We would want you in our fraternity of veterans. We despise the wars they invent but we look out for each other. You were looking out to do good. That is what counts. These sociopaths will get old and never care until their moment comes when they die- maybe then it hits them.
There is also a well-loved and respected teacher and researcher who previously had been in Family Medicine. Dr. Larry Reynolds was a well respected physician who delivered babies for over 30 years, and was removed from his posts as Head of the Department of Family Medicine and Professor at the University of Manitoba and Head of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority's Family Medicine Program. He was removed because he was being punished for his pro-life values, and for refusing for participating in the lefts culture of death and for refusing to violate his conscience and teach death and killing of new life to new up and coming young doctors. Now Canada has the MAID/extermination program.
This is where "the sane" should put their money - not in flimsy political campaigns, but investing in a new world of sane schools, medical services, business etc.
A Galt's Gulch ("Atlas Shrugged") , perhaps not geographically but digitally.
I am nowhere near wealthy myself, but there has to be more Elon Musk types to go against what is now the grain of society.
Corporate ROCKEFELLER MEDICINE departments attached to universities and hospitals would demand lockstep compliance and holding still and silent for the brainwashing as it seeks to carry out governmental-corporate diktats twisting actual biology based science as it goes
When one is in the midst of it sometimes you become uncomfortably numb to how pernicious it's become as the corruption spreads and takes over.
Makes you want to 😢 It’s pure evil what’s happening in this world. First they confuse the kids at young age, then they make money by butchering them, then they continue to milk them for the rest of their lives with various drugs and mental illness treatments.
Transgenderism is a mental illness, not a 'thing'. Only a tiny percent of the ones professing such are 'real'. The rest are seduced, preyed upon, confused hurting people who fixated on the 'change' as 'solving all my problems'. Then they discover that the 'change' did not happen, the problems are still there an multiplied many times over now.. no hope of a 'cure' a 'solution' et voila death. But not before suffering hugely getting milked for dollars and having soul and spirit destroyed.
As a nurse, I take one look at this picture, and I see a mutilated child in pain, and in the background, I see a demonic figure, bloody scalpel out of view, and smirk of satanic satisfaction! I am horrified! The caption of this should be, “What have I done?”
That was my immediate thought. That smirking jerk needs to prosecuted to the fullest, and the team that did this. This was sick. I think the young woman, looking at her expression, is wondering what the hell she has had done to her body.
I agree, the man in the background, smirking, is the most horrifying and chilling part of this photograph IMO. It makes me want to reach into the photo and slap that demonic smile off his face. I don’t understand how any medical professional can participate in these things. Pure evil.
The background figure is likely one of those LGBTQPIA cult allies/members with whom the nursing school/ Medical school brainwashing "took."
S/He is just fine, fully persuaded to the point of relishing the noble work going forward in their department of mutilating girls and boys, men and women in the name of trangender "science."
This picture made me very angry. The strength and beauty despite the maiming, of the body primed to create, the focus in fearful eyes on another world. Against the maggotly composure of weakness dressed with profession tagged importance, its obscene smile yearning for praise by peers for destroying in its own image. Parasites of fear and pain
Erm….. I’ll be unpopular with this….. Nazi in sheep’s clothing….. They performed experiments on their victims. Is the same albeit a slightly different context. It is sick I have to say…. She doesn’t look happy at all in this photo. Tragic.
The look on her face says too much. I hope someone knocks the smirk off the face of the man behind her. Perhaps he is the surgeon. Where I grew up in the rough streets of the 50s-60s he wouldn't stand a chance.
True.......Operation Paperclip? And you have to ask yourself how did Dr. Josef Mengele just happen to escape all the way to BRAZIL with a new identity, paperwork and transport provided to get out of Germany at the end of WW2?
The analogy was the sick experimentation that nazis did on people, primarily the Jews in captivity. The same as these credentialed “doctors” are doing to people today who need psychiatric help not mutilation and drugs.
It doesn't even seem the same methodologically. The Nazis were trying to gather information, in an abhorrent and sadistic way but there was it was under the guise of scientific enquiry.
These people are doing this because of metaphysical beliefs. They are less like the Nazis and more like Aztec priests sacrificing to feed Tezcatlipoca so the sun rises in the morning.
I just commented to another how funny how America brought those same doctors from WWII over to the states..
I will disagree with your take on how they are in medical schools. The colleges are alt-left, they don't have to employ those tactics. The people start being indoctrinated in kindergarten, by way of abstract concept teaching, they shoved emphasizing the 3 R's to the back burner. Colleges are 'woke' to use a phrase that I don't normally use.
