Reliance on government is ALWAYS the wrong life philosophy.

Governments create negative and unintended consequences, catastrophes, injustices and problems for citizens.

This is one of the main reasons the US is being dismantled as a constitutional republic - too many citizens relying on government in various ways. Such reliance leads to abdication of personal responsibility by people, and growing seizure of power by the government - which is exactly the condition the US is in today.

Abraham Lincoln: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Ronald Reagan: “Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them."

Martin Luther King, Jr: “We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become a participant in its evil.”

Ron Paul: "We have depended on government for so much for so long that we as people have become less vigilant of our liberties."

Thomas Sowell: "The Constitution cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution."

Thomas Payne: "The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes."

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Govern = Control

Ment (mentality) = Mind

Mind Control

Just think about it.

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Rooted in the false mind control belief op that tells people that they can't survive without government standing over them, insisting that it knows best

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Power only exist in the outside world because we are ALLOWING it. Because we are believing in it. What if billions of people were to realize that all at once....

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Great selection Keihatsu.

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Yes! Spot on Keihatsu...keeping these quotes to use.

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If you pay taxes, you’re complicit.

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Powerful, important, meaningful and relevant selection of quotes. Thank you!

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And thank you as well.

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The state exists to exploit the people. Their safety is only assured as long as they still possess something worth exploiting.

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The state is a mafia

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Likely anarchists with $1 BIC lighters. The government odds complicit.

Biden smirks and sends more money to kill Ukrainians and Russians while fattening the military industrial complex and his criminal family. Congress does nothing.

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We are hearing concerns of a DEW and the intent for the State to take the land back from the people. Do you feel this destruction could have been an intentional maneuver?

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I read that WEF wants Maui to be it's first "smart" island. And then Bezos donates a ton for rebuilding. Seems like a plan was made...

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Oh shit 😵‍💫‼️

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There are no coincidences.

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Love your avatar

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Aug 15, 2023
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I've reached the point where I believe that what you've said above is exactly what any student of behavior would expect someone to believe, a rational person as it were. That alone is a large part of what's behind events such as these: their sure knowledge of our willingness to dismiss 2+2=4 as "just a coincidence". I also believe that that is the fig leaf they hide behind ...but after the last three years I am no longer in that camp. We tend to attribute certain things to coincidence because to believe otherwise would challenge our entire worldview, which is a mighty uncomfortable experience for most people.

Do you believe the deaths of 180 Canadian doctors who have died in the last 2 years - all mandated to be jabbed - is a coincidence, or have you yet been moved to the point where you are questioning the undeniable conclusion that there must be something other than coincidence behind these deaths?

Have you yet begun to see the similarities between the Paradise CA fire and the Lahaina fire, or are you still standing on just-a-coincidence?

Do you yet believe that all of the excess deaths of the vaccinated reported not only thru VAERS but also from insurance actuaries, to be nothing more than coincidence, or has the light began to dawn?

I see you are a recovering Democrat, which surprises me not at all, as in order to be a liberal in the world in which we're living today is to have a willing suspension of disbelief in matters of truth and reality. So I make an allowance for that, and applaud your willingness to move into the realm of 'recovering'.

That being said, I too, up until recently believed much as you did. I simply cannot any longer, with really no choice in the matter. Reality must be acknowledged.

Many many years ago an aged, wise, and seen-it-all state trooper friend of mine uttered those words to me and I scoffed. Of course there is such a thing as coincidence!, I replied. He just gave me that long-yard stare and said, one day you will believe me. And now I do.

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There is a God Who knows and controls everything. His name is Jesus.

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NOT---SUPPOSEDLY humans were given free will on this planet.

Don't let your spiritual fervor absolve people who are guilty of crimes on earth, for which they should be held accountable. The afterlife will come to all, all in good time.

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I have no desire or power to absolve anyone. God is the ultimate Judge.

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Aug 15, 2023
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I take exception to your use of the word glib. I could give a rats ass on fire about whether or not what I or others believe about what's been happening the last few years is giving them more ammo. That is exactly the kind of mindset they count on. That is how they prevail. Don't you see that?

On that note, we are now in the territory of what Stalin called and Bezmenov clearly defined: useful idiots.

I count among my my dear friends several who say things very similar to what you've said above. They also dutifully line up for the jab and will follow whatever recommendations daddy government issues forth. They watch their previously healthy but vaxxed family members die one by one, and receive diagnoses out of the blue of stage 4 cancers, and just chalk it up to fate, or coincidence, or anything, anything at all but the jab. For that would mean the world and authority they've believed in for a lifetime was all a lie. That is simply a world I will not live in, at least not yet. But we are getting there, aren't we? The more we say and believe that all of this is 'just a coincidence' the stronger and more dangerous they become. I would rather play it safe and live in the world of 'there are no coincidences', at least until I am given a solid and convincing reason not to.

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You’re on the money. I live in Maui. It’s bad here beyond description, and yet many remain in denial. They’ll do all of the mental gymnastics necessary to keep the world spinning on its proper axis.

