Not too impressed with the Kennedy Beacon’s ‘chronology of events’ for the Ukraine situation. It certainly sloughs over some very important details, like, for example, the 8 year assault on civilians in Donbass, Ukraine’s Nazi relationship, etc.

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/

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Actually there is just as much speculation that he’s an MI6 operative… which basically ties into the MI6/UK connection to Israel. In any event, all this info comes from a group called ‘Israeli Friends of Ukraine. There is no denying the infiltration of neo Nazis into the Ukraine government and military. All you need to do is look at the badges on the uniforms or the insignias they paint on their tanks. The ‘fact’ that there are Israelis who are pro Nazi is fairly irrelevant.

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . you lying cocksucker . . .

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/

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Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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What is the point of indicating an article that shows a handful of Jews who are corrupt? Corruption does not depend on ethnicity. We can also see the corruption of US politicians and Biden himself, in Ukraine. Most of them are Protestants. The purpose of articles pointing specifically to Jews in this respect is somewhat questionable….again, Ukraine has earned the reputation of being the most corrupt country in Europe due to interactions with powerful people of various ethnicities. The underlying purpose of these articles specifically pointing to Jews has an underlying reason, and it is not regarding the specifics of Ukrainian corruption, but rather pointing, once again, to the ‘Jewish question’.

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Filthy lying kike . . . Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics . . .

“During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.”


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Yet more Putinoid propaganda. They probably didn't want to do so and be so self-revelatory acting so conspicuously on behalf of the KGB thug.

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I suspect, then, that the West must have bought into that ‘Putinoid propaganda’ as the Minsk Accords, which they signed on to, indicated the assault on Russian ethnics in the Donbass. And even the US Congress, at one time (before we were meant to approve of Nazis) advised that the Azov Battallion, Right Sector, etc., were Nazi organizations and the the US should not be funding them.

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . you lying cocksucker . . .

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/

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Yeah, it must be hard after Prigozhin gave up the ghost admitting Ukraine had done nothing and Putin's illegal invasion was about enriching himself and his oligarchs.

You can spew all kinds of crap about Nazis but there are none in Ukraine's government let alone any party with a single parliamentary seat.

Unlike Putin who admitted to funding the Wagner Group and its founder and absolute nasty Nazi with multiple tats and who named the mercenary war criminal group after Hitler's favorite composer.

The Wagner Group is infamous around the world, in Africa and Ukraine for its war crimes.

You won't dare say a bad word about that real Nazi work.

How Kerch Bridge?

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There was nothing ‘illegal’ about Russia coming in to assist Russian ethnics in the Donbas that have been attacked by Ukraine since the Maidan uprising. As a matter of fact, the government of the Donbas asked Russia to intercede. And if you don’t know about Nazis in the Ukrainian government and army, better stop watching CNN and wake up. How many boosters did you get? LOL!!!

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You filthy lying cocksucker . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . .

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . . https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/ukraines-azov-regiment-visits-israel-mariupol-is-our-masada/

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You must be a real intellectual to respond in such a way. Did you forget to take your meds today?

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Assist, what happened to "liberation" that's the propaganda line you're ordered to follow.

"The government of Donbas" what a bunch of Putinoid fiction. Girkin, a KGB pal of Putin admitted he was sent from Moscow to the Donbas to start a conflict. He bragged nothing would have happened without him.

Don't watch CNN, cut the cord years ago. Don't have a single clot shot in my system.

I'm clean unlike your system which boasts lots of KGB thug Putin propaganda. You must do a lot of drugs and hang out with Oliver Stone.

Prigozhen gave up the ghost. Admitted Ukraine did nothing and the illegal invasion by Putin is all about plunder for him and his oligarchs.

No amount of propaganda will ever change the confession. The entire civilized world knows!

How Kerch Bridge, Putinoid?

Crimea is Ukraine. GTFO!


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Fuck off kike . . . When the Iron Curtain fell down the Bolshevik Jews all fled to the other side because they knew what the Russians would do to them after 100 years of communism. The best thing about Russia getting Crimea back… Catherine the Great took it from the Turks… What happened right after Russia retook Crimea? The Russian FSB searched all the Turks living there . . . Why? Because NATO sponsors Islamist terrorism when it suits them to . . . NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization


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And the Kerch Bridge…railway still running, cars still traveling on it. The Kerch bridge was only built in 2018. What were they doing from 2014 (when they voted to be part of the Russian Federation) until the bridge opened. Air and ferry. Duh

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Filthy lying kike . . . Thoughts on Britain’s “Rwanda Plan” . . .