Through my search to put all this together, psych, medical doctors, nurses, lawyers, are graduating colleges like this. You would be hard pressed to find a concmsrtvative Medical school, nursing school, law school the further mid west and west coast you go.
When u use the term alt-left I am referring to the people out here that think men can be women, that burning the American flag and running the Palestinian flqg up the same like is A-Ok, not understanding the same flag they burned affords them the privilege to do so. I am referring to the people that believe it is O.K due men to compete against women in sports, beauty pageants, walk Into women's salons and fir their balls to be waxed, for the trans w who thinks it's their right to be part of a women's supporting each other app, so much so that they took it the owner/creator to court in Australia, subsequently winning. I am referring to these confused teachers in schools who believe it's perfectly acceptable to 'takk' to a child about, tell a child you can be another gender, change their name (never mind not telling parents) I'm talking about the people who WRITE the mofo no sense and these schools put it on library shelves. Have YOU ever looked at any of it? Do you think a 5th grader needs to know how many times a day it's okay to masturbate?
Alt-lft is just something 8 assigned to certain people that I was encountering. YOU ARE CORRECT, it has nothing to do with politics. It is about a group of people, who believe in 2 classes of people. THEM & US.
DO you know what what abstract concept teaching REALLY IS? Do you believe that you can teach someone, ABSTRACT. No, you can't, I mentioned above what teachers try and teach.
I have had something I'm writing to glitch away, I used to sit down and rewrite stuff, but then I figured out NOBODY IS LISTENING. So I break it up sometimes, other times I don't write anything at all.
@Mark MyWord
I'm having a moment. I can not finish my thoughts right this minute..Not that I think it will make a difference to you, I will come back and finish FOR myself, bc I BELIEVE it's important.
There is NO BULL IN the FACT THAT I STATED, America brought those doctors over after WWII. Don't you twist my words around. If you to discuss 1ueerthsiry and how they appropriated the word gender and brought it forward, the ppl involved and those who support it and use these confused ppl as pawns to further their agenda, we can do that. But the first time you call me a name, I will seat you (ask if you are unclear) and end the discussion. I do not put up with nonsense, name calling (ad hominems) or any other shenanigans. We don't have to agree to have a discussion, acknowledge each other's perspectives. I'm not the one to call names, spew lies to, I have had enough. And I can be like steel in person or online. My offer is an open invitation.
This is what I keep thinking. We live in a society that is generally okay with dissecting a live infant in the womb to enable the procreator(s) to escape responsibility. If we’re generally okay with ending the lives of the most vulnerable among us, how is anything off the table?
Yes, why are people afraid of speaking out? Oh I don’t know, maybe an attack by…satan, himself. Get thee behind me the name of Jesus! What the hell is wrong with with people?!
Well it instantly gets you fired from your job as one of my friends who's a school psychologist informed me when I trying to get help for my (thankfully detransitioned now) 5 year old nephew.
Yes and they claim we are Nazis. They are doing exactly the same as they did.
It is very true that freedom of speech and expression is a cornerstone of a week functioning society - because it certainly is not well functioning now!
I’m dying to ask my Woketard sister about all of this. A really long time ago my deranged cousin asked my sister if she would be rasing her children as “gender neutral”. She gave a very emphatic NO! I have to wonder if she has “evolved”. She is a public school teacher in Vermont. She would surely be fired in less than a minute if she posted anything contrary online
I could not agree with you more on all of this. And yes, the image of the mutilated girl with a look of anguish on her face contrasted to the gleeful expression on the face of what looks to be a plastic surgeon is stunning. I don’t understand anything anymore.
Good question on who took the picture. Seems to me that it must've been someone close to the young girl - maybe her mother or good friend. The whole thing is beyond sad.
Or,it’s a staged photo. These days,it’s difficult to know what is truly,true,unless seen with eyes in real time…it’s a very triggering photo. Conjuring outrage, and sadness in those of us who see a evil agenda. I guess,faked or not,it should help awaken,I hope…
I doubt that he even notices her face much less her expression. He has looked into whatever mirror she is gazing into and focused on his “handy-work” and not the human or the anguish visible in front of him and then glancing at a colleague, most likely, is gleefully celebrating his accomplishment, his “art.” Look what a masterpiece I have created, what a great job I did.
I worked with surgeons in the OR. Rarely did they see a patient, but rather a subject, or a canvas. Of all the drs I’ve met over the years, the biggest egos were that of surgeons, and of those, orthopedic and cosmetic surgeons were the worst, with brain surgeons close seconds.
When I needed surgery, I chose my surgeon based on the few I had worked with in the OR that treated their patient as a human, using their name, taking care with them, even while unconscious, showing respect. You may be surprised to know that is the exception, not the rule. I’m certain that man does not see a human and I’d bet he didn’t look at her face, didn’t notice her expression, doesn’t care to.
