The evil of these One World psychopaths is hard to imagine, but it is real and the world is now awakening. Thank goodness for individuals like Dr. McCoullough for the leadership he has provided. We all need to become critical thinkers,face our enemies before they destroy the world. The lives of current and future generations depend on it.

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Thank you Ms. Ahmed!

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Peter and all,

Am wondering where ALL the solutions are to this continuing global mess?

AND where are the patriotic Americans, especially Christian ones who should clearly understand what to do about ALL the evil seen in every direction?

Doesn’t anyone other than our enemies understand the ART OF WAR…UNITE under serious experienced strategic planners with a growing pot of money?

This piece highlights why UNITY of The People needs to happen ASAP…


Merry Christmas!


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There IS only 1 "solution" it, and He has a name: Jesus the Christ! Only His now imminent return will "cure" the evil poisoning this world today!

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Sandra and Gerald,

If there is only 1 “solution”…Jesus…then we should all SIT SILENTLY and look for ‘signs’ as the evil gains tremendous ground engulfing all of us!

NO…Jesus does not say this! What did Jesus do about the evil tax collectors in his church???

Did he sit silently…doing absolutely nothing…allowing evil? You have missed the messages all over the Bible!

Pray to the HOLY SPIRIT for discernment and go read the Bible again as you missed important lessons, parables, etc…beginning with GENESIS…the story of FREEDOM/FREE WILL!

I am sending you both the following piece because it highlights the shameful EVANGELICAL MOVEMENT…ALL part of the ONE WORLD CHURCH movement to destroy ALL churches!

For heaven sakes learn some important Christian history…EVERY country engulfed in socialism or communism…what had to be destroyed FIRST, repeat FIRST before a socialist/communist regime could get a chokehold on a country?


They have almost been completely destroyed in America in order for a Communist regime to capture ALL of DC!


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Jesus is the one Final solution. I agree with you, Truth Matters, that we are not to just sit idly back and do nothing. Faith without works is dead. We need to be warriors in Christ since we don’t know when, precisely, He will return.

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I am a practicing Christian and I have saved lives though I was "only" a high school teacher in my working career. At least three times I intervened in the lives of people I knew to "save" their lives...The first time was when a dear friend became a homeless alcoholic. I took her into my home PROVIDED she would agree to take a drug called ANTABUSE....and to go to counseling. This worked and she is still a sober and hardworking person to this day...though retired, now. Anyway, to "save" lives sometimes real action is required. Jesus did not just sit there and watch people die physically OR spiritually....he intervened....we can intervene in the lives of our friends and family when the circumstances demand it and when we can do so in an effective way...."Warriors in Christ" is exactly what we MUST be if we don't want to be accused of "turning a blind eye" when we meet our heavenly master or even before that hour. The devil is running wild on this earth at this moment. What is happening in the world is evil on an unprecedented scale.It is Hitler on steroids.."Never again really is now."

.Come on all you who profess as "christians" step up the plate....save your fellow humans while you can still do something....At least do your best! Do anything--talk to people--hand out leaflets--put your "career" on hold as Dr. Peter McCullough has done...he is a true disciple of Christ-- IMHO....

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Another action almost anyone can do is buy a few of the excellent books written by Dr. Peter McCullough, Sucharit Bhakdi, and Robert F. Kennedy Dr.Pierre Kory on the history of this unprecedented world health disaster

precipitated by the "covid vaccines" what find out what they think can be done about it.

Recently Dr. Pierre Kory- a world famous ICU specialist wrote a book called IVERMECTIN...proving that no "lockdown" was necessary to stop the so-called "pandemic" as there was already very effective treatments for "covid" available. We were told a "vaccine" (kill shot) was required....it wasn't....according the the most highly trained doctors.

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And don't forget to share these great books by the authors I have named(Dr. McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, and Robert F. Kennedy jr... with your friends. Give them copies of the books as gifts recommend them in "book clubs" ...donate them to libraries.....In short, spread "the good word"....tell the world the "good news"....covid was not a major disease. "covid" can be easily cured..."covid" ....lockdowns...the fake "vaccines" were all part of the devil's work and the evil agenda of Klaus Shwab's WEF.....

Get active, all you sleeping Christians. The world desperately needs you right now!

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Also, pray, pray, pray and pray some more....but act as well.

God bless all you true warriors in Christ. We have the light on our side...

