A word to the wise in America. We are on the cusp of losing our freedom of speech as well. The fact that SCOTUS found in favor of Biden on Missouri vs Biden was unbelievable. That Dr. Kheriaty seems confident they will eventually win is heartening. Vote wisely in November. The Biden/Harris administration plans to stack SCOTUS.

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Vote BEFORE November. Bank your vote early.

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Sure, and give the election thieves a target number of "votes" to manufacture.

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Well, that's one possibility; but, they've already told us they're planning on manufacturing crisis after crisis at polling places so as to discourage walk-ins, just like they did for Kari Lake in AZ, and stole that one. So....blue state, red state, you know your local precincts, it's your call.

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That isn't a "possibility", Bert, it's a fact. The establishment of the early vote procedures has resulted in more democrat vote fraud, but the imagine that it's a more believable form of fraud. Republican voters jumped at the chance to vote early to have their votes on record in case of poll closures, etc. Why would GOP congress members choose that sort of solution over clamping down on the poll closures?

Could it be that they are afraid to take on any kind of action to stop democrat cheating, or is it because they are complicit? Those are the only two choices I can see. The GOP isn't called the Stupid Party just because of the stupidity of their elected officials, it's the voters who are behaving stupidly as well.

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The problem in most cases isn’t the Republicans, it’s a Democrat thing.

Voting laws are a state and local issue and the Democrats have changed the rules in ares that they control.

Early voting, mail in ballots, drop boxes, etc were supposedly established because of Covid, but they also make it easier to cheat.

Democrat politicians have done everything possible to fight voter integrity laws in the areas that they control…..

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You're missing the facts here...As the APPEARANCE of a 'Two-Party System' really is a FICTION, MOVIE, PLAY. The 'Two-Party System' is in actuality a TWISTED, DYSFUNCTIONAL, ABUSIVE MARRIAGE with both actually UNIPARTY NAZI'S in practice; with bribery, blackmail, threats and actual destruction and murder of a member every once in a while to be a prime motivator for all the PLAY THE GAME.


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I agree with you to a certain extent, many of the RINOS are in on it.

There is , however, a fact that mitigates against the whole “Uniparty” theory. And that fact is that one can easily see the difference between Democrat control and Republican control.

The Democrats are ALWAYS for increased government control of everything, and fewer individual rights.

Conservative Republicans (NOT RINOS) are usually against increasing government control and pro individual freedoms.

The past two administrations have shown the difference.

Trumps time in office (with the exception of Covid) was far, far better than the disastrous Biden administration.

If everything was run by the “Uniparty”, then the policies and results of both administrations should have been the same…..

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By "Conservative Republicans ", I'm assuming that you mean all three of them.

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Voting is nothing more than choosing whose hand holds the club with which you are beaten. It does nothing to stop the beatings.

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EVERYBODY...Contact your Election Board in your County of Residence and Apply for an Absentee Ballot/Mail-In Ballot not requiring any form of I.D.

TRUMP'S REQUESTED ALL TRUMP SUPPORTERS TO DO THIS...To overwhelm all with the actual numbers of Ballots counted. It really messes with the overall Registration.


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Bingo, we've got to play their game. A secondary effect of this is discouraging their attendance at polls because EXIT polls will show low turnout for Trump.

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Am going to vote both ways...Or, as near as possible to do so. One way or the next; my vote will count.

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I wouldn't declare John Bull dead just yet, but certainly he is on life support. The government has gone way too far in trying to enforce a two-tiered system of justice and there will be a backlash. It may be a violent one leading to a second English Civil War, but I don't think John Bull will be permanently cowed!

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This is a world-wide struggle. I think nationalists and conservatives have had enough of this attempt to infringe on freedoms as the ignorant useful idiots impose their global tyranny on behalf of the puppet masters.

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I think they recognize that it is a worldwide struggle and that is why the English Prime Minister is now threatening Americans who post on social media.

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Thanks Corrin- you're right, we won't be cowed.

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The sad reality becomes more and more obvious everyday. The Anglo-Zionist National Security State - CIA, MI6, Mossad - are now in charge of pretty much everything. Even the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and the Crown are subordinate. To them, the decline of Western Civilization is a show, a jolly good shit show.