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We just became best friends

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You are my new best friend brother! My God what is it going to take?? 🤨

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Re-read what Rust commented to you. He’s correct. You’re coming along, it’ll take a hot minute but you’ll get there. So much happening that was once hidden. But for those of us awake and waking up, it’s all too obvious

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Aug 16, 2023
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Al, I want to say that I believe you to be one of the good guys and I appreciate your engagement. I know I come across as brutal and even <somewhat> cutthroat these days. I've just reached the point where I think tiptoeing about in an effort to 'be kind' is something we're past the point of ...not regarding everything but most certainly regarding the political landscape. I will not be kind to those who wish to destroy my way of life and that of decent people in this county. Not that I eschew kindness, it is sorely needed in today's world. But I have developed this steely resolve in the last few years to call 'em as I see 'em and while I come across at acrimonious at times, that is because I am; I am angry and bitter and fed up and disgusted with the lies and line of bullshit I now realize we've been fed and mostly swallowed for many years. I have just Had. Enough.

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We applaud you for beginning to see that there is more than meets the eye. So many of our fellow Americans need to wake up to the sad reality that we have been taken over by radical Marxists in all sectors of our society. We need to have a healthy skepticism of everything going on under our noses. Rust is 💯 correct. I know. I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist and laughed at for the last 20 years. You have to dig deep. And don’t rely on Google. It’s scrubbed. There are many private browsers out there. Again I support you in your journey for the truth. 🙌🥳

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And it’s certainly strange that the Police Chief in charge was also in charge over in Vegas during their mass shooting. Another coincidence?

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I’m getting it was intentional from some survivors. Very sad.

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I am seeing survivor reports like this.

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All day long. It’s the demonic globalist plan

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Would like to know more on that line of thinking 🧐

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It’s become quite obvious that most of those elected to public office at any level, be it federal, state or local, have very little to offer with respect to leadership, ethics, managerial skills, expertise, common sense, or the critical thinking skills to study a problem, identify the causes, or formulate the measures necessary for implementation of real solutions.

I don’t know how things could be so screwed up if not for the total incompetence and ineptitude of those in government service.

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This is not incompetence you’re seeing. These people are very competent. You just can’t believe the total destruction that is their goal.

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Yep. It’s all being done on purpose!!

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This right here. ☝🏻

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So far RFK Jr. offers the most hope....as a Presidential candidate to me.

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He is the only one who see’s through all the smoke....The fact that he is a phenomenal lawyer....and has spent a large part of his life fighting for children and the environment (not climate change) clearly shows he really cares unlike career politicians who usually have ego issues rendering them incapable of truly caring for others

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Well stated.

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Listen to Vivek. You can find his talks on YouTube.

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Vivek is a child, untested by life and definitely not possessing the wherewithal needed to stand at the helm of the United States.

Do you believe a 38 year old "entrepreneur" has the stones to take on not only the deep state but actors like Schwab and the WEF?

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I hear you, Rust. Have you personally listened to him in numerous interviews? If you have, as I have, then I can take your comment more seriously, because he’s got “stones” all right just to say the things he is saying! His intelligence is remarkable, and he is fearless. Let’s converse once you’ve really listened to him.

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What about RFK has caused you to place your hope in him?

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During Covid was leery of taking the untested genetic shot so I read his book on Fauci……”The Real Anthony Fauci”…over 2,000 references to back up every chapter of his writings….and I personally checked many myself. Didn’t get it or Covid. . He is anti war. Does not fight dirty against other candidates, he has brilliant mind and although he comes from wealth he is more concerned for the average “man” and families. I then stated watching his Children’s Health Defense…I found no disinformation. He did years of legally fighting big corporations and was instrumental in the clean up of the Hudson River in NY. He is for the middle class and would stop the gushing of billions of money into Ukraine. To me, he is more Jeffersonian. Take a chance and listen to some of the things that he himself has said…not the MSM…. Or you could find on the Internet when he announced in Boston his candidacy for president. It’s a little long but well worth it. He’s quite a man.

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Go to KENNEDY24 online and listen to his interviews and then look at his life's work.

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I like him, and I pray his time to be president is later.

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He is a rabid environmentalist. That's the first strike against him. He's a Kennedy, #2. You may not be old enough or aware of the what the Kennedys are actually about, but I am. Then there's the kerfuffle yesterday over the whole 'are you or aren't you pro-choice, what's your position on abortion' question. (Not that that makes a difference one way or another when it comes to the office of the President.) But it was the way he wiffle-waffled back and forth when pushed on what he said and what he meant. Pure politician. I know enough about him to know he's a creature of the swamp, born and bred, and just more of the same old.

Sure, he's done good work bringing the issue of the dangers of vaccines and autism but that does not mean he's cut of Presidential cloth, because in my estimation, he is far from it.

