Well said! Couldn’t agree more.

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ANY government is, by definition, a repository of vices and crimes. That's why it's so important to keep it as small as possible - it would be at least manageable that way.

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Well said, the other half of that is..."and this is what happens when you trade your sovereignty, freedoms, liberties and societal morals to said government - for Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment."

None of this is new. The plebian masses, have been making these trades - and paying the price for them - for thousands of years.

I agree that you keep it small and never be afraid to lop it's head off and start again.

Government is just like a noxious weed - so long as it's watered, it will quickly outgrow your perceived limits for it. Let it go too far and you lose the ability and will, to eradicate it.

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People traded freedom for a fraudulent promise of “health and safety”.

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There are and always have been opportunists, hucksters, tyrants, cheats, liars and frauds...so that's no excuse, for people making those poor, bad or ignorant trades.

We are all guilty of it, in one way or another, at all points throughout history.

My larger point - this is who we are, both individually and collectively - on a micro and macro scale.

Those opportunists understand this, much better than we do.

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

He was correct, because those who would make those trades, put little thought into what it will cost them and future generations, in the decades and centuries to come.

The world we see today is the culmination of all those trades, that came before us - and our trades will cause the same destruction, for those who come after us.

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I wasn't disagreeing with you, just adding the detail of the specific trade off that people made during the "pandemic".

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My apologies Brandy if that came across as defensive. It was meant to expand on it all from a larger picture perspective.

You are absolutely correct, in your observation.

The scamdemic really was the tipping point, when the curtain was pulled back - for those who weren't already wakened to this "game" - and the trades became glaringly apparent.

Prior to that, the tribalism, propaganda, spin, orchestrated psy-ops and distractions were usually enough, to explain away the destruction. No matter what side people chose, it worked in the orchestrators favor - keeping the masses focused on superficial issues and not the deeper realities.

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You have a great perspective and I'm glad you are sharing it! We all need to be wiser and help our friends and loved ones see what is going on.

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As a Brit I see the same in my once great nation!!! The slide into hell led by left wing extremists in the name of progressivism!

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Canada is no longer strong or free.

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I see it in Australia too.

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As we know, Dr. McCullough usually writes on Covid and the vax. This is a departure worth reading. I think it's magnificently said.

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100%. It’s is hard to remain a proud American. I try to dwell on those that gave us independence and those who fought (and supported those warriors) ... and to recall the amazing beautiful ideal that is the American experiment.

But at the same time what have we become these last several decades.

A country that has truly supported more terroristic activities with constant war mongering, ravaging entire countries and causing untold deaths and suffering. This is fact that we ignore.

A country that opening supports the murder of teen babies and looks the other way when our children are abducted to a life of sex slavery.

We have become very depraved and yet very few do anything to combat this death spiral.

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I’m not a proud American...today. This is why so much evil is happening before our eyes. Those men who have died for this country would cry if they saw what has been “allowed”. Being “proud” has gotten all of us here.

“Happy is he to whom truth manifests itself, not in signs and words that fade, but as it actually is. Our opinions, our senses often deceive us and we discern very little...We have eyes and do not see.” The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis

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You forgot one thing, The state of CA determined that strip bars were essential during the lockdowns (where intimate contact is inevitable), but arrested paddleboarders out alone in the ocean. All while they closed churches. I guess the senators and congressmen needed their sex addictions satisfied while others were locked up

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I forgot to add one obvious point .... if we were trying to stop the spread of this "deadly virus", why were so many places shut down while intimate public contact was allowed in strip bars? Shows you what a scam the whole thing was.

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Strip bars kept open here in WA state, and also Oregon. Everyone keeps forgetting to say strip bars.

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Really not a surprise since self serving criminal sociopaths installed themselves in the Executive Branch, which of course became perfectly evident the minute vote counting stopped in states which were about to determine a presidential election (Joe is nothing more than a pitiful puppet). Absent valid elections Americans face a darkening future.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

Read the last couple chapters of 2 Kings in the Old Testament

When God is judging a nation things turn very, very ugly!

A long succession of evil, corrupt rulers are leading up to the demise of a nation who heedlessly continues to deny there's a sovereign God.

The State has put itself in the place of God.

All these evil rulers are part of the unfolding of His just judgements!

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So true, and here the story unfolds as per the Bible, especially Revelation. In the same way people don't believe in Jesus, is the same way people cannot see the truth of Covid 's origin and the Covid vaccines. Blinded. Worse to come sadly.

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Well said may God bless you and your family

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Thank you. May God bless you and your family with knowledge, wisdom and discernment and walk you all through every evil plan that you all remain unscatched.

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Wish he'd get off his spotty backside and start doing it.

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The whole point is to destroy the civilization and replace it with a socialist utopia, with certain groups on top making all the decisions and money, and a serfdom of peasants.

Danny Huckabee

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"The Socialist Utopia" has been attempted several times in the 20th Century. The result has always been the same: Human bodies stacked like cordwood, halfway to the Sun.

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We haven't been too good with Justin as a leader in Canada.

Forget the riots here, just cut the rioters off their bank accounts. Problem solved.

No illegals here. just legal terrorists allowed. Case closed.

Keep passing laws to cut off dissident speech. No problem.

All WEF wannabies in the Parliement. Even opposition is. Problem solved again.

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It's the same here in the UK as well as the EU. all the leaders are linked by one thing. With a couple of exceptiions, they're Uncle Klaus's favourites in the YGL programme.

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Great story and contrast!

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Thank you for sharing history with us. This is one of my favorite substacks.

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Pray for Jesus Christ return as it's our only hope to be rid of the evil doers who are amongst us.

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As much as I am ready for Jesus to return, I am thankful for His time of grace allowing others yet to come to Him.

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Not mentioned here but incredibly important: They restricted the speech of a sitting president! If they could do it to Trump, they can do it to anyone.

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The sadism theory makes more sense than the one in which Biden is selling us out for money as he already has plenty of money.

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