Lord, a whole list to have You turn over to Satan. They either repent or go forever where he’s going. We are overwhelmed, but not helpless, go before us Jesus for these that broke their oath to do no harm. Thank you that we can ask anything in Your Name. Amen.
The practice of medicine adheres to Utilitarian ethics. The ethics of a "greater good." Those in positions of trust over life and death with rare (<15%) exception almost uniformly follow Utilitarianism. Which utilizes lies in service to a declared greater good as often necessary, unavoidable. Presuming a lack of sophistication in those "below" the educated elite leaders.
This is a recording of a public hearing in Massachusetts in 2023 (that I attended) about "nonconsensual intimate examinations" by medical professionals in training. Us simple, common folk, too emotional and sentimental, unaware, untrained in "greater good" ethics, call it "Rape" and "Sexual Assault," something about the word "nonconsensual" having meaning. But what do we know?
Massachusetts 2023 H.2146 / S.1333
An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients
FF - Your stomach will turn, like it did for the legislators listening to that testimony. Note: That bill did not pass. What is described is still lawful in Massachusetts. And most states, where similar legislation hasn't even been introduced or had a public hearing.
That Utilitarian variety of ethics in medicine makes the field especially susceptible to doing great harm to a great many. All for a "greater good" that us simpletons are too emotional and unsophisticated to ever be expected to understand. That's how this happened:
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012
"During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions. From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced “experimentation,” “euthanization,” and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology. Given the medical oath to “do no harm,” many postwar ethical analyses have strained to make sense of these seemingly paradoxical atrocities. Why did physicians act in such a manner? Yet few have tried to explain the self-selected Nazi enrollment of such an overwhelming proportion of the German Medical Society in the first place."
FF - and that was written by an author who didn't know the Hippocratic Oath was a thing of the past! How many doctors today have been "early joiners" of the death cult behind Big Pharma and Big Medicine? What's old is new again...when no effort is made to learn from history. And an entire field entrusted to care for others presumes itself better than those they care for.
The acceptance of lies, the end justifies the means, whatever you have to do to reach the intended goal, that is also what is taught in a certain religion. You can lie to reach the goal, that’s okay, it’s even good.
That is also the position of the great deceiver, satan.
They are still doing the HIPPOCRATIC OATH upon med school graduation? I heard that graduation classes are either making up their own or leaving out an oath entirely
The woke and weak Pentagon thinks trans are perfectly acceptable.
On US Navy ships, female berthing (sleeping) areas can normally have 60 female sailors sharing a very tight space...bunks 3 high...shared bathroom and shower facilities.
Would you want your daughter to be subjected to having a trans in that area?
I’m not sure exactly what you meant by your comment, but the way I interpreted it (and I hope that I’m wrong) is a step too far for me.
I want Trump and Company to fix the Pentagon, not have Putin (of all people) put it out of existence.
The job of the Pentagon and the rest of the U.S. military is to protect the United States of America, not to enable Democrat social experiments. But taking Putin’s side in a conflict with the U.S. is beyond the pale.
Well a smart man in farming once said: if you want to make small changes in this world - change how you do things --- if you want to make big changes - change how you see things.
Trump wont fix anything regarding deep state - he didnt while he was in office.
He murdered an Iranian general.
And he might not have startet new wars, but he still kept those killing around the world that was already in motion.
The job of the Pentagon is to keep perpetuating wars, wars make big profits for likes blackrock and they all work for a club you are not in, they see you as their farm animal or tool -- which is why they only care about humanity when they see their profits or power reduce -- At least Putin has shown that the west dont care at all about humanity and will push war after war for profit, remember the guy who told the media Russia could not win, as there are trillions of dollars of resources in Ukraine? It is the same story as the middle east - wars that you Yankees loved to start and then have us Europeans come down there and help, to then now reap all the refugees and migrants and some very bad people who rape and murder, probably Isis terrorists who follow orders. I cant see how you protect Usa by going to kill Iraqi children or come to Ukraine to brainwash people into supporting bandera Nazis into bombing kids of familys whos only "crime" was being Russians.
All the dots are there, conspiracy theorists have even connected them -- open your eyes and realise our governments are controlled by a cabal, some mafia/oligarc evil kinda people who work in the shadow via private companies/funds and donate and control governments ---basically we live in the fascist dictatorship of the west now being worker tax slaves to support our own enslavement and demise. I really can relate why George Orwell was depressed..