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Forgot…And I donate money to EXPERIENCED strategic planners!

Where do you think you can go without UNITY and with EXPERIENCED strategic planners and funding them?

Don’t you think you need 1 big pot of $$$ to go up against the globalist BILLIONS being used against us?

Seems like COMMON SENSE to me?


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You are right in that we have no idea when Jesus will return…tomorrow, next week, next month or a thousand years from now!

I focus on what I can do right now with my talents and blessings AND my running shoes helping those who are mostly awake to unite, handing out information on the only Constitutional America First group of serious, EXPERIENCED strategic planners because the BEST news is now by word of mouth because of HEAVY, HEAVY censorship in America…praying and doing right?

NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER has had many peaceful solutions for years as people have been distracted and divided in MANY directions!

How is it I found them fall of 2007? Is it because I was so angry that Americans allowed an UNCONSTITUTIONAL…NOT natural born person to be president telling the world he was going to TRANSFORM America???

How is that transformation going for you???

Join us for a monthly donation to receive their IMPORTANT newsletter, trying them for 3 months! Don’t like…quit but you better find unifying strategic planters for any wins!

Many need to read the ART OF WAR…because your enemies did long ago to learn how to crush us…and they are!

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Dec 22, 2023
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Absolutely correct! I have been presenting His truth, in the face of the lies, for yrs now. As for the GMO "diseases" yes those are in a class by themselves! Did you know a major reason for Noah's flood, and why God selected the humans and animals He secured into that ark was because of the fallen angels' genetic diddling, in Satan's effort to prevent God's plan to bring Messiah Jesus to the world? Genesis doesn't make that specific terribly clear, but the book Noah's great grandfather Enoch wrote does. I know it's not cannon but it is history which "fleshes out" the Scripture a bit. Leviticus records, as part of the Mosaic law, rules about hybridizing, mixing genetic types, and the like, showing Enoch's notes about the why of the, to him, coming flood was accurate. Bottom line, God has a "thing" about us playing with His designs! It will not go unpunished!

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Dec 23, 2023
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Gerry, you are a BLAST of "fresh air" to me! You know science, Scripture , AND how they complement each other in truth! I generally try to keep it simple because so few know either in truth!

Yes, all those prohibitions given were out of love for us, to protect us from ourselves, and provide a guide to an healthy life in this sinful world, not to restrict us from "fun". All that " fun" exacts an high price in this life, without even counting eternity! And the peace, especially now, in the present, and soon coming, chaos is an amazing gift, just in itself, like the cherry on top! I've been learning over 7 decades, and still working on it!

It's a joy to encounter someone who know the best of both science and Scripture, and has the wisdom to see the fit there. Have a blessed weekend and joyous Christmas, my brother! I hope we'll meet at the wedding feast soon!

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Dec 24, 2023
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Sandra and Gerald,

If there is only 1 “solution”…Jesus…then we should all SIT SILENTLY and look for ‘signs’ as the evil gains tremendous ground engulfing all of us!

NO…Jesus does not say this! What did Jesus do about the evil tax collectors in his church???

Did he sit silently…doing absolutely nothing…allowing evil? You have missed the messages all over the Bible!

Pray to the HOLY SPIRIT for discernment and go read the Bible again as you missed important lessons, parables, etc…beginning with GENESIS…the story of FREEDOM/FREE WILL!

I am sending you both the following piece because it highlights the shameful EVANGELICAL MOVEMENT…ALL part of the ONE WORLD CHURCH movement to destroy ALL churches!

For heaven sakes learn some important Christian history…EVERY country engulfed in socialism or communism…what had to be destroyed FIRST, repeat FIRST before a socialist/communist regime could get a chokehold on a country?


They have almost been completely destroyed in America in order for a Communist regime to capture ALL of DC!


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Wherein did either of us even suggest that. I simply pointed out that all the "voting" and political gaming is pointless because there is only 1 solution, and it's not of human works. Gerry covered more of the details. I have been presenting Yhwh God's truth for many yrs now, as He instructed me to do.

As for the churches, in answer to a concern I took to Him, back in the '80s, Yhwh God spoke to me just 5 words, straight out of Scripture, "The Glory has gone out!". At the moment, I took it to mean just the specific congregation about which I had been praying, but it wasn't long before I understood His meaning was much broader. The churches of today are indeed apostate largely, by design; their leaderships colluded with the PTB to bring us to this time and place, 90 yrs ago!