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Nothing to do with Zion.

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Unlike some others I agree with Anglo-Zionist. Anyway, my contention with your comment is that I do not think they are so much in charge Now, as they have been for probably 60+ years. What is different today, is that it is being Revealed as such - we are learning to what degree that truth has been Hidden from us all. It is time now to Reveal, Awaken, and See that an Ending is put to this Tyranny of the Hidden and Criminal Elite Conspiring to take away our Liberty and Sovereignty. I feel our chances are Pretty Good, it would be better if more awaken, but I do not know that we can count on that, but with the Grace of God we will Win and 'They' will be exposed further as the Criminals against Humanity that they really ARE!

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Totally agree. Thanks for your comment, Tom. Some of the remarks on this thread remind me of Yahoo Chat. Perhaps @John Leake will moderate it.

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Good Lord.

Jumbo Shrimp, anyone?

How does Islam feature in your fever dream, are they Anglo-Zionists as well then?

Would that it was as simple as your mind.

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"Even the rockyfllrs/rothshilds/crown--presumably that of britain -- aresubordinate...yada yada yada .... Subordinate to whom ??? If you are referring to the 7 head beast , you would be correct here , despite your intellectual constipation . The 3 city-states of empire are city of london --control of finances , vat city -- the religious programming hoodwink , and the district of colombia --the military arm of the empire . When you say western civilization you are really saying "the western roman empire" Definitely not civilized ...

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I’m not so sure, and regardless, imo, we’re screwed either way. (Pardon the vulgarity…)


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England and Ireland are lost- they have around 300 Sharia courts, and the “illegal” immigrants coming in are trained troops, trained by the black watch regiment overseas. That’s for the reason they can’t expect Englishmen to kill their own. They had foreign troops in Canada during the truckers protest.

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A huge chunk of the UK police force are now women of the sort you see there in the clip and the armed forces are very largely manned by the very same working class men with the exact same attitudes that they would be asked to fire upon for the WEF puppet in Buckingham palace.

The powers that be in the UK have so fallen for their own BS that they have weakened every real power structure that actually kept them in power whilst bringing in millions of people that utterly detest them. A guy in a silly wig sending white people to prison for 3 years for the same crime that they are sending brown people to do 10 hours community service for or not even charging them for, is simply going to be writing cheques for the present WEF regime that its enforcers such a that tiny woman police officer can no longer enforce as any woman fighting a man in an Olympic boxing match could surely tell them.

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In 1987 I wrote a letter to Margaret Stone of the Daily Mail about her fatuous article advising people to complain to their bank if and when they discovered “discrepancies” in their accounts. The following Saturday at 7:00 am there was knock at my door, a uniformed constable and a plain clothed detective wanted to question me about a letter I had written to the Daily Mail. Little did I realise that police cars had sealed off the main street through the village and that there were 24 armed and body armoured police waiting to rummage through my house. I was arrested, detained over the weekend, questioned four hours, told to sign the many pages written by a detective, much of which I had not said so refused to sign anything. I did however, take with me 4 copies of my draft book to the police station which I insisted be used as my statement of facts. On the Monday I was taken to court, a dozen or so of my supporters were there, the court was full of people who heard what happened. I was released on bail. Four weeks later I appeared in court to be tried on a bogus charge of making threats to murder person or persons unknown. My solicitor represented me. The public prosecutor addressed the court to say she had decided to drop the charges. My solicitor demanded that the reason(s) be revealed as to why the charges had been dropped. I noticed there were several copies of my statement in court. The clerk shouted at me solicitor that I had no right to know why charges had been dropped. The magistrate banged his gavel on the bench, saying, “I want to know and this court wants to know why the charges have been dropped.” The clerk rounded on the magistrates, screaming, “This court has no business to know why the charges have been dropped.” What did I expose in my little book that drove the court clerk into an apoplectic fit? Interested, here’s a link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/46ivz0y7p8rlzl3/MASTERS%20OF%20TRUTH%20FATHERS%20OF%20LIES.pdf?dl=0

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Yes it is, but it's GOOD clickbait.