We as a specie could be so much more, but we are nothing but a retarded ape with power lust
Something dark and demonic has taken hold . I pray every night for the deceptions to be lifted from my fellow man and that practitioners would only be able to speak the Truth so as not to perpetuate this madness.
We are to be pillars of salt and light in these last days, its going to get alot darker, therefore we need to grow brighter as the devils push the darkness!
Bro - my friend told me the story of her neighbor’s daughter who completely broke down at her first look at her mutilated breasts. She’s 18. Both parents affirmed her.
The parents are indoctrinated as well. They are often told if you don’t do this for your child you may be pushing them to suicide. Little do they know that going along with it, may be doing exactly that in the end anyway. Honestly is always best. Get them the help they actually need not the “help” they think they want.
The Ohio legislature voted to override the veto of Governor Mike DeWine in Jan, 2024 allowing legislation that “bans transgender surgery and hormone therapies for minors, unless they are already receiving such therapies and it is deemed a risk to stop by a doctor. The law also includes restrictions on the type of mental health services a minor can receive.” The law was challenged in court with a judge ruling in August, 2024 upholding the law. The ACLU will appeal that decision.
Tell me what title of the person to write to that people stopping donations would affect. What high up title of dean or whatever, to write? Want to make sure our efforts get to someone who can make decisions and cares about what is talked about. PR? President of hospital or medical school, or a Dean?
If it indeed is a real picture, and has not been altered, I would say just the facial expression of the demonic plastic surgeon is horrifying enough...let alone her face which speaks of the realization she may have fucked up her entire life...
What is so disturbing also is the apparent glee that is on the face of the man standing behind this poor girl. Is that a physician? A demonic surgeon? They all know what they are doing turn these children’s lives into living hell!
C’ mon everyone, look up the state you are living in…. copy and paste where’s the outrage .. many of these patients have serious remorse , chronic pain and commit suicide.
I've started listing Transition surgeons here. Look for my three Comments for the Ohio State, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, and OHSU, Portland, Gender affirming surgeons.
“ The silence of the sane “” … another reason I lost my job teaching ob/gyn residents …. I Was Not Silent .
Well I am sorry you lost your lively hood but very ecstatic you didn't allow the evil to silence you. Bless you dear sane friend...
We would want you in our fraternity of veterans. We despise the wars they invent but we look out for each other. You were looking out to do good. That is what counts. These sociopaths will get old and never care until their moment comes when they die- maybe then it hits them.
You are doing what God has called you to do, Bro.
Thanks Laura Kasner . 🙌🏼
There is also a well-loved and respected teacher and researcher who previously had been in Family Medicine. Dr. Larry Reynolds was a well respected physician who delivered babies for over 30 years, and was removed from his posts as Head of the Department of Family Medicine and Professor at the University of Manitoba and Head of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority's Family Medicine Program. He was removed because he was being punished for his pro-life values, and for refusing for participating in the lefts culture of death and for refusing to violate his conscience and teach death and killing of new life to new up and coming young doctors. Now Canada has the MAID/extermination program.
Familiar situation with myself , thanks Josie
Bless you for speaking out.
This is where "the sane" should put their money - not in flimsy political campaigns, but investing in a new world of sane schools, medical services, business etc.
A Galt's Gulch ("Atlas Shrugged") , perhaps not geographically but digitally.
I am nowhere near wealthy myself, but there has to be more Elon Musk types to go against what is now the grain of society.
" Elon Musk Types going against the grain of society?" Really? From such defend us!!
Look at what he is involved with, not what he says.! He is very much part of the problem!!
Good on You! Stand committed to and fight to protect your Morals…..Our Morals.
You lost your job teaching on/gyn residents?
I'm a practicing anesthesiologist ('95) so I'm curious what happened (if you're able to share it here. Thx)
Could you provide more detail of what you said / did and how the retaliation against you went?
Corporate ROCKEFELLER MEDICINE departments attached to universities and hospitals would demand lockstep compliance and holding still and silent for the brainwashing as it seeks to carry out governmental-corporate diktats twisting actual biology based science as it goes
When one is in the midst of it sometimes you become uncomfortably numb to how pernicious it's become as the corruption spreads and takes over.
Makes you want to 😢 It’s pure evil what’s happening in this world. First they confuse the kids at young age, then they make money by butchering them, then they continue to milk them for the rest of their lives with various drugs and mental illness treatments.
EVIL, pure and simple to understand.
The "man" behind "her" is a demon. No lie.
Until they commit suicide because they can’t live with themselves and, in many cases, regret what they’ve done.