“It seems fair to conclude that Jewish organizations have uniformly advocated high levels of immigration of all racial and ethnic groups into Western societies and have also advocated a multicultural model for these societies.” — Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique


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Fuck off kike . . . Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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And who is writing about Girkin? Newsweek, ABC, and even Reddit, etc. Yep, MSM. Just like I thought.

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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Fuck off kike . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks.

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . .


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Good interview!

Anyone know if Biden has revealed what his proxies in Ukraine have done with American Journalist Lira? Are we just "disappearing" critics now? https://open.substack.com/pub/jimychanga/p/ukraine-abducts-american-journalists?r=3vm3f&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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No doubt. Biden loves the Chinese and their tactics, it seems. Disappearing is a beloved Soviet and CCP tactic.

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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I am for President Trump

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I hate the majority of the Democratic Party and, for the record I hate much of the Republican Party, too. That said, I mostly like RFK (and Tulsi) and would vote for either of them without feeling like I usually do during presidential elections. Which is to say, I always feel like I’m forced to choose the shinier turd.

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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: The “Humanitarian” Warmonger – Booby F’n Kennedy Jr. – The Other Face of Imperialism . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX-4Sd-WADg

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In addition to prohibit government to interfere with free speech on social platforms, it should also be prohibitive for social media to suppress or ‘filter’ posts, as long as they do not contain criminal or obscene content. Many of my posts with information about the dangers of the Covid ‘vaccines’ have been censored by Facebook. I hope that the recent lawsuit against the Biden administration will set an example such that free speech will no longer be tampered with.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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It is good to read the history of the conflict and the double dealing of NATO and the US. We need to get out of this forever war and in my country become non aligned. The neocons are trying to destroy Russia with Ukrainian lives.

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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Maybe we could ask Pres. Bush his thoughts about the War in Ukraine? The man was really, truly, honestly pranked to make his frank observations about the US's role:


Things change. Little things, like one's word. Not the first time things changed between world leaders. Take the Non-aggression Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin, with it's Secret Protocols...that involved Ukraine:


[download free .pdf]

Alexander Solzhenitsyn offered up his thoughts on things changing in Russia and Ukraine following the collapse of the Soviet Union. And hinting at how things have even changed inside the US following Pres George HW Bush's New World Order speech, and what that Fascist dog whistle going back to the US's admiration of how efficient Hitler and Mussolini's fascism was, pre-WWII, even into WWII, but then transformed by Madison Avenue rebranding after the word fell out of disfavor following Hitler's defeat, "Public-Private Partnership" corporate-government authoritarianism goes down more smoothly than "Fascism":


If a chronology of events by any historian doesn't include these data points then it isn't a true and honest chronology.

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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"The Real History of the War in Ukraine: A Chronology of Events and Case for Diplomacy." is a highly professional FAKE by Professor Sachs’s essay - as it explains almost EVERYTHING in great detail - but LEAVES OUT THE CENTRAL MOTIVATION FOR PUTIN's SELF DEFENSE!


The war was started in REAL in 2014 by Barack Obama & Victoria Nuland "Fuck the EU".


Obama paid 5 Billion for the "COUP" as Nuland ADMITTED even in congress.


So Prof Sachs puts the story upside down!

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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THANK YOU for your INFO, Clarence!

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Het joodse messianisme verspreidt al bijna tweeduizend jaar zijn giftige boodschap onder ons. Democratische en communistische universalismen zijn nieuwer, maar versterken alleen maar het oude joodse verhaal. Dit zijn dezelfde idealen...

De transnationale, transraciale, transseksuele, transculturele idealen die deze ideologieën ons prediken (buiten ras, mensen, cultuur) en die de dagelijkse voeding zijn van onze scholen, in de media, in onze popcultuur, bij onze universiteiten en op onze straten . . . hebben zijn onze biosymbolische identiteit en onze etnische trots teruggebracht tot hun minimale uitdrukking.

Geen enkel land voert zijn eigen race tijdens deze invasie, omdat het allemaal een politieke agenda is die wordt geleid door de VN en naar voren wordt geschoven door de Joden en hun marionetten (politici). Meeste mensen gewoon niet zullen weten of begrijpen dat dit een politieke agenda is. Sommigen slagen er echter in te begrijpen dat de politici opzettelijk werken om moslims te importeren en de mensen te vervangen, maar daar houdt het op, ze zijn als een computer die niet verder kan omdat het programma het niet toestaat.

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Wenn wir die Quelle kennen & wissen daß die Thora, das ALTE Testament & der Talmud diese ANTI-christlichen & ANTI-demokratischen & ANTI-gesetzlichen, weil kriminellen Botschaften verbreiten - dann sollten wir diese FAKE-news beim Namen nennen - denn die "Wahrheit wird Euch frei machen" hat bereits JESUS von NAZARETH gesagt.