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Only TRUTH I know is it will ONLY be TRUE Christians who will be able to save America!

How will you know them?

By what they say and do! Good luck finding that group and uniting with them!

Merry Christmas!

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We CANNOT save America! that's not part of Yhwh God's plan, and never was! America has died! It was mortally wounded by Congress in 1871, and the coup de grâce came in 1913, and it was replaced by the imposter USA! Neither can we save this cesspool called the USA; else Yhwh God would owe Sodom and Gomorrah was apologies and reparations! Trump was put into office to gather religious leaders and lead, with them, a national repentance; instead he tried to do it the world's way, and was removed from office by Yhwh. He will not get back in, neither will any other who might act on that now. We have the gov't the US deserves. The judgment of Daniel's 70th week of years and Revelation IS coming on this world as prophesied, indeed we have been seeing the birth pangs of that for several years already. Had Trump done what he was put in office to do, he might have staved it off for a time, as happened under Hezekiah and a few others in the past, but not prevented it.

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Dec 22, 2023
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Since this is quite the spiritual war…the story of which is in the Bible and the solutions also…

What are you doing to address the evil everywhere and gaining ground?

It is where ALL truth/light is found if read properly in its entirety!

But even more importantly…the Bible version chosen is critical in any discussion between any Christians!

NIV ‘Bible’…written by Evangelicals of, by and for evangelicals is where I end any conversation.

Why? The NIV people took out huge chunks of original Scripture, changed words and phrases

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Continued…this ends when people think sitting silently, doing nothing is OKAY OR …are doing things that do not matter…not being United with experienced Christian strategic planners.

Strategic planners who understand the ART OF WAR are a necessity to win America back from Satan’s team!


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Agree , I wish they would not be afraid to use the correct name of these injections! They are not vaccines, they are an experimental gene therapy drug injection, with little or no informed consent.

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Excellent presentation, Dr. McCullough, as always.

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The call for removal of the so called covid 19 vaccines, should be accompanied by a phone in campaign, voice message campaign, and written message campaign.

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Mark Twain was right "One of the most important reasons for studying history is that virtually every stupid idea that is in vogue today has been tried before and proved disastrous before, time and again." - Thomas Sowell

No plagiarism here. Just the facts

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True and the victor writes history!

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Even when “under the weather,” Dr. McCullough is amazing and seems to have an encyclopedic memory, always able to cite published studies to support his views. I like his term “syndicate” to describe the Biopharmaceutical Complex because they really are so corrupt. I would be happy to see his book turned into a motion picture which he mentions near the end of the interview, but I would suspect that would be censored too. The only disappointment I have in this interview is, when Ms Ahmed mentioned “shedding”, Dr. McCullough failed to pick up on this and did not address this issue. I wish he would join with Dr. Pierre Kory to study this and give informed recommendations to the non jabbed on how to deal with exposure to the spike protein and synthetic RNA shed my the jabbed.

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If you want to be taken seriously Dr. McCullough, then you shouldn’t have aligned yourself with Dr. Drew who supported the vaccines from day 1 and who appears to be a mouthpiece for Dr. Hotez and Dr. Fauci.

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Sandra and Gerald,

If there is only 1 “solution”…Jesus…then we should all SIT SILENTLY and look for ‘signs’ as the evil gains tremendous ground engulfing all of us!

NO…Jesus does not say this! What did Jesus do about the evil tax collectors in his church???

Did he sit silently…doing absolutely nothing…allowing evil? You have missed the messages all over the Bible!

Pray to the HOLY SPIRIT for discernment and go read the Bible again as you missed important lessons, parables, etc…beginning with GENESIS…the story of FREEDOM/FREE WILL!

I am sending you both the following piece because it highlights the shameful EVANGELICAL MOVEMENT…ALL part of the ONE WORLD CHURCH movement to destroy ALL churches!

For heaven sakes learn some important Christian history…EVERY country engulfed in socialism or communism…what had to be destroyed FIRST, repeat FIRST before a socialist/communist regime could get a chokehold on a country?


They have almost been completely destroyed in America in order for a Communist regime to capture ALL of DC!


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This kind has been around long before THE GARDEN.

Have you READ about what was then, why is what's happening now, happening, and what comes next?

Might be a great thing to know.

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