Transgenderism is a mental illness, not a 'thing'. Only a tiny percent of the ones professing such are 'real'. The rest are seduced, preyed upon, confused hurting people who fixated on the 'change' as 'solving all my problems'. Then they discover that the 'change' did not happen, the problems are still there an multiplied many times over now.. no hope of a 'cure' a 'solution' et voila death. But not before suffering hugely getting milked for dollars and having soul and spirit destroyed.
As a nurse, I take one look at this picture, and I see a mutilated child in pain, and in the background, I see a demonic figure, bloody scalpel out of view, and smirk of satanic satisfaction! I am horrified! The caption of this should be, “What have I done?”
A picture really is worth a thousand words. You are so right.
me too
That was my immediate thought. That smirking jerk needs to prosecuted to the fullest, and the team that did this. This was sick. I think the young woman, looking at her expression, is wondering what the hell she has had done to her body.
So agree
I agree, the man in the background, smirking, is the most horrifying and chilling part of this photograph IMO. It makes me want to reach into the photo and slap that demonic smile off his face. I don’t understand how any medical professional can participate in these things. Pure evil.
Agreed! It was the scariest part of the photo IMO
The background figure is likely one of those LGBTQPIA cult allies/members with whom the nursing school/ Medical school brainwashing "took."
S/He is just fine, fully persuaded to the point of relishing the noble work going forward in their department of mutilating girls and boys, men and women in the name of trangender "science."
Look at the doctor in the background , in this write up …it’s a sickness , what JOY , it gives him … disgusting 🤮 all of it
His smile says he's pleased with the disfigurement his surgery has wrought.
His eyes reveal his disgusting sexual perversion.
Possibly the "joy" that Cackles Harris talks about--duper's delight.
This picture made me very angry. The strength and beauty despite the maiming, of the body primed to create, the focus in fearful eyes on another world. Against the maggotly composure of weakness dressed with profession tagged importance, its obscene smile yearning for praise by peers for destroying in its own image. Parasites of fear and pain
Or nurse
These “doctors” are the same kind of butchers who delight in slaughtering the unborn. Evil.
Erm….. I’ll be unpopular with this….. Nazi in sheep’s clothing….. They performed experiments on their victims. Is the same albeit a slightly different context. It is sick I have to say…. She doesn’t look happy at all in this photo. Tragic.
The look on her face says too much. I hope someone knocks the smirk off the face of the man behind her. Perhaps he is the surgeon. Where I grew up in the rough streets of the 50s-60s he wouldn't stand a chance.
Why would you be unpopular ?? It is exactly the same! You are correct
FUNNY how the US brought these same doctors over to the US.
True.......Operation Paperclip? And you have to ask yourself how did Dr. Josef Mengele just happen to escape all the way to BRAZIL with a new identity, paperwork and transport provided to get out of Germany at the end of WW2?
That's not a Nazi, in fact I'm pretty sure that guy is a jew.
The Nazis expressly fought against this stuff and tried to suppress it.
The analogy was the sick experimentation that nazis did on people, primarily the Jews in captivity. The same as these credentialed “doctors” are doing to people today who need psychiatric help not mutilation and drugs.
Uhhh Plenty of Nazis were Jews.
It doesn't even seem the same methodologically. The Nazis were trying to gather information, in an abhorrent and sadistic way but there was it was under the guise of scientific enquiry.
These people are doing this because of metaphysical beliefs. They are less like the Nazis and more like Aztec priests sacrificing to feed Tezcatlipoca so the sun rises in the morning.
I just commented to another how funny how America brought those same doctors from WWII over to the states..
I will disagree with your take on how they are in medical schools. The colleges are alt-left, they don't have to employ those tactics. The people start being indoctrinated in kindergarten, by way of abstract concept teaching, they shoved emphasizing the 3 R's to the back burner. Colleges are 'woke' to use a phrase that I don't normally use.
Through my search to put all this together, psych, medical doctors, nurses, lawyers, are graduating colleges like this. You would be hard pressed to find a concmsrtvative Medical school, nursing school, law school the further mid west and west coast you go.
When u use the term alt-left I am referring to the people out here that think men can be women, that burning the American flag and running the Palestinian flqg up the same like is A-Ok, not understanding the same flag they burned affords them the privilege to do so. I am referring to the people that believe it is O.K due men to compete against women in sports, beauty pageants, walk Into women's salons and fir their balls to be waxed, for the trans w who thinks it's their right to be part of a women's supporting each other app, so much so that they took it the owner/creator to court in Australia, subsequently winning. I am referring to these confused teachers in schools who believe it's perfectly acceptable to 'takk' to a child about, tell a child you can be another gender, change their name (never mind not telling parents) I'm talking about the people who WRITE the mofo no sense and these schools put it on library shelves. Have YOU ever looked at any of it? Do you think a 5th grader needs to know how many times a day it's okay to masturbate?
