Most nations' governments were in near-prefect lockstep in their covid responses. This fact alone tells me the response was orchestrated by a single agency. I believe (but cannot prove for certain) that agency was an alliance of globalists - in particular the Rockefeller Foundation, WEF, Gates, with a lot of on-the-ground action from globalist corporations BlackRock and Vanguard.

Pharma and the WHO are tools of those globalists, doing their part in this operation.

Then there is the role of the US DoD, as reported by several people who provided contracts and emails as evidence.

Most likely, there are a few other key players.

I get dizzy sometimes trying to piece this jigsaw puzzle together, identifying all the players, and especially the hierarchy and "organizational structure" of these players.

I'd REALLY like to see accurate organization and flow charts of the agency(ies) behind this operation.

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So true. DON'T stay in your lane! LOL.

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Nice post and your writing today is absolutely true. Thank you.

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Your lane led you to this lane which will lead you to other lanes. Follow the trail, there are a lot of us on this ride with you who are figuring out the same stuff and coming to the same conclusions.

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"In short, the United States government has been captured by financial, military, and Bio-Pharmaceutical interests that do NOT represent the interests of the majority of American people. The same propaganda machine that brainwashed the public about COVID-19 has brainwashed the public about pretty much everything else." - What an understatement! All politicians are money whores and ignorant criminals. Don't ever stay in your lane or color inside the lines - that's what Godless people want you to do. Happy Easter! Peace. :-)

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Keep it coming John. In the end we will need more than just voices, but for now truths are mandatory. Thank you.

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Spot on, been saying this for some time now, adjusting my tin foil hat since the late 90's. The disappointment I have is for how successful the brainwashing has been. Admittedly, I studied how the Nazi's did their propaganda and so had a eye for it earlier than most, but I had a naive sense that US citizens would be more difficult just out innate orneriness. Sadly, a long period of comfort, affluence and a steady diet of fluff has worked its spell over the decades.

Its a good thing I don't casually encounter any of the prime time TV anchors, I'm certain I'd have a host of assault charges to my name for the many noses I got to break.

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I'm not sure the US government has been captured. It looks to me like the US government is acting in its own self-interest, not doing the bidding of others. In many countries, the government acts to protect and expand the power of the government. I think that's what we are seeing here. Pharma is subservient to a far, far wealthier and more powerful entity -- the USG. Pharma R&D is dominated by government funds. Top universities get a big chunk of their funding from the USG. Propaganda is run out of government-funded and -directed "centers of excellence." Major social media companies are linked digitally to the government. Our elections are streamlined into "voting centers" with new processes that allow the government to adjust and falsify the results. Our major banks now resemble Singapore banks -- just cookie-cutter copies of each other promoting government programs. We have become centralized, like other countries.

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"Satanism is not a 'belief in Satan' but the false pursuit to self-deify oneself." (Dr.Taylor Marshall in "Antichrist and Apocalypse") We have been relentlessly under attack by the evil elitists and globalists who have set themselves up as the "new gods" who demand to be worshipped at their altars of death worship; just like Mephistopheles they desire nothing less than we should relinquish our very souls for the false promises of owning nothing but being happy which many of us have already succumbed to in exchange for a "comfortable" slavery.

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If only the trillions of dollars they create out of thin air would be given to We the People instead of the oligarchs!

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Beautifully composed.

Anyone telling anyone to stay in a lane is probably one of our highest educated morons that fought so hard to bring this suffering on us. They don’t apologize or even mention they were wrong. Even at a time where young people are stroking out or having heart attacks become normal right before their eyes. They just expect obedience because they were able to pay money and show up to a classroom. These academic assholes have lost all credibility. University was supposed to teach critical thinking now it’s critical race nonsense. University was supposed to help unravel our universe now we can’t even figure out what a woman is. Universities are actually making us stupider and the professors are teaching for stupid. Educated doesn’t actually mean shit. Look at Sam Harris, highly educated moron. Also known as the democrats base.

We are doomed, no doubt because the good people are smart enough to stay away from the politics but weak men and women everywhere can’t wait to hold power over someone.

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I enjoy very much your diverse and current analysis of subjects that we all face today. The articles you and Dr. McCullough present are ammunition we can use to fight the evil battles we all are facing today. This article reminds me of the Scriptural lesson in the book of Ephesians 6:12-18. We are indeed fighting against evil forces. Though they are spiritual in nature, we can resist and fight against them by equipping ourselves with the spiritual armor and discernment our Lord provides for us.

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Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023

Lanes, drains, gains, grains, brains, pains, veins, trains, ... Dysfunction affects everything. Thanks for going beyond the "covid lane"!

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Truth! All truth!

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I've been saying for years - all industries looked at how the banks set up the federal reserve to bail them out forever - and they were jealous . So Pharma captured its regulator. Private equity bought hospitals to bilk Medicare . It's all a scam bc they buy politicians to write any appropriation. Plus, it takes over a year in court to over turn any edict by fauci in his like . And by then they had sold all Pfizer's drugs . The population is nothing more than lab rats and slaves

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Synthetic vs Spiritual. Everything is synthetic anymore. Food, drugs, vaccines and more

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