Thank you for promoting this book.

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I am giving copies for X-mas. Once the contents are understood, even if only partially, you can not “unsee” this cleverly executed massive attempt at purposeful harms. This book and all the many contributors are pure salt and light for a the holiday season

As always Mr Leake, a beautifully written post. Love and prayers to both you and Dr. McC. ❤️

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I will probably read this book soon. I hope it is as good as "Empire Of Pain" by Patrick Keefe who examines the Sackler family and big pharma and their role in ruthlessly promoting opioids. Look where that has taken us. But I would guess the murdering fizer crime syndicate tops them all.

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I recall reading all 5 covid vaccine makers in the world were of a certain tribe. The Sackler family/Purdue Pharmaceutical is too. Of course not all supposed tribe members are criminal greed mongers & large-scale murderers, just saying. Naomi Wolfe is a saint in comparison.

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Thank you!🙏🏾

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We need to put a stop to these harmful injections once and for all! It’s our God given right to make our own choices about what goes in to our bodies!!

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Absolutely Gina, and what goes into our children’s and grandchildren’s bodies as well!

These “evil-monsters” haven’t a care in the world except for how much money they can make regardless of a particular drug, Bioweapon Injection, etc. kills people!

How disposable they believe “Human Beings” are! They don’t give a damn about who dies or who lives as long as they get their “Blood-Money”!

Thank you for sharing your insights Gina, we must not allow these monsters to WIN EVER AGAIN!


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💯…their day is coming.🙏🏾

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I pray that day is soon! I just posted on my Substack Homepage a message from RFK Jr. regarding the FDA.

All is wonderful except for the mRNA Bioweapon as I questioned why.

I pray to God RFK and Trump’s nominations all fall in line against these “Death-Shots”!


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I hope so too!🤞🏾

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It seems so simple, yet so darn important! Yet nothing has been said, nobody will say a thing about the damage caused by these well studied “Bioweapon Injections”!

Dr. Francis Boyle wrote the Bioweapon Weapons Act of 1979, signed into law in 1985 and Dr Boyle said COVID and the “Frankinshots” are “Wespons of Mass Destruction!”

How much more evidence is needed I ask? I am a very optimistic person but something doesn’t seem right about this.

I know 7 people who died from these “Shots” 2 close friends. I don’t know of nor have I heard anyone dying from a bowl of Cheerios!

I understand food has been found to contain lots of unhealthy / banned in many countries, poisons. Great, fix our food and MAHA, great!

But what about the

“Shots to the Heart” shots?

Thanks again Gina, time will tell this I know.


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Yes I know and agree with all you say. In this world it’s about ‘Good v’s evil!’

I do believe we are going to see a lot of transparency when it comes to the so called ‘vaccinations’ over the next couple of years. The deceit and cover up has been going on for far too long and thanks to people like yourself, they are now starting to take notice and connect the dots. They are even doing their own research, (even though that has been messed with too), but if you dig deep enough, you’ll see the truth. And the truth always prevails - eventually! That time is near! Good things are coming! But we must never get complacent. We must keep pushing forward and never give up!

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Within two weeks of lockdown I learned why mRNA was shelved. 1. Inflammatory Responses and 2. Clotting Factors.

I have a clotting disorder so nobody was going to force me to line up and roll up. The more time moved on the more I learned about mRNA.

Fauci said multiple times he was concerned about ADE or “Antibody Dependent Enhancement”. I looked this up and learned early on peoples immune systems would be compromised.

Fast forward to today and what’s happening? Immunocompromised, cancers (SV40) the green monkey Virus which they knew causes cancer yet they stil included SV40/ Pseudoephedrine, also causes cancer and yes this is included in these literal “Bioweapons” and a host of 55 undeclared chemicals, which was recently released and peer reviewed.

Another words, they knew what they were doing and why they were doing it!

IMO, murder! Nearly 17 million people have died so far from the shit alone. Although I have read reports from Japanese Doctors and Scientists / Virologists who believe a “Billion People Have Been Killed By These Shots!”

There’s damning and irrefutable evidence which points to and provides causation these shots are killing innocent people and children too!

How much more does a Trump or an RFK Jr. need? They both know this. I’m a “Nobody!” With literally zero medical knowledge / experience whatsoever.

I can read that’s my credentials. And read I have done. This infuriates at me to know end. Nothing ever in my lifetime, more than a half century on planet earth have I ever watched such destructive behavior deliberately mandated / enforced upon the world!

God help us all! I can’t imagine those responsible will wake up and realize “oh damn” we messed up hey? No, not at all, they knew what and why this happened.

They’re culpable to the tenth degree! I stop short of saying “Guilty!” Without proper tribunals.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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“But we must never get complacent. We must keep pushing forward and never give up!”

Exactly my thoughts Gina. Thank you. You took / I took your words / my words and cut and pasted them above.