Alt-lft is just something 8 assigned to certain people that I was encountering. YOU ARE CORRECT, it has nothing to do with politics. It is about a group of people, who believe in 2 classes of people. THEM & US.
DO you know what what abstract concept teaching REALLY IS? Do you believe that you can teach someone, ABSTRACT. No, you can't, I mentioned above what teachers try and teach.
I'm NOT exaggerating, in the least.
Part 2
I have had something I'm writing to glitch away, I used to sit down and rewrite stuff, but then I figured out NOBODY IS LISTENING. So I break it up sometimes, other times I don't write anything at all.
@Mark MyWord
I'm having a moment. I can not finish my thoughts right this minute..Not that I think it will make a difference to you, I will come back and finish FOR myself, bc I BELIEVE it's important.
Bull. Nazis fought transgender surgeries. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/
It's not the Germans conducting these surgeries.
Study Weimar Germany.
There is NO BULL IN the FACT THAT I STATED, America brought those doctors over after WWII. Don't you twist my words around. If you to discuss 1ueerthsiry and how they appropriated the word gender and brought it forward, the ppl involved and those who support it and use these confused ppl as pawns to further their agenda, we can do that. But the first time you call me a name, I will seat you (ask if you are unclear) and end the discussion. I do not put up with nonsense, name calling (ad hominems) or any other shenanigans. We don't have to agree to have a discussion, acknowledge each other's perspectives. I'm not the one to call names, spew lies to, I have had enough. And I can be like steel in person or online. My offer is an open invitation.
This is what I keep thinking. We live in a society that is generally okay with dissecting a live infant in the womb to enable the procreator(s) to escape responsibility. If we’re generally okay with ending the lives of the most vulnerable among us, how is anything off the table?
NO THERE IS NOT. Harris and the ppl behind her want a society of debauchery. Think early Roman times.
The valorizing of mental illness continues unabated…. It is indeed satanic!
Woke and weak Pentagon welcoming trans into the military.
Let's give a weapon to someone who is so mentally confused as to what gender they are..
...what could possibly go wrong?
OMG, I grieve for our beloved military
Yes, why are people afraid of speaking out? Oh I don’t know, maybe an attack by…satan, himself. Get thee behind me the name of Jesus! What the hell is wrong with with people?!
Well it instantly gets you fired from your job as one of my friends who's a school psychologist informed me when I trying to get help for my (thankfully detransitioned now) 5 year old nephew.
Yes and they claim we are Nazis. They are doing exactly the same as they did.
It is very true that freedom of speech and expression is a cornerstone of a week functioning society - because it certainly is not well functioning now!
I’m dying to ask my Woketard sister about all of this. A really long time ago my deranged cousin asked my sister if she would be rasing her children as “gender neutral”. She gave a very emphatic NO! I have to wonder if she has “evolved”. She is a public school teacher in Vermont. She would surely be fired in less than a minute if she posted anything contrary online
Please ask her. Need to know.
Like Keith Whitlock said about the 'left' "they are a satanic cult"!
I could not agree with you more on all of this. And yes, the image of the mutilated girl with a look of anguish on her face contrasted to the gleeful expression on the face of what looks to be a plastic surgeon is stunning. I don’t understand anything anymore.
Honestly… his facial expression says quite a bit !! Such JOY , 🤮
He's a demon in human form. His life's mission is to destroy.
He’s so pleased with the saddnes and despair he has put on this poor girl. It’s absolutely about evil sacrifices. I wonder who took this picture?
Good question on who took the picture. Seems to me that it must've been someone close to the young girl - maybe her mother or good friend. The whole thing is beyond sad.
Or,it’s a staged photo. These days,it’s difficult to know what is truly,true,unless seen with eyes in real time…it’s a very triggering photo. Conjuring outrage, and sadness in those of us who see a evil agenda. I guess,faked or not,it should help awaken,I hope…
This is also on her scumbag vile parents!
Kids don’t need parental permission for anything after the age of 13 or 14 in nearly all blue states
Assuming her parents knew. They may not have known.
I doubt that he even notices her face much less her expression. He has looked into whatever mirror she is gazing into and focused on his “handy-work” and not the human or the anguish visible in front of him and then glancing at a colleague, most likely, is gleefully celebrating his accomplishment, his “art.” Look what a masterpiece I have created, what a great job I did.
I worked with surgeons in the OR. Rarely did they see a patient, but rather a subject, or a canvas. Of all the drs I’ve met over the years, the biggest egos were that of surgeons, and of those, orthopedic and cosmetic surgeons were the worst, with brain surgeons close seconds.
