More important than the "hot button issues" listed are:

1) Border security

2) Crime

3) Mismanaging the economy

Those hot-button issues may help divide us, but we must avoid being distracted.

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What about the border situation? You must live in the North!

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Well, not much levity here. I don't subscribe to Courageous Discourse for political commentary. There are others much more qualified to report on those issues, and it appears that Mr. Leake is referring to the limited number of reactions to the last post rather than to those who have followed Dr. McCullough for a long time. Maybe they should post separately, in different categories, or maybe some of us should look for specific information elsewhere. I imagine I'm not the only one who survived covid infection a couple of years ago with minimal symptoms, due to Dr. McCullough's courage and determination to provide correct treatment information, and for that I will always be grateful.

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RFK Jr. strikes me as a candidate with the skills, motivation, and integrity to take on the captured agencies, the X-Y complexes, the "deep state"/bureaucratic state--whatever you want to call it. If he had stayed in the Democratic party and won the primary (unlikely, given the state of the party), I'd have voted for him in the primary and possibly the general. Tragically, he doesn't appear to have a chance of winning as a 3rd party candidate and would lack a congressional team if he did.

Donald Trump has the motivation but didn't make much progress in 4 years in "draining the swamp," and while he did push back on the military-industrial complexes agenda (war), he got rolled by the pharma-public health complex. He remains a fighter, and I suspect his experience in the first term will aid his second. At this point, I hope Trump wins and asks RFK Jr. to serve on his cabinet in one (or sequentially more than one) of the departments like DOJ, HEW, DHS, DoD that needs a thorough restructuring--or even a "czar" empowered to drive the process for the entire government. Make him responsible for draining the swamp or whatever you want to call it. And elect a GOP congress with sufficient margin to get the job done despite the lobbyists. Then work together to restore the rule of law and our constitutional republic.

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Unfortunately, your interpretation of reader responses as irrationally polarized criticism is interesting in that it further illustrates your (willful?) ignorance of the importance of fundamental issues to the majority of our population. Based on reading your frequent postings that obtrusively insert your experiences in Hawaii, Europe, and other locations that bear little resemblance to the daily lives of most of us here in the U.S., I have more and more been left with an unpleasant aftertaste of aristocracy. And now you react dismissively when the readers don't join you in your worshipful promotion of RFK Jr.? Might be time for a bit of introspection on your part or maybe I'm misplaced here as a reader.

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Uhhh, John? You omitted the single most-discussed topic of all, outside of the several weeks that the October 7th Hamas massacre of Israelis took top spot. That topic is- the massive and unrestrained illegal alien invasion across the U.S. souther border that has been encouraged and aided by the Ozero-Biden regime and that now has blue (DemoCommunist) city mayors begging for help.. MSM ignores it because they are complicit. I am at a loss as to why you would omit the current single most-discussed topic on all alternative media channels and websites. And the imminent collapse of our banking system and currency is rapidly approaching 2nd most-discussed issue.

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Two more issues that should be on there are 1) The border and 2) The issue of our government still allowing a bio weapon to be injected into people.

As far as RFK, Jr. is concerned, I really do like him and believe that he should have a place in our government dismantling some of these corrupt agencies. He even realizes that the EPA is corrupt. However, I do not think he is the person to lead our country out of this mess. I’ve listened to him speak several times, and I reviewed his website to see where he stands on issues. Based on what I have observed, I do not think that he wants to take our guns. However, he did say that he would support whatever our legislators came up with. So if they decide that certain weapons should be banned, he would sign it. That’s where he lost me. For me, the Second Amendment is non-negotiable.

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A man I once knew said that he would never vote for someone who wanted to take away our guns. He said that he was never going to be rich, and it was an enjoyment to go shooting and hunting, and as such the gun control issue was a nonstarter. The rich men north of Richmond and their friends, all protected in their high wall mansions by armed security, are out of touch with all of us. You have no idea how we all live.

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I like Kennedy's strong and unwavering position on vaccines.

BUT I cannot vote for him because:

He believes in global warming. Anyone who studies the facts can see there is no such thing.

He believes in gun control.

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There are many other serious issues to add to that list, having no border being one of them. The ones running our government since January 2021 have been hammering in the final blows since day one in office. They wreak their havoc unchecked and censor and destroy the brave that ring the alarms. I fear we are doomed because there are too many people who hate Donald Trump so much they would rather close their eyes to destruction of our country. They are complicit in the creation of hell for the generations to come.

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Agree except that there is no such thing now as “Environmentalism.” It’s been hijacked by Climate Changism which of course is a ridiculous, power-grab, money grab hoax. “Climate change” is antithetical to Environmentalism: Cut down forests for windmills, kill whales for windmills, uplify homes & buildings for solar panels, etc.

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Nobody has been screened that comes over the border…. Wait till Tuberculosis rears its ugly head .

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You don't compromise with terrorists. Wake up.

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As usual you are shortsighted and limited by your left leaning, progressive views. You know nothing about us common people here in the world that you along with your "champion" RFK, Jr helped to create. Accept the fact he is an elite, liberal progressive, green loving climate proponent. Someone who believes in punishing people who stood up to government overreach during "the pandemic" . Who has never had a real job in his life dealing with real issues facing real families. He voted for Clinton, Obama and Biden and will/would do so again. Speaking out about the autism in vaccines does not a real presidential candidate make. He mistreats women just as MANY men in his family. Get over your blindness. Go out and talk to real people. What we want is TRUTH, Transparency and the law and justice to be applied equally. Someone that endorces and follows the constitution. Someone that understands that they as a public servant work for the people. That being rich or well educated or connected is not what it's about. Following the LIRD GOD'S will and way is the path. Morality. Righteousness. Listening to the people. An elected person is a trustee put in place to speak for the collective people that elected them. Actually the individual view of the elected person is immaterial. They were not elected to act on their personal opinion unless it matches their constituents opinion. Bottom line.

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Seems fairly serious to me.

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Quite strange that the ‘Israel/Palestine’ situation is an issue, but the Russia/Ukraine situation is not. Interesting, considering that we have spent trillions in Ukraine, biolabs in Ukraine, money laundering and sex trafficking there, as well as overthrowing their elected government in 2014.

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