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Speaking of Cheerios, as well as Quaker Oats .... the oats are sprayed with Monsanto's Roundup. The glyphosate in Roundup (apart from the arsenic) serves as a dessicant, a "drying agent". Like, there's no other non-chemical way to dry grains? The Roundup kills off "friendly" bacteria in our gut that the body needs to produce Vitamin D and other organisms needed for good health, and rendering us more susceptible to Covid and other ailments. So, sad to say, YES, the Cheerios is indeed killing us, just a little more slowly than the shots.

- Mitchel Cohen, author

"The Fight Against Monsanto's Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides." (Skyhorse: 2022)

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God Mitchel, you’ve said what I said nearly four years ago. After learning about the dangers of “glyphosate” and how it’s literally in everything we eat, you’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head!

Thank you for sharing such important information. Thank you very much Mitchel, we all learn from each other and your response is



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AJR, we just wait until Trump is inaugurated...no need to judge them just yet. I also am not a doctor, but in 2016, I had a blockage to the right side of my heart, which gave me a bit of pain. A cardiologist diagnosed it and wanted me on all kind of drugs. I threw the script into the bin and knew about what cayenne capsules can do and started taking 4 a day and I still do. Cayenne clears the arteries and my blockage is gone. Don't believe me, check out a world class naturopath called Barbara O'Neill...she is on YouTube. Don't discuss it with a doctor...they are not taught about nutrition in med school...all they know about are drugs. Barbara raves about cayenne and swears by it.

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Thank you Robert. I absolutely love Barbara I’Neill. I have watched many of her podcasts and videos on YouTube. I think she’s amazing.

I agree with you as well about President Elect Trump. I have my reservations about whether or not he has been compromised or part of this entire Covid-Fraud. Honestly Robert, I pray to God Trump is above ground on board for the people as he claims. America and the world cannot afford anyone other than the man millions of people stood up for and voted for. Time will tell how deep this cesspool of corruption is. My guess is it’s deep, very deep and extremely corrupt.

Thank you Robert for sharing your thoughts.


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Who could forget the interview with Bourla where he said he hadn't taken his own company's Covid shots yet because "someone of my age isn't recommended to get them yet" and then it all went quiet. If anyone thinks that Bourla and his partners in crime at ALL the big pharma companies ever had the slightest intention of taking these poison shots themselves I have several London bridges to sell them.

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By sheer happenstance, I was listening to Steve Bannon's War Room podcast on the day the plan to bring the "War Room posse" onboard to assist Naomi Wolf in documenting, in detail, the scope of Pfizer's wrongdoing, was born. I knew I was witnessing a moment of huge and far-reaching significance, and the memory thrills me to this day.

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I look upon Pfizer as a sacrificial lamb. I fully expect them to be sued into bankruptcy. They are cover for the real perpetrators of this genocide.

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Hey Fred, I tend to agree with this view. Yes Pfizer is “low hanging fruit” however one with deep (taxpayer-funded) pockets. Obviously their standard operating procedure is pay the fine (the mere “cost of doing business”) and repeat. The real “perps” are in the DOD, I would argue.

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I don't know who the real perps are however my bet goes on the Bilderberg group of the ultrawealthy since this is a worldwide effort.

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Regardless, they are still willing participants. Maybe someone will roll over and spill the beans.

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You all need to read the case. The case cites the use of anti-malaria drugs on Children as well. Not just Trovan. 1) "Among the nonconsensual experiments that the tribunal cited as a basis for their convictions were the testing of drugs for immunization against malaria (like Hydrochloroquine & Chloroquine), epidemic jaundice, typhus, smallpox and cholera. The case involved Pfizer which conducted an unapproved, trial of its experimental antibiotic, Trovan on children in Nigeria. The court found Pfizer guilty. -- Rabi Abdullahi, et al. v. Pfizer, Inc., 562 F.3d (2d Cir. 2009) ... 1) "Among the nonconsensual experiments that the tribunal cited as a basis for their convictions were the testing of drugs for immunization against malaria (like Hydrochloroquine & Chloroquine), epidemic jaundice, typhus, smallpox and cholera. Seven of the convicted doctors were sentenced to death and the remaining eight were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment. The American tribunal's conclusion that action that contravened the Nuremberg Code's first principle constituted a crime against humanity is a lucid indication of the international legal significance of the prohibition on nonconsensual medical experimentation." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/jun/05/health.healthandwellbeing1

From 2015-2019 deaths for Malaria increased every year, despite massive HCQ vaccination campaigns. https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaria

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Most anti malaria drugs attack the spleen. The spleen is part of your immune system so all of this makes perfect sense.

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Trovan still available as a last resort antibiotic in hospitals in the USA! Too deadly to prescribe in a physician's office. My son's good friend had it prescribed and then diagnosed with Lymphoma. Drug depresses immune system. Then any pathogen being carried and suppressed can come alive! My view!

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The way to "bring back" limited, constitutional government is to "eliminate" all unlawful agencies/departments and NOT attempt to "fix them" as this will fail over time.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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There is great strength of character in your words, Lise. Thank you.

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