When I needed surgery, I chose my surgeon based on the few I had worked with in the OR that treated their patient as a human, using their name, taking care with them, even while unconscious, showing respect. You may be surprised to know that is the exception, not the rule. I’m certain that man does not see a human and I’d bet he didn’t look at her face, didn’t notice her expression, doesn’t care to.
They took an oath . Do no harm . https://www.transhealthcare.org/daniel-freet/
This is why they need to hang. Nuremberg style but this time there needs to be a lot more than just the doctors...
The whole disgusting horde of these creatures,ALL OF THEM!
Lord, a whole list to have You turn over to Satan. They either repent or go forever where he’s going. We are overwhelmed, but not helpless, go before us Jesus for these that broke their oath to do no harm. Thank you that we can ask anything in Your Name. Amen.
85% do not take that oath. They like that you(we) think they do, though. Easier to prey on our assumptions.
True. The choice is their's, as young doctors, and 85% CHOOSE not to take it.
Think about that.
The school where I volunteer rewrites their own oath yearly. Some more woke than others
The practice of medicine adheres to Utilitarian ethics. The ethics of a "greater good." Those in positions of trust over life and death with rare (<15%) exception almost uniformly follow Utilitarianism. Which utilizes lies in service to a declared greater good as often necessary, unavoidable. Presuming a lack of sophistication in those "below" the educated elite leaders.
This is a recording of a public hearing in Massachusetts in 2023 (that I attended) about "nonconsensual intimate examinations" by medical professionals in training. Us simple, common folk, too emotional and sentimental, unaware, untrained in "greater good" ethics, call it "Rape" and "Sexual Assault," something about the word "nonconsensual" having meaning. But what do we know?
Massachusetts 2023 H.2146 / S.1333
An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients
Committee on Public Health, 9/20/2023
(Timestamp Begin 03:24:40 - 03:34:30 End)
FF - Your stomach will turn, like it did for the legislators listening to that testimony. Note: That bill did not pass. What is described is still lawful in Massachusetts. And most states, where similar legislation hasn't even been introduced or had a public hearing.
That Utilitarian variety of ethics in medicine makes the field especially susceptible to doing great harm to a great many. All for a "greater good" that us simpletons are too emotional and unsophisticated to ever be expected to understand. That's how this happened:
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012
"During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions. From early on, the German Medical Society played the most instrumental role in the Nazi medical program, beginning with the marginalization of Jewish physicians, proceeding to coerced “experimentation,” “euthanization,” and sterilization, and culminating in genocide via the medicalization of mass murder of Jews and others caricatured and demonized by Nazi ideology. Given the medical oath to “do no harm,” many postwar ethical analyses have strained to make sense of these seemingly paradoxical atrocities. Why did physicians act in such a manner? Yet few have tried to explain the self-selected Nazi enrollment of such an overwhelming proportion of the German Medical Society in the first place."
FF - and that was written by an author who didn't know the Hippocratic Oath was a thing of the past! How many doctors today have been "early joiners" of the death cult behind Big Pharma and Big Medicine? What's old is new again...when no effort is made to learn from history. And an entire field entrusted to care for others presumes itself better than those they care for.
The acceptance of lies, the end justifies the means, whatever you have to do to reach the intended goal, that is also what is taught in a certain religion. You can lie to reach the goal, that’s okay, it’s even good.
That is also the position of the great deceiver, satan.
They are still doing the HIPPOCRATIC OATH upon med school graduation? I heard that graduation classes are either making up their own or leaving out an oath entirely
I was told by a pediatrician back in the 80’s that they no longer did any Hippocratic Oath
The woke and weak Pentagon thinks trans are perfectly acceptable.
On US Navy ships, female berthing (sleeping) areas can normally have 60 female sailors sharing a very tight space...bunks 3 high...shared bathroom and shower facilities.
Would you want your daughter to be subjected to having a trans in that area?
The evil runs deep KJ
Why would anyone want to fight wars for a dystopian shithole that does this to their citizens??
Well, hopefully Putin will put the Pentagon out of its sick existence.
I’m not sure exactly what you meant by your comment, but the way I interpreted it (and I hope that I’m wrong) is a step too far for me.
I want Trump and Company to fix the Pentagon, not have Putin (of all people) put it out of existence.
The job of the Pentagon and the rest of the U.S. military is to protect the United States of America, not to enable Democrat social experiments. But taking Putin’s side in a conflict with the U.S. is beyond the pale.
Who do to write to Mark?
Well a smart man in farming once said: if you want to make small changes in this world - change how you do things --- if you want to make big changes - change how you see things.
Trump wont fix anything regarding deep state - he didnt while he was in office.