Diese Technik der Aufklärung nennt man "rollback", wenn man GEGEN den Fluß zur Quelle schwimmt - ist sehr anstrengend, weil man dem ECHTEN Wahnsinn immer näher kommt - aber dann steht man irgendwann an der Quelle & erkennt, man hat es mit ECHTEN PSYCHOPATHEN zu tun, also geisteskranken Menschen, die mental in der Vergangenheit aus früheren Leben blockiert sind & nur aus reiner Furcht & tiefster Existenz-ANGST bestehen, also abgrundtief feige sind.


Das einzig gefährliche an diesen Irren ist ihre unverschämt professionelle HOLLYWOOD-TARNUNG - die allein dazu dient uns & die ganze Welt in die Irre zu führen - diese TARNUNG müssen wir erkennen, indem wir ihre WORTE & ihre TATEN vergleichen!


"An ihren Früchten sollt Ihr sie erkennen!" sagte schon JESUS - denn die WORTE sind reine LÜGEN - also immer nur, immer nur, immer NUR die TATEN beobachten & bewerten!



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What has NATO done to defend Europe? . . . ABSOLUTELY NOTHING . . . NATO is actually facilitating the invasion of Europe with non-white foreigners . . .

Pass the information around . . . I don't need the money, and I never ask for it.

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NATO started those ILLEGAL wars all over the place - when it ILLEGALLY ATTACKED Yugoslavia, to split it up into pieces - after the CRIMINAL doctrine: "DIVIDE & CONQUER!"

But NATO is just the CAMOUFLAGE for the criminal American "DEEP STATE".

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John, I signed up to read Dr McCullough's medical information, not your Kremlin propaganda.

Here's my take: Vlad Putin is a psychopathic serial killer who must be stopped, and Ukraine is an excellent place to try to stop him.

The "real history" goes back to 1991 when majorities in Crimea, Luhansk, and Donetsk all voted for Ukraine's independence from the USSR; 1994 when Ukraine gave up its nukes in exchange for Russia promising to never invade(the Budapest memorandum); and 1999 when Putin came to power by blowing up Russian apartment buildings and blaming it on the Chechens (Please read David Satter's excellent work).

NATO is a defensive alliance, and Putin hates it only because it deters him from invading neighboring

countries. When the war is finally over, Ukraine, if any is left, will join NATO to try to avoid the next war. So far it has worked quite well for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, who are only still independent because they had the foresight to join NATO!

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Hello Doug, many thanks for sharing your view of Vladimir Putin and NATO. We are very familiar with your view of the matter, as it is the prevailing view of the Biden Administration and the U.S. mainstream media. Professor Sachs offers a dissenting view of this major public policy issue, which I believe some readers of this Substack may find interesting. Here on Courageous Discourse we welcome a diversity of opinions, and not only prevailing orthodoxy. Many thanks for reading and best regards, John Leake

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Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD . . .

Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: The “Humanitarian” Warmonger – Booby F’n Kennedy Jr. – The Other Face of Imperialism . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX-4Sd-WADg

Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: Booby F'n Kennedy: "Personal Integrity & Public Integrity are TWO Different Things." . . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqEHaApZXR4

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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Filthy lying kike . . .

Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel . . .


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This comment https://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/the-real-history-of-the-war-in-ukraine/comment/20943135 was reasonable. A very difficult topic to debate as if Ukraine does not deserve its sovereignty. Can Russia actually believe a threat from NATO?

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"There appears to be no limit to the diversity of symptoms and clinical features."

Yes, perhaps wherever the spike protein goes, or maybe stops, in the body.

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It would serve us well to remember that all central governments on the planet are controlled in part or whole by the central bank mafia. They whip up dramas in the form of wars, politics, news, etc. to distract us all from what they are doing in the shadows. They do this so a very few (counted in hundreds of people) can rule over the billions on the planet. If these people were benevolent this situation would be acceptable but the fact is this group is responsible for all wars, exploitation of human frailties (sex, gambling, and drug addictions to enhance control. All countries' intelligence agencies work for the central banks not the countries that employ them - remember this. None of us should expect Trump or Kennedy to save us - we must do this ourselves. Build strong local networks of good moral people for mutual support. The gangsters control the national and international arenas but not the local. This is where we stand a chance to stop their evil.

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It's a great start to explain the complexity of this conflict prior to Feb 2022. No wonder most of people have no idea of the chain of events going to Gorbachev - NATO, Minsk agreement, and their violations for the past decades. How would they know...

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I get a warning that it is unsafe to visit the site, and that personal information may be stolen if I click the link to Sachs essay. Same with the link to "War in Ukraine".

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Why didn’t you ask the folks at The Gray Zone to explain the Russia/Ukraine conflict? They are truly the experts.

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Jeffrey Sachs 😏

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