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Is it? I won’t click on a random DropBox link, especially if the title is in all caps. Why doesn’t he just put the info in the comment?

“One weird trick to drive your court clerk into an apoplectic trick!”

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Lol. You have a point. I didn’t click on the link, either.

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Notes from a small island-(with apologies to Bill Bryson.) Thanks for your concern for us in the U.K. Much appreciated. I feel I should, though, contribute some optimism to the situation. The new government is already very unpopular, it gained only 20% of the eligible electorate vote and only 37% of those who bothered to vote. The opposition to Labour was split between the (pretend) Conservatives and the new boys on the block, Reform- with tactical voting inflicting more damage to the Conservatives in a "First past the Post" system- so the Labour government has very little support across the country and its talent pool is very shallow.

The bitter disappointment of the failures of the Boris majority of 2019, the Covid debacle and the numerous regicides of the Conservatives ushered in this Government.

Bright thoughts though. England didn't go "All Covid" neurotic. The brainwashing/propaganda machine/scare tactics were as full on as elsewhere- but we defeated jab mandates (apart from for the Care workers) and, ironically, it was only when the (Boris) government tried to force the jab on medical folk- the medics, coupled with the sizeable "opposition to forced medical treatment" crowd, made the (Boris) government to back down on this.

The Brits are patient and mild mannered generally, we're slow to anger- but the silent majority are grumbling- the removal of winter fuel allowance from pensioners to pay for public sector workers pay rise was a stunning act of "Let them eat cake" from the Labour government.

We're waiting for this government to implode ( 100 days?) and a return to government by consent- but if all is lost, we might have to look to you guys in the U.S ( again) to save us.

Best of luck for November!

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New World Order - coming soon to the entire world. Weak men make hard times.

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Most of y'alls comments are going to land you in jail once they start monitoring Substack😁

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Have you heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment? It quickly turned ordinary people into ruthless tyrants.

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England, home of the Levellers and the Chartists who inspired Karl Marx. I'm not ready to write off my distant cousins just yet.

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The Levellers. Who refused to fight the demonised Irish, saying they were just por folk trying to get by like themselves. Pretty much like the vast majority of Muslim migrants who are under attack, the powers that be diverting anger towards them and away from themselves.

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The Levellers are definitely my favorites from the English Revolution.

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One goal that my spouse had for our children was that they take a multi-country educational tour of Europe with him after either high school or college. (He’s a “recovering” history major 😉.)

As of this summer, he reached his goal with each of our kids — barely avoiding the UK riots as he and my youngest travelled by train from the Scottish Highlands to Amsterdam via London (thanks to the CrowdStrike cyber crash grounding their plane.)

My attitude throughout has been one of extreme wistfulness that my offspring may well have seen The Last Days of Western Culture. Just as (of far lesser importance) they experienced The Last Days of Non-woke Disney here at home. Whether they actually appreciated this fact or not.

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The globalists have worked hard to ruin the physical health of the masses, think there might be a reason for that, other than pharma and medical system profits? A fat, sick, depressed, populace dependent on drugs (or think they are) is a lot less threatening than a bunch of fit, energetic people who feel capable of defending themselves. They've gone so far as to push the idea that pursuit of health and fitness is right-wing extremism.

They're good., very good at what they do.

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He's not dead - only sleeping.

He has been dreaming of Alfred and Arthur for so long that the Nouveau Elite has managed to sidle into power unnoticed. He's beginning to wake up now and I don't think he likes what he's seeing. Whether he can reverse decades of decline is another matter.

John Bull was never really the Man in Charge - he wasn't the king or the politicians or the aristocracy so he never had any power as such. However, the people with the power are fools if they think the white working class will give up this easily and there are plenty of non-white working class who will join the uprising with them.

Well, that's what I keep telling myself!

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Hi John Leake,

Another good article.

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Makes sense the globalists would prioritize the "cradle of free speech" for subjugation, early on.

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The slumbering numbing of the dumbing illustrates cause and effects.

Much needed larger doses of conversations tends to uncork the senses and wake folks up.

Far too many put asleep with fear, as to shut them up from important participations.

Violating and victimizing oneself into an abyss. Not best path forward.

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