He murdered an Iranian general.
And he might not have startet new wars, but he still kept those killing around the world that was already in motion.
The job of the Pentagon is to keep perpetuating wars, wars make big profits for likes blackrock and they all work for a club you are not in, they see you as their farm animal or tool -- which is why they only care about humanity when they see their profits or power reduce -- At least Putin has shown that the west dont care at all about humanity and will push war after war for profit, remember the guy who told the media Russia could not win, as there are trillions of dollars of resources in Ukraine? It is the same story as the middle east - wars that you Yankees loved to start and then have us Europeans come down there and help, to then now reap all the refugees and migrants and some very bad people who rape and murder, probably Isis terrorists who follow orders. I cant see how you protect Usa by going to kill Iraqi children or come to Ukraine to brainwash people into supporting bandera Nazis into bombing kids of familys whos only "crime" was being Russians.
All the dots are there, conspiracy theorists have even connected them -- open your eyes and realise our governments are controlled by a cabal, some mafia/oligarc evil kinda people who work in the shadow via private companies/funds and donate and control governments ---basically we live in the fascist dictatorship of the west now being worker tax slaves to support our own enslavement and demise. I really can relate why George Orwell was depressed..
We as a specie could be so much more, but we are nothing but a retarded ape with power lust
THANK YOU, Kathleen!
Read WAR IS A RACKET by General Smedley Butler.
The reality behind the noble sounding whitewash shown to the public will be revealed in full....
Something dark and demonic has taken hold . I pray every night for the deceptions to be lifted from my fellow man and that practitioners would only be able to speak the Truth so as not to perpetuate this madness.
We are to be pillars of salt and light in these last days, its going to get alot darker, therefore we need to grow brighter as the devils push the darkness!
Armor up
Cry havoc,let loose the dogs of war!
It is criminal, demented and satanic.
Normalising atrocities - a method of control to destroy humanity.
All part of the globalist agenda to destroy decent civilizations.
There’s so many places , here’s another . All you physicians out there , look at your Alma mater and see if they participate… don’t send money . https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/gender-affirming-care/surgery-options
Bro - my friend told me the story of her neighbor’s daughter who completely broke down at her first look at her mutilated breasts. She’s 18. Both parents affirmed her.
God help us.
The parents are indoctrinated as well. They are often told if you don’t do this for your child you may be pushing them to suicide. Little do they know that going along with it, may be doing exactly that in the end anyway. Honestly is always best. Get them the help they actually need not the “help” they think they want.
Wexner was pals with Jeffrey Epstein.
Maybe more than a pal--funder, supervising agent, handler?
i remember reading long ago that wexner was began his career as an accountant never married and lived with his mother as an adult. pretty f’d up.
Ugly as sin too.
The Ohio legislature voted to override the veto of Governor Mike DeWine in Jan, 2024 allowing legislation that “bans transgender surgery and hormone therapies for minors, unless they are already receiving such therapies and it is deemed a risk to stop by a doctor. The law also includes restrictions on the type of mental health services a minor can receive.” The law was challenged in court with a judge ruling in August, 2024 upholding the law. The ACLU will appeal that decision.
DeWine = connections to Haiti.
Springfield, OH = overrun by Haitians.
DeWine+Shell LLC's buy blocks of comdemned housing and charge the Fed. a zillion $ to "rent" to illegals.
It's all over the .net
Here is a list of the Ohio State Transitions Surgeons!
Tell me what title of the person to write to that people stopping donations would affect. What high up title of dean or whatever, to write? Want to make sure our efforts get to someone who can make decisions and cares about what is talked about. PR? President of hospital or medical school, or a Dean?
I didn't find the list of places. All I see is the Ohio State ad.
See my list of Ohio State Transition Surgeons just above
If it indeed is a real picture, and has not been altered, I would say just the facial expression of the demonic plastic surgeon is horrifying enough...let alone her face which speaks of the realization she may have fucked up her entire life...
Indeed! I wonder if it IS a real picture,and who took the picture…it certainly sums up what we are all feeling about this insanity..
What is so disturbing also is the apparent glee that is on the face of the man standing behind this poor girl. Is that a physician? A demonic surgeon? They all know what they are doing turn these children’s lives into living hell!
C’ mon everyone, look up the state you are living in…. copy and paste where’s the outrage .. many of these patients have serious remorse , chronic pain and commit suicide.
Thank you courageous discourse for addressing this … a few of the medical stacks ignore this topic totally, I wonder why ?🤔
I've started listing Transition surgeons here. Look for my three Comments for the Ohio State, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, and OHSU, Portland, Gender affirming surgeons.
Write postcards.
Thank u Jennifer Jones