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I understand your reply however, I am 77 and from Massachusetts and well aware of the Kennedy history. Not all apples from the same barrel look or taste the same. I’m also a history major. I find him a brilliant man, one who knows what he’s up against in Washington. I heard, out of his mouth, that he would clean up that swamp. He said that he knows who to get rid of in Washington and who to put in… something that he said Trump didn’t know how to do. I also heard him say that Trump trusted people who were there to undermine him from the get-go. He’s not a Trump fan but he just tells the truth.

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Then who is cut from the “presidential cloth,” of which you speak?

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I'll answer your question with a question. A serious question with massive implications.

Why do you think they are persecuting Trump with a vengeance? The landscape of the answer to that question reveals a very clear and compelling picture of who they fear the most.

They could have just ignored him. They could have just let him fade away into obscurity. But their choice of action was to do everything possible to remove him from the board. Why is that, do you think?

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To Build Back Better you need to destroy first.

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I don't believe anything. What happened in Malibu a few years ago if it was organic, was the first time it's ever happened here, I am friends with the children of people who rode horses here before cars. Now the same thing happens there? MEH. Haarp. Age of insanity, this is all planned.

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Why didn't the alarms go off? Also where are the satellite images tracking the fire? Early warning systems are designed to identify large thermal sources. Where are they? Let's see if this the dog that didn't bark.

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"The total incineration of Lahaina shows us that we should be leery about any State assurance that a situation is under control. Why should we believe that the politicians who infest Washington D.C. or any state capital know what they are doing?"

Nailed it 🎯

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“No sides, no Sunnis, Shiites, Republicans, Democrats, just haves and have nots.”

-6-term Senator Charles F. Meachum. ("Shooter")

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“If you’re not on the inside, you’re on the outside”

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I had been traveling to Maui since 1967. We stayed every year at the Maui Sands (West Maui, Honokowai) until roughly 1978. Recently, we traveled to Maui for "one last trip" (because we enjoy the Big Island better) - this was just this past May. What was very clear to us, and no one mentions this, there are NUMEROUS homeless camps / squatters hidden within the high brush from West Maui all the way to Kahului. In fact, on a car drive from Kihei back to Honokowai, there was a HUGE brush fire basically across from Olowalu Beach... near Leoda's Kitchen and Pie Shop... traffic and fire engines... Thank God the fire teams were able to put that out quickly...

Forget DEW, people!

Those who are willing to admit it to themselves, and have SEEN IT, it is as simple as:

- A set of squatters light a fire

- It spreads due to stupidity / lack of awareness

- In the high winds (normal for this area) it jumps to the next squatter

- Then, the hurricane level winds come

- And now, things get out of control

Hawai'i REFUSES to admit they have let the homeless / squatters get way out of control.

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That might be true but if you really research the fires, that’s not what could have happened. This is suspicious. I’m a regular visitor to Maui as well, & have close friends that are native there. They have a very sophisticated weather alarm- siren system that has been in place for decades. Fire crews are thoroughly trained for wildfires.

The truth will & is coming out little by little and it’s not what mainstream media says. What a shocker! This is not a Hawaiian gov. mishap. This was a planned attack made to look like it. Climate change is a wonderful excuse to wipe out buildings that are planned to be transformed anyway. Coincidences like this just don’t exist. Not on this scale. Global elites are getting impatient & sloppy. They don’t care what/ who gets harmed in the process. “ It’s all for the greater good”, they surmise. 🤮

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Everything that is done is planned. Deliberate devastation. A crime committed against independence and truth.

Most of the criminals live on the Cayman Islands, there in one place, I wonder when it will be fire season there......

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I’ve heard the Cayman Islands are hot this time of year...

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100%. No accident, this is EXACTLY what happen in Malibu. The wind and fire. destroyed half the homes. Fire engines drove away from burning houses stating we are here to protect life not property. It's all BULLSHIT

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I don’t know anything about this. Want to know more.

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If you don't have blackmail material on the Bidens, don't expect government aid.

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It used to be that when a large or noteworthy fire occurred, there was usually some comment in the news about investigators checking for any possible indication of arson. But it seems like this is not the case much any more. Over the past year, many food processing plants have burned down (it looks like a pattern), there were huge fires in Canada that polluted air in the US, and now an unprecedented fire in Hawaii. Are there significant arson investigations for any of this? Has anyone been held responsible for any of this? As far as I know, the answer is "No."

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Hawaii fire caused by weapon.


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I've read all about the science it's absolute fact. 911 was a sham of all shams when the HUGE shams started.

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I agree 100% with you.

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Couldn’t read ..said all the values weren’t there?

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Can’t pull up on iPad 🥴

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I have spent 20 years in the DoD, been to lots of schools, grad school coursework across multiple subjects, certifications, exercises, deployments, and assignments at 2 combatant commands and an embassy and I feel barely adequate in knowledge and experience to handle the magnitude of decisions I make. These people aren’t even in the same league as me when it comes to training, education, experience, or most other metrics, but because they have a nice smile and head of hair and can BS the gullible they’re in charge. They’re incapable of performing the duties of the offices they hold, and it’s during crisis we always see it.

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